import QtQuick.Window 2.2 import QtQuick.Controls 2.1 import QtQuick 2.0 import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0 DapLogsScreenForm { ///@detalis firstMarginList First indent in the delegate to the first word. property int firstMarginList: 16 * pt ///@detalis secondMarginList Second indent between the first and second word. property int secondMarginList: 18 * pt ///@detalis thirdMarginList Third indent between the second and third word and the following. property int thirdMarginList: 40 * pt ///@detalis fifthMarginList Fifth indent between the second and third word and the following. property int fifthMarginList: 20 * pt ///@detalis fontSizeList Font size delegate. property int fontSizeList: 16 * pt ///@detalis fontSizeHeader Font size header. property int fontSizeHeader: 12 * pt ///@detalis fontFamily Font family. property string fontFamily: "Roboto" ///@detalis Font color. property string fontColor: "#070023" ///In this block, the properties are only auxiliary for internal use. QtObject { id: privateDate //Day property int day: 86400 //Current time property var today property var todayDay property var todayMonth property var todayYear property var stringTime } //Creates a list model for the example Component.onCompleted: { dapLogsListViewIndex = -1; = new Date(); privateDate.todayDay =; privateDate.todayMonth =; privateDate.todayYear =; var timeString = new Date(); var day = new Date(86400); var count = 1000 for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { var momentTime = timeString/1000 - (day/6) * i; var momentDay = getDay(momentTime); dapLogsModel.append({"type":"DBG"+i, "info":"Add problems"+i, "file":"dup_chein"+i, "time":getTime(momentTime), "date":getDay(momentTime)}); } } ListModel { id:dapLogsModel } //The Component Header Component { id:delegateLogsHeader Rectangle { height: 30 * pt width: dapLogsListView.width color: "#908D9D" Text { anchors.fill: parent anchors.topMargin: 8 * pt anchors.bottomMargin: 8 * pt anchors.leftMargin: firstMarginList color: "#FFFFFF" font.pixelSize: fontSizeHeader fontFamily text: section } } } //The component delegate Component { id:delegateLogs //Frame delegate Rectangle { height: 60 * pt width: dapLogsListView.width color: { if(dapLogsListViewIndex === index) { return "#FAE5ED"; } else { return "#FFFFFF"; } } //Event container Rectangle { anchors.fill: parent anchors.topMargin: 20 * pt anchors.bottomMargin: 20 * pt anchors.leftMargin: firstMarginList anchors.rightMargin: fifthMarginList color: parent.color //Frame type log Rectangle { id:frameTypeLog anchors.left: parent.left anchors.bottom: parent.bottom width: 43 * pt color: parent.color Text { id: typeLog anchors.fill: parent font.pixelSize: fontSizeList fontFamily color: fontColor text: type } } // Frame text log Rectangle { id:frameTextLog anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.left: frameTypeLog.right anchors.leftMargin: secondMarginList anchors.right: frameFileLog.left anchors.rightMargin: thirdMarginList color: parent.color Text { id: textLog anchors.fill: parent font.pixelSize: fontSizeList fontFamily color: fontColor text: info } } //Frame file log Rectangle { id: frameFileLog anchors.right: frameTimeLog.left anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.rightMargin: thirdMarginList width: 326 * pt color: parent.color Text { id: fileLog anchors.fill: parent font.pixelSize: 14 * pt fontFamily color: fontColor text: file } } //Frame time log Rectangle { id: frameTimeLog anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.right: parent.right width: 62 * pt color: parent.color Text { id: timeLog anchors.fill: parent font.pixelSize: fontSizeList fontFamily color: fontColor text: time } } } //Underline bar Rectangle { anchors.bottom: parent.bottom color: "#E3E2E6" width: parent.width height: 1 * pt } MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { dapLogsListViewIndex = index; } } } } //This function converts the string representation of time to the Date format function parceTime(thisTime) { var aDate = thisTime.split('-'); var aDay = aDate[0].split('/'); var aTime = aDate[1].split(':'); privateDate.stringTime = new Date(20+aDay[2], aDay[0] - 1, aDay[1], aTime[0], aTime[1], aTime[2]); } //Returns the time in the correct form for the delegate function getTime(thisTime) { var tmpTime = new Date(thisTime * 1000) var thisHour = tmpTime.getHours(); var thisMinute = tmpTime.getMinutes(); var thisSecond = tmpTime.getSeconds(); if(thisMinute<10) thisMinute = '0' + thisMinute; if(thisSecond<10) thisSecond = '0' + thisSecond; return thisHour + ':' + thisMinute + ':' + thisSecond; } //Returns the time in the correct form for the header function getDay(thisTime) { var monthArray = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"]; var tmpDate = new Date(thisTime*1000); var thisMonth = tmpDate.getMonth(); var thisDay = tmpDate.getDate(); var thisYear = tmpDate.getFullYear(); if(thisYear === privateDate.todayYear) { if(thisMonth === privateDate.todayMonth) { switch(thisDay){ case(privateDate.todayDay): return"Today"; case(privateDate.todayDay-1): return"Yesterday"; default: return monthArray[thisMonth] + ', ' + thisDay; } } else return monthArray[thisMonth] + ', ' + thisDay; } else return monthArray[thisMonth] + ', ' + thisDay + ', ' + thisYear; } }