///@detalis normalImageButton The picture on the Button is in normal state.
property string normalImageButton
///@detalis hoverImageButton The image on the Button is in the mouseover state.
property string hoverImageButton

property int widthImageButton: 0 * pt

property int heightImageButton: 0 * pt
///@detalis indentImageLeftButton: Indentation of the image from the left edge.
property int indentImageLeftButton
///@detalis colorBackgroundNormal Button background color in normal state.
property string colorBackgroundNormal
///@detalis colorBackgroundHover Button background color in hover state.
property string colorBackgroundHover
///@detalis colorButtonTextNormal Button text color in normal state.
property string colorButtonTextNormal
///@detalis colorButtonTextHover Button text color in hover state.
property string colorButtonTextHover
///@detalis indentTextRight: Indentation of the text from the right edge.
///@detalis fontButton Font setting.
property alias fontButton:buttonText.font
///@detalis horizontalAligmentText Horizontal alignment.
property alias horizontalAligmentText:buttonText.horizontalAlignment
///@detalis colorBackgroundButton This property overrides the background color.
property alias colorBackgroundButton: dapBackgroundButton.color
///@detalis colorTextButton This property overrides the color of the text.
property alias colorTextButton: buttonText.color
///@detalis borderColorButton Sets the color of the border.
property string borderColorButton
///@detalis borderWidthButton Sets the width of the border.
color: dapButton.hovered ? colorBackgroundHover : colorBackgroundNormal
implicitWidth: widthButton
implicitHeight: heightButton
border.color: borderColorButton
border.width: borderWidthButton
///button text
anchors.fill: parent
verticalAlignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
horizontalAlignment: Qt.AlignRight
anchors.rightMargin: indentTextRight
color: dapButton.hovered ? colorButtonTextHover : colorButtonTextNormal
text: qsTr(textButton)
///button picture
id: iconNewWallet

anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.leftMargin: indentImageLeftButton
source: dapButton.hovered ? hoverImageButton : normalImageButton
width: widthImageButton
height: heightImageButton