//**************************************************************************** // Implements the right panel widget. //**************************************************************************** import QtQuick 2.4 import QtQuick.Controls 2.0 Rectangle { id: frameRightPanel ///@detalis Signal initiating switching to the previous displayed form. signal nextActivated (var parametrsRightPanel) ///@detalis Signal initiating switching to the previous displayed form. signal previousActivated (var parametrsRightPanel) ///@detalis Next display right panel. property string dapNextRightPanel ///@detalis Previous display right panel. property string dapPreviousRightPanel ///@detalis Right panel widget. property alias dapFrame: frameRightPanel ///@detalis Right pane title widget. property alias dapHeader: headerRightPanel ///@detalis Right pane header data. property Item dapHeaderData ///@detalis Stack of right panels owned by current. property alias dapContentPanel: contentItemRightPanel ///@detalis Content of the current right panel. property Item dapContentItemData ///@detalis dapRightPanelWidth External property for possibility to hiding RightPanel property int dapRightPanelWidth width: dapRightPanelWidth // Install right panel title Item { id: headerRightPanel data: dapHeaderData anchors.top: parent.top anchors.left: parent.left anchors.right: parent.right } // Install right panel content Item { id: contentItemRightPanel data: dapContentItemData anchors.top: headerRightPanel.bottom anchors.left: parent.left anchors.right: parent.right anchors.bottom: parent.bottom } }