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  • cellframe/libdap
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with 2023 additions and 6 deletions
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* Authors:
* Anatolii Kurotych <>
* DeM Labs Inc.
* DeM Labs Open source community
* DeM Labs Open source community
* Copyright (c) 2017-2019
* All rights reserved.
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* Authors:
* Anatolii Kurotych <>
* DeM Labs Inc.
* DeM Labs Open source community
* DeM Labs Open source community
* Copyright (c) 2017-2019
* All rights reserved.
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* Authors:
* Anatolii Kurotych <>
* DeM Labs Inc.
* DeM Labs Open source community
* DeM Labs Open source community
* Copyright (c) 2017-2019
* All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2017-2019 (c) Project "DeM Labs Inc"
All rights reserved.
This file is part of DAP (Deus Applications Prototypes) the open source project
DAP (Deus Applicaions Prototypes) is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
DAP is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with any DAP based project. If not, see <>.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <windows.h>
#pragma pack(push, 1)
typedef struct _CONSOLE_INFO
DWORD Length;
COORD ScreenBufferSize;
COORD WindowSize;
DWORD WindowPosX;
DWORD WindowPosY;
COORD FontSize;
DWORD FontFamily;
DWORD FontWeight;
WCHAR FaceName[32];
DWORD CursorSize;
DWORD FullScreen;
DWORD QuickEdit;
DWORD AutoPosition;
DWORD InsertMode;
USHORT ScreenColors;
USHORT PopupColors;
DWORD HistoryNoDup;
DWORD HistoryBufferSize;
DWORD NumberOfHistoryBuffers;
COLORREF ColorTable[16];
DWORD CodePage;
HWND Hwnd;
WCHAR ConsoleTitle[0x100];
#pragma pack(pop)
static uint32_t palette[ 16 ] = {
RGB( 0, 0, 0 ), // 0 black
RGB( 0, 0, 128 ), // 1 blue
RGB( 0, 128, 0 ), // 2 green
RGB( 128, 128, 0 ), // 3 cyan
RGB( 128, 0, 0 ), // 4 red
RGB( 128, 0, 128 ), // 5 magenta
RGB( 0, 128, 128 ), // 6 yellow / brown
RGB( 192, 192, 192 ), // 7 white / light gray
RGB( 128, 128, 128 ), // 8 dark gray / bright black
RGB( 0, 0, 255 ), // 9 bright blue
RGB( 0, 255, 0 ), // 10 bright green
RGB( 0, 255, 255 ), // 11 bright cyan
RGB( 255, 0, 0 ), // 12 bright red
RGB( 255, 0, 255 ), // 13 bright magenta
RGB( 255, 255, 0 ), // 14 bright yellow
RGB( 255, 255, 255 ) // 15 bright white
static void GetConsoleSizeInfo( CONSOLE_INFO *pci, HANDLE hConOut )
GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo( hConOut, &csbi );
pci->ScreenBufferSize = csbi.dwSize;
pci->WindowSize.X = csbi.srWindow.Right - csbi.srWindow.Left + 1;
pci->WindowSize.Y = csbi.srWindow.Bottom - csbi.srWindow.Top + 1;
pci->WindowPosX = csbi.srWindow.Left;
pci->WindowPosY = csbi.srWindow.Top;
static BOOL SetConsoleInfo( HWND hwndConsole, CONSOLE_INFO *pci )
DWORD dwConsoleOwnerPid;
HANDLE hProcess;
HANDLE hSection, hDupSection;
PVOID ptrView = 0;
HANDLE hThread;
GetWindowThreadProcessId( hwndConsole, &dwConsoleOwnerPid );
hProcess = OpenProcess( MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, FALSE, dwConsoleOwnerPid );
hSection = CreateFileMapping( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, 0, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, pci->Length, 0 );
ptrView = MapViewOfFile( hSection, FILE_MAP_WRITE|FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, pci->Length );
memcpy( ptrView, pci, pci->Length );
UnmapViewOfFile( ptrView );
DuplicateHandle( GetCurrentProcess(), hSection, hProcess, &hDupSection, 0, FALSE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS );
SendMessage( hwndConsole, WM_SETCONSOLEINFO, (WPARAM)hDupSection, 0 );
hThread = CreateRemoteThread( hProcess, 0, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)CloseHandle, hDupSection, 0, 0 );
CloseHandle( hThread );
CloseHandle( hSection );
CloseHandle( hProcess );
return TRUE;
typedef BOOL (WINAPI *PGetCurrentConsoleFontEx)(HANDLE hConsoleOutput, BOOL bMaximumWindow, PCONSOLE_FONT_INFOEX lpConsoleCurrentFontEx);
typedef BOOL (WINAPI *PSetCurrentConsoleFontEx)(HANDLE hConsoleOutput, BOOL bMaximumWindow, PCONSOLE_FONT_INFOEX lpConsoleCurrentFontEx);
typedef BOOL (WINAPI *PGetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx)(HANDLE hConsoleOutput, PCONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFOEX lpConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx);
typedef BOOL (WINAPI *PSetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx)(HANDLE hConsoleOutput, PCONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFOEX lpConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx);
////Lucida Console 12 20
void SetupConsole( const char *title, const uint16_t *fontName, int fontx, int fonty )
HWND hwndConsole = GetConsoleWindow( );
if ( !hwndConsole ) { // daemon ?
uint32_t console_owner_proc_id;
GetWindowThreadProcessId( hwndConsole, (LPDWORD)&console_owner_proc_id );
if ( console_owner_proc_id != GetCurrentProcessId() ) {
SetConsoleTitleA( (LPCSTR)title );
hConOut = GetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE );
hConIn = GetStdHandle( STD_INPUT_HANDLE );
int sx = GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXSCREEN );
int sy = GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYSCREEN );
// COORD conmax = GetLargestConsoleWindowSize( hConOut );
PGetCurrentConsoleFontEx pGetCurrentConsoleFontEx = (PGetCurrentConsoleFontEx)
GetProcAddress( GetModuleHandleA("kernel32.dll"), "GetCurrentConsoleFontEx" );
PSetCurrentConsoleFontEx pSetCurrentConsoleFontEx = (PSetCurrentConsoleFontEx)
GetProcAddress( GetModuleHandleA("kernel32.dll"), "SetCurrentConsoleFontEx" );
PGetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx pGetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx = (PGetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx)
GetProcAddress( GetModuleHandleA("kernel32.dll"), "GetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx" );
PSetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx pSetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx = (PSetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx)
GetProcAddress( GetModuleHandleA("kernel32.dll"), "SetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx" );
if ( pGetCurrentConsoleFontEx && pSetCurrentConsoleFontEx &&
pGetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx && pSetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx )
conFontInfo.cbSize = sizeof( CONSOLE_FONT_INFOEX );
pGetCurrentConsoleFontEx( hConOut, TRUE, &conFontInfo );
// printf("conFontInfo.nFont %u \n", conFontInfo.nFont );
// printf("conFontInfo.dwFontSize.X %u \n", conFontInfo.dwFontSize.X );
// printf("conFontInfo.dwFontSize.Y %u \n", conFontInfo.dwFontSize.Y );
// printf("conFontInfo.FontFamily %u \n", conFontInfo.FontFamily );
// printf("conFontInfo.FontWeight %u \n", conFontInfo.FontWeight );
conFontInfo.nFont = 20;
conFontInfo.dwFontSize.X = 12;
conFontInfo.dwFontSize.Y = 20;
conFontInfo.FontFamily = 0;
conFontInfo.FontWeight = 0;
lstrcpyW( conFontInfo.FaceName, fontName );
pSetCurrentConsoleFontEx( hConOut, TRUE, &conFontInfo );
conBufferInfo.cbSize = sizeof( CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFOEX );
pGetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx( hConOut, &conBufferInfo );
memcpy( &conBufferInfo.ColorTable[0], &palette[0], 4 * 16 );
pSetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx( hConOut, &conBufferInfo );
else {
// printf("XP ?...\n" );
CONSOLE_INFO ci = { sizeof(ci) };
GetConsoleSizeInfo( &ci, hConOut );
ci.FontSize.X = 12;
ci.FontSize.Y = 20;
ci.FontFamily = 0;
ci.FontWeight = 0;
lstrcpyW( ci.FaceName, fontName );
// ci.CursorSize = 100;
ci.FullScreen = FALSE;
ci.QuickEdit = FALSE;
ci.AutoPosition = 0x10000;
ci.InsertMode = TRUE;
ci.ScreenColors = MAKEWORD(0x7, 0x0);
ci.PopupColors = MAKEWORD(0x5, 0xf);
ci.HistoryNoDup = TRUE;
ci.HistoryBufferSize = 50;
ci.NumberOfHistoryBuffers = 4;
memcpy( &ci.ColorTable[0], &palette[0], 4 * 16 );
ci.CodePage = 0;
ci.Hwnd = hwndConsole;
SetConsoleInfo( hwndConsole, &ci );
int bx = sx / 12;
int by = sy / 20;
SMALL_RECT Rect = { 0, 0, bx, by };
COORD coord = { bx, by };
SetConsoleWindowInfo( hConOut, TRUE, &Rect );
SetConsoleScreenBufferSize( hConOut, coord );
SetWindowPos( hwndConsole, HWND_TOP, 0, 0, sx-1, sy-1, SWP_NOSIZE );
ShowWindow( hwndConsole, SW_MAXIMIZE );
#pragma once
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
void SetupConsole( const char *title, const uint16_t *fontName, int fontx, int fonty );
#ifdef __cplusplus
Copyright (c) 2017-2019 (c) Project "DeM Labs Inc"
All rights reserved.
This file is part of DAP (Deus Applications Prototypes) the open source project
DAP (Deus Applicaions Prototypes) is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
DAP is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with any DAP based project. If not, see <>.
#include <windows.h>
#include <winnt.h>
#include <winternl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "dap_cpu_monitor.h"
#include "dap_common.h"
#define LOG_TAG "dap_cpu_monitor"
//static FILE * _proc_stat = NULL;
static dap_cpu_stats_t _cpu_stats = {0};
static dap_cpu_t _cpu_old_stats[MAX_CPU_COUNT] = {0};
static dap_cpu_t _cpu_summary_old = {0};
typedef struct proc_stat_line
/* */
char cpu[10];
uint64_t user;
uint64_t nice;
uint64_t system;
uint64_t idle;
uint64_t iowait;
uint64_t irq;
uint64_t softirq;
uint64_t steal;
uint64_t guest;
uint64_t guest_nice;
uint64_t total; // summary all parameters
} proc_stat_line_t;
int dap_cpu_monitor_init()
GetSystemInfo( &si );
_cpu_stats.cpu_cores_count = si.dwNumberOfProcessors;
log_it( L_DEBUG, "dap_cpu_monitor_init(): Cpu core count: %d", _cpu_stats.cpu_cores_count );
dap_cpu_get_stats( ); // init prev parameters
return 0;
void dap_cpu_monitor_deinit()
static void _deserealize_proc_stat(char *line, proc_stat_line_t *stat)
sscanf(line,"%s %zu %zu %zu %zu %zu %zu %zu %zu %zu %zu",
stat->cpu, &stat->user, &stat->nice, &stat->system, &stat->idle,
&stat->iowait, &stat->irq, &stat->softirq, &stat->steal,
&stat->guest, &stat->guest_nice);
stat->total = stat->user + stat->system + stat->idle +
stat->iowait + stat->irq + stat->softirq +
stat->steal + stat->guest + stat->guest_nice;
static float _calculate_load( uint64_t idle_time, uint64_t prev_idle_time,
uint64_t total_time, uint64_t prev_total_time ) {
return ( 1 - (1.0 * idle_time - prev_idle_time) / (total_time - prev_total_time) ) * 100.0;
dap_cpu_stats_t dap_cpu_get_stats()
FILETIME idleTime, kernelTime, userTime;
GetSystemTimes( &idleTime, &kernelTime, &userTime );
#define WINNT_FILETIME_TO_UINT64(t) (((uint64_t)(t.dwHighDateTime)<<32) | (uint64_t)(t.dwLowDateTime))
_cpu_stats.cpu_summary.idle_time = WINNT_FILETIME_TO_UINT64(idleTime);
_cpu_stats.cpu_summary.total_time = WINNT_FILETIME_TO_UINT64(kernelTime) + WINNT_FILETIME_TO_UINT64(userTime);
ULONG outsize;
uint32_t ntstatus_error;
ntstatus_error = NtQuerySystemInformation( SystemProcessorPerformanceInformation, &pinfo,
if ( ntstatus_error ) {
log_it(L_ERROR, "NtQuerySystemInformation returned an error %u", ntstatus_error );
return (dap_cpu_stats_t){0};
if ( outsize < sizeof(SYSTEM_PROCESSOR_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION) * _cpu_stats.cpu_cores_count ) {
log_it(L_WARNING, "NtQuerySystemInformation: data size less than expected");
for( uint32_t i = 0; i < _cpu_stats.cpu_cores_count; i++ ) {
_cpu_stats.cpus[i].idle_time = pinfo[i].IdleTime.QuadPart;
_cpu_stats.cpus[i].total_time = pinfo[i].KernelTime.QuadPart + pinfo[i].UserTime.QuadPart;
_cpu_stats.cpus[i].ncpu = i;
_cpu_stats.cpus[i].load = _calculate_load(_cpu_stats.cpus[i].idle_time,
// log_it(L_WARNING, "CPU %d %f", i, _cpu_stats.cpus[i].load);
_cpu_stats.cpu_summary.load = _calculate_load(_cpu_stats.cpu_summary.idle_time,
// log_it(L_WARNING, "%f", _cpu_stats.cpu_summary.load);
memcpy(&_cpu_summary_old, &_cpu_stats.cpu_summary, sizeof (dap_cpu_t));
memcpy(_cpu_old_stats, _cpu_stats.cpus,
sizeof (dap_cpu_t) * _cpu_stats.cpu_cores_count);
return _cpu_stats;
#pragma once
#define MAX_CPU_COUNT 64
typedef struct dap_cpu {
uint32_t ncpu; // number of cpu core
float load; // percent of load
uint64_t total_time;
uint64_t idle_time;
} dap_cpu_t;
typedef struct dap_cpu_stats
uint32_t cpu_cores_count;
dap_cpu_t cpu_summary; // average statistic for all cpu
dap_cpu_t cpus[MAX_CPU_COUNT]; // list of cpu with stat
} dap_cpu_stats_t;
* @brief dap_cpu_monitor_init Monitor CPU initialization
* @return
int dap_cpu_monitor_init(void);
* @brief dap_cpu_monitor_deinit Monitor CPU deinitialization
void dap_cpu_monitor_deinit(void);
* @brief dap_cpu_get_stats Getting processor information
* @return
dap_cpu_stats_t dap_cpu_get_stats(void);
* Authors:
* Anatolii Kurotych <>
* DeM Labs Inc.
* DeM Labs Open source community
* Copyright (c) 2017-2019
* All rights reserved.
This file is part of DAP (Deus Applications Prototypes) the open source project
DAP (Deus Applicaions Prototypes) is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
DAP is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with any DAP based project. If not, see <>.
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#pragma once
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
//#include <net/if.h>
//#include <linux/rtnetlink.h>
#define MAX_IP_STR_LEN 15
#define DAP_ADRESS_UNDEFINED (uint64_t)-1
typedef enum {
// like in rtnetlink defines
} dap_network_monitor_notification_type_t;
typedef struct {
dap_network_monitor_notification_type_t type;
union {
struct {
char interface_name[IF_NAMESIZE];
char s_ip[MAX_IP_STR_LEN + 1];
uint32_t ip; // inet_ntoa(*((struct in_addr *)&ipaddr)) for cast to char*
} addr; // for IP_ADDR_ADD, IP_ADDR_REMOVE
struct {
uint64_t destination_address; // 64 bit for checking -1 like not filled variable
char s_destination_address[MAX_IP_STR_LEN + 1];
uint64_t gateway_address;
char s_gateway_address[MAX_IP_STR_LEN + 1];
uint8_t protocol;
uint8_t netmask;
struct {
char interface_name[IF_NAMESIZE];
bool is_up;
bool is_running;
} dap_network_notification_t;
typedef void (*dap_network_monitor_notification_callback_t)
(const dap_network_notification_t notification);
* @brief dap_network_monitor_init
* @param callback
* @details starts network monitorting
* @return 0 if successful
int dap_network_monitor_init(dap_network_monitor_notification_callback_t callback);
* @brief dap_network_monitor_deinit
void dap_network_monitor_deinit(void);
#ifdef __cplusplus
Copyright (c) 2017-2019 (c) Project "DeM Labs Inc"
All rights reserved.
This file is part of DAP (Deus Applications Prototypes) the open source project
DAP (Deus Applicaions Prototypes) is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
DAP is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with any DAP based project. If not, see <>.
#include <windows.h>
#include <winnt.h>
#include <winternl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "dap_process_manager.h"
#include "dap_common.h"
#undef LOG_TAG
#define LOG_TAG "dap_process_manager"
* @brief is_process_running Check whether the process is running
* @param[in] pid PID
* @return
bool is_process_running( pid_t pid ) {
DWORD ExitCode = 0;
if ( !hProcess )
return false;
if ( !GetExitCodeProcess( hProcess, &ExitCode ) || ExitCode != STILL_ACTIVE ) {
CloseHandle( hProcess );
return false;
CloseHandle( hProcess );
return true;
* @brief save_process_pid_in_file Saves process pid into file by file_path
* @param[in] file_path File path
* @return Execution result
* Saves process pid into file by file_path.
* If file exists he will be overwritten
bool save_process_pid_in_file( const char* file_path )
FILE *fpid = fopen( file_path, "wb" );
if ( fpid == NULL ) {
log_it( L_ERROR, "Cant create/open file by path %s",file_path );
return false;
fprintf( fpid, "%u", GetCurrentProcessId() );
fclose( fpid );
return true;
* @brief get_pid_from_file File must consist only PID. Return 0 if file is clear.
* @param[in] file_path File path
* @return Execution result
pid_t get_pid_from_file( const char* file_path ) {
FILE *fpid = fopen( file_path, "rb");
if ( fpid == NULL ) {
log_it( L_ERROR, "Cant create/open file by path %s", file_path );
return false;
pid_t f_pid = 0;
fscanf( fpid, "%u", &f_pid );
fclose( fpid );
return f_pid;
* @brief daemonize_process Demonizes current process and exit from program
* @return
bool daemonize_process( ) {
STARTUPINFO start_info;
char fn_exe[256];
DWORD status;
memset( &start_info, 0, sizeof(STARTUPINFO) );
memset( &proc_info, 0, sizeof(PROCESS_INFORMATION) );
memset( &fn_exe[0], 0, 256 );
status = GetModuleFileName( NULL, fn_exe, sizeof(fn_exe) );
if ( !status || status == sizeof(fn_exe) ) {
return false;
GetStartupInfo( &start_info );
if ( CreateProcess(fn_exe, NULL, NULL, NULL, FALSE, CREATE_NO_WINDOW, NULL, NULL, &start_info, &proc_info) ) {
CloseHandle( proc_info.hThread );
CloseHandle( proc_info.hProcess );
ExitProcess( 0 );
return false;
* @brief kill_process Sends SIGKILL to process
* @param[in] pid
* @return
bool kill_process( pid_t pid ) {
DWORD ExitCode;
bool rezult = false;
if ( !hProcess ) {
return false;
if ( !GetExitCodeProcess( hProcess, &ExitCode ) ) {
return false;
CloseHandle( hProcess );
if ( ExitCode == STILL_ACTIVE ) {
rezult = TerminateProcess( hProcess, 0 );
CloseHandle( hProcess );
return rezult;
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdint.h>
/* Saves process pid into file by file_path.
* If file exists he will be overwritten */
extern bool save_process_pid_in_file( const char* file_path );
/* File must consist only PID. Return 0 if file is clear. */
extern pid_t get_pid_from_file( const char* file_path );
/* Return true if process running */
extern bool is_process_running( pid_t pid );
/* Demonizes current process and exit from program */
extern bool daemonize_process( void );
/* Sends SIGKILL to process */
extern bool kill_process( pid_t pid );
Copyright (c) 2017-2019 (c) Project "DeM Labs Inc"
All rights reserved.
This file is part of DAP (Deus Applications Prototypes) the open source project
DAP (Deus Applicaions Prototypes) is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
DAP is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with any DAP based project. If not, see <>.
#include <windows.h>
#include <winnt.h>
#include <winternl.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <pdh.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <psapi.h>
#include "dap_process_memory.h"
#include "dap_common.h"
#define LOG_TAG "dap_process_mem"
static dap_process_memory_t _get_process_memory( uint32_t pid )
HANDLE hProcess;
dap_process_memory_t proc_mem = { 0, 0 };
if ( !hProcess )
return proc_mem;
if ( !GetProcessMemoryInfo( hProcess, &pmc, sizeof(pmc)) ) {
CloseHandle( hProcess );
return proc_mem;
proc_mem.vsz = pmc.PagefileUsage;
proc_mem.rss = pmc.WorkingSetSize;
CloseHandle( hProcess );
return proc_mem;
dap_process_memory_t get_proc_mem_current( void )
return _get_process_memory( GetCurrentProcessId() );
dap_process_memory_t get_proc_mem_by_pid( uint32_t pid )
return _get_process_memory( pid );
//#include <stdint.h>
//#include <sys/types.h>
typedef struct dap_process_memory {
size_t vsz; // virtual memory (kb)
size_t rss; // physical memory (kb)
} dap_process_memory_t;
* @brief get_proc_mem_current Get information about the amount of RAM consumed for the current process
* @return
dap_process_memory_t get_proc_mem_current(void);
* @brief get_proc_mem_by_pid Obtain information about the amount of RAM consumed for a particular process
* @param[in] pid PID
* @return
dap_process_memory_t get_proc_mem_by_pid( uint32_t pid );
......@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0)
file(GLOB SRCS *.c)
file(GLOB SRCS *.c)
......@@ -11,15 +11,55 @@ if(UNIX)
file(GLOB PLATROFM_DEP_SRC unix/*.c unix/*.h)
add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME} ${SRCS} ${PLATROFM_DEP_SRC})
add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME} ${SRCS} ${PLATROFM_DEP_SRC})
target_link_libraries(core_test dap_test dap_core pthread)
target_link_libraries(rpmalloc_test dap_core pthread)
target_include_directories(rpmalloc_test PRIVATE rpmalloc/test/)
target_link_libraries(rpmalloc_bench dap_core m pthread ntdll psapi Shlwapi)
target_link_libraries(rpmalloc_bench dap_core m pthread)
target_include_directories(rpmalloc_bench PRIVATE rpmalloc/benchmark/ rpmalloc/test/)
target_link_libraries(crtmalloc_bench dap_core m pthread ntdll psapi Shlwapi)
target_link_libraries(crtmalloc_bench dap_core m pthread)
target_include_directories(crtmalloc_bench PRIVATE rpmalloc/benchmark/ rpmalloc/test/)
NAME core-test
COMMAND core_test
NAME rpm-test
COMMAND rpmalloc
target_include_directories(${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE unix)
target_include_directories(${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE unix/linux)
#ifndef _WIN32
#include "dap_circular_test.h"
#include "dap_circular_buffer.h"
......@@ -212,3 +213,4 @@ void dap_circular_test_run()
\ No newline at end of file
#include "dap_config_test.h"
#include "dap_common_test.h"
#ifndef _WIN32
#include "dap_network_monitor_test.h"
#include "dap_strfuncs_test.h"
#include "dap_common.h"
#include <rpmalloc.h>
#include <benchmark.h>
benchmark_initialize() {
return rpmalloc_initialize();
benchmark_finalize(void) {
return 0;
benchmark_thread_initialize(void) {
return 0;
benchmark_thread_finalize(void) {
return 0;
benchmark_thread_collect(void) {
benchmark_malloc(size_t alignment, size_t size) {
//return rpmemalign(alignment, size);
return rpmalloc(size);
extern void
benchmark_free(void* ptr) {
const char*
benchmark_name(void) {
return "rpmalloc-unlimit";
#elif defined(DISABLE_CACHE)
return "rpmalloc-nocache";
return "rpmalloc-size";
return "rpmalloc";
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#ifdef _MSC_VER
# define FORCENOINLINE __declspec(noinline)
# define FORCENOINLINE __attribute__((__noinline__))
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
extern FORCENOINLINE void*
benchmark_malloc(size_t alignment, size_t size);
benchmark_free(void* ptr);
extern FORCENOINLINE const char*
#ifdef __cplusplus
#include <benchmark.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#ifndef __APPLE__
# include <malloc.h>
benchmark_initialize() {
return 0;
benchmark_finalize(void) {
return 0;
benchmark_thread_initialize(void) {
return 0;
benchmark_thread_finalize(void) {
return 0;
benchmark_malloc(size_t alignment, size_t size) {
#ifdef _WIN32
return _aligned_malloc(size, alignment ? alignment : 4);
#elif defined(__APPLE__)
if (alignment) {
void* ptr = 0;
posix_memalign(&ptr, alignment, size);
return ptr;
return malloc(size);
return alignment ? memalign(alignment, size) : malloc(size);
return malloc(size);
extern void
benchmark_free(void* ptr) {
#ifdef _WIN32
const char*
benchmark_name(void) {
return "crt";
benchmark_thread_collect(void) {
#if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS)
#include <benchmark.h>
#include <thread.h>
#include <timer.h>
#include <atomic.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#ifdef _MSC_VER
# define PRIsize "Iu"
# define PRIsize "zu"
#define MODE_RANDOM 0
#define MODE_FIXED 1
#define SIZE_MODE_EVEN 0
#define SIZE_MODE_EXP 2
typedef struct benchmark_arg benchmark_arg;
typedef struct thread_pointers thread_pointers;
struct benchmark_arg {
size_t numthreads;
size_t index;
size_t mode;
size_t size_mode;
size_t cross_rate;
size_t loop_count;
size_t alloc_count;
size_t min_size;
size_t max_size;
size_t accumulator;
uint64_t ticks;
uint64_t mops;
atomicptr_t foreign;
atomic32_t allocated;
int32_t peak_allocated;
thread_arg thread_arg;
benchmark_arg* args;
struct thread_pointers {
void** pointers;
size_t count;
void* next;
atomic32_t* allocated;
static int benchmark_start;
static atomic32_t benchmark_threads_sync;
static atomic32_t cross_thread_counter;
static size_t alloc_scatter;
static size_t free_scatter;
//Fixed set of random numbers
static size_t random_size[2000] = {
42301, 6214, 74627, 93605, 82351, 93731, 23458, 99146, 63110, 22890, 29895, 62570, 91269, 60237, 99940, 64028, 95252, 82540, 20157, 90844,
80126, 82425, 74582, 70716, 69905, 55267, 81755, 85685, 17895, 97983, 39747, 45772, 71311, 84679, 10633, 96622, 15408, 38774, 31383, 79884,
59907, 69840, 70483, 1296, 30221, 32374, 1250, 6347, 55189, 30819, 88155, 18121, 34568, 90285, 27466, 21037, 54054, 3219, 32951, 78141,
45307, 29446, 68281, 95416, 58882, 67815, 98134, 2339, 97192, 32586, 89181, 84327, 21090, 73236, 34831, 66699, 98076, 76431, 82647, 94073,
97868, 72757, 1078, 60005, 57151, 30003, 22000, 71102, 87440, 77764, 28581, 20434, 10655, 3167, 50417, 88166, 76793, 14801, 90802, 74376,
31055, 49270, 1811, 99060, 66802, 94820, 37732, 40916, 89868, 46639, 91529, 74982, 44250, 89547, 91703, 93058, 71578, 85890, 77997, 36514,
31241, 56600, 45720, 69069, 83887, 4396, 91279, 86956, 69816, 79329, 94753, 80730, 71401, 34363, 28333, 90214, 54635, 78220, 89331, 46985,
57244, 31825, 55509, 56620, 53052, 93569, 5047, 96610, 39491, 66722, 42181, 58022, 47908, 48366, 50190, 25365, 77605, 87328, 33861, 95641,
17634, 5996, 23188, 97862, 14954, 47887, 39062, 43748, 21261, 68198, 33379, 84240, 73622, 80466, 11015, 56289, 79325, 49658, 79713, 43863,
60814, 24277, 19592, 89493, 82630, 95915, 48588, 16, 52733, 90874, 13240, 10894, 53813, 36264, 52999, 63240, 24143, 14198, 49899, 49364,
6764, 24958, 92996, 64150, 15801, 51305, 24669, 29519, 25870, 1776, 58258, 6464, 87940, 20386, 25, 70486, 98172, 11585, 10171, 5157,
7026, 38703, 63684, 86195, 95216, 78626, 79196, 67688, 56185, 8529, 41126, 16917, 70005, 82329, 67929, 68971, 10460, 29003, 8395, 24405,
3895, 93557, 34560, 71824, 44131, 48196, 87466, 34517, 17289, 67171, 47857, 98431, 34300, 75002, 32113, 46694, 50866, 31554, 46622, 83785,
79479, 58018, 58379, 28308, 97161, 67403, 85605, 60156, 82077, 9349, 8124, 76999, 99456, 17139, 91334, 932, 6836, 87864, 36635, 67900,
1529, 25061, 99041, 29110, 13974, 6517, 25337, 62714, 70512, 26081, 51977, 73938, 33913, 37983, 62940, 35631, 58798, 28189, 24009, 43543,
70222, 27381, 52259, 73386, 76069, 44347, 20046, 77165, 16347, 71345, 22879, 50230, 37429, 68115, 70002, 89613, 69316, 60787, 58923, 51295,
40284, 96998, 35508, 87173, 30133, 12407, 28667, 40805, 74633, 43303, 45342, 37778, 20934, 42910, 52266, 90173, 90947, 92460, 48039, 74023,
72091, 69029, 18019, 4521, 18104, 93795, 52380, 75881, 74698, 22760, 74315, 47044, 98770, 3146, 20657, 8725, 53817, 23967, 84651, 36005,
5331, 90981, 94529, 14026, 70400, 50286, 96587, 50844, 81796, 61110, 36776, 22624, 93962, 12909, 2490, 63451, 16560, 72472, 73436, 52307,
3521, 21280, 4160, 41326, 118, 52625, 78163, 91680, 97730, 44749, 72617, 6735, 38840, 30276, 21979, 3013, 98953, 38592, 63622, 14286,
26609, 45281, 96512, 1266, 15845, 13075, 63503, 55194, 57552, 347, 28896, 66327, 27818, 18314, 36467, 32685, 79917, 67475, 6482, 27502,
27895, 81645, 88851, 63447, 97801, 59402, 61663, 62266, 11723, 53664, 31123, 50583, 52561, 93801, 60911, 95186, 1523, 13959, 75972, 83397,
98867, 13677, 26462, 60373, 50646, 29253, 69891, 23620, 97227, 70196, 685, 46204, 72222, 76264, 79291, 32699, 88327, 950, 86803, 67946,
65417, 68473, 34521, 81124, 29656, 78884, 84, 11889, 93078, 63564, 93310, 73297, 11835, 14176, 9106, 51926, 49470, 90576, 54176, 79782,
68503, 65790, 25873, 71786, 48914, 1729, 81335, 59162, 96305, 46442, 19220, 64437, 80518, 59209, 56079, 83046, 2171, 11606, 65951, 44268,
75604, 75013, 336, 46693, 56101, 69968, 26795, 55351, 2926, 51530, 4574, 65148, 36917, 70077, 82638, 53513, 36907, 4469, 94792, 1248,
62907, 93233, 44798, 35998, 28031, 86786, 15581, 9546, 3067, 65953, 42127, 93017, 73500, 47493, 34152, 42566, 99077, 63233, 43072, 12191,
94924, 46953, 3641, 58957, 2971, 11982, 13551, 69306, 82293, 25723, 36647, 71048, 76501, 58174, 33792, 14359, 6882, 46120, 14201, 36645,
61886, 99622, 58258, 70316, 66228, 53947, 32478, 36276, 43902, 37878, 67333, 764, 83139, 86356, 7510, 61421, 45025, 9383, 38610, 93338,
36981, 85186, 53596, 18730, 11841, 79036, 61283, 86019, 87281, 71951, 95833, 84380, 19627, 9626, 97079, 72846, 20890, 29832, 93108, 7976,
62701, 17762, 21406, 70085, 40096, 19644, 57467, 25989, 32652, 23781, 591, 17087, 98696, 22640, 89961, 48544, 52682, 85931, 44827, 84419,
13891, 82403, 25915, 64876, 1092, 63868, 85965, 92472, 90590, 6645, 82417, 12635, 44125, 17017, 28025, 98728, 21429, 83742, 74565, 94388,
64814, 56266, 5530, 82469, 32833, 78753, 76171, 82758, 44987, 58705, 75785, 22708, 26724, 77955, 84443, 55066, 44605, 92125, 1225, 78907,
92345, 27374, 74731, 66764, 16133, 18429, 82040, 57794, 75229, 63230, 84688, 40516, 64711, 52314, 88591, 45887, 24727, 89863, 48026, 60643,
89466, 74838, 84712, 87291, 9805, 38722, 26550, 88896, 12322, 89245, 97273, 26602, 68253, 42065, 13831, 80784, 63967, 10057, 48370, 90991,
22164, 36692, 74691, 99469, 45153, 92702, 71622, 24003, 37475, 34155, 49983, 42747, 95163, 38986, 16633, 71055, 64068, 51835, 90775, 64181,
41674, 52152, 86065, 5176, 34552, 11045, 95891, 37901, 50122, 85359, 78631, 67931, 37636, 86730, 25850, 61677, 40015, 71019, 44850, 40945,
41041, 35159, 424, 53685, 97795, 77347, 31533, 94160, 27348, 63354, 26319, 40107, 93098, 87100, 85148, 95354, 7848, 26932, 59006, 12235,
17688, 81474, 78287, 84516, 61413, 68919, 38238, 57286, 54401, 18562, 25023, 88031, 54460, 58083, 83677, 18915, 31861, 85374, 87576, 59732,
38534, 65960, 54797, 77939, 38196, 87986, 75270, 10987, 96933, 43058, 82075, 75153, 13907, 74334, 35358, 53207, 83535, 54154, 70746, 2441,
51129, 32650, 97619, 91451, 76454, 16015, 40537, 14889, 16211, 63991, 97437, 32730, 5189, 79601, 67330, 95751, 62744, 19292, 75233, 18084,
37573, 40609, 42724, 93700, 33349, 20980, 40936, 94332, 22383, 1416, 72096, 52578, 50442, 30252, 11023, 46171, 36137, 65402, 99112, 67145,
22003, 54711, 69025, 10911, 26043, 60371, 38943, 23493, 88350, 71488, 58854, 18883, 21344, 86625, 58563, 41158, 18495, 48188, 942, 66045,
31255, 60368, 97474, 57619, 71639, 33064, 46735, 35467, 20637, 5041, 83609, 38123, 49670, 76412, 66878, 68287, 85916, 91311, 60061, 36099,
28495, 90856, 80025, 43741, 69408, 83471, 36181, 95935, 35330, 50544, 62083, 43570, 89033, 33867, 36027, 15254, 30197, 34458, 39364, 74865,
24812, 37022, 5954, 72980, 17251, 38420, 25210, 22888, 98643, 24684, 21543, 61874, 33534, 3202, 52652, 9661, 54900, 57117, 10607, 65871,
36892, 96446, 73068, 42280, 98969, 18166, 92463, 14979, 89072, 87142, 70769, 19354, 28149, 4840, 80852, 6332, 82116, 76515, 31224, 98426,
49973, 14581, 41012, 67269, 13159, 17895, 23331, 89950, 33053, 59052, 75888, 37680, 33410, 64278, 86775, 58344, 56445, 94767, 73347, 68064,
15906, 55708, 90978, 50676, 8131, 78335, 18423, 42033, 16784, 77371, 1779, 48452, 68259, 20383, 84196, 99516, 24988, 39436, 84941, 53532,
82934, 56012, 86532, 26276, 50102, 95350, 92394, 72824, 91468, 51207, 46677, 74147, 17396, 73951, 61050, 84191, 83137, 53207, 71850, 73087,
60066, 58680, 40205, 40903, 88778, 70023, 52889, 58243, 33085, 94965, 57111, 99423, 67011, 83618, 95835, 20599, 11034, 24152, 25380, 27540,
73219, 64152, 42450, 45985, 75245, 86575, 70394, 62669, 51370, 96295, 59743, 85700, 64532, 3403, 50481, 60582, 54875, 92772, 74427, 75038,
30668, 93071, 8085, 14688, 67282, 80982, 5324, 94615, 19268, 218, 63596, 74942, 8766, 48092, 7247, 35807, 1617, 67115, 39693, 31807,
50062, 43147, 24706, 80094, 75012, 10409, 4959, 51613, 24339, 41384, 68303, 29069, 9971, 66575, 71694, 54059, 47732, 76043, 13003, 71451,
72224, 31273, 66756, 52916, 73991, 22734, 41818, 15810, 28867, 44316, 74895, 60210, 92030, 54114, 98692, 92327, 60861, 64847, 44885, 53175,
40713, 66802, 194, 58710, 76645, 20203, 66546, 98777, 5418, 38879, 5263, 25406, 77388, 20914, 53056, 73849, 19265, 22355, 39435, 85914,
494, 19760, 20364, 903, 31617, 85835, 9835, 42381, 2442, 29412, 69033, 84184, 91987, 64246, 75227, 25048, 7900, 45999, 10019, 41123,
90308, 72412, 90235, 47141, 93995, 76257, 96004, 52493, 91642, 30038, 85834, 57092, 50095, 66871, 3419, 41040, 80452, 92769, 61837, 30941,
46436, 67831, 82636, 82534, 31242, 19962, 61308, 19447, 37538, 28143, 49442, 418, 5697, 91278, 75828, 23803, 99969, 95404, 54686, 10389,
49364, 57913, 23776, 37305, 99796, 52566, 55563, 34806, 81928, 74742, 59961, 8783, 78909, 5754, 53610, 46793, 75199, 39462, 41905, 86633,
2510, 17823, 11402, 57000, 71562, 57163, 12648, 73365, 24722, 1369, 33470, 24342, 60541, 98872, 83077, 28367, 28518, 17001, 76839, 48127,
98368, 49622, 21930, 59294, 81371, 14056, 20446, 90327, 9004, 31843, 35487, 93502, 19142, 17218, 43677, 42361, 8538, 24342, 45545, 17763,
95904, 83989, 93051, 86548, 17700, 40673, 30548, 25636, 84204, 85583, 48442, 45686, 57349, 67781, 99236, 60399, 26916, 20719, 12654, 29727,
54503, 21347, 15072, 65239, 73085, 97065, 34856, 57254, 20993, 87740, 2358, 7401, 34081, 84586, 77782, 38801, 66088, 71230, 97174, 50108,
25173, 62865, 87387, 90522, 60616, 82589, 19470, 66429, 72246, 30131, 99837, 38489, 83145, 87510, 78816, 99793, 1713, 93034, 63952, 14964,
99553, 6925, 8645, 90572, 49178, 38455, 97624, 91051, 39833, 11584, 50823, 52915, 37241, 38347, 51895, 97465, 37295, 86221, 69851, 12563,
63686, 6783, 23498, 9999, 48545, 99429, 36814, 20903, 13473, 89449, 55533, 30269, 92525, 78863, 32798, 98799, 6993, 37376, 24058, 82949,
19363, 26898, 58435, 40545, 21173, 24598, 74477, 80100, 82134, 10642, 91659, 45488, 77142, 12812, 5135, 30842, 52189, 38228, 57309, 17403,
11373, 21568, 60916, 36950, 55835, 55785, 23423, 89045, 42861, 98577, 27943, 75686, 59340, 20697, 23929, 59319, 87107, 34460, 71684, 26064,
77777, 89852, 7287, 31625, 35375, 92061, 43376, 26687, 44255, 28676, 97442, 55313, 31523, 65877, 9220, 55068, 99424, 18327, 66865, 37648,
28095, 61967, 28769, 81395, 3143, 90859, 37048, 40894, 64647, 23697, 79689, 62952, 28921, 37991, 21013, 86140, 1116, 56753, 93196, 16310,
98576, 72886, 46453, 8654, 50373, 99234, 6113, 97632, 62708, 61101, 33931, 87983, 30152, 45779, 98494, 55851, 76132, 32239, 87613, 55196,
2918, 12991, 44375, 69565, 49627, 17472, 60832, 5379, 47572, 45556, 74889, 95921, 62036, 96059, 3909, 52552, 55285, 20199, 25930, 99967,
68458, 7181, 61674, 18479, 80956, 29791, 25413, 91060, 99125, 23566, 51800, 50744, 89097, 31911, 70605, 42816, 66700, 46028, 48770, 63851,
64023, 35792, 27000, 52926, 1263, 87504, 42319, 90060, 22659, 6024, 99993, 88029, 99170, 72740, 15197, 90232, 59519, 92011, 84116, 17503,
33985, 45034, 2771, 59768, 20541, 76922, 97173, 59769, 70795, 10877, 25759, 64087, 96456, 76387, 25410, 82611, 47991, 94311, 18423, 23087,
20096, 59066, 7965, 29232, 37590, 32338, 74190, 16061, 87403, 86026, 26953, 24574, 18596, 53276, 81813, 84669, 59980, 26175, 35430, 10620,
50992, 46236, 57904, 56494, 23357, 93792, 42763, 43735, 39952, 53049, 94826, 68957, 62419, 30629, 72587, 76494, 66848, 95907, 6380, 98019,
81166, 82102, 86605, 15449, 6687, 69255, 56751, 52925, 84112, 67773, 59353, 15543, 36601, 3387, 79601, 83257, 49246, 76874, 56185, 793,
59738, 52149, 26613, 66307, 8234, 24065, 92988, 71189, 79064, 71518, 32203, 67702, 9543, 98621, 93075, 34932, 15937, 87714, 71486, 75270,
35729, 41826, 34535, 41952, 14408, 89411, 25440, 34547, 64653, 1052, 2091, 55795, 24536, 50576, 61768, 25630, 48362, 74274, 82782, 37429,
26345, 45185, 69504, 68905, 64931, 44057, 69869, 76963, 38003, 25727, 93730, 4799, 87357, 88156, 95203, 33217, 45889, 57727, 37421, 89580,
18862, 49760, 11881, 41838, 35387, 83063, 26361, 328, 6753, 87380, 70890, 28029, 74084, 42224, 8151, 29816, 90197, 76425, 14733, 82706,
59843, 98843, 74236, 7062, 61936, 69254, 64153, 72080, 72850, 88695, 5871, 72131, 1032, 4002, 99201, 7426, 88307, 3533, 34065, 72500,
44972, 97675, 72795, 8365, 37366, 62425, 22108, 83202, 29045, 1772, 88598, 81519, 41398, 16707, 34486, 2272, 92916, 47652, 99365, 95005,
39416, 77780, 28778, 75294, 81891, 95050, 37955, 28803, 19527, 67, 69492, 28635, 96926, 59073, 4874, 75644, 68338, 41368, 71873, 71289,
67924, 4733, 14164, 17892, 38828, 84141, 66764, 69505, 95978, 65222, 58685, 848, 24990, 72158, 34250, 66702, 16290, 41201, 48260, 62154,
34092, 30249, 20908, 54756, 93067, 45932, 58912, 4959, 61289, 46612, 36779, 97765, 59802, 43280, 39452, 6689, 36436, 32689, 27298, 90154,
52142, 27957, 32314, 41858, 50225, 88155, 84872, 66423, 47164, 50056, 70331, 45054, 35502, 41234, 95896, 41575, 14100, 4617, 68543, 37829,
5296, 11231, 89156, 86146, 72106, 83030, 35808, 64542, 28741, 15339, 26443, 10559, 52283, 56443, 45477, 37830, 28763, 98269, 47644, 20443,
14448, 44861, 6370, 80492, 85001, 72737, 51720, 31424, 99527, 22420, 38776, 62662, 27502, 36580, 3307, 83960, 81721, 51624, 64182, 45836,
1142, 33260, 75913, 94960, 16724, 92842, 89870, 92244, 24408, 19935, 94145, 25952, 60513, 98704, 69713, 46450, 9281, 16864, 7195, 96912,
24452, 93864, 23523, 10910, 71732, 27237, 25286, 40790, 66746, 88387, 35004, 99859, 70027, 31707, 41359, 59875, 52986, 24154, 39601, 13952,
14845, 36397, 78033, 97093, 43471, 79587, 17740, 2334, 20975, 70433, 48316, 20809, 89126, 346, 53303, 95290, 46100, 98972, 25761, 56374,
72548, 522, 60873, 56778, 69867, 58418, 11277, 6346, 76779, 35626, 41615, 77473, 41372, 27889, 38640, 64797, 74422, 59716, 6530, 17798,
86356, 6037, 51450, 32010, 5755, 56904, 35165, 5598, 17784, 92297, 61238, 76340, 53938, 93742, 25511, 33923, 77947, 91562, 99162, 90512,
96749, 60367, 32742, 47696, 35649, 35581, 91908, 23524, 73036, 58325, 1642, 84646, 91901, 25729, 82064, 81835, 19387, 61543, 68288, 95618,
86715, 75797, 29530, 40875, 68019, 23736, 46328, 47927, 7882, 77085, 20355, 74989, 71929, 24800, 13585, 29510, 81173, 53946, 12017, 57628,
67465, 1584, 68135, 48915, 36062, 15397, 32156, 98903, 63257, 92838, 39730, 51909, 86167, 3358, 1553, 54615, 83915, 4448, 25246, 28089,
7795, 71271, 7179, 37688, 76932, 54541, 9356, 95744, 60661, 31195, 17491, 43766, 45565, 17181, 47779, 22976, 32372, 30265, 10905, 21731
static size_t random_size_lin[2000];
static size_t random_size_exp[2000];
static size_t* random_size_arr;
static size_t num_alloc_ops[311] = {
58, 56, 65, 85, 83, 70, 33, 58, 69, 32,
70, 88, 58, 81, 98, 91, 57, 32, 42, 88,
84, 93, 80, 89, 34, 83, 86, 48, 32, 70,
77, 72, 56, 50, 81, 59, 95, 69, 96, 38,
44, 97, 74, 64, 85, 53, 85, 78, 58, 48,
61, 91, 89, 57, 68, 61, 64, 74, 46, 34,
48, 82, 86, 93, 37, 66, 59, 50, 47, 36,
79, 33, 71, 43, 63, 80, 57, 87, 65, 76,
59, 81, 50, 85, 75, 93, 95, 45, 61, 55,
32, 52, 68, 62, 97, 34, 65, 88, 97, 85,
88, 39, 44, 39, 55, 45, 40, 50, 44, 96,
94, 99, 91, 84, 48, 54, 35, 76, 91, 47,
59, 34, 69, 78, 71, 67, 81, 91, 43, 78,
41, 47, 49, 65, 77, 62, 31, 56, 50, 94,
40, 48, 42, 96, 63, 33, 42, 99, 81, 67,
74, 65, 83, 47, 46, 44, 41, 46, 50, 42,
31, 38, 79, 85, 47, 65, 94, 73, 49, 96,
30, 95, 59, 50, 32, 94, 71, 89, 85, 94,
83, 80, 68, 41, 84, 42, 64, 72, 96, 34,
67, 58, 79, 87, 80, 57, 95, 67, 99, 38,
81, 93, 65, 67, 35, 61, 80, 81, 59, 72,
46, 49, 39, 64, 51, 66, 36, 72, 78, 46,
61, 99, 32, 74, 78, 68, 34, 91, 65, 89,
74, 37, 38, 76, 30, 68, 58, 36, 39, 92,
73, 41, 57, 68, 68, 61, 64, 71, 58, 42,
36, 53, 58, 82, 67, 78, 59, 75, 96, 64,
92, 68, 89, 75, 73, 97, 72, 67, 32, 85,
47, 61, 36, 43, 86, 43, 68, 99, 43, 87,
39, 66, 78, 94, 60, 45, 35, 98, 36, 76,
91, 98, 87, 41, 35, 85, 55, 93, 60, 59,
34, 96, 86, 44, 84, 50, 89, 81, 56, 88,
static size_t num_free_ops[257] = {
94, 51, 88, 47, 51, 76, 99, 47, 48, 96,
74, 61, 51, 40, 76, 31, 41, 61, 93, 55,
78, 87, 83, 35, 35, 59, 58, 86, 97, 80,
35, 44, 83, 30, 98, 35, 71, 55, 54, 93,
95, 78, 49, 51, 89, 42, 85, 81, 47, 82,
32, 40, 38, 52, 98, 30, 86, 91, 91, 84,
65, 62, 93, 33, 93, 67, 59, 81, 96, 91,
70, 69, 42, 81, 94, 80, 66, 58, 71, 35,
40, 89, 42, 45, 68, 91, 40, 33, 57, 42,
61, 55, 54, 74, 88, 60, 84, 32, 49, 92,
69, 41, 82, 38, 93, 32, 74, 67, 32, 40,
35, 90, 99, 81, 43, 51, 92, 72, 49, 90,
54, 58, 88, 62, 66, 30, 52, 82, 84, 99,
58, 77, 95, 79, 50, 32, 45, 31, 98, 45,
38, 96, 37, 40, 69, 58, 65, 79, 44, 66,
60, 45, 83, 40, 55, 62, 58, 33, 39, 64,
56, 53, 64, 95, 47, 70, 73, 75, 98, 41,
77, 91, 32, 56, 35, 77, 73, 93, 60, 32,
47, 45, 30, 88, 68, 43, 32, 89, 57, 44,
38, 42, 52, 88, 65, 42, 40, 55, 65, 47,
31, 35, 64, 88, 63, 59, 61, 84, 52, 40,
67, 97, 92, 61, 93, 30, 87, 96, 96, 93,
76, 47, 43, 41, 49, 83, 69, 52, 82, 54,
50, 57, 79, 62, 85, 49, 98, 66, 34, 34,
65, 34, 44, 38, 87, 69, 82, 41, 74, 59,
97, 40, 56, 66, 91, 64, 93
static size_t primes[] = {
7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29,
31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59,
61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97,
101, 103, 107, 109, 113, 127,
131, 137, 139, 149, 151, 157,
163, 167, 173, 179, 181, 191,
193, 197, 199
#if defined(_WIN32)
#include <windows.h>
#include <psapi.h>
#elif defined(__APPLE__)
#include <mach/mach.h>
#include <mach/task.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
benchmark_run(int argc, char** argv);
static size_t
get_process_memory_usage(void) {
#if defined(_WIN32)
memset(&counters, 0, sizeof(counters));
counters.cb = sizeof(counters);
GetProcessMemoryInfo(GetCurrentProcess(), &counters, sizeof(counters));
return counters.WorkingSetSize;
#elif defined(__APPLE__)
struct task_basic_info info;
mach_msg_type_number_t info_count = TASK_BASIC_INFO_COUNT;
if (task_info(mach_task_self(), TASK_BASIC_INFO,
(task_info_t)&info, &info_count) != KERN_SUCCESS)
return 0;
return info.resident_size;
long rss = 0L;
FILE* fp = fopen("/proc/self/statm", "r");
if (!fp)
return 0;
if (fscanf(fp, "%*s%ld", &rss) != 1)
rss = 0;
return (size_t)rss * (size_t)sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE);
static size_t
get_process_peak_memory_usage(void) {
#if defined(_WIN32)
memset(&counters, 0, sizeof(counters));
counters.cb = sizeof(counters);
GetProcessMemoryInfo(GetCurrentProcess(), &counters, sizeof(counters));
return counters.PeakWorkingSetSize;
struct rusage rusage;
getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &rusage);
#if defined(__APPLE__)
return (size_t)rusage.ru_maxrss;
return (size_t)rusage.ru_maxrss * 1024;
static void
put_cross_thread_memory(atomicptr_t* ptr, thread_pointers* pointers) {
void* prev;
uintptr_t newval;
do {
prev = atomic_load_ptr(ptr);
pointers->next = (void*)((uintptr_t)prev & ~(uintptr_t)0xF);
newval = (uintptr_t)pointers | (atomic_incr32(&cross_thread_counter) & 0xF);
} while (!atomic_cas_ptr(ptr, (void*)newval, prev));
static thread_pointers*
get_cross_thread_memory(atomicptr_t* ptr) {
void* prev;
thread_pointers* current;
do {
prev = atomic_load_ptr(ptr);
current = (void*)((uintptr_t)prev & ~(uintptr_t)0xF);
} while (current && !atomic_cas_ptr(ptr, (void*)((uintptr_t)atomic_incr32(&cross_thread_counter) & 0xF), prev));
return current;
static void
benchmark_worker(void* argptr) {
benchmark_arg* arg = argptr;
thread_pointers* foreign = 0;
void** pointers;
const size_t random_size_count = (sizeof(random_size) / sizeof(random_size[0]));
const size_t alloc_ops_count = (sizeof(num_alloc_ops) / sizeof(num_alloc_ops[0]));
const size_t free_ops_count = (sizeof(num_free_ops) / sizeof(num_free_ops[0]));
const size_t alignment[3] = { 0, 8, 16 };
size_t alloc_idx = 0;
size_t free_idx = 0;
size_t iop;
uint64_t tick_start, ticks_elapsed;
int32_t allocated;
size_t cross_index = 0;
int aborted = 0;
size_t pointers_size = sizeof(void*) * arg->alloc_count;
pointers = benchmark_malloc(16, pointers_size);
memset(pointers, 0, pointers_size);
atomic_add32(&arg->allocated, (int32_t)pointers_size);
while (!benchmark_start)
arg->ticks = 0;
arg->mops = 0;
for (size_t iter = 0; iter < 2; ++iter) {
size_t size_index = ((arg->index + 1) * ((iter + 1) * 37)) % random_size_count;
uint64_t iter_ticks_elapsed = 0;
int do_foreign = 1;
for (size_t iloop = 0; iloop < arg->loop_count; ++iloop) {
foreign = get_cross_thread_memory(&arg->foreign);
allocated = 0;
tick_start = timer_current();
const size_t free_op_count = num_free_ops[(iter + iloop) % free_ops_count];
const size_t alloc_op_count = num_alloc_ops[(iter + iloop) % alloc_ops_count];
for (iop = 0; iop < free_op_count; ++iop) {
if (pointers[free_idx]) {
allocated -= *(int32_t*)pointers[free_idx];
pointers[free_idx] = 0;
free_idx = (free_idx + free_scatter) % arg->alloc_count;
while (foreign) {
int32_t foreign_allocated = 0;
for (iop = 0; iop < foreign->count; ++iop) {
foreign_allocated -= *(int32_t*)foreign->pointers[iop];
void* next = foreign->next;
foreign_allocated -= (int32_t)(foreign->count * sizeof(void*) + sizeof(thread_pointers));
atomic_add32(foreign->allocated, foreign_allocated);
arg->mops += 2;
foreign = next;
for (iop = 0; iop < alloc_op_count; ++iop) {
if (pointers[alloc_idx]) {
allocated -= *(int32_t*)pointers[alloc_idx];
size_t size = arg->min_size;
if (arg->mode == MODE_RANDOM)
size = random_size_arr[(size_index + 2) % random_size_count];
pointers[alloc_idx] = benchmark_malloc((size < 4096) ? alignment[(size_index + iop) % 3] : 0, size);
//Make sure to write to each page to commit it for measuring memory usage
*(int32_t*)pointers[alloc_idx] = (int32_t)size;
size_t num_pages = (size - 1) / 4096;
for (size_t page = 1; page < num_pages; ++page)
*((char*)(pointers[alloc_idx]) + (page * 4096)) = 1;
*((char*)(pointers[alloc_idx]) + (size - 1)) = 1;
allocated += (int32_t)size;
alloc_idx = (alloc_idx + alloc_scatter) % arg->alloc_count;
size_index = (size_index + 1) % random_size_count;
foreign = 0;
if (arg->cross_rate && ((iloop % arg->cross_rate) == 0) && (do_foreign > 0)) {
foreign = benchmark_malloc(16, sizeof(thread_pointers));
foreign->count = alloc_op_count;
foreign->pointers = benchmark_malloc(16, sizeof(void*) * alloc_op_count);
foreign->allocated = &arg->allocated;
allocated += (int32_t)(alloc_op_count * sizeof(void*) + sizeof(thread_pointers));
arg->mops += 2;
for (iop = 0; iop < alloc_op_count; ++iop) {
size_t size = arg->min_size;
if (arg->mode == MODE_RANDOM)
size = random_size_arr[(size_index + 2) % random_size_count];
foreign->pointers[iop] = benchmark_malloc((size < 4096) ? alignment[(size_index + iop) % 3] : 0, size);
*(int32_t*)foreign->pointers[iop] = (int32_t)size;
size_t num_pages = (size - 1) / 4096;
for (size_t page = 1; page < num_pages; ++page)
*((char*)(foreign->pointers[iop]) + (page * 4096)) = 1;
*((char*)(foreign->pointers[iop]) + (size - 1)) = 1;
allocated += (int32_t)size;
size_index = (size_index + 1) % random_size_count;
ticks_elapsed = timer_current() - tick_start;
iter_ticks_elapsed += ticks_elapsed;
arg->ticks += ticks_elapsed;
int32_t current_allocated = atomic_add32(&arg->allocated, allocated);
if (arg->peak_allocated < current_allocated)
arg->peak_allocated = current_allocated;
if (foreign) {
cross_index = (cross_index + 1) % arg->numthreads;
if ((arg->numthreads > 1) && (cross_index == arg->index))
cross_index = (cross_index + 1) % arg->numthreads;
benchmark_arg* cross_arg = &arg->args[cross_index];
put_cross_thread_memory(&cross_arg->foreign, foreign);
foreign = 0;
if (atomic_load32(&benchmark_threads_sync) > 0)
do_foreign = 0; //one thread completed
if (timer_ticks_to_seconds(iter_ticks_elapsed) > 120) {
aborted = 1;
allocated = 0;
tick_start = timer_current();
for (size_t iptr = 0; iptr < arg->alloc_count; ++iptr) {
if (!pointers[iptr]) {
size_t size = arg->min_size;
if (arg->mode == MODE_RANDOM)
size = random_size_exp[(size_index + 2) % random_size_count];
pointers[iptr] = benchmark_malloc((size < 4096) ? alignment[size_index % 3] : 0, size);
*(int32_t*)pointers[iptr] = (int32_t)size;
size_t num_pages = (size - 1) / 4096;
for (size_t page = 1; page < num_pages; ++page)
*((char*)(pointers[iptr]) + (page * 4096)) = 1;
*((char*)(pointers[iptr]) + (size - 1)) = 1;
allocated += (int32_t)size;
size_index = (size_index + 1) % random_size_count;
ticks_elapsed = timer_current() - tick_start;
atomic_add32(&arg->allocated, allocated);
iter_ticks_elapsed += ticks_elapsed;
arg->ticks += ticks_elapsed;
//Sync and allow main thread to gather allocation stats
do {
foreign = get_cross_thread_memory(&arg->foreign);
if (foreign) {
tick_start = timer_current();
while (foreign) {
allocated = 0;
for (iop = 0; iop < foreign->count; ++iop) {
allocated -= *(int32_t*)foreign->pointers[iop];
void* next = foreign->next;
allocated -= (int32_t)(foreign->count * sizeof(void*) + sizeof(thread_pointers));
atomic_add32(foreign->allocated, allocated);
arg->mops += 2;
foreign = next;
ticks_elapsed = timer_current() - tick_start;
arg->ticks += ticks_elapsed;
} while (atomic_load32(&benchmark_threads_sync));
allocated = 0;
tick_start = timer_current();
for (size_t iptr = 0; iptr < arg->alloc_count; ++iptr) {
if (pointers[iptr]) {
allocated -= *(int32_t*)pointers[iptr];
pointers[iptr] = 0;
ticks_elapsed = timer_current() - tick_start;
atomic_add32(&arg->allocated, allocated);
iter_ticks_elapsed += ticks_elapsed;
arg->ticks += ticks_elapsed;
foreign = get_cross_thread_memory(&arg->foreign);
while (foreign) {
for (iop = 0; iop < foreign->count; ++iop)
void* next = foreign->next;
foreign = next;
//printf(" %.2f ", timer_ticks_to_seconds(iter_ticks_elapsed));
//if (aborted)
// printf("(aborted) ");
aborted = 0;
//Sync threads
do {
foreign = get_cross_thread_memory(&arg->foreign);
if (foreign) {
tick_start = timer_current();
while (foreign) {
allocated = 0;
for (iop = 0; iop < foreign->count; ++iop) {
allocated -= *(int32_t*)foreign->pointers[iop];
void* next = foreign->next;
allocated -= (int32_t)(foreign->count * sizeof(void*) + sizeof(thread_pointers));
atomic_add32(foreign->allocated, allocated);
arg->mops += 2;
foreign = next;
ticks_elapsed = timer_current() - tick_start;
arg->ticks += ticks_elapsed;
} while (atomic_load32(&benchmark_threads_sync));
atomic_add32(&arg->allocated, -(int32_t)pointers_size);
arg->accumulator += arg->mops;
benchmark_run(int argc, char** argv) {
if (timer_initialize() < 0)
return -1;
if (benchmark_initialize() < 0)
return -2;
if ((argc < 9) || (argc > 10)) {
printf("Usage: benchmark <thread count> <mode> <size mode> <cross rate> <loops> <allocs> <op count> <min size> <max size>\n"
" <thread count> Number of execution threads\n"
" <mode> 0 for random size [min, max], 1 for fixed size (min)\n"
" <size mode> 0 for even distribution, 1 for linear dropoff, 2 for exp dropoff\n"
" <cross rate> Rate of cross-thread deallocations (every n iterations), 0 for none\n"
" <loops> Number of loops in each iteration (0 for default, 800k)\n"
" <allocs> Number of concurrent allocations in each thread, (0 for default, 10k)\n"
" <op count> Iteration operation count\n"
" <min size> Minimum size for random mode, fixed size for fixed mode\n"
" <max size> Maximum size for random mode, ignored for fixed mode\n");
return -3;
// size_t thread_count = (size_t)strtol(argv[1], 0, 10);
// size_t mode = (size_t)strtol(argv[2], 0, 10);
// size_t size_mode = (size_t)strtol(argv[3], 0, 10);
// size_t cross_rate = (size_t)strtol(argv[4], 0, 10);
// size_t loop_count = (size_t)strtol(argv[5], 0, 10);
// size_t alloc_count = (size_t)strtol(argv[6], 0, 10);
// size_t op_count = (size_t)strtol(argv[7], 0, 10);
// size_t min_size = (size_t)strtol(argv[8], 0, 10);
// size_t max_size = (argc > 9) ? (size_t)strtol(argv[9], 0, 10) : 0;
size_t thread_count = 1;
size_t mode = 0; // rand
size_t size_mode = 0; //
size_t cross_rate = 0;
size_t loop_count = 0;
size_t alloc_count = 0;
size_t op_count = 0;
size_t min_size = 16;
size_t max_size = 1024;
// if ((thread_count < 1) || (thread_count > 64)) {
// printf("Invalid thread count: %s\n", argv[1]);
// return -3;
// }
// if ((mode != MODE_RANDOM) && (mode != MODE_FIXED)) {
// printf("Invalid mode: %s\n", argv[2]);
// return -3;
// }
// if ((size_mode != SIZE_MODE_EVEN) && (size_mode != SIZE_MODE_LINEAR) && (size_mode != SIZE_MODE_EXP)) {
// printf("Invalid size mode: %s\n", argv[3]);
// return -3;
// }
if (!loop_count || (loop_count > 0x00FFFFFF))
loop_count = 32*1024;
if (!alloc_count || (alloc_count > 0x00FFFFFF))
alloc_count = 10*1024;
if (!op_count || (op_count > 0x00FFFFFF))
op_count = 1000;
// if ((mode == MODE_RANDOM) && (!max_size || (max_size < min_size))) {
// printf("Invalid min/max size for random mode: %s %s\n", argv[7], (argc > 8) ? argv[8] : "<missing>");
// printf("Invalid min/max size for random mode: max_size%u min_size %u\n", max_size, min_size );
// return -3;
// }
// if ((mode == MODE_FIXED) && !min_size) {
// printf("Invalid size for fixed mode: %s\n", argv[7]);
// return -3;
// }
if (thread_count == 1)
cross_rate = 0;
size_t iprime = 0;
alloc_scatter = primes[iprime];
while ((alloc_count % alloc_scatter) == 0)
alloc_scatter = primes[++iprime];
free_scatter = primes[++iprime];
while ((alloc_count % free_scatter) == 0)
free_scatter = primes[++iprime];
//Setup the random size tables
size_t size_range = max_size - min_size;
const size_t random_size_count = (sizeof(random_size) / sizeof(random_size[0]));
for (size_t ir = 0; ir < random_size_count; ++ir)
random_size[ir] = min_size + (size_t)round((double)size_range * ((double)random_size[ir] / 100000.0));
if (!size_range)
for (size_t ir = 0; ir < random_size_count; ++ir) {
double w0 = 1.0 - (double)(random_size[ir] - min_size) / (double)size_range;
double w1 = 1.0 - (double)(random_size[(ir + 1) % random_size_count] - min_size) / (double)size_range;
double even = (double)(random_size[(ir + 2) % random_size_count] - min_size);
random_size_lin[ir] = min_size + (size_t)(even * fabs((w0 + w1) - 1.0));
random_size_exp[ir] = min_size + (size_t)(even * (w0 * w1));
//Setup operation count
size_t alloc_op_count = (sizeof(num_alloc_ops) / sizeof(num_alloc_ops[0]));
for (size_t ic = 0; ic < alloc_op_count; ++ic)
num_alloc_ops[ic] = (size_t)((double)op_count * ((double)num_alloc_ops[ic] / 100.0));
size_t free_op_count = (sizeof(num_free_ops) / sizeof(num_free_ops[0]));
for (size_t ic = 0; ic < free_op_count; ++ic)
num_free_ops[ic] = (size_t)(0.8 * (double)op_count * ((double)num_free_ops[ic] / 100.0));
if (size_mode == SIZE_MODE_EVEN)
random_size_arr = random_size;
if (size_mode == SIZE_MODE_LINEAR)
random_size_arr = random_size_lin;
if (size_mode == SIZE_MODE_EXP)
random_size_arr = random_size_exp;
benchmark_arg* arg;
uintptr_t* thread_handle;
arg = benchmark_malloc(0, sizeof(benchmark_arg) * thread_count);
thread_handle = benchmark_malloc(0, sizeof(thread_handle) * thread_count);
benchmark_start = 0;
if (mode == MODE_RANDOM)
printf("%-12s %u threads random %s size [%u,%u] %u loops %u allocs %u ops: ",
(unsigned int)thread_count,
(size_mode == SIZE_MODE_EVEN) ? "even" : ((size_mode == SIZE_MODE_LINEAR) ? "linear" : "exp"),
(unsigned int)min_size, (unsigned int)max_size,
(unsigned int)loop_count, (unsigned int)alloc_count, (unsigned int)op_count);
printf("%-12s %u threads fixed size [%u] %u loops %u allocs %u ops: ",
(unsigned int)thread_count,
(unsigned int)min_size,
(unsigned int)loop_count, (unsigned int)alloc_count, (unsigned int)op_count);
size_t memory_usage = 0;
size_t cur_memory_usage = 0;
size_t sample_allocated = 0;
size_t cur_allocated = 0;
uint64_t mops = 0;
uint64_t ticks = 0;
for (size_t iter = 0; iter < 2; ++iter) {
benchmark_start = 0;
atomic_store32(&benchmark_threads_sync, 0);
for (size_t ithread = 0; ithread < thread_count; ++ithread) {
arg[ithread].numthreads = thread_count;
arg[ithread].index = ithread;
arg[ithread].mode = mode;
arg[ithread].size_mode = size_mode;
arg[ithread].cross_rate = cross_rate;
arg[ithread].loop_count = loop_count;
arg[ithread].alloc_count = alloc_count;
arg[ithread].min_size = min_size;
arg[ithread].max_size = max_size;
arg[ithread].thread_arg.fn = benchmark_worker;
arg[ithread].thread_arg.arg = &arg[ithread];
atomic_store_ptr(&arg[ithread].foreign, 0);
atomic_store32(&arg[ithread].allocated, 0);
arg[ithread].peak_allocated = 0;
arg[ithread].args = arg;
thread_handle[ithread] = thread_run(&arg[ithread].thread_arg);
benchmark_start = 1;
while (atomic_load32(&benchmark_threads_sync) < (int32_t)thread_count) {
cur_allocated = 0;
for (size_t ithread = 0; ithread < thread_count; ++ithread) {
size_t thread_allocated = (size_t)atomic_load32(&arg[ithread].allocated);
cur_allocated += thread_allocated;
cur_memory_usage = get_process_memory_usage();
if ((cur_allocated > sample_allocated) || (cur_memory_usage > memory_usage)) {
sample_allocated = cur_allocated;
memory_usage = cur_memory_usage;
atomic_store32(&benchmark_threads_sync, 0);
while (atomic_load32(&benchmark_threads_sync) < (int32_t)thread_count) {
cur_allocated = 0;
for (size_t ithread = 0; ithread < thread_count; ++ithread) {
size_t thread_allocated = (size_t)atomic_load32(&arg[ithread].allocated);
cur_allocated += thread_allocated;
cur_memory_usage = get_process_memory_usage();
if ((cur_allocated > sample_allocated) || (cur_memory_usage > memory_usage)) {
sample_allocated = cur_allocated;
memory_usage = cur_memory_usage;
atomic_store32(&benchmark_threads_sync, 0);
while (atomic_load32(&benchmark_threads_sync) < (int32_t)thread_count) {
atomic_store32(&benchmark_threads_sync, 0);
for (size_t ithread = 0; ithread < thread_count; ++ithread) {
ticks += arg[ithread].ticks;
mops += arg[ithread].mops;
if (!arg[ithread].accumulator)
if (!ticks)
ticks = 1;
FILE* fd;
char filebuf[64];
if (mode == 0)
sprintf(filebuf, "benchmark-random-%u-%u-%u-%s.txt",
(unsigned int)thread_count, (unsigned int)min_size,
(unsigned int)max_size, benchmark_name());
sprintf(filebuf, "benchmark-fixed-%u-%u-%s.txt",
(unsigned int)thread_count, (unsigned int)min_size,
fd = fopen(filebuf, "w+b");
size_t peak_allocated = get_process_peak_memory_usage();
double time_elapsed = timer_ticks_to_seconds(ticks);
double average_mops = (double)mops / time_elapsed;
char linebuf[128];
int len = snprintf(linebuf, sizeof(linebuf), "%u,%" PRIsize ",%" PRIsize ",%" PRIsize "\n",
(unsigned int)average_mops,
if (fd) {
fwrite(linebuf, (len > 0) ? (size_t)len : 0, 1, fd);
printf("%u memory ops/CPU second (%uMiB peak, %uMiB -> %uMiB bytes sample, %.0f%% overhead)\n",
(unsigned int)average_mops, (unsigned int)(peak_allocated / (1024 * 1024)),
(unsigned int)(sample_allocated / (1024 * 1024)), (unsigned int)(memory_usage / (1024 * 1024)),
100.0 * ((double)memory_usage - (double)sample_allocated) / (double)sample_allocated);
if (fd)
if (benchmark_finalize() < 0)
return -4;
return 0;
#if ( defined( __APPLE__ ) && __APPLE__ )
# include <TargetConditionals.h>
# define NO_MAIN 1
# endif
#if !defined(NO_MAIN)
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
return benchmark_run(argc, argv);
#include <stdint.h>
#if defined( __x86_64__ ) || defined( _M_AMD64 ) || defined( _M_X64 ) || defined( _AMD64_ ) || defined( __arm64__ ) || defined( __aarch64__ )
# define ARCH_64BIT 1
# define ARCH_64BIT 0
#ifdef _MSC_VER
# define ALIGNED_STRUCT(name, alignment) __declspec(align(alignment)) struct name
# define ALIGNED_STRUCT(name, alignment) struct __attribute__((__aligned__(alignment))) name
ALIGNED_STRUCT(atomicptr_t, 8) {
void* nonatomic;
typedef struct atomicptr_t atomicptr_t;
static void*
atomic_load_ptr(atomicptr_t* src) {
return src->nonatomic;
static void
atomic_store_ptr(atomicptr_t* dst, void* val) {
dst->nonatomic = val;
ALIGNED_STRUCT(atomic32_t, 4) {
int32_t nonatomic;
typedef struct atomic32_t atomic32_t;
static int32_t
atomic_load32(atomic32_t* src) {
return src->nonatomic;
static void
atomic_store32(atomic32_t* dst, int32_t val) {
dst->nonatomic = val;
static int32_t
atomic_incr32(atomic32_t* val) {
#ifdef _MSC_VER
int32_t old = (int32_t)_InterlockedExchangeAdd((volatile long*)&val->nonatomic, 1);
return (old + 1);
return __sync_add_and_fetch(&val->nonatomic, 1);
static int32_t
atomic_add32(atomic32_t* val, int32_t add) {
#ifdef _MSC_VER
int32_t old = (int32_t)_InterlockedExchangeAdd((volatile long*)&val->nonatomic, add);
return (old + add);
return __sync_add_and_fetch(&val->nonatomic, add);
static int
atomic_cas_ptr(atomicptr_t* dst, void* val, void* ref) {
#ifdef _MSC_VER
# if ARCH_64BIT
return (_InterlockedCompareExchange64((volatile long long*)&dst->nonatomic,
(long long)val, (long long)ref) == (long long)ref) ? 1 : 0;
# else
return (_InterlockedCompareExchange((volatile long*)&dst->nonatomic,
(long)val, (long)ref) == (long)ref) ? 1 : 0;
# endif
return __sync_bool_compare_and_swap(&dst->nonatomic, ref, val);
#undef ARCH_64BIT