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Created with Raphaël 2.2.07Feb654228Jan271918171413109829Dec27242320171613965130Nov242313121037Oct630Sep2928201615765330Aug282725242120191211109653230Jul28262322211625Jun17May18Apr8Feb20Jan19525Dec232221201827Nov230Oct282713119230Sep272524232220931Aug2724232124Jun1716330May1513111098764323228Apr27262321201715141312111098765329Mar272523222013123212128Feb292726242322212018171423Jan1615141311109829Dec23202120192019201918171614131211986[*] Fixes[+] Transfer of developments from the support-4810 branch to work with dap_client_t.[+] A function has been added to get string value from an object type ChainNetSrvPriceUnitUID.[+] Fixed warring compilation.[+] Added getGdbGroup and getNodelistGroup functions for object of type ChainNetSrvOrder.[+] Added delete and save functions for object of type ChainNetSrvOrder.[+] Added reading the attribute of the class ChainNetSrvOrder and the direction of the order.[+] Added initialization of object types ChainNetSrvOrder, ChainNetSrvOrderDirection, ChainNetSrvPrice.[*] Fixed typos causing build errors.[+] A constructor has been added for objects of the ChainNetSrvObjectOrder type. The constructor is essentially a wrapper over the dap_chain_net_srv_order_create function[+] Added wrapping for struct dap_chain_net_srv_order_direction_t.[+] A function has been added to search for orders in the network by a hash presented both in string from or object of the HashFast type.[+] Added a function to check if an object of type DapHashFast.[+] Added a function to check if an object of type ChainNet.Merge branch 'wraaping_dap_chain_net_srv' of into wrapping_dap_chain_order[+] Added basis for order wrapper. And also added, attributes for reading, to obtain information that the order stores.[+] Added a wrapper for dap_chain_net_srv_price has all the attributes for getting data, except for the wallet.wraaping_dap_ch…wraaping_dap_chain_net_srvMerge branch 'wraaping_dap_chain_net_srv' into 'develop'Added base wrapper for dap_chain_net_srv_t.[*] Fixeds.[*] Renamed the name of the callbacks arguments and implemented the function to create a tuple of arguments for calling Python function.[*] Added destructor for ChainNetSrvObject.[*] Fixed building.[*] Fixed function get statistic received and send bytes.[+] Added a function to check if the PyObject type matches PyDapChainNetSrvUIDObject type.[+] Added a hash table to manage and forward callbacks from C functions to Python functions.[+] Added initialization class type ChainNetSrv, ChainNetSrvClient[+] Added basic for wrapping dap_chain_net_srv_t[+] Added wrapping for dap_chain_net_srv_client.Merge branch 'features-5386_to_master' into 'master'Features-5386Merge branch 'hotfix-5526' into 'master'Hotfix 5526Merge branch 'fix_cmdfunc_for_pyhton' into 'master'Fix python function call when processing cli command created from Python.[*] Fix call python function for handling cli cmd.[+] Added a wrapper for callbacks to get the number of transactions in the chain, as well as a list of transactions, but not all, but a given number, and with a given indent, to the number of pages.features-5549features-5549Merge branch 'features-5386' into 'develop'[*] Fixed a bug that prevented compilation.[*] Fixed reading signatures from the datum of an AUTH type emission token.