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  • cellframe/libdap-server-core
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......@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ typedef struct dap_events {
typedef struct dap_worker
uint32_t event_sockets_count;
uint32_t event_to_kill_count;
//uint32_t event_to_kill_count;
EPOLL_HANDLE epoll_fd;
uint32_t number_thread;
......@@ -78,10 +78,6 @@ void dap_events_deinit( ); // Deinit server module
void dap_events_thread_wake_up( dap_thread_t *th );
dap_events_t* dap_events_new( );
void dap_events_delete( dap_events_t * sh );
//void dap_events_socket_remove_and_delete( dap_events_socket_t* a_es );
void dap_events_socket_remove_and_delete(dap_events_socket_t* a_es, bool preserve_inheritor );
void dap_events_kill_socket( dap_events_socket_t *a_es );
int32_t dap_events_start( dap_events_t *sh );
int32_t dap_events_wait( dap_events_t *sh );
......@@ -154,7 +154,12 @@ size_t dap_events_socket_write(dap_events_socket_t *sc, const void * data, size_
size_t dap_events_socket_write_f(dap_events_socket_t *sc, const char * format,...);
size_t dap_events_socket_read(dap_events_socket_t *sc, void * data, size_t data_size);
void dap_events_socket_remove( dap_events_socket_t *a_es);
void dap_events_socket_delete(dap_events_socket_t *sc,bool preserve_inheritor); // Removes the client from the list
void dap_events_socket_remove_and_delete(dap_events_socket_t* a_es, bool preserve_inheritor );
int dap_events_socket_kill_socket( dap_events_socket_t *a_es );
void dap_events_socket_shrink_buf_in(dap_events_socket_t * cl, size_t shrink_size);
......@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@
#include <sched.h>
#include "dap_common.h"
#include "dap_server.h"
#include "dap_events.h"
......@@ -193,7 +194,7 @@ void dap_events_delete( dap_events_t *a_events )
if ( a_events ) {
HASH_ITER( hh, a_events->sockets,cur, tmp ) {
dap_events_socket_delete( cur, false );
dap_events_socket_delete( cur, true );
if ( a_events->_inheritor )
......@@ -206,33 +207,6 @@ void dap_events_delete( dap_events_t *a_events )
void dap_events_kill_socket( dap_events_socket_t *a_es )
if ( !a_es ) {
log_it( L_ERROR, "dap_events_kill_socket( NULL )" );
uint32_t tn = a_es->dap_worker->number_thread;
dap_worker_t *w = a_es->dap_worker;
dap_events_t *d_ev = w->events;
pthread_mutex_lock( &w->locker_on_count );
if ( a_es->kill_signal ) {
pthread_mutex_unlock( &w->locker_on_count );
log_it( L_DEBUG, "KILL %u socket! [ thread %u ]", a_es->socket, tn );
a_es->kill_signal = true;
DL_LIST_ADD_NODE_HEAD( d_ev->to_kill_sockets, a_es, kprev, knext, w->event_to_kill_count );
pthread_mutex_unlock( &w->locker_on_count );
* @brief s_socket_info_all_check_activity
* @param n_thread
......@@ -256,7 +230,7 @@ static void s_socket_all_check_activity( dap_worker_t *dap_worker, dap_events_t
dap_worker->event_sockets_count --;
DL_DELETE( d_ev->dlsockets, a_es );
dap_events_socket_delete( a_es, false );
dap_events_socket_delete( a_es, true );
pthread_mutex_unlock( &dap_worker->locker_on_count );
......@@ -268,30 +242,30 @@ static void s_socket_all_check_activity( dap_worker_t *dap_worker, dap_events_t
* @param arg
* @return
static void *thread_worker_function( void *arg )
static void *thread_worker_function(void *arg)
dap_events_socket_t *cur, *tmp;
dap_worker_t *w = (dap_worker_t *)arg;
time_t next_time_timeout_check = time( NULL ) + s_connection_timeout / 2;
uint32_t tn = w->number_thread;
dap_events_socket_t *cur;
dap_worker_t *w = (dap_worker_t *) arg;
time_t next_time_timeout_check = time( NULL) + s_connection_timeout / 2;
uint32_t tn = w->number_thread;
#ifndef _WIN32
cpu_set_t mask;
CPU_ZERO( &mask );
CPU_SET( tn, &mask );
cpu_set_t mask;
CPU_SET(tn, &mask);
int err;
int err;
#ifndef __ANDROID__
err = pthread_setaffinity_np(pthread_self(), sizeof(cpu_set_t), &mask);
err = pthread_setaffinity_np(pthread_self(), sizeof(cpu_set_t), &mask);
err = sched_setaffinity(pthread_self(), sizeof(cpu_set_t), &mask);
if (err)
log_it(L_CRITICAL, "Error pthread_setaffinity_np() You really have %d or more core in CPU?", *(int*)arg);
log_it(L_CRITICAL, "Error pthread_setaffinity_np() You really have %d or more core in CPU?", *(int* )arg);
......@@ -301,180 +275,185 @@ static void *thread_worker_function( void *arg )
log_it(L_INFO, "Worker %d started, epoll fd %d", w->number_thread, w->epoll_fd);
log_it(L_INFO, "Worker %d started, epoll fd %d", w->number_thread, w->epoll_fd);
struct epoll_event *events = &g_epoll_events[ DAP_MAX_EPOLL_EVENTS * tn ];
struct epoll_event *events = &g_epoll_events[ DAP_MAX_EPOLL_EVENTS * tn];
// memset( &ev, 0, sizeof(ev) );
// memset( &events, 0, sizeof(events) );
size_t total_sent; int bytes_sent;
size_t total_sent;
int bytes_sent;
while( 1 ) {
while(1) {
int selected_sockets = epoll_wait( w->epoll_fd, events, DAP_MAX_EPOLL_EVENTS, 1000 );
int selected_sockets = epoll_wait(w->epoll_fd, events, DAP_MAX_EPOLL_EVENTS, 1000);
if ( selected_sockets == -1 ) {
if ( errno == EINTR )
time_t cur_time = time( NULL );
for( int32_t n = 0; n < selected_sockets; n ++ ) {
cur = (dap_events_socket_t *)events[n].data.ptr;
if ( !cur ) {
log_it( L_ERROR,"dap_events_socket NULL" );
//connection already closed (EPOLLHUP - shutdown has been made in both directions)
if(events[n].events & EPOLLHUP && events[n].events & EPOLLERR) {
log_it( L_DEBUG,"Socket error (EPOLLHUP): 0x%x",events[n].events );
if(!(events[n].events & EPOLLIN))
cur->no_close = false;
cur->flags |= DAP_SOCK_SIGNAL_CLOSE;
if ( events[n].events & EPOLLERR ) {
log_it( L_ERROR,"Socket error: %s",strerror(errno) );
cur->flags |= DAP_SOCK_SIGNAL_CLOSE;
cur->callbacks->error_callback( cur, NULL ); // Call callback to process error event
cur->last_time_active = cur_time;
if( events[n].events & EPOLLIN ) {
//log_it(DEBUG,"Comes connection in active read set");
if( cur->buf_in_size == sizeof(cur->buf_in) ) {
log_it( L_WARNING, "Buffer is full when there is smth to read. Its dropped!" );
cur->buf_in_size = 0;
int32_t bytes_read = recv( cur->socket, (char *)(cur->buf_in + cur->buf_in_size),
sizeof(cur->buf_in) - cur->buf_in_size, 0 );
if( bytes_read > 0 ) {
cur->buf_in_size += bytes_read;
//log_it(DEBUG, "Received %d bytes", bytes_read);
cur->callbacks->read_callback( cur, NULL ); // Call callback to process read event. At the end of callback buf_in_size should be zero if everything was read well
else if( bytes_read < 0 ) {
log_it( L_ERROR,"Some error occured in recv() function: %s",strerror(errno) );
dap_events_socket_set_readable( cur, false );
cur->flags |= DAP_SOCK_SIGNAL_CLOSE;
else if ( bytes_read == 0 ) {
log_it( L_INFO, "Client socket disconnected" );
dap_events_socket_set_readable( cur, false );
cur->flags |= DAP_SOCK_SIGNAL_CLOSE;
if(selected_sockets == -1) {
if( errno == EINTR)
// Socket is ready to write
if( ( (events[n].events & EPOLLOUT) || (cur->flags & DAP_SOCK_READY_TO_WRITE) ) && !(cur->flags & DAP_SOCK_SIGNAL_CLOSE) ) {
///log_it(DEBUG, "Main loop output: %u bytes to send",sa_cur->buf_out_size);
cur->callbacks->write_callback( cur, NULL ); // Call callback to process write event
if( cur->flags & DAP_SOCK_READY_TO_WRITE ) {
time_t cur_time = time( NULL);
for(int32_t n = 0; n < selected_sockets; n++) {
static const uint32_t buf_out_zero_count_max = 20;
cur->buf_out[cur->buf_out_size] = 0;
cur = (dap_events_socket_t *) events[n].data.ptr;
if( !cur->buf_out_size ) {
if(!cur) {
log_it(L_WARNING, "Output: nothing to send. Why we are in write socket set?");
cur->buf_out_zero_count ++;
if( cur->buf_out_zero_count > buf_out_zero_count_max ) { // How many time buf_out on write event could be empty
log_it( L_ERROR, "Output: nothing to send %u times, remove socket from the write set", buf_out_zero_count_max );
dap_events_socket_set_writable( cur, false );
log_it(L_ERROR, "dap_events_socket NULL");
log_it(L_DEBUG, "Worker=%d fd=%d socket=%d event=0x%x(%d)", w->number_thread, w->epoll_fd,cur->socket, events[n].events,events[n].events);
//connection already closed (EPOLLHUP - shutdown has been made in both directions)
if(events[n].events & EPOLLHUP) { // && events[n].events & EPOLLERR) {
log_it(L_DEBUG, "Socket shutdown (EPOLLHUP): %s", strerror(errno));
//if(!(events[n].events & EPOLLIN))
//cur->no_close = false;
cur->flags |= DAP_SOCK_SIGNAL_CLOSE;
if(!(events[n].events & EPOLLERR))
cur->callbacks->error_callback(cur, NULL); // Call callback to process error event
cur->buf_out_zero_count = 0;
for ( total_sent = 0; total_sent < cur->buf_out_size; ) { // If after callback there is smth to send - we do it
bytes_sent = send( cur->socket, (char *)(cur->buf_out + total_sent),
cur->buf_out_size - total_sent, MSG_DONTWAIT | MSG_NOSIGNAL );
if ( bytes_sent < 0 ) {
log_it(L_ERROR,"Some error occured in send() function");
cur->flags |= DAP_SOCK_SIGNAL_CLOSE;
total_sent += bytes_sent;
//log_it(L_DEBUG, "Output: %u from %u bytes are sent ", total_sent,sa_cur->buf_out_size);
//log_it(L_DEBUG,"Output: sent %u bytes",total_sent);
cur->buf_out_size = 0;
if ( (cur->flags & DAP_SOCK_SIGNAL_CLOSE) && !cur->no_close ) {
pthread_mutex_lock( &w->locker_on_count );
if ( cur->kill_signal ) {
pthread_mutex_unlock( &w->locker_on_count );
// pthread_mutex_unlock( &dsth->mutex_dlist_add_remove );
// dap_server_kill_socket( dap_cur );
// continue;
if(events[n].events & EPOLLERR) {
log_it(L_ERROR, "Socket error: %s", strerror(errno));
cur->flags |= DAP_SOCK_SIGNAL_CLOSE;
cur->callbacks->error_callback(cur, NULL); // Call callback to process error event
log_it( L_INFO, "Got signal to close %s, sock %u [thread %u]", cur->hostaddr, cur->socket, tn );
cur->last_time_active = cur_time;
if(events[n].events & EPOLLIN) {
//log_it(DEBUG,"Comes connection in active read set");
if(cur->buf_in_size == sizeof(cur->buf_in)) {
log_it(L_WARNING, "Buffer is full when there is smth to read. Its dropped!");
cur->buf_in_size = 0;
int32_t bytes_read = recv(cur->socket, (char *) (cur->buf_in + cur->buf_in_size),
sizeof(cur->buf_in) - cur->buf_in_size, 0);
if(bytes_read > 0) {
cur->buf_in_size += bytes_read;
//log_it(DEBUG, "Received %d bytes", bytes_read);
cur->callbacks->read_callback(cur, NULL); // Call callback to process read event. At the end of callback buf_in_size should be zero if everything was read well
else if(bytes_read < 0) {
log_it(L_ERROR, "Some error occured in recv() function: %s", strerror(errno));
dap_events_socket_set_readable(cur, false);
cur->flags |= DAP_SOCK_SIGNAL_CLOSE;
else if(bytes_read == 0) {
log_it(L_INFO, "Client socket disconnected");
dap_events_socket_set_readable(cur, false);
cur->flags |= DAP_SOCK_SIGNAL_CLOSE;
dap_events_socket_remove_and_delete( cur, false );
pthread_mutex_unlock( &w->locker_on_count );
} // for
// Socket is ready to write
if(((events[n].events & EPOLLOUT) || (cur->flags & DAP_SOCK_READY_TO_WRITE))
&& !(cur->flags & DAP_SOCK_SIGNAL_CLOSE)) {
///log_it(DEBUG, "Main loop output: %u bytes to send",sa_cur->buf_out_size);
cur->callbacks->write_callback(cur, NULL); // Call callback to process write event
if(cur->flags & DAP_SOCK_READY_TO_WRITE) {
static const uint32_t buf_out_zero_count_max = 20;
cur->buf_out[cur->buf_out_size] = 0;
if(!cur->buf_out_size) {
log_it(L_WARNING, "Output: nothing to send. Why we are in write socket set?");
if(cur->buf_out_zero_count > buf_out_zero_count_max) { // How many time buf_out on write event could be empty
log_it(L_ERROR, "Output: nothing to send %u times, remove socket from the write set",
dap_events_socket_set_writable(cur, false);
cur->buf_out_zero_count = 0;
for(total_sent = 0; total_sent < cur->buf_out_size;) { // If after callback there is smth to send - we do it
bytes_sent = send(cur->socket, (char *) (cur->buf_out + total_sent),
cur->buf_out_size - total_sent, MSG_DONTWAIT | MSG_NOSIGNAL);
if(bytes_sent < 0) {
log_it(L_ERROR, "Some error occured in send() function");
cur->flags |= DAP_SOCK_SIGNAL_CLOSE;
total_sent += bytes_sent;
//log_it(L_DEBUG, "Output: %u from %u bytes are sent ", total_sent,sa_cur->buf_out_size);
//log_it(L_DEBUG,"Output: sent %u bytes",total_sent);
cur->buf_out_size = 0;
#ifndef NO_TIMER
if ( cur_time >= next_time_timeout_check ) {
s_socket_all_check_activity( w, w->events, cur_time );
next_time_timeout_check = cur_time + s_connection_timeout / 2;
if((cur->flags & DAP_SOCK_SIGNAL_CLOSE) && !cur->no_close) {
// protect against double deletion
cur->kill_signal = true;
//dap_events_socket_remove_and_delete(cur, true);
log_it(L_INFO, "Got signal to close %s, sock %u [thread %u]", cur->hostaddr, cur->socket, tn);
pthread_mutex_lock( &w->locker_on_count );
if ( !w->event_to_kill_count ) {
if(cur->kill_signal) {
log_it(L_INFO, "Kill %u socket (processed).... [ thread %u ]", cur->socket, tn);
dap_events_socket_delete( cur, true);
pthread_mutex_unlock( &w->locker_on_count );
if(!w->event_to_kill_count) {
cur = w->events->to_kill_sockets;
do {
do {
// if ( cur->no_close ) {
// cur = cur->knext;
// continue;
// }
tmp = cur_del->knext;
// delete only current events_socket because others may be active in the other workers
//if(cur_del == cur)
if(cur->kill_signal) {
log_it(L_INFO, "Kill %u socket (processed).... [ thread %u ]", cur_del->socket, tn);
DL_LIST_REMOVE_NODE(w->events->to_kill_sockets, cur, kprev, knext, w->event_to_kill_count);
dap_events_socket_remove_and_delete(cur_del, true);
cur_del = tmp;
} while(cur_del);
log_it(L_INFO, "[ Thread %u ] coneections: %u, to kill: %u", tn, w->event_sockets_count,
} // for
#ifndef NO_TIMER
if(cur_time >= next_time_timeout_check) {
s_socket_all_check_activity(w, w->events, cur_time);
next_time_timeout_check = cur_time + s_connection_timeout / 2;
log_it( L_INFO, "Kill %u socket .... [ thread %u ]", cur->socket, tn );
tmp = cur->knext;
DL_LIST_REMOVE_NODE( w->events->to_kill_sockets, cur, kprev, knext, w->event_to_kill_count );
dap_events_socket_remove_and_delete( cur, false );
cur = tmp;
} while ( cur );
log_it( L_INFO, "[ Thread %u ] coneections: %u, to kill: %u", tn, w->event_sockets_count, w->event_to_kill_count );
pthread_mutex_unlock( &w->locker_on_count );
} // while
} // while
return NULL;
return NULL;
......@@ -533,7 +512,7 @@ int dap_events_start( dap_events_t *a_events )
return -1;
s_workers[i].event_to_kill_count = 0;
//s_workers[i].event_to_kill_count = 0;
s_workers[i].event_sockets_count = 0;
s_workers[i].number_thread = i;
s_workers[i].events = a_events;
......@@ -562,8 +541,6 @@ int dap_events_wait( dap_events_t *sh )
return 0;
* @brief dap_worker_add_events_socket
* @param a_worker
......@@ -578,23 +555,6 @@ void dap_worker_add_events_socket( dap_events_socket_t *a_es)
a_es->events = a_es->dap_worker->events;
* @brief dap_events_socket_delete
* @param a_es
void dap_events_socket_remove_and_delete( dap_events_socket_t *a_es, bool preserve_inheritor )
if ( epoll_ctl( a_es->dap_worker->epoll_fd, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, a_es->socket, &a_es->ev) == -1 )
log_it( L_ERROR,"Can't remove event socket's handler from the epoll_fd" );
log_it( L_DEBUG,"Removed epoll's event from dap_worker #%u", a_es->dap_worker->number_thread );
DL_DELETE( a_es->events->dlsockets, a_es );
a_es->dap_worker->event_sockets_count --;
dap_events_socket_delete( a_es, preserve_inheritor );
* @brief dap_events__thread_wake_up
* @param th
......@@ -173,9 +173,11 @@ dap_events_socket_t * dap_events_socket_wrap2( dap_server_t *a_server, struct da
dap_events_socket_t *dap_events_socket_find( int sock, struct dap_events *a_events )
dap_events_socket_t *ret = NULL;
return NULL;
pthread_rwlock_rdlock( &a_events->sockets_rwlock );
HASH_FIND_INT( a_events->sockets, &sock, ret );
HASH_FIND_INT( a_events->sockets, &sock, ret );
pthread_rwlock_unlock( &a_events->sockets_rwlock );
return ret;
......@@ -246,6 +248,37 @@ void dap_events_socket_set_writable( dap_events_socket_t *sc, bool is_ready )
* @brief dap_events_socket_kill_socket
* @param sc Connection instance
int dap_events_socket_kill_socket( dap_events_socket_t *a_es )
if ( !a_es ) {
log_it( L_ERROR, "dap_events_socket_kill_socket( NULL )" );
return -1;
uint32_t tn = a_es->dap_worker->number_thread;
dap_worker_t *w = a_es->dap_worker;
//dap_events_t *d_ev = w->events;
pthread_mutex_lock( &w->locker_on_count );
if ( a_es->kill_signal ) {
pthread_mutex_unlock( &w->locker_on_count );
return 0;
log_it( L_DEBUG, "KILL %u socket! (in queue) [ thread %u ]", a_es->socket, tn );
a_es->kill_signal = true;
//DL_LIST_ADD_NODE_HEAD( d_ev->to_kill_sockets, a_es, kprev, knext, w->event_to_kill_count );
pthread_mutex_unlock( &w->locker_on_count );
return 0;
* @brief dap_events_socket_remove Removes the client from the list
* @param sc Connection instance
......@@ -256,8 +289,13 @@ void dap_events_socket_delete( dap_events_socket_t *a_es, bool preserve_inherito
log_it( L_DEBUG, "es is going to be removed from the lists and free the memory (0x%016X)", a_es );
if(!dap_events_socket_find(a_es->socket, a_es->events)){
log_it( L_ERROR, "dap_events_socket 0x%x already deleted", a_es);
return ;
pthread_rwlock_wrlock( &a_es->events->sockets_rwlock );
HASH_DEL( a_es->events->sockets, a_es );
HASH_DEL( a_es->events->sockets, a_es );
pthread_rwlock_unlock( &a_es->events->sockets_rwlock );
log_it( L_DEBUG, "dap_events_socket wrapped around %d socket is removed", a_es->socket );
......@@ -266,7 +304,7 @@ void dap_events_socket_delete( dap_events_socket_t *a_es, bool preserve_inherito
a_es->callbacks->delete_callback( a_es, NULL ); // Init internal structure
if ( a_es->_inheritor && !preserve_inheritor )
free( a_es->_inheritor );
DAP_DELETE( a_es->_inheritor );
if ( a_es->socket ) {
#ifdef _WIN32
......@@ -279,6 +317,34 @@ void dap_events_socket_delete( dap_events_socket_t *a_es, bool preserve_inherito
free( a_es );
* @brief dap_events_socket_delete
* @param a_es
void dap_events_socket_remove( dap_events_socket_t *a_es)
if ( epoll_ctl( a_es->dap_worker->epoll_fd, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, a_es->socket, &a_es->ev) == -1 )
log_it( L_ERROR,"Can't remove event socket's handler from the epoll_fd" );
log_it( L_DEBUG,"Removed epoll's event from dap_worker #%u", a_es->dap_worker->number_thread );
DL_DELETE( a_es->events->dlsockets, a_es );
a_es->dap_worker->event_sockets_count --;
void dap_events_socket_remove_and_delete( dap_events_socket_t *a_es, bool preserve_inheritor )
if ( epoll_ctl( a_es->dap_worker->epoll_fd, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, a_es->socket, &a_es->ev) == -1 )
log_it( L_ERROR,"Can't remove event socket's handler from the epoll_fd" );
log_it( L_DEBUG,"Removed epoll's event from dap_worker #%u", a_es->dap_worker->number_thread );
DL_DELETE( a_es->events->dlsockets, a_es );
a_es->dap_worker->event_sockets_count --;
dap_events_socket_delete( a_es, preserve_inheritor );
* @brief dap_events_socket_write Write data to the client
* @param sc Conn instance