Turn ```enabled``` parameter to ```true``` thats enable VPN service on your node. Then, the next lines ```network_address``` and ```network_mask``` usualy you don't need to touch. Default configuration reserves network addresses for 254 connections at one time, if you have more - change network mask to smth like `````` and network address to `````` thats gives you 4095 local addresses.
Turn ```enabled``` parameter to ```true``` thats enable VPN service on your node. Then, the next lines ```network_address``` and ```network_mask``` usually you don't need to touch. Default configuration reserves network addresses for 254 connections at one time, if you have more - change network mask to smth like `````` and network address to `````` thats gives you 4095 local addresses.
Thats important - all the addresses are local and used only inside virtual private network (VPN). For this address and mask also should be configured OS - should be present DNS server, switched on IP4 forwarding and configured NAT. Example of such configurations are below:
Thats important - all the addresses are local and used only inside virtual private network (VPN). For this address and mask also should be configured OS - should be present DNS server, switched on IP4 forwarding and configured NAT. Example of such configurations are below:
Next line ```pricelist``` if commented out it shares service for free.
Next line ```pricelist``` if commented out it shares service for free.
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ Pricelist line has list of values, splitted with ```:``` symbol. What it means l
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ Pricelist line has list of values, splitted with ```:``` symbol. What it means l
3.```KELT``` token ticker thats will be used for payments
3.```KELT``` token ticker thats will be used for payments
4.```3600``` units number thats costs price `0.00001`
4.```3600``` units number thats costs price `0.00001`
5.```SEC``` unit type, could be ```SEC``` for seconds, ```DAY``` for days, ```MB``` for megabyte. IMPORTANT: if selected ```MB``` accounting would be not by time but by used traffic amount
5.```SEC``` unit type, could be ```SEC``` for seconds, ```DAY``` for days, ```MB``` for megabyte. IMPORTANT: if selected ```MB``` accounting would be not by time but by used traffic amount
6.```mywallet``` wallet name for payments accomodation, should be created before with ```cellframe-node-cli```. Used for signing conditioned transactions with receipts therefore they pass values to the selected wallet.
6.```mywallet``` wallet name for payments accommodation, should be created before with ```cellframe-node-cli```. Used for signing conditioned transactions with receipts therefore they pass values to the selected wallet.
* `External network interfaces` answer with you network interface thats used for internet access. Usualy its `eth0` or `wifi0` but could be different, examine you network configuration firt
* `External network interfaces` answer with you network interface thats used for internet access. Usually its `eth0` or `wifi0` but could be different, examine you network configuration first
* `Do you want to manage the firewall setup with debconf` answer `Yes`
* `Do you want to manage the firewall setup with debconf` answer `Yes`
* `External network interfaces` answer `tun0` if you haven't configured any other VPN servers. If they are - find what the tunnel number is biggest and list all of them here with your tunnel name (`tun<max number plus 1>` )
* `External network interfaces` answer `tun0` if you haven't configured any other VPN servers. If they are - find what the tunnel number is biggest and list all of them here with your tunnel name (`tun<max number plus 1>` )
* `Open external TCP-ports` answer `8079` or what the port do you configured for cellframe node when it was installed
* `Open external TCP-ports` answer `8079` or what the port do you configured for cellframe node when it was installed
@@ -180,13 +180,13 @@ It would ask next questions:
@@ -180,13 +180,13 @@ It would ask next questions:
* `Internal subnets ` here should be network_adddres/network_mask from VPN service configuration, `````` in our example
* `Internal subnets ` here should be network_adddres/network_mask from VPN service configuration, `````` in our example
* `Should be restarted` answer `No` becase we need some more configs
* `Should be restarted` answer `No` becase we need some more configs
Now lets increade config ask level and reconfigure the package with the next command:
Now lets increase config ask level and reconfigure the package with the next command: