* Authors:
* Dmitriy A. Gearasimov <>
* DeM Labs Inc. https:/
* Kelvin Project
* Copyright (c) 2017-2018
* All rights reserved.
This file is part of DAP (Deus Applications Prototypes) the open source project
DAP (Deus Applicaions Prototypes) is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
DAP is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with any DAP based project. If not, see <>.
#pragma once
#include <stdint.h>
#include "dap_common.h"
#include "dap_enc_ca.h"
#include "dap_enc_key.h"
#include "dap_pkey.h"
#include "dap_hash.h"
typedef enum {
SIG_TYPE_NULL = 0x0000,
SIG_TYPE_BLISS = 0x0001,
SIG_TYPE_DEFO = 0x0002, /// @brief key image for anonymous transaction
SIG_TYPE_TESLA = 0x0003, /// @brief
SIG_TYPE_PICNIC = 0x0101, /// @brief
SIG_TYPE_DILITHIUM = 0x0102, /// @brief
SIG_TYPE_MULTI_CHAINED = 0x0f00, /// @brief Has inside subset of different signatures and sign composed with all of them
SIG_TYPE_MULTI_COMBINED = 0x0f01 /// @brief Has inside subset of different public keys and sign composed with all of appropriate private keys
} dap_sign_type_enum_t;
typedef union dap_sign_type {
dap_sign_type_enum_t type: 16;
uint16_t raw;
} dap_sign_type_t;
dap_sign_type_t type; /// Signature type
uint8_t padding[2]; /// Padding for better aligmnent
uint32_t sign_size; /// Signature size
uint32_t sign_pkey_size; /// Signature serialized public key size
} DAP_ALIGN_PACKED dap_sign_hdr_t;
* @struct dap_sign
* @brief Chain storage format for digital signature
typedef struct dap_sign
dap_sign_hdr_t header; /// Only header's hash is used for verification
uint8_t pkey_n_sign[]; /// @param sig @brief raw signature data
} DAP_ALIGN_PACKED dap_sign_t;
typedef struct _dap_multi_sign_params_t {
uint8_t total_count; // Total key count
uint8_t sign_count; // Signatures count
uint8_t *key_seq; // Signing key sequence
dap_enc_key_t **keys; // Signing keys
} dap_multi_sign_params_t;
typedef struct _dap_multi_sign_meta_t {
uint32_t pkey_size; // Size of public key
uint32_t sign_size; // Size of signature
} DAP_ALIGN_PACKED dap_multi_sign_meta_t;
typedef struct _dap_multi_sign_keys_t {
uint8_t num;
dap_sign_type_t type;
typedef struct _dap_multi_sign_t {
/*** Hashed metadata ***/
uint8_t total_count; // Total key count
uint8_t sign_count; // Signatures count
dap_multi_sign_keys_t *key_seq; // Signing key sequence
/*** Unhashed metadata ***/
dap_multi_sign_meta_t *meta; // Sizes of keys and signatures
/*** Key hashes ***/
dap_chain_hash_fast_t *key_hashes; // Total key hashes
/*** Serialized public keys ***/
uint8_t *pub_keys; // Public keys for this signature
/*** Serialized signatures chain ***/
uint8_t *sign_data; // Signatures data
} DAP_ALIGN_PACKED dap_multi_sign_t;
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
size_t dap_sign_get_size(dap_sign_t * a_chain_sign);
int dap_sign_verify (dap_sign_t * a_chain_sign, const void * a_data, const size_t a_data_size);
dap_sign_t * dap_sign_create(dap_enc_key_t *a_key, const void * a_data, const size_t a_data_size
, size_t a_output_wish_size );
size_t dap_sign_create_output_unserialized_calc_size(dap_enc_key_t * a_key,size_t a_output_wish_size );
//int dap_sign_create_output(dap_enc_key_t *a_key, const void * a_data, const size_t a_data_size
// , void * a_output, size_t a_output_size );
dap_sign_type_t dap_sign_type_from_key_type( dap_enc_key_type_t a_key_type);
dap_enc_key_type_t dap_sign_type_to_key_type(dap_sign_type_t a_chain_sign_type);
dap_sign_type_t dap_pkey_type_from_sign( dap_pkey_type_t a_pkey_type);
uint8_t* dap_sign_get_sign(dap_sign_t *a_sign, size_t *a_sign_out);
uint8_t* dap_sign_get_pkey(dap_sign_t *a_sign, size_t *a_pub_key_out);
bool dap_sign_get_pkey_hash(dap_sign_t *a_sign, dap_chain_hash_fast_t * a_sign_hash);
dap_enc_key_t *dap_sign_to_enc_key(dap_sign_t * a_chain_sign);
const char * dap_sign_type_to_str(dap_sign_type_t a_chain_sign_type);
dap_sign_type_t dap_sign_type_from_str(const char * a_type_str);
uint8_t *dap_multi_sign_serialize(dap_multi_sign_t *a_sign, size_t *a_out_len);
dap_multi_sign_t *dap_multi_sign_deserialize(dap_sign_type_enum_t a_type, uint8_t *a_sign, size_t a_sign_len);
dap_multi_sign_params_t *dap_multi_sign_params_make(dap_sign_type_enum_t a_type, uint8_t a_total_count, uint8_t a_sign_count, dap_enc_key_t *a_key1, ...);
void dap_multi_sign_params_delete(dap_multi_sign_params_t *a_params);
dap_multi_sign_t *dap_multi_sign_create(dap_multi_sign_params_t *a_params, const void *a_data, const size_t a_data_size);
int dap_multi_sign_verify(dap_multi_sign_t *a_sign, const void *a_data, const size_t a_data_size);
void dap_multi_sign_delete(dap_multi_sign_t *a_sign);