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Nikolay Veprikov requested to merge bugfix-5396 into develop

Removed the m_dBalance field from DapWallet. The double m_dBalance and quint64 m_iEmission fields have been removed from the DapWalletToken class. Added QString fields m_sFullBalance, m_sBalanceWithoutZeros and m_sDatoshi to the DapWalletToken class. The double m_dAmount field has been removed from the DapWalletHistoryEvent class. Added QString fields m_sAmountWithoutZeros and m_sDatoshi to the DapWalletHistoryEvent class. Added generation of FullBalance, Datoshi and BalanceWithoutZeros values to DapGetWalletsInfoCommand. Added generation of amountWithoutZeros and Datoshi values to DapGetWalletHistoryCommand.

Merge request reports
