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Feature 2624

Merged konstantin.kukharenko requested to merge feature-2624 into master
5 files
+ 889
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DapComboBox.qml 0 → 100644
+ 193
import QtQuick 2.0
import QtQuick.Controls 2.2
import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.4
import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0
///About property
///@hilightColor - color of the selected item
///@normalColor - color of item
///@normalColorText and @hilightColorText - normal and selected text color
///@normalColorTopText and @hilightColorTopText - text color in the main line in normal and active state
///@fontSizeComboBox - font size for the entire widget (px).
///@widthPopupComboBoxActive and @widthPopupComboBoxNormal - width of the combo box
/// in the active state and in the normal state
///@heightComboBoxNormal and @heightComboBoxActive - height of the combo box
/// in the active state and in the normal state
///@sidePaddingActive and @sidePaddingNormal - padding width of the combo box in the active state
/// and in the normal state
///@sidePaddingActive and @sidePaddingNormal - sets the indent from the edge of the right and left
/// edges of the parent in the active and normal state
///@topIndentActive and @topIndentNormal
///@bottomIndentActive and @bottomIndentNormal
/// - sets the indent from the edge of the upper and lower edges of the parent in the active and normal state
///@indicatorImageNormal and @indicatorImageActive - indicator picture address for active and normal state
///@indicatorWidth and @indicatorHeight - indicator width and height
///@heightListElement - List item height
///@intervalListElement - spacing between items in a list
///@bottomIntervalListElement - spacing from bottom to bottom
///@topEffect - Using an effect for the top element
///@colorTopNormalDropShadow - Color of the shadow effect of the combo box when minimized
///@colorDropShadow - Unboxed shadow color in expanded state
ComboBox {
property string normalColorText: "#070023"
property string hilightColorText: "#FFFFFF"
property string normalColorTopText:normalColorText
property string hilightColorTopText:normalColorText
property string normalColor: "#FFFFFF"
property string hilightColor: "#330F54"
property string normalTopColor: normalColor
property string hilightTopColor: normalColor
property int fontSizeComboBox: 16*pt
property int widthPopupComboBoxNormal: parent.width
property int widthPopupComboBoxActive: widthPopupComboBoxNormal
property int heightComboBoxNormal: parent.height
property int heightComboBoxActive: heightComboBoxNormal
property int sidePaddingNormal:16 * pt
property int sidePaddingActive:sidePaddingNormal
property int topIndentNormal:12 * pt
property int topIndentActive:topIndentNormal
property int bottomIndentNormal:14 * pt
property int bottomIndentActive:bottomIndentNormal
property int heightListElement: 32 * pt
property int intervalListElement: 10 * pt
property int bottomIntervalListElement:intervalListElement
property bool topEffect: true
property string indicatorImageNormal: "qrc:/res/icons/ic_arrow_drop_down_dark_blue.png"
property string indicatorImageActive: "qrc:/res/icons/ic_arrow_drop_up_dark_blue.png"
property int indicatorWidth: 24*pt
property int indicatorHeight: indicatorWidth
property string colorTopNormalDropShadow:"#00000000"
property string colorDropShadow:"#40ABABAB"
id: customComboBox
width: popup.visible ? widthPopupComboBoxActive : widthPopupComboBoxNormal
height: popup.visible ? heightComboBoxActive : heightComboBoxNormal
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
delegate:ItemDelegate {
width: parent.width
///Adjusting the height of the line, taking into account that the second element from the end may be the last.
if(index != currentIndex)
if(index == customComboBox.count - 2)
if(index+1 == currentIndex) return heightListElement + bottomIntervalListElement
else return heightListElement + intervalListElement
if (index == customComboBox.count - 1) return heightListElement + bottomIntervalListElement
return heightListElement + intervalListElement
else return 0
///text of string
contentItem: Text {
anchors.fill: parent
anchors.leftMargin: popup.visible ? sidePaddingActive : sidePaddingNormal
verticalAlignment: Qt.AlignCenter
font.pixelSize: fontSizeComboBox
text: {if(index != currentIndex) return modelData;}
color: hovered ? hilightColorText : normalColorText
//Indent from the bottom edge or the next line that will not stand out when you hover over the mouse
background: Rectangle {
anchors.fill: parent
anchors.bottomMargin: {
if(index == customComboBox.count - 2)
if(index+1 == currentIndex) return bottomIntervalListElement
else return intervalListElement
if (index == customComboBox.count - 1) return bottomIntervalListElement
color: hovered ? hilightColor : normalColor
highlighted: parent.highlightedIndex === index
//Icon icon near the text (arrow)
indicator: Image {
source: parent.popup.visible ? indicatorImageActive : indicatorImageNormal
width: indicatorWidth
height: indicatorHeight
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.rightMargin: popup.visible ? sidePaddingActive : sidePaddingNormal
///Defining the background for the main line
background: Rectangle {
anchors.fill: parent
color: parent.popup.visible ? hilightTopColor : normalTopColor
radius: 2 * pt
height: parent.height
///Main line text settings
contentItem: Text {
anchors.fill: parent
anchors.leftMargin: popup.visible ? sidePaddingActive : sidePaddingNormal
text: parent.displayText
font.pixelSize: fontSizeComboBox
color: popup.visible ? hilightColorTopText : normalColorTopText
verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
///Customize drop-down list with shadow effect
popup: Popup {
y: parent.height - 1
width: parent.width + 1
padding: 1
contentItem: ListView {
clip: true
implicitHeight: contentHeight
model: customComboBox.popup.visible ? customComboBox.delegateModel : null
ScrollIndicator.vertical: ScrollIndicator { }
background: Rectangle {
width: customComboBox.background.width
color: parent.color
Rectangle {
id: contentCorner
anchors.fill: parent
DropShadow {
anchors.fill: parent
source: contentCorner
verticalOffset: 9 * pt
samples: 13 * pt
color: colorDropShadow
///Shadow effect for the top element.
DropShadow {
anchors.fill: if(topEffect) parent
source: if(topEffect) background
verticalOffset: if(topEffect) 9 * pt
samples: if(topEffect) 13 * pt
color: if(topEffect) customComboBox.popup.visible ? colorDropShadow : colorTopNormalDropShadow