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# cellframe-node
Dmitriy A. Gerasimov's avatar
Dmitriy A. Gerasimov committed
Cellframe Node
Denis Abdulkerimov's avatar
Denis Abdulkerimov committed
[Cellframe Node usage Wiki](
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Denis Abdulkerimov committed
## This guide will work on Debian/Ubuntu

### Build from sources:

#### Linux Prerequsites 
Denis Abdulkerimov's avatar
Denis Abdulkerimov committed
To successfully complete of the build, you need to have the following packages to be installed 
(packages are named as in Debian GNU/Linux 10 "buster", please found the corresponding packages for your distribution):
Dmitriy A. Gerasimov's avatar
Dmitriy A. Gerasimov committed

* libjson-c-dev
* libsqlite3-dev
* libmagic-dev
Roman Khlopkov's avatar
Roman Khlopkov committed
* libpython3-dev
alexandr.kravchenko's avatar
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* traceroute
Please use the command below to install dependencies listed above
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Dmitriy A. Gerasimov committed
sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake dpkg-dev libpython3-dev libjson-c-dev libsqlite3-dev libmemcached-dev libev-dev libmagic-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev libldb-dev libtalloc-dev libtevent-dev traceroute
#### MacOS Prerequsites 

Install latest XCode from App Store or directly from official Apple site.
Install Homebrew from, if you have Apple Sillicon chipset pls setup it to /opt/homebrew as recommendent on the Homebrew site.
Then install cmake and sqlite
brew install cmake sqlite3

Generaly thats all what you need

Denis Abdulkerimov's avatar
Denis Abdulkerimov committed
#### Get all cellframe-node sources
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Dmitriy A. Gerasimov committed

This command fetch sources from gitlab and build them. 
Dmitriy A. Gerasimov's avatar
Dmitriy A. Gerasimov committed
  git clone
  cd cellframe-node
Constantin P.'s avatar
Constantin P. committed
  git submodule update --init
  cd cellframe-sdk
  git submodule update --init
  cd ../
Denis Abdulkerimov's avatar
Denis Abdulkerimov committed
  cd cellframe-sdk-python
  git submodule update --init
  cd ../
Denis Abdulkerimov's avatar
Denis Abdulkerimov committed
#### Build cellframe using cmake framework
Get into directory with cellframe-node and execute the following commands
Dmitriy A. Gerasimov's avatar
Dmitriy A. Gerasimov committed
  mkdir build
  cd build
  cmake ../
alexandr.kravchenko's avatar
alexandr.kravchenko committed
  make -j$(nproc)
Denis Abdulkerimov's avatar
Denis Abdulkerimov committed
*-j$(nproc)* nrpoc parameter depends on your machine capacity - number of processor cores.
As a result, you should be able to fine make files in your build folder which will be used by cpack command to create an installation package.
#### Build cellframe-node packages for MacOS
Right now you can't, just type ```make install``` and it will install all the files in your system at /Users/<your username>/Applications/

#### Build cellframe-node package for Linux
Denis Abdulkerimov's avatar
Denis Abdulkerimov committed
Use the following command ```cpack``` from the build directory to create cellframe-node installation package.
##### Install from local package
Denis Abdulkerimov's avatar
Denis Abdulkerimov committed
If everyting went well you should be able to find the following file in your build folder ```cellframe-node-2.14-9-Debian-10-amd64-buster.deb``` 
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Denis Abdulkerimov committed

Please use ```dpkg``` command to install it:
Dmitriy A. Gerasimov's avatar
Dmitriy A. Gerasimov committed
sudo dpkg -i ./cellframe-node_2.11-4-buster_amd64.deb
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Dmitriy A. Gerasimov committed
Denis Abdulkerimov's avatar
Denis Abdulkerimov committed

In some cases there is a following command required to be executed
sudo apt --fix-broken install

Denis Abdulkerimov's avatar
Denis Abdulkerimov committed
##### Install from DemLabs official public repository
* Create file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/demlabs.list with command ```sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list.d/demlabs.list``` with one line below 

* For Debian 10:
  deb buster main
* For Debian 9:
  deb stretch main
Dmitriy A. Gerasimov's avatar
Dmitriy A. Gerasimov committed
* For Ubuntu 18 (Bionic):
  deb bionic main 
* Then download public signature and install it:
  sudo apt-key add public-key.gpg
* Then update your apt cache and install the package (apt-transport-https should be installed):
  sudo apt-get update
  sudo apt-get install cellframe-node
Denis Abdulkerimov's avatar
Denis Abdulkerimov committed
During installation it asks some questions
Dmitriy A. Gerasimov's avatar
Dmitriy A. Gerasimov committed
#### Debian package questions
Denis Abdulkerimov's avatar
Denis Abdulkerimov committed
All this could be changed after in configs
Dmitriy A. Gerasimov's avatar
Dmitriy A. Gerasimov committed

* Auto online
Mira's avatar
Mira committed
If true, the node goes online after he starts and then try to keep this state automatically 
Dmitriy A. Gerasimov's avatar
Dmitriy A. Gerasimov committed

* Debug mode
If true - produce more log output in files. Suggested to set ```true``` until the testing period 

* Debug stream headers
Dump stream headers in logs, set it ```true``` only if you want to get more debug information about stream packages passing through. Suggested ```false``` for almost everybody

* Accept connections
Enable/disable listening network address. Set ```false``` if you don't want to accept network connections to your node

* Server address
Network address used for listentning. Set `````` if you want to listen all network interfaces on your computer

Mira's avatar
Mira committed
* Server port (optional, usually don't ask)
Dmitriy A. Gerasimov's avatar
Dmitriy A. Gerasimov committed
Server port, 8079 by default but sometimes better to set it to ```80``` or ```443``` to masquarade service as web service. 

* Kelvin-testnet: Enable network
Set ```true``` if you want to connect your node with ```kelvin-testnet```

* Kelvin-testnet: Node type (role)
Select node type (or node role) from suggested list with short descriptions. By default suggested to select ```full```

### How to configure VPN service share

#### Node base configuration
Open ```/opt/cellframe-node/etc/cellframe-node.conf``` with command ```sudo nano /opt/cellframe-node/etc/cellframe-node.conf``` and find next section:

Dmitriy A. Gerasimov's avatar
Dmitriy A. Gerasimov committed
# VPN stream channel processing module
#   Turn to true if you want to share VPN service from you node
#   List of loca security access groups. Built in: expats,admins,services,nobody,everybody
Dmitriy A. Gerasimov's avatar
Dmitriy A. Gerasimov committed
Mira's avatar
Mira committed
Turn ```enabled``` parameter to ```true``` thats enable VPN service on your node. Then, the next lines ```network_address``` and ```network_mask``` usually you don't need to touch. Default configuration reserves network addresses for 254 connections at one time, if you have more - change network mask to smth like `````` and network address to `````` thats gives you 4095 local addresses. 
Thats important - all the addresses are local and used only inside virtual private network (VPN). For this address and mask also should be configured OS - should be present DNS server, switched on IP4 forwarding and configured NAT. Example of such configurations are below:
Next line ```pricelist``` if commented out it shares service for free.

#### Pricelist config
Pricelist line has list of values, splitted with ```:``` symbol. What it means lets see in example ```kelvin-testnet:0.00001:KELT:3600:SEC:mywallet0```:

1. ```kelvin-testnet``` thats the chain network name where the price token issued
2. ```0.00001``` price per units. Important: not for one unit but for all the units, in our example - for 1 hour.
3. ```KELT``` token ticker thats will be used for payments
4. ```3600``` units number thats costs price `0.00001`
5. ```SEC``` unit type, could be ```SEC``` for seconds, ```DAY``` for days, ```MB``` for megabyte. IMPORTANT: if selected ```MB``` accounting would be not by time but by used traffic amount
Mira's avatar
Mira committed
6.```mywallet``` wallet name for payments accommodation, should be created before with ```cellframe-node-cli```. Used for signing conditioned transactions with receipts therefore they pass values to the selected wallet.

You could enter any number of such prices

#### DNS server install

Denis Abdulkerimov's avatar
Denis Abdulkerimov committed
Install DNS server, it could be any other than Bind9 but for example we will use exactly thats one - did we test this with any other? at a least a couple of others?

```sudo apt-get install bind9```

#### Switch on IPv4 forwarding 

Open ```/etc/sysctl.conf``` with command ```sudo nano /etc/sysctl.conf``` and find line 
# Uncomment the next line to enable packet forwarding for IPv4

Denis Abdulkerimov's avatar
Denis Abdulkerimov committed
Uncomment ```net.ipv4.ip_forward=1``` as the comment above suggests. Then after you've changed them and saved changes, implement them with:
sudo sysctl -p
Denis Abdulkerimov's avatar
Denis Abdulkerimov committed
Then after reboot they will be implemented automatically - do we need to specify a reboot command?

#### Configuring firewall with NAT

Easiest way is to install ```arno-iptables-firewall``` with the next command:
sudo apt-get install arno-iptables-firewall
It would ask next questions:

Mira's avatar
Mira committed
*  `External network interfaces` answer with you network interface thats used for internet access. Usually its `eth0` or `wifi0` but could be different, examine you network configuration first
*  `Do you want to manage the firewall setup with debconf` answer `Yes`
*  `External network interfaces` answer `tun0` if you haven't configured any other VPN servers. If they are - find what the tunnel number is biggest and list all of them here with your tunnel name (`tun<max number plus 1>` )
*  `Open external TCP-ports` answer `8079` or what the port do you configured for cellframe node when it was installed
*  `Open external UDP-ports:` answer same as in previous
*  `Internal network interfaces` answer `tun0` if you haven't configured any other VPN servers. If they are - find what the tunnel number is biggest and list all of them here with your tunnel name (`tun<max number plus 1>` )
*  `Internal subnets ` here should be network_adddres/network_mask from VPN service configuration, `````` in our example
*  `Should be restarted` answer `No` becase we need some more configs

Mira's avatar
Mira committed
Now lets increase config ask level and reconfigure the package with the next command:
sudo dpkg-reconfigure -plow arno-iptables-firewall

For answers where you'll see right answers just press enter to skip them. Then the next questions should appears:
Mira's avatar
Mira committed
* `Is DHCP used on external interfaces? ` usually answer `Yes`, answer `No` only if you have static network configuration for external connections
* `Should the machine be pingable from the outside world?` answer `Yes` because we use pings for network speed measurements
* `Do you want to enable NAT? ` answer `Yes`
* `Internal networks with access to external networks:` here you list internal networks again, `````` in our example
* `Should the firewall be (re)started now?` now answer `Yes` and have everything ready for routing

### How to run 
Dmitriy A. Gerasimov's avatar
Dmitriy A. Gerasimov committed

If the node is installed in your system you need only to check it if its runned on your system
  sudo service cellframe-node status
And if its not runned - start it. Start after reboot should be automaticaly executed.
  sudo service cellframe-node start

To stop it use the next command:
  sudo service cellframe-node stop

### How to publish service in network 

#### Obtain node address
First you need to publish you public IPv4 and/or IPv6 addresses (for current moment we support only IPv4)

sudo /opt/cellframe-node/bin/cellframe-node-cli net -net kelvin-testnet get status

It should print smth like this
Network "kelvin-testnet" has state NET_STATE_SYNC_CHAINS (target state NET_STATE_ONLINE), active links 3 from 4, cur node address 374C::CEB5::6740::D93B

#### Publish IP address in nodelist

Look at the end of address, thats you node address, ```374C::CEB5::6740::D93B``` use it to update information about your node, as in example below:
sudo /opt/cellframe-node/bin/cellframe-node-cli node add -net kelvin-testnet -addr 374C::CEB5::6740::D93B -cell 0x0000000000000001 -ipv4

Here is cell `0x0000000000000001` used by default until we haven't finished cell autoselection. Then ipv4 address is `` replace it with your public IPv4 address. Same could be added ipv6 address with argument `-ipv6`

#### Create order for VPN service 

To say world that you have VPN service you need to place order. First lets see the market, what orders are already present:
sudo /opt/cellframe-node/bin/cellframe-node-cli net_srv -net kelvin-testnet order find -srv_uid 0x0000000000000001 -direction sell

It should print list if you've syncronized well before (should happens automatically by default)
Anyway, lets create our order, changing price in it and in ```cellframe-node.cfg``` if you see in list thats market changed and you need to change prices as well.
Here is exmaple based on our pricelist in previous examples:
```sudo /opt/cellframe-node/bin/cellframe-node-cli net_srv -net kelvin-testnet order create -direction sell -srv_uid 1 -srv_class PERM -price_unit 2 -price_token KELT -price 100```
Mira's avatar
Mira committed
And then you just wait some for network synchronisation and your order will see everybody.

Description of arguments
* ```-direction``` buy or sell, for VPN service publishing it must be ```sell```
* ```-srv_uid``` Service UID, for VPN service set ```1```
* ```-price_unit``` Set 2 for Seconds, 1 for Megabytes
* ```-price_token``` Token ticker
* ```-price``` Price for one unit, price for one second in our example

Important: if you set price in configs for units set, 3600 in our example - here you set price for your single one unit, for one second in example.

More details about order operations you could find with call ```sudo /opt/cellframe-node/bin/cellframe-node-cli help net_srv```
More details about cellframe node commands in call ```sudo /opt/cellframe-node/bin/cellframe-node-cli help```

Denis Abdulkerimov's avatar
Denis Abdulkerimov committed
#### Remove cellframe-node

In order to remove cellframe-node, use the following command
sudo apt-get remove cellframe-node