- Sep 30, 2019
alexey.stratulat authored
alexey.stratulat authored
[*] Added compilation flag without position-dependent code. The function that describes the creation of a dynamic library is changed to static.
- Sep 25, 2019
alexey.stratulat authored
alexey.stratulat authored
- Sep 19, 2019
alexey.stratulat authored
[*] I rewrote the tests for the current state of the library. Now the tests consist of a TPO module (Test Python object), which provides access to the object and functions of the tested library, and a unit test written in Python.
- Aug 30, 2019
alexey.stratulat authored
alexey.stratulat authored
- Aug 28, 2019
alexey.stratulat authored
[+] Added functions logItDebug, logItInfo logItNotice, logItMessage, logItDap, logItWarning, logItAtt, logItError, logItCritical.
alexey.stratulat authored
- Aug 26, 2019
alexey.stratulat authored
- Jul 01, 2019
Dmitriy A. Gerasimov authored
Features 2308 - Additional work on the task.
alexey.stratulat authored
[*] Added import from libdapConnector module correctly. Now no need for every call from libdapConnector no need to add module name
- Jun 30, 2019
Aliksstart authored
Aliksstart authored
Aliksstart authored
- Jun 29, 2019
alexey.stratulat authored
- Jun 28, 2019
alexey.stratulat authored
alexey.stratulat authored
The function dap_dane has been changed, the closing of the configuration file has been added. Changed the test, removed the extra line break.
alexey.stratulat authored
Changed the connection string of the python library. I used to have version 2.7 and 3.7. Therefore, you had to specify a directory.
alexey.stratulat authored
alexey.stratulat authored
alexey.stratulat authored
alexey.stratulat authored
alexey.stratulat authored
Added configuration file for Travis CI. I tried to write the configuration, the library was assembled and then the test was started.
alexey.stratulat authored
I brought the file with the main_test test in order. Now main_test.py returns the final code, creates a configuration file as in libdap, so that the test passes, replaces all print with logIt.
alexey.stratulat authored
Fixed log_it function. Previously, it contained an error and changed, stouting logging instead of displaying on the screen. Removed unnecessary function, no longer due to the implementation of the enumeration of the logging level in the libdapConnector
- Jun 27, 2019
alexey.stratulat authored
Corrected. Now the log_it function accepts not JSON as input, but two parameters — the level of logging and the displayed string. Corrected. The setLogLevel function does not accept a string with a level name, but a parameter from the LogLevel enumeration. Accordingly, the LogLevel enumeration has been added, which contains logging levels from debug to critical.
alexey.stratulat authored
Redid the libdapConnector. Now it is not built on class, but on functions, as was indicated in the problem.
alexey.stratulat authored
Removed the parameter in the function dannite. Since it should not accept parameters and now it complies with the Python calling convention
Dmitriy A. Gerasimov authored
Features 2308
- Jun 26, 2019
alexey.stratulat authored
Changed initialization and log_it function. Now functions accept not one line with the separation of the characters '\n', but several parameters separated by commas.
alexey.stratulat authored
Added functions configGetItem and configGetItemDefault. They accept a section, a key, and the second function accepts a default value. These functions take parameters as strings and return string. Also added a test for these functions.
- Jun 25, 2019
Dmitriy A. Gerasimov authored
Features 2308 - initialization of libdap library
- Jun 24, 2019
alexey.stratulat authored
The wrapping of the log_it function has been added, a test has also been added for the fact that it works
- Jun 10, 2019
alexey.stratulat authored
alexey.stratulat authored
Added check of return values and call exceptions. The call to the install logging level function from libdap_python_mod is also executed.
alexey.stratulat authored
Added checks for successful opening of the configuration file and initialization of dap_common. The function of setting the logging level is also added.
alexey.stratulat authored
PkgConfig search disabled. And also removed the JSON-c connection as unnecessary. Added, copying to the binary directory of the file main_test.py from the test folder.
- Jun 07, 2019
alexey.stratulat authored
The problem with the names was fixed, the library itself is now called libdap_python_module. The libdapConnector.py file was also created, which contains the dap class, and is responsible for working with libdap_python_module. Fixed CMake file so that subprojects are built with the -fPIC flag. Until I learned to collect dynamic libraries and set certain parameters in CMake. Also added that when cmake is running from the src directory, it copies the file libdapConnector.py.