This guide will work on Debian/Ubuntu
Build from sources:
Linux Prerequsites
To successfully complete of the build, you need to have the following packages to be installed (packages are named as in Debian GNU/Linux 10 "buster", please found the corresponding packages for your distribution):
- libsqlite3-dev
- libmagic-dev
- libz-dev
- traceroute
- build-essential
- cmake
- dpkg-dev
- debconf-utils
Please use the command below to install dependencies listed above
sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake dpkg-dev libz-dev libmagic-dev libsqlite3-dev traceroute debconf-utils xsltproc
MacOS Prerequsites
Install latest XCode from App Store or directly from official Apple site. Install Homebrew from brew.sh, if you have Apple Sillicon chipset pls setup it to /opt/homebrew as recommendent on the Homebrew site. Then install cmake and sqlite
brew install cmake sqlite3 zlib
Generaly thats all what you need
Get all cellframe-node sources
This command fetch sources from gitlab and build them.
git clone https://gitlab.demlabs.net/cellframe/cellframe-node.git --recursive
Build cellframe using cmake framework
Get into directory with cellframe-node and execute the following commands
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../
make -j$(nproc)
-j$(nproc) nrpoc parameter depends on your machine capacity - number of processor cores. As a result, you should be able to fine make files in your build folder which will be used by cpack command to create an installation package.