Dmitriy A. Gerasimov authoredUnverified5aaad2c0
dap_enc_key.h 7.52 KiB
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#ifndef _DAP_ENC_KEY_H_
#define _DAP_ENC_KEY_H_
#include <stddef.h>
#include <time.h>
typedef enum dap_enc_data_type{DAP_ENC_DATA_TYPE_RAW,
} dap_enc_data_type_t;
typedef enum dap_enc_key_type{ DAP_ENC_KEY_TYPE_AES, // Symmetric AES
DAP_ENC_KEY_TYPE_RLWE_BCNS15, // key exchange from the ring learning with errors problem
// (Bos, Costello, Naehrig, Stebila,
// IEEE Symposium on Security & Privacy 2015,
// https://eprint.iacr.org/2014/599)
DAP_ENC_KEY_TYPE_RLWE_NEWHOPE, // "NewHope": key exchange from the ring learning with errors problem
// (Alkim, Ducas, Pöppelmann, Schwabe, USENIX Security 2016 )
// Using the reference C implementation of NewHope
// from https://github.com/tpoeppelmann/newhop
// https://eprint.iacr.org/2015/1092
DAP_ENC_KEY_TYPE_RLWE_MSRLN16, // Microsoft Research implementation of Peikert's ring-LWE key exchange
// (Longa, Naehrig, CANS 2016, https://eprint.iacr.org/2016/504)
// based on the implementation of Alkim, Ducas, Pöppelmann, and Schwabe,
// with improvements from Longa and Naehrig,
// https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/project/lattice-cryptography-library/
DAP_ENC_KEY_TYPE_LWE_FRODO , // "Frodo": key exchange from the learning with errors problem
// Bos, Costello, Ducas, Mironov, Naehrig, Nikolaenko, Raghunathan, Stebila
// ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 2016
// https://eprint.iacr.org/2016/659
DAP_ENC_KEY_TYPE_SIDH_CLN16 , // Key exchange from the supersingular isogeny Diffie-Hellman problem
// (Costello, Naehrig, Longa, CRYPTO 2016, https://eprint.iacr.org/2016/413)
// using the implementation of Microsoft Research
// https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/project/sidh-library/
DAP_ENC_KEY_TYPE_SIDH_IQC_REF, // key exchange from the supersingular isogeny Diffie-Hellman problem
// (De Feo, Jao, Plût, J. Math. Cryptol. 8(3):209, 2014
// https://eprint.iacr.org/2011/506
DAP_ENC_KEY_TYPE_CODE_MCBITS, // "McBits": key exchange from the error correcting codes,
// specifically Niederreiter's form of McEliece public key encryption
// using hidden Goppa codes (Bernstein, Chou, Schwabe, CHES 2013, https://eprint.iacr.org/2015/610)
// using the implementation of McBits from https://www.win.tue.nl/~tchou/mcbits/
DAP_ENC_KEY_TYPE_NTRU, // NTRU: key transport using NTRU public key encryption
// (Hoffstein, Pipher, Silverman, ANTS 1998) with the EES743EP1 parameter set
// wrapper around the implementation from the NTRU Open Source project
// https://github.com/NTRUOpenSourceProject/NTRUEncrypt)
DAP_ENC_KEY_TYPE_MLWE_KYBER, // Kyber: a CCA-secure module-lattice-based key exchange mechanism
// (Bos, Ducas, Kiltz, Lepoint, Lyubashevsky, Schwabe, Shanck, Stehlé)
// Real World Crypto 2017, https://eprint.iacr.org/2017/634)
// using the reference C implementation of Kyber from pq-crystals/kyber
DAP_ENC_KEY_TYPE_SIG_PICNIC, // signature based on zero-knowledge proof as specified in
// Post-Quantum Zero-Knowledge and Signatures from Symmetric-Key Primitives
// (Melissa Chase and David Derler and Steven Goldfeder and Claudio Orlandi
// and Sebastian Ramacher and Christian Rechberger and Daniel Slamanig and Greg Zaverucha
// https://eprint.iacr.org/2017/279.pdf), using the optimized implemenation
// from https://github.com/IAIK/Picnic
} dap_enc_key_type_t;
struct dap_enc_key;
typedef void (*dap_enc_callback_t)(struct dap_enc_key *);
typedef void (*dap_enc_callback_ptr_t)(struct dap_enc_key *, void *);
typedef size_t (*dap_enc_callback_pptr_r_size_t)(struct dap_enc_key *, void **);
typedef void (*dap_enc_callback_data_t)(struct dap_enc_key *, const void * , size_t);
typedef void (*dap_enc_callback_size_t)(struct dap_enc_key *, size_t);
typedef void (*dap_enc_callback_str_t)(struct dap_enc_key *, const char*);
typedef char* (*dap_enc_callback_r_str_t)(struct dap_enc_key *);
typedef size_t (*dap_enc_callback_dataop_t)(struct dap_enc_key *, const void * , const size_t ,void *);
typedef struct dap_enc_key{
size_t data_size;
time_t last_used_timestamp;
unsigned char * data;
dap_enc_key_type_t type;
dap_enc_callback_dataop_t enc;
dap_enc_callback_dataop_t dec;
dap_enc_callback_t delete_callback;
void * _inheritor;
} dap_enc_key_t;
int dap_enc_key_init();
void dap_enc_key_deinit();
dap_enc_key_t *dap_enc_key_new(dap_enc_key_type_t a_key_type);
dap_enc_key_t *dap_enc_key_new_generate(dap_enc_key_type_t a_key_type, size_t a_key_size);
dap_enc_key_t *dap_enc_key_new_from_data(dap_enc_key_type_t a_key_type, void * a_key_input, size_t a_key_input_size);
dap_enc_key_t *dap_enc_key_new_from_str(dap_enc_key_type_t a_key_type, const char *a_key_str);
void dap_enc_key_delete(dap_enc_key_t * a_key);