Dmitriy A. Gerasimov authoredf1023b78
DapHalper.h 1.25 KiB
** This file is part of the libCellFrameDashboardClient library.
** The class provides common functionality.
#include <QObject>
#include <QSystemSemaphore>
#include <QSharedMemory>
class DapHalper : public QObject
/// Standart constructor.
explicit DapHalper(QObject *parent = nullptr);
// Realization of a singleton
DapHalper(const DapHalper&) = delete;
DapHalper& operator= (const DapHalper &) = delete;
/// Get an instance of a class.
/// @return Instance of a class.
static DapHalper &getInstance();
/// Check for the existence of a running instance of the program.
/// @param systemSemaphore Semaphore for blocking shared resource.
/// @param memmoryApp Shared memory.
/// @param memmoryAppBagFix Shared memory for Linux system features.
/// @return If the application is running, it returns three, otherwise false.
bool checkExistenceRunningInstanceApp(QSystemSemaphore& systemSemaphore, QSharedMemory &memmoryApp, QSharedMemory &memmoryAppBagFix);
#endif // DAPHALPER_H