diff --git a/widgets/DapComboBox.qml b/widgets/DapComboBox.qml
index 3698dd704e05b57b625c5be5dd3762211e12358a..6d1111970cda1a8c6db99bff5e3d80137769ad7a 100644
--- a/widgets/DapComboBox.qml
+++ b/widgets/DapComboBox.qml
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import QtQuick.Controls 2.0
@@ -29,64 +30,119 @@ DapComboBoxForm
             //Text item
-                Text
+                Rectangle
-                    id:textDelegateComboBox
+                    id: rectTextComboBox
                     anchors.fill: parent
                     anchors.topMargin: paddingTopItemDelegate
                     anchors.leftMargin: popup.visible ? sidePaddingActive : sidePaddingNormal
                     anchors.rightMargin: popup.visible ? sidePaddingActive : sidePaddingNormal
-                    font: fontComboBox
+                    color: "transparent"
+                    width: (index !== currentIndex) ?
+                               widthPopupComboBoxNormal - 2*sidePaddingActive - endRowPadding :
+                               widthPopupComboBoxNormal - indicatorWidth - indicatorLeftInterval - 2 * sidePaddingActive
-                    //Calculates various properties of a given string of text for a particular font
-                    TextMetrics
-                    {
-                        id: tm
-                        font: fontComboBox
-                        elide: Text.ElideRight
-                        text: modelData
-                        elideWidth:
-                            {
-                                if(index != currentIndex)
-                                    return widthPopupComboBoxActive - 2*sidePaddingActive;
-                                else
-                                    return widthPopupComboBoxNormal - indicatorWidth - indicatorLeftInterval;
-                            }
-                    }
-                        id: fm
+                        id: comboBoxFontMetric
                         font: fontComboBox
-                    text:
+                    property int comboBoxIndex: index
+                    property int comboBoxCurrentIndex: currentIndex
+                    Row
+                    {
+                        spacing: roleInterval
+                        Repeater
-                            if(index != currentIndex)
-                            {
-                                if(tm.elidedText.length < tm.text.length)
-                                    return tm.elidedText.substring(0, tm.elidedText.length-1) +
-                                            ((fm.tightBoundingRect(tm.elidedText.substring(0, tm.elidedText.length-1)).width +
-                                              fm.tightBoundingRect(tm.text.charAt(tm.elidedText.length-1) + '..').width) < tm.elideWidth ?
-                                                 (tm.text.charAt(tm.elidedText.length-1) + '..')
-                                                    : '..');
-                                return tm.elidedText.replace('…', '..');
-                            }
-                            else
+                            model: comboBoxTextRole.length
+                            Text
-                                if(tm.elidedText.length < tm.text.length)
-                                    mainLineText = tm.elidedText.substring(0, tm.elidedText.length-1) +
-                                            ((fm.tightBoundingRect(tm.elidedText.substring(0, tm.elidedText.length-1)).width +
-                                              fm.tightBoundingRect(tm.text.charAt(tm.elidedText.length-1) + '..').width) < tm.elideWidth ?
-                                                 (tm.text.charAt(tm.elidedText.length-1) + '..')
-                                                    : '..');
-                                else
-                                    mainLineText = tm.elidedText.replace('…', '..');
-                                return "";
+                                id: textDelegateComboBox
+                                font: fontComboBox
+                                color: hovered ? hilightColorText : normalColorText
+                                horizontalAlignment:
+                                {
+                                    if(index === 0)
+                                        return Text.AlignLeft;
+                                    if(index === comboBoxTextRole.length - 1)
+                                        return Text.AlignRight;
+                                    return Text.AlignHCenter;
+                                }
+                                width: (rectTextComboBox.width - roleInterval * (comboBoxTextRole.length - 1)) / comboBoxTextRole.length
+                                /*{
+                                        if(index === 0)
+                                            setModelDataWidth(rectTextComboBox.comboBoxIndex, comboBoxFontMetric, rectTextComboBox.width);
+                                         console.log("comboBoxIndex", rectTextComboBox.comboBoxIndex, "index", index, "comboBoxTextRole", comboBoxTextRole[index])
+                                         return comboBoxTextRoleWidth[index];
+                                }*/
+                                TextMetrics
+                                {
+                                    id: comboBoxTextMetric
+                                    font: fontComboBox
+                                    elide: Text.ElideRight
+                                    text: getModelData(rectTextComboBox.comboBoxIndex, comboBoxTextRole[index])
+                                    elideWidth: textDelegateComboBox.width
+                                }
+                                /*Component.onCompleted:
+                                {
+                                    setModelDataWidth(rectTextComboBox.comboBoxIndex, comboBoxFontMetric, rectTextComboBox.width);
+                                    textDelegateComboBox.width = comboBoxTextRoleWidth[index];
+                                }*/
+                                text:
+                                {
+                                    if(rectTextComboBox.comboBoxIndex != rectTextComboBox.comboBoxCurrentIndex)
+                                    {
+                                        if(comboBoxTextMetric.elideWidth < comboBoxFontMetric.tightBoundingRect(comboBoxTextMetric.text).width)
+                                            return checkElidedText(comboBoxFontMetric, comboBoxTextMetric);
+                                        else if(comboBoxTextMetric.elideWidth === comboBoxFontMetric.tightBoundingRect(comboBoxTextMetric.text).width)
+                                            return comboBoxTextMetric.text;
+                                        else
+                                            return comboBoxTextMetric.elidedText.replace('…', '..');
+                                    }
+                                    else
+                                    {
+                                        if(popup.visible)
+                                        {
+                                            if(comboBoxTextMetric.elideWidth < comboBoxFontMetric.tightBoundingRect(comboBoxTextMetric.text).width)
+                                                mainLineText[index] = checkElidedText(comboBoxFontMetric, comboBoxTextMetric);
+                                            else
+                                            {
+                                                if(comboBoxTextMetric.elideWidth === comboBoxFontMetric.tightBoundingRect(comboBoxTextMetric.text).width)
+                                                    mainLineText[index] = comboBoxTextMetric.text;
+                                                else
+                                                    mainLineText[index] = comboBoxTextMetric.elidedText.replace('…', '..');
+                                            }
+                                        }
+                                        else
+                                        {
+                                            if(index === 0)
+                                                mainLineText[index] = comboBoxFontMetric.elidedText(getModelData(rectTextComboBox.comboBoxIndex, comboBoxTextRole[index]),
+                                                                                                                        Text.ElideRight,
+                                                                                                                        (widthPopupComboBoxNormal - indicatorWidth - indicatorLeftInterval),
+                                                                                                                         Qt.TextShowMnemonic).replace('…', '..');
+                                        }
+                                        console.log("mainLineText[index]", "index", mainLineText[index], index)
+                                            return "";
+                                    }
+                                }
-                    color: hovered ? hilightColorText : normalColorText
+                        Rectangle
+                        {
+                            id: endRowRectangle
+                            height: parent.height
+                            width: endRowPadding
+                            color: "transparent"
+                        }
+                    }
             //Indent from the bottom edge or the next line that will not stand out when you hover over the mouse
@@ -108,4 +164,90 @@ DapComboBoxForm
             highlighted: parent.highlightedIndex === index
+    function checkElidedText(fontMetric, textMetric)
+    {
+        return textMetric.elidedText.substring(0, textMetric.elidedText.length-1) +
+                ((fontMetric.tightBoundingRect(textMetric.elidedText.substring(0, textMetric.elidedText.length-1)).width +
+                  fontMetric.tightBoundingRect(textMetric.text.charAt(textMetric.elidedText.length-1) + '..').width) < textMetric.elideWidth ?
+                     (textMetric.text.charAt(textMetric.elidedText.length-1) + '..')
+                   : '..');
+    }
+    function getModelData(rowIndex, modelRole)
+    {
+        return model.get(rowIndex)[modelRole];
+    }
+    function setModelDataWidth(rowIndex, fontMetric, rowWidth)
+    {
+        comboBoxTextRoleWidth = [0];
+        mainLineText = [""];
+        var neededWidth = 0;
+        for(var i = 0; i < comboBoxTextRole.length; i++)
+        {
+            mainLineText[i] = "";
+            comboBoxTextRoleWidth[i] = fontMetric.tightBoundingRect(getModelData(rowIndex, comboBoxTextRole[i])).width;
+            neededWidth += comboBoxTextRoleWidth[i];
+        }
+        neededWidth += roleInterval * (comboBoxTextRole.length - 1);
+        console.log("neededWidth", neededWidth, "rowWidth", rowWidth);
+        var oneIndex = 0;
+        if (neededWidth > rowWidth)
+        {
+            oneIndex = comboBoxTextRole.indexOf(mainLineRole);
+            if(oneIndex === -1)
+            {
+                oneIndex = comboBoxTextRole.indexOf("text");
+                if(oneIndex === -1)
+                {
+                    oneIndex = comboBoxTextRole.indexOf("name");
+                    if(oneIndex === -1)
+                        oneIndex = 0;
+                }
+            }
+            if(comboBoxTextRoleWidth[oneIndex] < neededWidth - rowWidth)
+            {
+                comboBoxTextRoleWidth[oneIndex] = rowWidth / (comboBoxTextRole.length);
+                var maxWidth = 0;
+                var maxIndex = 0;
+                while(neededWidth > rowWidth)
+                {
+                    maxWidth = comboBoxTextRoleWidth[0];
+                    maxIndex = 0;
+                    for(i = 0; i < comboBoxTextRoleWidth.length; i++)
+                    {
+                        if(maxWidth < comboBoxTextRoleWidth[i])
+                        {
+                            maxWidth = comboBoxTextRoleWidth[i];
+                            maxIndex = i;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    comboBoxTextRoleWidth[maxIndex] -= 10 * pt;
+                    neededWidth = 0;
+                    for(i = 0; i < comboBoxTextRoleWidth.length; i++)
+                        neededWidth += comboBoxTextRoleWidth[i];
+                }
+            }
+            return true;
+        }
+        if(neededWidth < rowWidth)
+        {
+            oneIndex = comboBoxTextRole.indexOf(mainLineRole);
+            if(oneIndex === -1)
+            {
+                oneIndex = comboBoxTextRole.indexOf("text");
+                if(oneIndex === -1)
+                {
+                    oneIndex = comboBoxTextRole.indexOf("name");
+                    if(oneIndex === -1)
+                        oneIndex = 0;
+                }
+            }
+            comboBoxTextRoleWidth[oneIndex] += rowWidth - neededWidth;
+            return true;
+        }
+        return false;
+    }
diff --git a/widgets/DapComboBoxForm.ui.qml b/widgets/DapComboBoxForm.ui.qml
index 829ec783aadbcec199399c89974d4f81776d9fee..448ea087c467a907d180ee7a558b486b053afb84 100644
--- a/widgets/DapComboBoxForm.ui.qml
+++ b/widgets/DapComboBoxForm.ui.qml
@@ -61,8 +61,22 @@ ComboBox
     property string colorDropShadow
     ///@detalis fontComboBox Font setting combobox.
     property alias fontComboBox: dapComboBox.font
-    ///@detalis mainLineText Text without unneccesary part.
-    property string mainLineText
+    //@detalis mainLineText Text without unneccesary part.
+    property var mainLineText: [""]
+    ///@detalis comboBoxTextRole The model roles used for the ComboBox.
+    property var comboBoxTextRole: ["name"]
+    ///@detalis comboBoxTextRoleWidth The model roles width used for the ComboBox.
+    property var comboBoxTextRoleWidth: [100]
+    ///@detalis roleInterval The width between text of model roles used for the ComboBox.
+    property int roleInterval: 5
+    ///@detalis endRowPadding The width of padding at the end of one row at ComboBox where it is need.
+    property int endRowPadding: 0
+    ///@detalis mainLineRole The model role for the main line of cloded ComboBox.
+    property string mainLineRole: "name"
     width: popup.visible ? widthPopupComboBoxActive : widthPopupComboBoxNormal
     height: popup.visible ? heightComboBoxActive : heightComboBoxNormal
@@ -91,16 +105,38 @@ ComboBox
     //Main line text settings
-        Text
+        Rectangle
             anchors.fill: parent
+            anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
             anchors.leftMargin: popup.visible ? sidePaddingActive : sidePaddingNormal
-            text: mainLineText
-            font: parent.font
-            color: popup.visible ? hilightColorTopText : normalColorTopText
-            verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
+            width: widthPopupComboBoxNormal - indicatorWidth - indicatorLeftInterval
+            color: "transparent"
+            Row
+            {
+                spacing: roleInterval
+                Repeater
+                {
+                    id: mainLineRepeater
+                    model: popup.visible ? comboBoxTextRole.length : 1
+                    Text
+                    {
+                        id: mainLineComboBoxText
+                        height: dapComboBox.height
+                        text: index >= mainLineText.length ? "" : mainLineText[index]
+                        horizontalAlignment: (index === 0) ?
+                                                 Text.AlignLeft :
+                                                 ((index === comboBoxTextRole.length - 1) ? Text.AlignRight : Text.AlignHCenter)
+                        font: fontComboBox
+                        color: popup.visible ? hilightColorTopText : normalColorTopText
+                        verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
+                    }
+                }
+            }
     //Customize drop-down list with shadow effect
diff --git a/widgets/DapText.qml b/widgets/DapText.qml
index 3ca718a4455e20c0a2660b515989f20561105e7f..468f588c67addbc0240e23a46202c2acbf9e106a 100644
--- a/widgets/DapText.qml
+++ b/widgets/DapText.qml
@@ -2,60 +2,69 @@ import QtQuick 2.4
-    onTextChanged:
-    {
-        elidedText = (width > 2) ? elideByWidth(width) : (maxSymbolCapacity > 2) ? elideByCapacity(maxSymbolCapacity) : text
-        width = _metrics.boundingRect(elidedText).width
-        height = _metrics.boundingRect(elidedText).height
-    }
+    width: parent.width
-    // "Copy Button" handler
-    function copy()
+    //Text eliding is available only after full item boot
+    //with all metrics - to delete binding loop
+    Component.onCompleted:
-        _fullText.selectAll()
-        _fullText.copy()
+        checkTextElide();
+    //If it needed the dynamic width change
+    onWidthChanged: checkTextElide()
-    // Elides text by number of symbols
-    function elideByCapacity(maxSymbols)
+    //Function to elide text and check result
+    function checkTextElide()
-        var res = ""
-        if (text.length > maxSymbols)
+        if(textMetric.elideWidth < fontMetric.tightBoundingRect(textMetric.text).width)
-            switch (elide)
+            switch(textElide)
-            case Qt.ElideLeft:
-                res = ".." + text.slice(-maxSymbols, text.length-1)
-                break
-            case Qt.ElideMiddle:
-                res = text.slice(0, Math.floor(maxSymbols/2)) + ".." + text.slice(Math.floor(maxSymbols/2) + 1, text.length-1)
-                break
-            case Qt.ElideRight:
-                res = text.slice(0, maxSymbols) + ".."
-                break
-            default:
-                res = text
-                break
+                case Text.ElideRight:
+                    elText = textMetric.elidedText.substring(0, textMetric.elidedText.length - 1) +
+                                ((fontMetric.tightBoundingRect(textMetric.elidedText.substring(0, textMetric.elidedText.length - 1)).width +
+                                  fontMetric.tightBoundingRect(textMetric.text.charAt(textMetric.elidedText.length - 1) + '..').width) < textMetric.elideWidth ?
+                                     (textMetric.text.charAt(textMetric.elidedText.length - 1) + '..'):
+                                   '..');
+                    break;
+                case Text.ElideLeft:
+                    elText = '..' + ((fontMetric.tightBoundingRect(textMetric.elidedText.substring(1, textMetric.elidedText.length - 1)).width +
+                              fontMetric.tightBoundingRect('..' + textMetric.text.charAt(textMetric.text.length - textMetric.elidedText.length)).width) < textMetric.elideWidth ?
+                                 (textMetric.text.charAt(textMetric.text.length - textMetric.elidedText.length)):
+                                 '') + textMetric.elidedText.substring(1, textMetric.elidedText.length - 1);
+                    break;
+                case Text.ElideMiddle:
+                    elText = textMetric.elidedText.substring(0, textMetric.elidedText.indexOf('…')) +
+                            ((fontMetric.tightBoundingRect(textMetric.elidedText.substring(0, textMetric.elidedText.indexOf('…'))).width +
+                              fontMetric.tightBoundingRect(textMetric.text.charAt(textMetric.elidedText.indexOf('…')) + '..').width +
+                              fontMetric.tightBoundingRect(textMetric.elidedText.substring(textMetric.elidedText.indexOf('…') + 1, textMetric.elidedText.length)).width) < textMetric.elideWidth ?
+                                 (textMetric.text.charAt(textMetric.elidedText.indexOf('…')) + '..'):
+                                 '..') +
+                            textMetric.elidedText.substring(textMetric.elidedText.indexOf('…') + 1, textMetric.elidedText.length);
+                    break;
+                case Text.ElideNone:
+                    elText = fullText;
-        {
-            res = text
-        }
-        return res
+            elText = textMetric.elidedText.replace('…', '..');
-    // Elides text by width
-    function elideByWidth(maxWidth)
+    //Function to copy full text to the clipboard
+    function copyFullText()
-        if (_metrics.advanceWidth(text) > maxWidth)
-        {
-            var symbolsNum = (maxWidth / _metrics.averageCharacterWidth)
-            return elideByCapacity(Math.floor(symbolsNum))
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            return text
-        }
+        //Replace elide text by full text and select it
+        text = fullText;
+        selectAll();
+        //Because this method can copy only selected text
+        copy();
+        // User should not see it!
+        deselect();
+        text = elText;
diff --git a/widgets/DapTextForm.ui.qml b/widgets/DapTextForm.ui.qml
index ea18b880fe65f5aa5e653b224fab502804a531fe..ca740809cdf086983ef580aea9751acdfac088bf 100644
--- a/widgets/DapTextForm.ui.qml
+++ b/widgets/DapTextForm.ui.qml
@@ -1,43 +1,42 @@
 import QtQuick 2.4
 import QtQuick.Controls 2.2
     id: dapText
-    ///@details Text.
-    property alias text: fullText.text
-    ///@details Text color.
-    property alias color: elidedText.color
-    ///@details Font.
-    property alias font: elidedText.font
-    ///@details Elide style.
-    property int elide: Qt.ElideRight
-    ///@details The number of symbols to display.
-    property int maxSymbolCapacity: 0
-    ///@details Text to display.
-    property alias elidedText: elidedText.text
+    ///@detalis fullText Full text string
+    property string fullText
+    ///@detalis elText Elided text string
+    property string elText
+    ////@detalis fontDapText Font setting combobox.
+    property alias fontDapText: dapText.font
+    ///@details elide Elide style.
+    property int textElide: Text.ElideRight
+    ///@detalis textMetric Text Metric to elide text
+    property alias textMetric: dapTextInputTextMetric
+    ///@detalis fontMetric Font Metric to check elided text
+    property alias fontMetric: dapTextInputFontMetric
+    ///@detalis textColor Color of text
+    property color textColor
-    property alias _fullText: fullText
-    property alias _metrics: metrics
-    // Displays the text
-    Text 
+    font: fontDapText
+    color: textColor
+    //To do elide
+    TextMetrics
-        id: elidedText
-    }
-    // Calculates elide
-    FontMetrics 
-    {
-        id: metrics
+        id: dapTextInputTextMetric
         font: parent.font
+        elide: textElide
+        elideWidth: parent.width
+        text: fullText
-    // Stores full string to copy
-    TextInput 
+    // To check elide
+    FontMetrics
-        id: fullText
-        visible: false
+        id: dapTextInputFontMetric
+        font: parent.font
+    text: elText