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Bug 2708

Merged andrey.daragan requested to merge bug-2708 into master
6 files
+ 116
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@@ -92,18 +92,124 @@ DapUiQmlScreen {
@@ -92,18 +92,124 @@ DapUiQmlScreen {
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.right: parent.right chooseSignatureTypeTextArea.bottom chooseSignatureTypeTextArea.bottom
DapUiQmlWidgetSignatureTypeComboBox {
id: comboBoxChooseSignatureType
///ComboBox right panel
height: 20 * pt
property Label fieldBalance: Label {}
// model: ListModel {id: tokenList}
// textRole: "tokenName"
// delegate: DapComboBoxDelegate {
// delegateContentText: tokenName
// }
// onCurrentIndexChanged: {
// if(currentIndex === -1)
// fieldBalance.text = 0;
// else
// {
// var money = dapChainWalletsModel.get(comboboxWallet.currentIndex).tokens[currentIndex * 3];
// fieldBalance.text = dapChainConvertor.toConvertCurrency(money);
// }
// }
model: ListModel {
id: signatureType
ListElement {
signatureName: "Dilithium"
ListElement {
signatureName: "Bliss"
ListElement {
signatureName: "Picnic"
ListElement {
signatureName: "Tesla"
anchors {
anchors {
verticalCenter: chooseSignatureTypeArea.verticalCenter
//verticalCenter: chooseSignatureTypeArea.verticalCenter
left: parent.left
left: parent.left
right: parent.right
right: parent.right
leftMargin: 8
leftMargin: 16 * pt
rightMargin: 32
rightMargin: 16 * pt
verticalCenterOffset: 0
topMargin: 12 * pt
bottomMargin: 12 * pt
//verticalCenterOffset: 0
normalColorText: "#070023"
fontSizeComboBox: 16 * pt
hilightColor: "#330F54"
hilightColorText: "#FFFFFF"
indicator: Image {
source: parent.popup.visible ? "qrc:/Resources/Icons/ic_arrow_drop_up_dark_blue.png"
: "qrc:/Resources/Icons/ic_arrow_drop_down_dark_blue.png"
width: 20 * pt
height: 20 * pt
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.rightMargin: 20 * pt
contentItem: Text {
//id: headerText
anchors.fill: parent
anchors.leftMargin: 20 * pt
anchors.topMargin: 12 * pt
text: parent.displayText//signatureName
font.pixelSize: 14*pt
color: /*parent.popup.visible ? hiligtColorText :*/ normalColorText
verticalAlignment: Text.AlignTop
elide: Text.ElideRight
// background: Rectangle {
// height: 32 * pt
// color: hovered ? "#330F54" : "#FFFFFF"
// }
// font {
// pixelSize: fontSizeCombobox
// family: "Roboto"
// styleName: "Normal"
// weight: Font.Normal
// }
// currentIndex: 0
// displayText: currentText
// delegate: DapComboBoxDelegate {
// //width: parent.width
// contentItem: Text{
// text: signatureName
// color: hovered ? "#FFFFFF" : "#070023"
// }
// highlighted: parent.highlightedIndex === index
// DapUiQmlWidgetSignatureTypeComboBox {
// id: comboBoxChooseSignatureType
// height: 20 * pt
// anchors {
// verticalCenter: chooseSignatureTypeArea.verticalCenter
// left: parent.left
// right: parent.right
// leftMargin: 8
// rightMargin: 32
// verticalCenterOffset: 0
// }
// }
Rectangle {
Rectangle {