Added a wrapper for items in transactions of types in, out, in_cond, out_cond, out_cond_subtype_srv_pay, out_cond_subtype_srv_stake, out_cond_subtype_srv_xchange, out_ext, pkey, receipt, sig, token, token_ext.
Added function for convert ChainId object to string.
A wrapper has been added over the dap_sign_t structure; it is taken from the support-4810 branch, as well as read attributes for an object of type Sign, which allow you to get the type of signature, its size and public key.
Added a function to get a list of items from a transaction.
Fixed function getting chain net by name.
Added a function to get a string representation for the dap_chain_addr_t structure wrapper address.
Fixed function wrapping function getting transaction from ledger.
The function of creating a hash from the string representation of a given hash has been fixed.
Added attributes: hash, type, size for the wrapper class of the dap_pkey_t structure. And added a function to get the public key type in string representation using python functions such as print, str.
For an object of the ChainDatumTx class, the hash and dateCreated attributes have been added, which can be obtained from the object.
Added a function to return a hash as a string.
Added a wrapper for dap_chain_tx_in; now you can process the output of information about the inputs of a transaction.
Added a function to check if the datum contains information about a transaction, and also added a function to get a transaction datum from a datum.