diff --git a/DapButtonForm.ui.qml b/DapButtonForm.ui.qml
index 1401a91f1c4b10a2cd162e204679f08d0b0e4806..2ad9e8f6c56ed744b66ac137f82560ea5b42f783 100644
--- a/DapButtonForm.ui.qml
+++ b/DapButtonForm.ui.qml
@@ -2,37 +2,37 @@ import QtQuick 2.0
 import QtQuick.Controls 2.0
 Button {
-    ///@detalis heightButton Button height
+    ///@detalis heightButton Button height.
     property int heightButton: 36 * pt
-    ///@detalis widthButton Button width
+    ///@detalis widthButton Button width.
     property int widthButton: 120 * pt
-    ///@detalis normalImageButton the picture on the Button is in normal state
+    ///@detalis normalImageButton The picture on the Button is in normal state.
     property string normalImageButton: "qrc:/res/icons/new-wallet_icon_dark.png"
-    ///@detalis hoverImageButton the image on the Button is in the mouseover state
+    ///@detalis hoverImageButton The image on the Button is in the mouseover state.
     property string hoverImageButton: "qrc:/res/icons/new-wallet_icon_dark_hover.png"
-    ///@detalis widthImageButton image width
+    ///@detalis widthImageButton Image width.
     property int widthImageButton: 28 * pt
-    ///@detalis heightImageButton image height
+    ///@detalis heightImageButton Image height.
     property int heightImageButton: 28 * pt
-    ///@detalis indentImageLeftButton: indentation of the image from the left edge
+    ///@detalis indentImageLeftButton: Indentation of the image from the left edge.
     property int indentImageLeftButton: 10 * pt
-    ///@detalis colorBackgroundNormal Button background color in normal state
+    ///@detalis colorBackgroundNormal Button background color in normal state.
     property string colorBackgroundNormal:"#070023"
-    ///@detalis colorBackgroundHover Button background color in hover state
+    ///@detalis colorBackgroundHover Button background color in hover state.
     property string colorBackgroundHover: "#D51F5D"
-    ///@detalis textButton: text Button
+    ///@detalis textButton Text button.
     property string textButton: "New Wallet"
-    ///@detalis colorButtonTextNormal Button text color in normal state
+    ///@detalis colorButtonTextNormal Button text color in normal state.
     property string colorButtonTextNormal: "#FFFFFF"
-    ///@detalis colorButtonTextHover Button text color in hover state
+    ///@detalis colorButtonTextHover Button text color in hover state.
     property string colorButtonTextHover: "#FFFFFF"
-    ///@detalis indentTextRight: indentation of the text from the right edge
+    ///@detalis indentTextRight: Indentation of the text from the right edge.
     property int indentTextRight: 20 * pt
-    ///@detalis fontSizeButton: font size
+    ///@detalis fontSizeButton Font size.
     property int fontSizeButton: 14 * pt
-    ///@detalis existenceImage: indicates the presence of an image
+    ///@detalis existenceImage Indicates the presence of an image.
     property bool existenceImage:true
-    ///@detalis horizontalAligmentText: horizontal alignment
+    ///@detalis horizontalAligmentText Horizontal alignment.
     property alias horizontalAligmentText:templateText.horizontalAlignment
     id: dapButton
diff --git a/DapComboBox.qml b/DapComboBox.qml
index cd4761512524b1628c7859fb5ef51d0f0cb232f4..82ef89dc4c60bab74edcc999746192b5b5936342 100644
--- a/DapComboBox.qml
+++ b/DapComboBox.qml
@@ -1,53 +1,53 @@
 import QtQuick 2.0
 import QtQuick.Controls 2.0
-DapComboBoxForm {
+    delegate:ItemDelegate
+    {
+        width: parent.width
-delegate:ItemDelegate {
-    width: parent.width
-    ///Adjusting the height of the line, taking into account that the second element from the end may be the last.
-    height:{
-        if(index != currentIndex)
-        {
-            if(index == customComboBox.count - 2)
+        //Adjusting the height of the line, taking into account that the second element from the end may be the last
+        height:{
+            if(index != currentIndex)
-                if(index+1 == currentIndex) return heightListElement + bottomIntervalListElement
-                else return heightListElement + intervalListElement
+                if(index == customComboBox.count - 2)
+                {
+                    if(index+1 == currentIndex) return heightListElement + bottomIntervalListElement
+                    else return heightListElement + intervalListElement
+                }
+                if (index == customComboBox.count - 1) return heightListElement + bottomIntervalListElement
+                return heightListElement + intervalListElement
-            if (index == customComboBox.count - 1) return heightListElement + bottomIntervalListElement
-            return heightListElement + intervalListElement
+            else return 0
+        }
+        //Text item
+        contentItem: Text {
+            id:textDelegateComboBox
+            anchors.fill: parent
+            anchors.topMargin: paddingTopItemDelegate
+            anchors.leftMargin: popup.visible ? sidePaddingActive : sidePaddingNormal
+            font.family: fontRobotoRegular.name
+            font.pixelSize: fontSizeComboBox
+            text: {if(index != currentIndex) return modelData;}
+            color: hovered ? hilightColorText : normalColorText
-        else return 0
-    }
-    ///Text item
-    contentItem: Text {
-        id:textDelegateComboBox
-        anchors.fill: parent
-        anchors.topMargin: paddingTopItemDelegate
-        anchors.leftMargin: popup.visible ? sidePaddingActive : sidePaddingNormal
-        font.family: fontRobotoRegular.name
-        font.pixelSize: fontSizeComboBox
-        text: {if(index != currentIndex) return modelData;}
-        color: hovered ? hilightColorText : normalColorText
-    }
-    //Indent from the bottom edge or the next line that will not stand out when you hover over the mouse
-    background: Rectangle {
-        anchors.fill: parent
-        anchors.bottomMargin: {
-            if(index == countComboBox - 2)
-            {
-                if(index+1 == currentIndex) return bottomIntervalListElement
-                else return intervalListElement
+        //Indent from the bottom edge or the next line that will not stand out when you hover over the mouse
+        background: Rectangle {
+            anchors.fill: parent
+            anchors.bottomMargin: {
+                if(index == countComboBox - 2)
+                {
+                    if(index+1 == currentIndex) return bottomIntervalListElement
+                    else return intervalListElement
+                }
+                if (index == countComboBox - 1) return bottomIntervalListElement
+                return intervalListElement
-            if (index == countComboBox - 1) return bottomIntervalListElement
-            return intervalListElement
+            color: hovered ? hilightColor : normalColor
-        color: hovered ? hilightColor : normalColor
+        highlighted: parent.highlightedIndex === index
-    highlighted: parent.highlightedIndex === index
diff --git a/DapComboBoxForm.ui.qml b/DapComboBoxForm.ui.qml
index 08bd8a20109522555fbbdcee67080f1e2035f51e..7a219d8a9c40ae3be7fe8a5b44d72fe8a9cc1b33 100644
--- a/DapComboBoxForm.ui.qml
+++ b/DapComboBoxForm.ui.qml
@@ -4,71 +4,70 @@ import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.4
 import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0
 ComboBox {
-    ///@detalis normalColorText text color in normal state
+    ///@detalis normalColorText Text color in normal state.
     property string normalColorText: "#070023"
-    ///@detalis hilightColorText text color in selected state
+    ///@detalis hilightColorText Text color in selected state.
     property string hilightColorText: "#FFFFFF"
-    ///@detalis normalColorTopText text color in the main line in normal state
+    ///@detalis normalColorTopText Text color in the main line in normal state.
     property string normalColorTopText: normalColorText
-    ///@detalis hilightColorTopText text color in the main line in active state
+    ///@detalis hilightColorTopText Text color in the main line in active state.
     property string hilightColorTopText: normalColorText
-    ///@detalis normalColor item color in normal state
+    ///@detalis normalColor Item color in normal state.
     property string normalColor: "#FFFFFF"
-    ///@detalis hilightColor item color in selected state
+    ///@detalis hilightColor Item color in selected state.
     property string hilightColor: "#330F54"
-    ///@detalis normalTopColor top string color in normal state
+    ///@detalis normalTopColor Top string color in normal state.
     property string normalTopColor: normalColor
-    ///@detalis hilightTopColor top string color in selected state
+    ///@detalis hilightTopColor Top string color in selected state.
     property string hilightTopColor: normalColor
-    ///@detalis fontSizeComboBox font size for the entire widget
+    ///@detalis fontSizeComboBox Font size for the entire widget.
     property int fontSizeComboBox: 16 * pt
-    ///@detalis widthPopupComboBoxNormal width of the combo box in the normal state
+    ///@detalis widthPopupComboBoxNormal Width of the combo box in the normal state.
     property int widthPopupComboBoxNormal: parent.width
-    ///@detalis widthPopupComboBoxActive width of the ComboBox in the active state
+    ///@detalis widthPopupComboBoxActive Width of the ComboBox in the active state.
     property int widthPopupComboBoxActive: widthPopupComboBoxNormal
-    ///@detalis heightComboBoxNormal height of the ComboBox in the normal state
+    ///@detalis heightComboBoxNormal Height of the ComboBox in the normal state.
     property int heightComboBoxNormal: parent.height
-    ///@detalis heightComboBoxActive height of the ComboBox in the active state
+    ///@detalis heightComboBoxActive Height of the ComboBox in the active state.
     property int heightComboBoxActive: heightComboBoxNormal
-    ///@detalis sidePaddingNormal: sets the indent from the edge of the right and left edges of the parent in the normal state
+    ///@detalis sidePaddingNormal: Sets the indent from the edge of the right and left edges of the parent in the normal state.
     property int sidePaddingNormal: 16 * pt
-    ///@detalis sidePaddingActive sets the indent from the edge of the right and left edges of the parent in the active state
+    ///@detalis sidePaddingActive Sets the indent from the edge of the right and left edges of the parent in the active state.
     property int sidePaddingActive: sidePaddingNormal
-    ///@detalis topIndentNormal sets the indent from the edge of the upper of the parent in the normal state
+    ///@detalis topIndentNormal Sets the indent from the edge of the upper of the parent in the normal state.
     property int topIndentNormal: 12 * pt
-    ///@detalis topIndentActive sets the indent from the edge of the upper of the parent in the active state
+    ///@detalis topIndentActive Sets the indent from the edge of the upper of the parent in the active state.
     property int topIndentActive: topIndentNormal
-    ///@detalis bottomIndentNormal  sets the indent from the edge of the lower of the parent in the normal state
+    ///@detalis bottomIndentNormal Sets the indent from the edge of the lower of the parent in the normal state.
     property int bottomIndentNormal: 14 * pt
-    ///@detalis bottomIndentActive sets the indent from the edge of the lower of the parent in the active state
+    ///@detalis bottomIndentActive Sets the indent from the edge of the lower of the parent in the active state.
     property int bottomIndentActive: bottomIndentNormal
-    ///@detalis paddingTopItemDelegate indent above from item delegate
+    ///@detalis paddingTopItemDelegate Indent above from item delegate.
     property int paddingTopItemDelegate: 8 * pt
-    ///@detalis paddingBottomItemDelegate indent below from item delegate
+    ///@detalis paddingBottomItemDelegate Indent below from item delegate.
     property int paddingBottomItemDelegate: paddingTopItemDelegate
-    ///@detalis heightListElement list item height
+    ///@detalis heightListElement List item height.
     property int heightListElement: 32 * pt
-    ///@detalis intervalListElement spacing between items in a list
+    ///@detalis intervalListElement Spacing between items in a list.
     property int intervalListElement: 10 * pt
-    ///@detalis bottomIntervalListElement: spacing from bottom to bottom
+    ///@detalis bottomIntervalListElement Spacing from bottom to bottom.
     property int bottomIntervalListElement: intervalListElement
-    ///@detalis topEffect using an effect for the top element
+    ///@detalis topEffect Using an effect for the top element.
     property bool topEffect: true
-    ///@detalis indicatorImageNormal Indicator picture address for normal state
+    ///@detalis indicatorImageNormal Indicator picture address for normal state.
     property string indicatorImageNormal: "qrc:/res/icons/ic_arrow_drop_down_dark_blue.png"
-    ///@detalis indicatorImageActive Indicator picture address for active state
+    ///@detalis indicatorImageActive Indicator picture address for active state.
     property string indicatorImageActive: "qrc:/res/icons/ic_arrow_drop_up_dark_blue.png"
-    ///@detalis indicatorWidth Indicator width
+    ///@detalis indicatorWidth Indicator width.
     property int indicatorWidth: 24 * pt
-    ///@detalis indicatorHeight Indicator height
+    ///@detalis indicatorHeight Indicator height.
     property int indicatorHeight: indicatorWidth
-    /// colorTopNormalDropShadow color of the shadow effect of the combo box when minimized
+    /// colorTopNormalDropShadow Color of the shadow effect of the combo box when minimized.
     property string colorTopNormalDropShadow: "#00000000"
-    ///@detalis colorDropShadow unboxed shadow color in expanded state
+    ///@detalis colorDropShadow Unboxed shadow color in expanded state.
     property string colorDropShadow: "#40ABABAB"
     ///@detalis countComboBox this variable indicates the number of lines in the list for
-    ///the delegate in the file DapComboBox.qml
+    ///the delegate in the file DapComboBox.qml.
     property int countComboBox: customComboBox.count
     id: customComboBox
@@ -86,14 +85,14 @@ ComboBox {
         anchors.rightMargin: popup.visible ? sidePaddingActive : sidePaddingNormal
-    ///Defining the background for the main line
+    //Defining the background for the main line
     background: Rectangle {
         anchors.fill: parent
         color: parent.popup.visible ? hilightTopColor : normalTopColor
         radius: 2 * pt
         height: parent.height
-    ///Main line text settings
+    //Main line text settings
     contentItem: Text {
         anchors.fill: parent
         anchors.leftMargin: popup.visible ? sidePaddingActive : sidePaddingNormal
@@ -104,7 +103,7 @@ ComboBox {
         verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
-    ///Customize drop-down list with shadow effect
+    //Customize drop-down list with shadow effect
     popup: Popup {
         y: parent.height - 1
         width: parent.width + 1
@@ -134,7 +133,7 @@ ComboBox {
-    ///Shadow effect for the top element.
+    //Shadow effect for the top element.
     DropShadow {
         anchors.fill: if (topEffect)