/* * Authors: * Dmitriy A. Gearasimov <kahovski@gmail.com> * DeM Labs Inc. https://demlabs.net * DeM Labs Open source community https://github.com/demlabsinc * Copyright (c) 2017-2019 * All rights reserved. This file is part of DAP (Deus Applications Prototypes) the open source project DAP (Deus Applicaions Prototypes) is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. DAP is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with any DAP based project. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <getopt.h> #include <string.h> #ifdef _WIN32 #include <winsock2.h> #include <windows.h> #include <mswsock.h> #include <ws2tcpip.h> #include <io.h> #endif #include <pthread.h> #include "dap_common.h" #include "sig_unix_handler.h" #include "dap_config.h" #include "dap_server.h" #include "dap_http.h" #include "dap_http_folder.h" #include "dap_events.h" #include "dap_enc.h" #include "dap_enc_ks.h" #include "dap_enc_http.h" #include "dap_chain.h" #include "dap_chain_wallet.h" #include "dap_cert.h" #include "dap_cert_file.h" #include "dap_chain_cs_dag.h" #include "dap_chain_cs_dag_event.h" #include "dap_chain_cs_dag_poa.h" #include "dap_chain_cs_dag_pos.h" #include "dap_chain_net.h" #include "dap_chain_net_srv.h" #include "dap_chain_net_srv_app.h" #include "dap_chain_net_srv_app_db.h" #include "dap_chain_net_srv_datum.h" #ifdef DAP_OS_LINUX #include "dap_chain_net_srv_vpn.h" #endif #include "dap_stream_session.h" #include "dap_stream.h" #include "dap_stream_ch_chain.h" #include "dap_stream_ch_chain_net.h" #include "dap_stream_ch_chain_net_srv.h" #include "dap_chain_wallet.h" #include "dap_client.h" #include "dap_http_simple.h" #include "dap_process_manager.h" #include "dap_defines.h" #ifdef _WIN32 #include "registry.h" #endif #define ENC_HTTP_URL "/enc_init" #define STREAM_CTL_URL "/stream_ctl" #define STREAM_URL "/stream" #define SLIST_URL "/nodelist" #define MAIN_URL "/" #define LOG_TAG "main_node_tool" #ifdef __ANDROID__ #include "cellframe_node.h" #endif #undef log_it #define log_it(_log_level, string, ...) printf(string, ##__VA_ARGS__) static int s_init( int argc, const char * argv[] ); static void s_help( ); static char s_system_ca_dir[MAX_PATH]; static char * s_config_dir = NULL; static char * s_log_file_path= NULL; #ifdef __ANDROID__ int cellframe_node_tool_Main(int argc, const char **argv) #else int main(int argc, const char **argv) #endif { int ret = s_init( argc, argv ); if ( ret ) { log_it( L_ERROR, "Can't init modules" ); return ret; } if ( argc < 2 ) { log_it( L_INFO, "No params. Nothing to do" ); s_help( ); exit( -1000 ); } if ( strcmp ( argv[1], "wallet" ) == 0 ) { if ( argc < 3 ) { log_it(L_ERROR,"Wrong 'wallet' command params"); s_help(); exit(-2001); } if ( strcmp( argv[2],"create") == 0 ) { // wallet create <network name> <wallet name> <wallet_sign> if ( argc < 6 ) { log_it( L_ERROR, "Wrong 'wallet create' command params" ); s_help( ); exit( -2003 ); } /*dap_chain_net_id_t l_network_id = dap_chain_net_id_by_name( argv[3] ); if ( !l_network_id.raw ) { log_it( L_ERROR, "No such network name '%s'", argv[3] ); s_help() ; exit( -2005 ); }*/ const char *l_wallet_name = argv[4]; dap_sign_type_t l_sig_type = dap_sign_type_from_str( argv[5] ); dap_chain_wallet_t *l_wallet = NULL; if ( l_sig_type.type == SIG_TYPE_NULL ) { log_it( L_ERROR, "Wrong signature '%s'", argv[4] ); s_help( ); exit( -2004 ); } l_wallet = dap_chain_wallet_create(l_wallet_name, dap_config_get_item_str(g_config, "resources", "wallets_path"), l_sig_type); } else if ( strcmp( argv[2],"sign_file") == 0 ) { // wallet sign_file <wallet name> <cert index> <data file path> <data offset> <data length> <dsign file path> if ( argc < 8 ) { log_it(L_ERROR,"Wrong 'wallet sign_file' command params"); s_help(); exit(-3000); } dap_chain_wallet_t *l_wallet = dap_chain_wallet_open(argv[3], dap_config_get_item_str(g_config, "resources", "wallets_path")); if ( !l_wallet ) { log_it(L_ERROR,"Can't open wallet \"%s\"",argv[3]); s_help(); exit(-3001); } int l_cert_index = atoi(argv[4]); size_t l_wallet_certs_number = dap_chain_wallet_get_certs_number( l_wallet ); if ( (l_cert_index > 0) && (l_wallet_certs_number > (size_t)l_cert_index) ) { FILE *l_data_file = fopen( argv[5],"rb" ); if ( l_data_file ) {} } else { log_it( L_ERROR, "Cert index %d can't be found in wallet with %lu certs inside" ,l_cert_index,l_wallet_certs_number ); s_help(); exit( -3002 ); } } /* if ( strcmp( argv[2],"create_from") == 0 ){ }else if ( argc >=7){ // wallet create_from <wallet name> from <wallet ca1> [<wallet ca2> ...<wallet caN>] dap_cert_t ** l_wallet_cert = NULL; size_t l_wallet_cert_size = 0; l_wallet_cert_size = (argc - 3 ) l_wallet_cert = DAP_NEW_Z_SIZE (dap_cert_t*, l_wallet_cert_size ); }else { log_it(L_ERROR,"Wrong 'wallet create_from' command params"); s_help(); exit(-2002); } if ( l_wallet_cert ){ if (l_wallet_cert_size > 0) for (size_t i = 0; i < l_wallet_cert_size; i++) dap_cert_delete( l_wallet_cert[i]->); } }*/ } // wallet else if (strcmp (argv[1],"cert") == 0 ) { if ( argc >=3 ) { if ( strcmp( argv[2],"dump") == 0 ){ if (argc>=4) { const char * l_cert_name = argv[3]; dap_cert_t * l_cert = dap_cert_add_file(l_cert_name, s_system_ca_dir); if ( l_cert ) { dap_cert_dump(l_cert); dap_cert_delete_by_name(l_cert_name); ret = 0; } else { exit(-702); } } } else if ( strcmp( argv[2],"create_pkey") == 0 ){ if (argc < 5) exit(-7023); const char *l_cert_name = argv[3]; const char *l_cert_pkey_path = argv[4]; dap_cert_t *l_cert = dap_cert_add_file(l_cert_name, s_system_ca_dir); if ( !l_cert ) exit( -7021 ); l_cert->enc_key->pub_key_data_size = dap_enc_gen_key_public_size(l_cert->enc_key); if ( l_cert->enc_key->pub_key_data_size ) { //l_cert->key_private->pub_key_data = DAP_NEW_SIZE(void, l_cert->key_private->pub_key_data_size); //if ( dap_enc_gen_key_public(l_cert->key_private, l_cert->key_private->pub_key_data) == 0){ dap_pkey_t * l_pkey = dap_pkey_from_enc_key( l_cert->enc_key ); if (l_pkey) { FILE *l_file = fopen(l_cert_pkey_path,"wb"); if (l_file) { fwrite(l_pkey,1,l_pkey->header.size + sizeof(l_pkey->header),l_file); fclose(l_file); } } else { log_it(L_ERROR, "Can't produce pkey from the certificate"); exit(-7022); } dap_cert_delete_by_name(l_cert_name); ret = 0; //}else{ // log_it(L_ERROR,"Can't produce public key with this key type"); // exit(-7024); //} } else { log_it(L_ERROR,"Can't produce pkey from this cert type"); exit(-7023); } } else if ( strcmp( argv[2],"create_cert_pkey") == 0 ) { if ( argc >= 5 ) { const char *l_cert_name = argv[3]; const char *l_cert_new_name = argv[4]; dap_cert_t *l_cert = dap_cert_add_file(l_cert_name, s_system_ca_dir); if ( l_cert ) { if ( l_cert->enc_key->pub_key_data_size ) { // Create empty new cert dap_cert_t * l_cert_new = dap_cert_new(l_cert_new_name); l_cert_new->enc_key = dap_enc_key_new( l_cert->enc_key->type); // Copy only public key l_cert_new->enc_key->pub_key_data = DAP_NEW_Z_SIZE(uint8_t, l_cert_new->enc_key->pub_key_data_size = l_cert->enc_key->pub_key_data_size ); memcpy(l_cert_new->enc_key->pub_key_data, l_cert->enc_key->pub_key_data,l_cert->enc_key->pub_key_data_size); dap_cert_save_to_folder(l_cert_new, s_system_ca_dir); //dap_cert_delete_by_name(l_cert_name); //dap_cert_delete_by_name(l_cert_new_name); } else { log_it(L_ERROR,"Can't produce pkey from this cert type"); exit(-7023); } } else { exit(-7021); } } } else if ( strcmp( argv[2],"create" ) == 0 ) { if ( argc < 5 ) { s_help(); exit(-500); } const char *l_cert_name = argv[3]; size_t l_cert_path_length = strlen(argv[3])+8+strlen(s_system_ca_dir); char *l_cert_path = DAP_NEW_Z_SIZE(char,l_cert_path_length); snprintf(l_cert_path,l_cert_path_length,"%s/%s.dcert",s_system_ca_dir,l_cert_name); if ( access( l_cert_path, F_OK ) != -1 ) { log_it (L_ERROR, "File %s is already exists! Who knows, may be its smth important?", l_cert_path); exit(-700); } dap_enc_key_type_t l_key_type = DAP_ENC_KEY_TYPE_NULL; if ( dap_strcmp (argv[4],"sig_bliss") == 0 ){ l_key_type = DAP_ENC_KEY_TYPE_SIG_BLISS; } else if ( dap_strcmp (argv[4],"sig_tesla") == 0) { l_key_type = DAP_ENC_KEY_TYPE_SIG_TESLA; } else if ( dap_strcmp (argv[4],"sig_picnic") == 0){ l_key_type = DAP_ENC_KEY_TYPE_SIG_PICNIC; } else if ( dap_strcmp(argv[4],"sig_dil") == 0){ l_key_type = DAP_ENC_KEY_TYPE_SIG_DILITHIUM; } else { log_it (L_ERROR, "Wrong key create action \"%s\"",argv[4]); exit(-600); } if ( l_key_type != DAP_ENC_KEY_TYPE_NULL ) { dap_cert_t * l_cert = dap_cert_generate(l_cert_name,l_cert_path,l_key_type ); // key length ignored! if (l_cert == NULL){ log_it(L_ERROR, "Can't create %s",l_cert_path); } dap_cert_delete(l_cert); } else { s_help(); DAP_DELETE(l_cert_path); exit(-500); } DAP_DELETE(l_cert_path); } else if (strcmp(argv[2], "add_metadata") == 0) { if (argc >= 5) { const char *l_cert_name = argv[3]; dap_cert_t *l_cert = dap_cert_add_file(l_cert_name, s_system_ca_dir); if ( l_cert ) { char **l_params = dap_strsplit(argv[4], ":", 4); dap_cert_metadata_type_t l_type = (dap_cert_metadata_type_t)atoi(l_params[1]); if (l_type == DAP_CERT_META_STRING || l_type == DAP_CERT_META_SIGN || l_type == DAP_CERT_META_CUSTOM) { dap_cert_add_meta(l_cert, l_params[0], l_type, (void *)l_params[3], strtoul(l_params[2], NULL, 10)); } else { dap_cert_add_meta_scalar(l_cert, l_params[0], l_type, strtoull(l_params[3], NULL, 10), strtoul(l_params[2], NULL, 10)); } dap_strfreev(l_params); dap_cert_save_to_folder(l_cert, s_system_ca_dir); dap_cert_delete_by_name(l_cert_name); ret = 0; } else { exit(-800); } } } else { log_it(L_ERROR,"Wrong params"); s_help(); exit(-1000); } } else { log_it(L_ERROR,"Wrong params"); s_help(); exit(-1000); } }else { log_it(L_ERROR,"Wrong params"); s_help(); exit(-1000); } } /** * @brief s_init * @param argc * @param argv * @return */ static int s_init( int argc, const char **argv ) { dap_set_appname("cellframe-node"); #ifdef _WIN32 g_sys_dir_path = dap_strdup_printf("%s/%s", regGetUsrPath(), dap_get_appname()); char * s_log_dir_path = dap_strdup_printf("%s/var/log", g_sys_dir_path) ; #elif DAP_OS_MAC g_sys_dir_path = dap_strdup_printf("/Applications/%s.app/Contents/Resources", dap_get_appname()); char * s_log_dir_path = dap_strdup_printf("/Library/%s.app/Logs", dap_get_appname() ) ; #elif DAP_OS_ANDROID g_sys_dir_path = dap_strdup_printf("/storage/emulated/0/opt/%s",dap_get_appname()); char * s_log_dir_path = dap_strdup_printf("%s/var/log", g_sys_dir_path) ; #elif DAP_OS_UNIX g_sys_dir_path = dap_strdup_printf("/opt/%s", dap_get_appname()); char * s_log_dir_path = dap_strdup_printf("%s/var/log", g_sys_dir_path) ; #endif char * s_log_file_path = dap_strdup_printf("%s/%s.log",s_log_dir_path, dap_get_appname()); if (dap_common_init(dap_get_appname(), s_log_file_path, s_log_dir_path ) != 0) { printf("Fatal Error: Can't init common functions module"); return -2; } { char l_config_dir[MAX_PATH] = {'\0'}; dap_sprintf(l_config_dir, "%s/etc", g_sys_dir_path); dap_config_init(l_config_dir); } dap_log_level_set(L_CRITICAL); if((g_config = dap_config_open(dap_get_appname())) == NULL) { printf("Can't init general configurations %s.cfg\n", dap_get_appname()); exit(-1); } if ( dap_chain_init() != 0 ) { log_it( L_ERROR, "Can't chain module" ); return -3; } if ( dap_cert_init() != 0 ) { log_it( L_ERROR, "Can't chain certificate storage module" ); return -4; } if ( dap_chain_wallet_init() != 0 ) { log_it( L_ERROR, "Can't chain wallet storage module" ); return -5; } /* if ( dap_server_init(0) != 0 ) { log_it( L_ERROR, "Can't server module" ); return -6; } if ( dap_stream_init(false) != 0 ) { log_it( L_ERROR, "Can't init stream module" ); return -7; } if ( dap_stream_ch_init() != 0 ) { log_it( L_ERROR, "Can't init stream ch module" ); return -8; } if ( dap_stream_ch_chain_init() != 0 ) { log_it( L_ERROR, "Can't init stream ch chain module" ); return -9; } if ( dap_stream_ch_chain_net_init() != 0 ) { log_it( L_ERROR, "Can't init stream ch chain net module" ); return -10; } if ( dap_stream_ch_chain_net_srv_init() != 0 ) { log_it( L_ERROR, "Can't init stream ch chain net srv module" ); return -11; } if ( dap_client_init() != 0 ) { log_it( L_ERROR, "Can't chain wallet storage module" ); return -12; } */ uint16_t l_ca_folders_size = 0; char **l_ca_folders = dap_config_get_array_str(g_config, "resources", "ca_folders", &l_ca_folders_size); dap_stpcpy(s_system_ca_dir, l_ca_folders[0]);//memcpy(s_system_ca_dir, l_ca_folders[0], strlen(l_ca_folders[0])); return 0; } /** * @brief s_help * @param a_appname */ static void s_help() { #ifdef _WIN32 SetConsoleTextAttribute( GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), 7 ); #endif printf( "\n" ); printf( "%s usage:\n\n", dap_get_appname() ); printf(" * Create new key wallet and generate signatures with same names plus index \n" ); printf("\t%s wallet create <network name> <wallet name> <signature type> [<signature type 2>[...<signature type N>]]\n\n", dap_get_appname() ); printf(" * Create new key wallet from existent certificates in the system\n"); printf("\t%s wallet create_from <network name> <wallet name> <wallet ca1> [<wallet ca2> [...<wallet caN>]]\n\n", dap_get_appname() ); printf(" * Create new key file with randomly produced key stored in\n"); printf("\t%s cert create <cert name> <key type> [<key length>]\n\n", dap_get_appname() ); printf(" * Dump cert data stored in <file path>\n"); printf("\t%s cert dump <cert name>\n\n", dap_get_appname() ); printf(" * Sign some data with cert \n"); printf("\t%s cert sign <cert name> <data file path> <sign file output> [<sign data length>] [<sign data offset>]\n\n", dap_get_appname() ); printf(" * Create pkey from <cert name> and store it on <pkey path>\n"); printf("\t%s cert create_pkey <cert name> <pkey path>\n\n", dap_get_appname() ); printf(" * Export only public key from <cert name> and stores it \n"); printf("\t%s cert create_cert_pkey <cert name> <new cert name>\n\n",dap_get_appname()); printf(" * Add metadata item to <cert name>\n"); printf("\t%s cert add_metadata <cert name> <key:type:length:value>\n\n",dap_get_appname()); }