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Features 2603

tatiana.novikova requested to merge features-2603 into develop

At widgets/DapComboBox.qml add realization of deleting unneccesary part of text at main line of comboBox: [ + ] Add two property as temporary to calculate unnecessary part of string at main line of comboBox. [ + ] Add rightMargin to Text item. [ + ] Add calculating unnecessary part of string at main line of comboBox and replacing it with '..'.

At widgets/DapComboBoxForm.ui.qml add deleting unneccesary part of text at main line of comboBox: [ + ] Add three property to calculate unnecessary part of text at main line if comboBox. [ + ] Add rightMargin to the Main line text settings. [ * ] Change string to display at main line of comboBox. [ * ] Some little changes at popup settings. [ * ] Change syntax at Shadow effect for the top element.

Edited by tatiana.novikova

Merge request reports
