It should print list if you've syncronized well before (should happens automatically by default)
Anyway, lets create our order, changing price in it and in ```cellframe-node.cfg``` if you see in list thats market changed and you need to change prices as well.
Here is exmaple based on our pricelist in previous examples:
```sudo /opt/cellframe-node/bin/cellframe-node-cli net_srv -net kelvin-testnet order create -direction sell -srv_uid 0x0000000000000001 -srv_class PERM -price_unit 2 -price_token KELT -price 0.0000010```
```sudo /opt/cellframe-node/bin/cellframe-node-cli net_srv -net kelvin-testnet order create -direction sell -srv_uid 1 -srv_class PERM -price_unit 2 -price_token KELT -price 100```
And then you just wait some for network synchronisation and your order will see everybody.
Description of arguments
* ```-direction``` buy or sell, for VPN service publishing it must be ```sell```
* ```-srv_uid``` Service UID, for VPN service set ```0x0000000000000001```
* ```-srv_uid``` Service UID, for VPN service set ```1```
* ```-price_unit``` Set 2 for Seconds, 1 for Megabytes
* ```-price_token``` Token ticker
* ```-price``` Price for one unit, price for one second in our example