#!/bin/bash INSTALLER_USER=$(stat -f '%Su' $HOME) [ -n "${USER}" ] && USER=${INSTALLER_USER} LOG_FILE=/tmp/uninstall.log APP_NAME=Cellframe-Dashboard SERVICE=com.demlabs."$APP_NAME"Service NODE=com.demlabs.cellframe-node # Close standard output file descriptor exec 1<&- # Close standard error file descriptor exec 2<&- # Open standard output as $LOG_FILE file for read and write. exec 1<>$LOG_FILE # Redirect standard error to standard output exec 2>&1 echo "Installing time!" sudo -u $USER launchctl stop $SERVICE sudo -u $USER launchctl unload -w $HOME/Library/LaunchAgents/$SERVICE.plist sudo -u $USER launchctl stop $NODE sudo -u $USER launchctl unload -w $HOME/Library/LaunchAgents/$NODE.plist RET=0 echo "Installation logs" > /tmp/"$APP_NAME"_Install_Logs.txt echo "Gui_check" >> /tmp/debug_dashboard.txt if pgrep -x ""$APP_NAME"" > /dev/null then echo "Gui is Running" >> /tmp/"$APP_NAME"_Install_Logs.txt ./cmdAlert.app/Contents/MacOS/cmdAlert RET=$? else echo "Gui Stopped" >> /tmp/"$APP_NAME"_Install_Logs.txt fi echo "RET from asking user = $RET" >> /tmp/"$APP_NAME"_Install_Logs.txt if [ "$RET" -eq "0" ]; then echo "Continue install" >> /tmp/"$APP_NAME"_Install_Logs.txt elif [ "$RET" -eq "1" ]; then echo "Stop install" >> /tmp/"$APP_NAME"_Install_Logs.txt exit 1 fi #### Kill all opened "$APP_NAME" gui clients GuiPIDs=$(pgrep -x ""$APP_NAME"") while read -r GuiPID; do echo "... $GuiPID ..." >> /tmp/"$APP_NAME"_Install_Logs.txt if [ "$GuiPID" != "" ]; then echo ""$APP_NAME" is set! Kill It!!!" >> /tmp/"$APP_NAME"_Install_Logs.txt sudo kill $GuiPID fi done <<< "$GuiPIDs" echo "unloading the weirdo deps" >> /tmp/debug_dashboard.txt [ -e /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.demlabs."$APP_NAME"Service.plist ] && launchctl unload -w $HOME/Library/LaunchAgents/com.demlabs."$APP_NAME"Service.plist [ -e /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.demlabs.cellframe-node.plist ] && launchctl unload -w $HOME/Library/LaunchAgents/com.demlabs.cellframe-node.plist rm -r /Applications/Cellframe.app sudo rm -r /Applications/$APP_NAME.app sudo rm -r $HOME/Applications/Cellframe.app #delete "$APP_NAME"s from com.apple.dock.plist echo "path to dock $HOME/Library/Preferences/com.apple.dock.plist" >> /tmp/"$APP_NAME"_Install_Logs.txt dockApps=$(defaults read $HOME/Library/Preferences/com.apple.dock.plist persistent-apps | nl | grep file-label | awk '/"$APP_NAME"/ {print NR}') cnt=1 while read -r app; do app=$[$app-$cnt] cnt=$[$cnt+1] if [ "$app" -ne "-1" ]; then echo "app in dock exists" >> /tmp/"$APP_NAME"_Install_Logs.txt sudo -u $USER /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Delete persistent-apps:$app" $HOME/Library/Preferences/com.apple.dock.plist else echo "app in dock don't exists" >> /tmp/"$APP_NAME"_Install_Logs.txt fi done <<< "$dockApps" osascript -e 'delay 2' -e 'tell Application "Dock"' -e 'quit' -e 'end tell' osascript -e 'delay 2' -e 'tell Application "Dock"' -e 'quit' -e 'end tell' exit 0 echo "cleanup done" >> /tmp/debug_dashboard.txt sudo pkgutil --forget com.demlabs.$APP_NAME rm /Applications/cellframe-uninstaller # <domains enable_localSystem="false" enable_anywhere="true" enable_currentUserHome="true"/>