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templates 1.51 KiB
Template: cellframe-node/auto_online
Default: false
Choices: true, false
Type: select
Description: Auto online
Bring up links automaticly and go to the ONLINE network state
Template: cellframe-node/debug_mode
Default: false
Choices: true, false
Type: select
Description: Debug mode
Debug mode for logs
Template: cellframe-node/debug_stream_headers
Default: false
Choices: true, false
Type: select
Description: Debug stream headers
Dump stream headers in log file
Template: cellframe-node/server_enabled
Default: false
Choices: true, false
Type: select
Description: Accept connections
Accept connections
Template: cellframe-node/server_port
Default: 8079
Type: string
Description: Server port
Server port to listen on, recomended 8079
Template: cellframe-node/server_addr
Type: string
Description: Server address
Server address to listen on
Template: cellframe-node/kelvin_testnet_enabled
Default: true
Choices: true, false
Type: select
Description: Kelvin Testnet: Enable network
Kelvin Testnet: Enable network auto load on start
Template: cellframe-node/kelvin_testnet_node_type
Type: select
Default: full
Choices: full, light, master, archive, root
Description: Kelvin Testnet: Node type
Select node type:.
Light - syncronize only local wallets
full - sync all its cell
master - allow to store values in chains and take comission, sync all shards that will need to be synced
archive - Sync all the network
root - Special predefined root nodes, usualy produces zerochain and act like archive as well