* Authors:
* Alexander Lysikov <>
* DeM Labs Inc.
* Cellframe
* Copyright (c) 2019-2021
Cellframe SDK is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Cellframe SDK is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with any Cellframe SDK based project. If not, see <>.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
Dmitriy A. Gerasimov
#include <unistd.h>
#include "iputils/iputils.h"
#include "dap_common.h"
#include "dap_chain_node_cli_cmd.h"
#include "dap_chain_node_cli_cmd_tx.h"
#include "dap_cli_server.h"
#include "dap_chain_node_cli.h"
//#include "dap_chain_node_cli.h"
#define LOG_TAG "chain_node_cli"
static bool s_debug_cli = false;
* Initialization of the server side of the interaction
* with the console kelvin-node-cli
* return 0 if OK, -1 error
* @param g_config
* @return int
int dap_chain_node_cli_init(dap_config_t * g_config)
s_debug_cli = dap_config_get_item_bool_default(g_config,"conserver","debug_cli",false);
bool l_conserver_enabled = dap_config_get_item_bool_default( g_config, "conserver", "enabled", true );
if ( !l_conserver_enabled ) {
log_it( L_WARNING, "Console Server is dissabled." );
return 0;
uint16_t l_listen_port = dap_config_get_item_uint16_default( g_config, "conserver", "listen_port_tcp",0); // For backward compatibility
if(l_listen_port == 0)
l_listen_port = dap_config_get_item_uint16_default( g_config, "conserver", "listen_port",0);
dap_cli_server_init( s_debug_cli,
l_listen_port ? dap_config_get_item_str(g_config, "conserver", "listen_address")
: dap_config_get_item_str( g_config, "conserver", "listen_unix_socket_path"),
l_listen_port, dap_config_get_item_str( g_config, "conserver", "listen_unix_socket_permissions")
dap_cli_server_cmd_add("global_db", com_global_db, "Work with global database",
"global_db cells add -cell <cell id> \n"
"global_db flush \n\n"
"global_db write -group <group_name> -key <key_name> -value <value>\n"
"global_db read -group <group_name> -key <key_name>\n"
"global_db delete -group <group_name> -key <key_name>\n"
"global_db group_list\n"
"global_db drop_table -group <group_name>\n"
"global_db get_keys -group <group name>"
// "global_db wallet_info set -addr <wallet address> -cell <cell id> \n\n"
dap_cli_server_cmd_add("mempool", com_signer, "Sign operations",
"mempool sign -cert <priv_cert_name> -net <net_name> -chain <chain_name> -file <filename> [-mime {<SIGNER_FILENAME,SIGNER_FILENAME_SHORT,SIGNER_FILESIZE,SIGNER_DATE,SIGNER_MIME_MAGIC> | <SIGNER_ALL_FLAGS>}]\n"
"mempool check -cert <priv_cert_name> -net <net_name> {-file <filename> | -hash <hash>} [-mime {<SIGNER_FILENAME,SIGNER_FILENAME_SHORT,SIGNER_FILESIZE,SIGNER_DATE,SIGNER_MIME_MAGIC> | <SIGNER_ALL_FLAGS>}]\n"
dap_cli_server_cmd_add("node", com_node, "Work with node",
"node del -net <net_name> {-addr <node_address> | -alias <node_alias>}\n\n"
"node link {add | del} -net <net_name> {-addr <node_address> | -alias <node_alias>} -link <node_address>\n\n"
"node alias -addr <node_address> -alias <node_alias>\n\n"
"node connect -net <net_name> {-addr <node_address> | -alias <node_alias> | auto}\n\n"
"node handshake -net <net_name> {-addr <node_address> | -alias <node_alias>}\n"
"node connections -net <net_name>\n"
"node balancer -net <net_name>\n"
"node dump -net <net_name> [ -addr <node_address> | -alias <node_alias>] [-full]\n\n"
"node ban -net <net_name> -chain <chain_name> -certs <certs_name> [ -addr <node_address> | -ip <ip v4 or v6 address> ]\n"
"node unban -net <net_name> -chain <chain_name> -certs <certs_name> [ -addr <node_address> | -ip <ip v4 or v6 address> ]\n"
"node banlist\n\n"
dap_cli_server_cmd_add ("ping", com_ping, "Send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network hosts",
dap_cli_server_cmd_add ("traceroute", com_traceroute, "Print the hops and time of packets trace to network host",
dap_cli_server_cmd_add ("tracepath", com_tracepath,"Traces path to a network host along this path",
dap_cli_server_cmd_add ("version", com_version, "Return software version",
"\tReturn version number\n"
dap_cli_server_cmd_add ("help", com_help, "Description of command parameters",
"help [<command>]\n"
"\tObtain help for <command> or get the total list of the commands\n"
dap_cli_server_cmd_add ("?", com_help, "Synonym for \"help\"",
"? [<command>]\n"
"\tObtain help for <command> or get the total list of the commands\n"
dap_cli_server_cmd_add ("wallet", com_tx_wallet, "Wallet operations",
"wallet new -w <wallet_name> [-sign <sign_type>] [-restore <hex_value> | -restore_legacy <restore_string>] [-net <net_name>] [-force] [-password <password>]\n"
"wallet info {-addr <addr> | -w <wallet_name>} -net <net_name>\n"
"wallet activate -w <wallet_name> -password <password> [-ttl <password_ttl_in_minutes>]\n"
"wallet deactivate -w <wallet_name> -password <password>\n"
"wallet convert -w <wallet_name> -password <password>\n");
dap_cli_server_cmd_add ("token_update", com_token_update, "Token update",
"\nPrivate or CF20 token update\n"
"\nPrivate token update\n"
"token_update -net <net_name> -chain <chain_name> -token <existing token_ticker> -type private -total_supply <the same or more> -decimals <18>\n"
"-signs_total <the same total as the token you are updating> -signs_emission <the same total as the token you are updating> -certs <use the certificates of the token you are update>\n"
"-flags [<Flag 1>][,<Flag 2>]...[,<Flag N>]...\n"
"\t [-<Param name 1> <Param Value 1>] [-Param name 2> <Param Value 2>] ...[-<Param Name N> <Param Value N>]\n"
"\t Update token for <netname>:<chain name> with ticker <token ticker>, flags <Flag 1>,<Flag2>...<Flag N>\n"
"\t and custom parameters list <Param 1>, <Param 2>...<Param N>.\n"
"\nCF20 token update\n"
"token_update -net <net_name> -chain <chain_name> -token <existing token_ticker> -type CF20 -total_supply <the same or more/if 0 = endless> -decimals <18>\n"
"-signs_total <the same total as the token you are updating> -signs_emission <the same total as the token you are updating> -certs <use the certificates of the token you are update>\n"
"\t -flags [<Flag 1>][,<Flag 2>]...[,<Flag N>]...\n"
"\t [-<Param name 1> <Param Value 1>] [-Param name 2> <Param Value 2>] ...[-<Param Name N> <Param Value N>]\n"
"\t Update token for <netname>:<chain name> with ticker <token ticker>, flags <Flag 1>,<Flag2>...<Flag N>\n"
"\t and custom parameters list <Param 1>, <Param 2>...<Param N>.\n"
"\t ALL_BLOCKED:\t Blocked all permissions, usefull add it first and then add allows what you want to allow\n"
"\t ALL_ALLOWED:\t Allowed all permissions if not blocked them. Be careful with this mode\n"
"\t ALL_FROZEN:\t All permissions are temprorary frozen\n"
"\t ALL_UNFROZEN:\t Unfrozen permissions\n"
"\t STATIC_ALL:\t No token manipulations after declarations at all. Token declares staticly and can't variabed after\n"
"\t STATIC_FLAGS:\t No token manipulations after declarations with flags\n"
"\t STATIC_PERMISSIONS_ALL:\t No all permissions lists manipulations after declarations\n"
"\t STATIC_PERMISSIONS_DATUM_TYPE:\t No datum type permissions lists manipulations after declarations\n"
"\t STATIC_PERMISSIONS_TX_SENDER:\t No tx sender permissions lists manipulations after declarations\n"
"\t STATIC_PERMISSIONS_TX_RECEIVER:\t No tx receiver permissions lists manipulations after declarations\n"
"\t -flags <value>:\t List of flags from <value> to token declaration or update\n"
"\t -total_supply <value>:\t Set total supply - emission's maximum - to the <value>\n"
"\t -total_signs_valid <value>:\t Set valid signatures count's minimum\n"
"\t -description <value>:\t Updated description for this token\n"
"\nDatum type allowed/blocked:\n"
"\t -datum_type_allowed <value>:\t Set allowed datum type(s)\n"
"\t -datum_type_blocked <value>:\t Set blocked datum type(s)\n"
"\nTx receiver addresses allowed/blocked:\n"
"\t -tx_receiver_allowed <value>:\t Set allowed tx receiver(s)\n"
"\t -tx_receiver_blocked <value>:\t Set blocked tx receiver(s)\n"
"\nTx sender addresses allowed/blocked:\n"
"\t -tx_sender_allowed <value>:\t Set allowed tx sender(s)\n"
"\t -tx_sender_blocked <value>:\t Set allowed tx sender(s)\n"
dap_cli_server_cmd_add ("token_decl", com_token_decl, "Token declaration",
"token_decl -net <net_name> -chain <chain_name> -token <token_ticker> -total_supply <total supply> -signs_total <sign total> -signs_emission <signs for emission> -certs <certs list>\n"
"\t Declare new simple token for <netname>:<chain_name> with ticker <token_ticker>, maximum emission <total supply> and <signs for emission> from <signs total> signatures on valid emission\n"
"\nExtended private token declaration\n"
"token_decl -net <net_name> -chain <chain_name> -token <token_ticker> -type private -total_supply <total supply> "
"-decimals <18> -signs_total <sign total> -signs_emission <signs for emission> -certs <certs list> -flags [<Flag 1>][,<Flag 2>]...[,<Flag N>]...\n"
"\t [-<Param name 1> <Param Value 1>] [-Param name 2> <Param Value 2>] ...[-<Param Name N> <Param Value N>]\n"
"\t Declare new token for <netname>:<chain_name> with ticker <token_ticker>, flags <Flag 1>,<Flag2>...<Flag N>\n"
"\t and custom parameters list <Param 1>, <Param 2>...<Param N>.\n"
"\nExtended CF20 token declaration\n"
"token_decl -net <net_name> -chain <chain_name> -token <token_ticker> -type CF20 "
"-total_supply <total supply/if 0 = endless> -decimals <18> -signs_total <sign total> -signs_emission <signs for emission> -certs <certs list>\n"
"\t -flags [<Flag 1>][,<Flag 2>]...[,<Flag N>]...\n"
"\t [-<Param name 1> <Param Value 1>] [-Param name 2> <Param Value 2>] ...[-<Param Name N> <Param Value N>]\n"
"\t Declare new token for <netname>:<chain_name> with ticker <token_ticker>, flags <Flag 1>,<Flag2>...<Flag N>\n"
"\t and custom parameters list <Param 1>, <Param 2>...<Param N>.\n"
"\t ALL_BLOCKED:\t Blocked all permissions, usefull add it first and then add allows what you want to allow\n"
"\t ALL_ALLOWED:\t Allowed all permissions if not blocked them. Be careful with this mode\n"
"\t ALL_FROZEN:\t All permissions are temprorary frozen\n"
"\t ALL_UNFROZEN:\t Unfrozen permissions\n"
"\t STATIC_ALL:\t No token manipulations after declarations at all. Token declares staticly and can't variabed after\n"
"\t STATIC_FLAGS:\t No token manipulations after declarations with flags\n"
"\t STATIC_PERMISSIONS_ALL:\t No all permissions lists manipulations after declarations\n"
"\t STATIC_PERMISSIONS_DATUM_TYPE:\t No datum type permissions lists manipulations after declarations\n"
"\t STATIC_PERMISSIONS_TX_SENDER:\t No tx sender permissions lists manipulations after declarations\n"
"\t STATIC_PERMISSIONS_TX_RECEIVER:\t No tx receiver permissions lists manipulations after declarations\n"
"\t -flags <value>:\t List of flags from <value> to token declaration\n"
"\t -total_supply <value>:\t Set total supply - emission's maximum - to the <value>\n"
"\t -total_signs_valid <value>:\t Set valid signatures count's minimum\n"
"\t -description <value>:\t Updated description for this token\n"
"\nDatum type allowed/blocked:\n"
"\t -datum_type_allowed <value>:\t Set allowed datum type(s)\n"
"\t -datum_type_blocked <value>:\t Set blocked datum type(s)\n"
"\nTx receiver addresses allowed/blocked:\n"
"\t -tx_receiver_allowed <value>:\t Set allowed tx receiver(s)\n"
"\t -tx_receiver_blocked <value>:\t Set blocked tx receiver(s)\n"
"\nTx sender addresses allowed/blocked:\n"
"\t -tx_sender_allowed <value>:\t Set allowed tx sender(s)\n"
"\t -tx_sender_blocked <value>:\t Set allowed tx sender(s)\n"
dap_cli_server_cmd_add("token_update_sign", com_token_decl_sign, "Token update add sign and new sign",
"token_update_sign -net <net_name> -chain <chain_name> -datum <datum_hash> -certs <certs list> -new_certs <certs list>\n"
"\t Sign existent <datum hash> in mempool with <certs list>\n"
// Token commands
dap_cli_server_cmd_add ("token_decl_sign", com_token_decl_sign, "Token declaration add sign",
"token_decl_sign -net <net_name> -chain <chain_name> -datum <datum_hash> -certs <certs list>\n"
"\t Sign existent <datum hash> in mempool with <certs list>\n"
dap_cli_server_cmd_add ("token_emit", com_token_emit, "Token emission",
"token_emit { sign | -token <mempool_token_ticker> -emission_value <value>"
"-addr <addr> [-chain_emission <chain_name>] -net <net_name> -certs <cert list>\n");
dap_cli_server_cmd_add("mempool", com_mempool, "Command for working with mempool",
"mempool list -net <net_name> [-chain <chain_name>] [-addr <addr>] [-brief]\n"
"\tList mempool (entries or transaction) for (selected chain network or wallet)\n"
"mempool check -net <net_name> [-chain <chain_name>] -datum <datum_hash>\n"
"\tCheck mempool entrie for presence in selected chain network\n"
"mempool proc -net <net_name> -chain <chain_name> -datum <datum_hash>\n"
"\tProc mempool entrie with specified hash for selected chain network\n"
"\tCAUTION!!! This command will process transaction with any comission! Parameter minimum_comission will not be taken into account!\n"
"mempool proc_all -net <net_name> -chain <chain_name>\n"
"\tProc mempool all entries for selected chain network\n"
"mempool delete -net <net_name> -chain <chain_name> -datum <datum_hash>\n"
"\tDelete datum with hash <datum hash> for selected chain network\n"
"mempool dump -net <net_name> -chain <chain_name> -datum <datum_hash>\n"
"\tOutput information about datum in mempool\n"
"mempool add_ca -net <net_name> [-chain <chain_name>] -ca_name <pub_cert_name>\n"
"\tAdd pubic certificate into the mempool to prepare its way to chains\n"
"mempool count -net <net_name> [-chain <chain_name>]\n"
"\tDisplays the number of elements in the mempool of a given network.");
dap_cli_cmd_t *l_cmd_mempool = dap_cli_server_cmd_find("mempool");
dap_cli_server_alias_add("mempool_list", "list", l_cmd_mempool);
dap_cli_server_alias_add("mempool_check", "check", l_cmd_mempool);
dap_cli_server_alias_add("mempool_proc", "proc", l_cmd_mempool);
dap_cli_server_alias_add("mempool_proc_all", "proc_all", l_cmd_mempool);
dap_cli_server_alias_add("mempool_delete", "delete", l_cmd_mempool);
dap_cli_server_alias_add("mempool_add_ca", "add_ca", l_cmd_mempool);
dap_cli_server_alias_add("chain_ca_copy", "add_ca", l_cmd_mempool);
dap_cli_server_cmd_add ("chain_ca_pub", com_chain_ca_pub,
"Add pubic certificate into the mempool to prepare its way to chains",
"chain_ca_pub -net <net_name> [-chain <chain_name>] -ca_name <priv_cert_name>\n");
dap_cli_server_cmd_add ("tx_create", com_tx_create, "Make transaction",
"tx_create -net <net_name> -chain <chain_name> -value <value> -token <token_ticker> -to_addr <addr>"
"{-from_wallet <wallet_name> | -from_emission <emission_hash> {-cert <cert_name> | -wallet_fee <wallet_name>}} -fee <value>\n");
dap_cli_server_cmd_add ("tx_create_json", com_tx_create_json, "Make transaction",
"tx_create_json -net <net_name> -chain <chain_name> -json <json_file_path>\n" );
dap_cli_server_cmd_add ("tx_cond_create", com_tx_cond_create, "Make cond transaction",
"tx_cond_create -net <net_name> -token <token_ticker> -w <wallet_name>"
" -cert <pub_cert_name> -value <value_datoshi> -fee <value> -unit {mb | kb | b | sec | day} -srv_uid <numeric_uid>\n" );
dap_cli_server_cmd_add ("tx_verify", com_tx_verify, "Verifing transaction in mempool",
"tx_verify -net <net_name> -chain <chain_name> -tx <tx_hash>\n" );
dap_cli_server_cmd_add("tx_history", com_tx_history, "Transaction history (for address or by hash)",

"tx_history {-addr <addr> | -w <wallet_name> | -tx <tx_hash>} [-net <net_name>] [-chain <chain_name>]\n"
"tx_history -all -net <net_name> [-chain <chain_name>]\n");
dap_cli_server_cmd_add("ledger", com_ledger, "Ledger information",
"ledger list coins -net <net_name>\n"
"ledger list threshold [-hash <tx_treshold_hash>] -net <net_name>\n"
"ledger list balance -net <net_name>\n"
"ledger info -hash <tx_hash> -net <net_name> [-unspent]\n"
"ledger tx {-addr <addr> | -w <wallet_name> | -tx <tx_hash>} -net <net_name>\n");
dap_cli_server_cmd_add("token", com_token, "Token info",
"token info -net <net_name> -name <token_ticker>\n");
dap_cli_server_cmd_add ("print_log", com_print_log, "Print log info",
"print_log [ts_after <timestamp>] [limit <line_numbers>]\n" );
dap_cli_server_cmd_add("stats", com_stats, "Print statistics",
// Export GDB to JSON
dap_cli_server_cmd_add("gdb_export", cmd_gdb_export, "Export gdb to JSON",
"gdb_export filename <filename without extension> [-groups <group names list>]");
//Import GDB from JSON
dap_cli_server_cmd_add("gdb_import", cmd_gdb_import, "Import gdb from JSON",
dap_cli_server_cmd_add ("remove", cmd_remove, "Delete chain files or global database",
"remove -gdb\n"
"remove -chains [-net <net_name> | -all]\n"
"Be careful, the '-all' option for '-chains' will delete all chains and won't ask you for permission!");
// Decree create command
dap_cli_server_cmd_add ("decree", cmd_decree, "Work with decree",
"decree create common -net <net_name> [-chain <chain_name>] -decree_chain <chain_name> -certs <certs_list> {-fee <net_fee_value> -to_addr <net_fee_wallet_addr> | -new_certs <new_owners_certs_list> | -signs_verify <value>}\n"
"Creates common network decree in net <net_name>. Decree adds to chain -chain and applies to chain -decree_chain. If -chain and -decree_chain is different you must create anchor in -decree_chain that is connected to this decree."
"\nCommon decree parameters:\n"
"\t -fee <value>: sets network fee\n"
"\t -to_addr <wallet_addr>: sets wallet addr for network fee\n"
"\t -new_certs <certs_list>: sets new owners set for net\n"
"\t -signs_verify <value>: sets minimum number of owners needed to sign decree\n\n"
"decree create service -net <net_name> [-chain <chain_name>] -decree_chain <chain_name> -srv_id <service_id> -certs <certs_list> -fee <value> -to_addr <wallet_addr> -new_certs <certs_list> -signs_verify <value>\n"
"Creates service decree in net <net_name> for service -srv_id.\n\n"
"decree sign -net <net_name> [-chain <chain_name>] -datum <datum_hash> -certs <certs_list>\n"
"decree anchor -net <net_name> -chain <chain_name> -datum <datum_hash> -certs <certs_list>\n"
"Creates anchor for decree with hash -datum.\n\n"
"decree find -net <net_name> -hash <decree_hash>\n"
"Find decree by hash and show it's status (apllied or not)\n\n"
"decree info -net <net_name>\n"
"Displays information about the parameters of the decrees in the network.\n");
// Exit - always last!
dap_cli_server_cmd_add ("exit", com_exit, "Stop application and exit",
"exit\n" );
return 0;
* Deinitialization of the server side
void dap_chain_node_cli_delete(void)