diff --git a/include/dap_enc_bliss.h b/include/dap_enc_bliss.h
index 8b602bc66e387ba8cc9661ed1edab7c6a452be56..8e716d90b8231a990ddacb673885cf3b1222395c 100755
--- a/include/dap_enc_bliss.h
+++ b/include/dap_enc_bliss.h
@@ -28,10 +28,10 @@ int dap_enc_sig_bliss_key_pub_output(struct dap_enc_key *l_key, void * l_output)
 uint8_t* dap_enc_sig_bliss_write_signature(bliss_signature_t* a_sign, size_t *a_sign_out);
-bliss_signature_t* dap_enc_sig_bliss_read_signature(uint8_t *a_buf, size_t a_buflen);
+bliss_signature_t* dap_enc_sig_bliss_read_signature(const byte_t *a_buf, size_t a_buflen);
 uint8_t* dap_enc_sig_bliss_write_private_key(const bliss_private_key_t* a_private_key, size_t *a_buflen_out);
 uint8_t* dap_enc_sig_bliss_write_public_key(const bliss_public_key_t* a_public_key, size_t *a_buflen_out);
-bliss_private_key_t* dap_enc_sig_bliss_read_private_key(uint8_t *a_buf, size_t a_buflen);
+bliss_private_key_t* dap_enc_sig_bliss_read_private_key(const uint8_t *a_buf, size_t a_buflen);
 bliss_public_key_t* dap_enc_sig_bliss_read_public_key(const uint8_t *a_buf, size_t a_buflen);
diff --git a/include/dap_enc_key.h b/include/dap_enc_key.h
index 064896d3cfadd7109fa932de816eb596686b19dd..6699bb5f890c99a9feae86c07e83341f8155dcf7 100755
--- a/include/dap_enc_key.h
+++ b/include/dap_enc_key.h
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
 #include <stddef.h>
 #include <time.h>
 #include <stdint.h>
+#include "dap_common.h"
 typedef enum dap_enc_data_type{DAP_ENC_DATA_TYPE_RAW,
@@ -229,8 +229,8 @@ uint8_t* dap_enc_key_serealize_sign(dap_enc_key_type_t a_key_type, uint8_t *a_si
 uint8_t* dap_enc_key_deserealize_sign(dap_enc_key_type_t a_key_type, uint8_t *a_sign, size_t *a_sign_len);
 uint8_t* dap_enc_key_serealize_priv_key(dap_enc_key_t *a_key, size_t *a_buflen_out);
 uint8_t* dap_enc_key_serealize_pub_key(dap_enc_key_t *a_key, size_t *a_buflen_out);
-int dap_enc_key_deserealize_priv_key(dap_enc_key_t *a_key, uint8_t *a_buf, size_t a_buflen);
-int dap_enc_key_deserealize_pub_key(dap_enc_key_t *a_key, const uint8_t *a_buf, size_t a_buflen);
+int dap_enc_key_deserealize_priv_key(dap_enc_key_t *a_key, const byte_t *a_buf, size_t a_buflen);
+int dap_enc_key_deserealize_pub_key(dap_enc_key_t *a_key, const byte_t *a_buf, size_t a_buflen);
 dap_enc_key_serealize_t* dap_enc_key_serealize(dap_enc_key_t * key);
 dap_enc_key_t* dap_enc_key_deserealize(const void *buf, size_t buf_size);
diff --git a/src/dap_enc.c b/src/dap_enc.c
index 8ad781c0b7904a93a9a88e79186d0d01e0e47699..28f0f753f051cea01042033d824497201265f22a 100755
--- a/src/dap_enc.c
+++ b/src/dap_enc.c
@@ -1,185 +1,185 @@
- Copyright (c) 2017-2018 (c) Project "DeM Labs Inc" https://github.com/demlabsinc
-  All rights reserved.
- This file is part of DAP (Deus Applications Prototypes) the open source project
-    DAP (Deus Applicaions Prototypes) is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-    it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
-    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-    (at your option) any later version.
-    DAP is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-    GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-    along with any DAP based project.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-#ifndef _WIN32
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include "dap_enc.h"
-#include "dap_enc_base64.h"
-#include "dap_enc_key.h"
-#include "dap_common.h"
-#define LOG_TAG "dap_enc"
- * @brief enc_init
- * @return
- */
-int dap_enc_init()
-    srand(time(NULL));
-    return 0;
- * @brief dap_enc_deinit
- */
-void dap_enc_deinit()
- * @brief dap_enc_code_out_size
- * @param a_key
- * @param a_buf_in_size
- * @return min buffer size for input in encode function
- */
-size_t dap_enc_code_out_size(dap_enc_key_t* a_key, const size_t a_buf_in_size, dap_enc_data_type_t type)
-    size_t raw_encode_data_size = dap_enc_key_get_enc_size(a_key, a_buf_in_size);
-    if(raw_encode_data_size == 0) {
-        log_it(L_ERROR, "dap_enc_key_get_enc_size return 0");
-        return 0;
-    }
-    if(type != DAP_ENC_DATA_TYPE_RAW) {
-        return (size_t)DAP_ENC_BASE64_ENCODE_SIZE(raw_encode_data_size);
-    }
-    return raw_encode_data_size;
- * @brief dap_enc_decode_out_size
- * @param a_key
- * @param a_buf_in_size
- * @return min buffer size for input in decode function
- */
-size_t dap_enc_decode_out_size(dap_enc_key_t* a_key, const size_t a_buf_in_size, dap_enc_data_type_t type)
-    size_t raw_decode_data_size = dap_enc_key_get_dec_size(a_key, a_buf_in_size);
-    if(raw_decode_data_size == 0) {
-        log_it(L_ERROR, "dap_enc_key_get_enc_size return 0");
-        return 0;
-    }
-    if(type != DAP_ENC_DATA_TYPE_RAW) {
-        return (size_t)DAP_ENC_BASE64_ENCODE_SIZE(raw_decode_data_size);
-    }
-    return raw_decode_data_size;
- * @brief dap_enc_code Encode data with key
- * @param a_key Private key
- * @param a_buf  Input buffer
- * @param a_buf_size Input buffer size
- * @param a_buf_out Output buffer
- * @param a_buf_out_size_max
- * @return bytes actualy written in the output buffer
- */
-size_t dap_enc_code(struct dap_enc_key * a_key,const void * a_buf_in,const size_t a_buf_size,
-                    void * a_buf_out, const size_t a_buf_out_size_max, dap_enc_data_type_t a_data_type_out)
-    if(!a_key) {
-        log_it(L_ERROR, "key in dap_enc_code() is NULL");
-        return 0;
-    }
-    if(a_key->enc_na) {
-        if(a_data_type_out == DAP_ENC_DATA_TYPE_RAW) {
-            return a_key->enc_na(a_key, a_buf_in, a_buf_size, a_buf_out, a_buf_out_size_max);
-        }else{
-            void *l_proc_buf;
-            l_proc_buf  = DAP_NEW_SIZE (void, a_buf_out_size_max );
-            size_t l_proc_buf_size = a_key->enc_na(a_key, a_buf_in, a_buf_size, l_proc_buf,a_buf_out_size_max);
-            if(a_data_type_out == DAP_ENC_DATA_TYPE_B64 || a_data_type_out == DAP_ENC_DATA_TYPE_B64_URLSAFE) {
-                if(DAP_ENC_BASE64_ENCODE_SIZE(l_proc_buf_size) <= a_buf_out_size_max) {
-                    size_t l_buf_out_size=dap_enc_base64_encode(l_proc_buf, l_proc_buf_size, a_buf_out, a_data_type_out);
-                    DAP_DELETE(l_proc_buf);
-                    return l_buf_out_size;
-                } else {
-                    DAP_DELETE(l_proc_buf);
-                    log_it(L_ERROR, "a_buf_out_size_max less than result size");
-                    return 0;
-                }
-            } else {
-                log_it(L_ERROR, "Unknown dap_enc_data_type");
-                DAP_DELETE(l_proc_buf);
-                return 0;
-            }
-        }
-    } else {
-        log_it(L_ERROR, "key->enc_na is NULL");
-        return 0;
-    }
- * @brief dap_enc_decode Decode data with key
- * @param key_public Public key
- * @param buf  Input buffer
- * @param buf_size Input buffer size
- * @param buf_out Output buffer
- * @param buf_out_max Maximum size of output buffer
- * @return bytes actualy written in the output buffer
- */
-size_t dap_enc_decode(struct dap_enc_key * a_key,const void * a_buf_in, const size_t a_buf_in_size,
-                      void * a_buf_out, const size_t a_buf_out_size_max, dap_enc_data_type_t a_data_type_in)
-    void *l_proc_buf = NULL;
-    const void *l_proc_buf_const = NULL;
-    size_t l_proc_buf_size = 0;
-    switch(a_data_type_in){
-        case DAP_ENC_DATA_TYPE_B64:
-        case DAP_ENC_DATA_TYPE_B64_URLSAFE:
-            l_proc_buf=DAP_NEW_SIZE(void,DAP_ENC_BASE64_ENCODE_SIZE(a_buf_in_size));
-            l_proc_buf_size= dap_enc_base64_decode((const char*) a_buf_in,a_buf_in_size,l_proc_buf,a_data_type_in);
-            l_proc_buf_const=l_proc_buf;
-        break;
-        case DAP_ENC_DATA_TYPE_RAW:{
-            l_proc_buf_const=a_buf_in;
-            l_proc_buf_size=a_buf_in_size;
-        }break;
-    }
-    if(a_key->dec_na) {
-        if(l_proc_buf_size == 0) {
-            log_it(L_ERROR, "Buf is null. dap_enc_base64_decode is failed");
-            return 0;
-        }
-        size_t ret = a_key->dec_na(a_key,l_proc_buf_const,l_proc_buf_size, a_buf_out,a_buf_out_size_max);
-        if(a_data_type_in==DAP_ENC_DATA_TYPE_B64 || a_data_type_in == DAP_ENC_DATA_TYPE_B64_URLSAFE)
-            free(l_proc_buf);
-        return ret;
-    } else {
-        log_it(L_WARNING, "key->dec_na is NULL");
-        if(l_proc_buf_size)
-            free(l_proc_buf);
-        return 0;
-    }
+ Copyright (c) 2017-2018 (c) Project "DeM Labs Inc" https://github.com/demlabsinc
+  All rights reserved.
+ This file is part of DAP (Deus Applications Prototypes) the open source project
+    DAP (Deus Applicaions Prototypes) is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    DAP is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+    along with any DAP based project.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#ifndef _WIN32
+#include <arpa/inet.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include "dap_enc.h"
+#include "dap_enc_base64.h"
+#include "dap_enc_key.h"
+#include "dap_common.h"
+#define LOG_TAG "dap_enc"
+ * @brief enc_init
+ * @return
+ */
+int dap_enc_init()
+    srand(time(NULL));
+    return 0;
+ * @brief dap_enc_deinit
+ */
+void dap_enc_deinit()
+ * @brief dap_enc_code_out_size
+ * @param a_key
+ * @param a_buf_in_size
+ * @return min buffer size for input in encode function
+ */
+size_t dap_enc_code_out_size(dap_enc_key_t* a_key, const size_t a_buf_in_size, dap_enc_data_type_t type)
+    size_t raw_encode_data_size = dap_enc_key_get_enc_size(a_key, a_buf_in_size);
+    if(raw_encode_data_size == 0) {
+        log_it(L_ERROR, "dap_enc_key_get_enc_size return 0");
+        return 0;
+    }
+    if(type != DAP_ENC_DATA_TYPE_RAW) {
+        return (size_t)DAP_ENC_BASE64_ENCODE_SIZE(raw_encode_data_size);
+    }
+    return raw_encode_data_size;
+ * @brief dap_enc_decode_out_size
+ * @param a_key
+ * @param a_buf_in_size
+ * @return min buffer size for input in decode function
+ */
+size_t dap_enc_decode_out_size(dap_enc_key_t* a_key, const size_t a_buf_in_size, dap_enc_data_type_t type)
+    size_t raw_decode_data_size = dap_enc_key_get_dec_size(a_key, a_buf_in_size);
+    if(raw_decode_data_size == 0) {
+        log_it(L_ERROR, "dap_enc_key_get_enc_size return 0");
+        return 0;
+    }
+    if(type != DAP_ENC_DATA_TYPE_RAW) {
+        return (size_t)DAP_ENC_BASE64_ENCODE_SIZE(raw_decode_data_size);
+    }
+    return raw_decode_data_size;
+ * @brief dap_enc_code Encode data with key
+ * @param a_key Private key
+ * @param a_buf  Input buffer
+ * @param a_buf_size Input buffer size
+ * @param a_buf_out Output buffer
+ * @param a_buf_out_size_max
+ * @return bytes actualy written in the output buffer
+ */
+size_t dap_enc_code(struct dap_enc_key * a_key,const void * a_buf_in,const size_t a_buf_size,
+                    void * a_buf_out, const size_t a_buf_out_size_max, dap_enc_data_type_t a_data_type_out)
+    if(!a_key) {
+        log_it(L_ERROR, "key in dap_enc_code() is NULL");
+        return 0;
+    }
+    if(a_key->enc_na) {
+        if(a_data_type_out == DAP_ENC_DATA_TYPE_RAW) {
+            return a_key->enc_na(a_key, a_buf_in, a_buf_size, a_buf_out, a_buf_out_size_max);
+        }else{
+            void *l_proc_buf;
+            l_proc_buf  = DAP_NEW_SIZE (void, a_buf_out_size_max );
+            size_t l_proc_buf_size = a_key->enc_na(a_key, a_buf_in, a_buf_size, l_proc_buf,a_buf_out_size_max);
+            if(a_data_type_out == DAP_ENC_DATA_TYPE_B64 || a_data_type_out == DAP_ENC_DATA_TYPE_B64_URLSAFE) {
+                if(DAP_ENC_BASE64_ENCODE_SIZE(l_proc_buf_size) <= a_buf_out_size_max) {
+                    size_t l_buf_out_size=dap_enc_base64_encode(l_proc_buf, l_proc_buf_size, a_buf_out, a_data_type_out);
+                    DAP_DELETE(l_proc_buf);
+                    return l_buf_out_size;
+                } else {
+                    DAP_DELETE(l_proc_buf);
+                    log_it(L_ERROR, "a_buf_out_size_max less than result size");
+                    return 0;
+                }
+            } else {
+                log_it(L_ERROR, "Unknown dap_enc_data_type");
+                DAP_DELETE(l_proc_buf);
+                return 0;
+            }
+        }
+    } else {
+        log_it(L_ERROR, "key->enc_na is NULL");
+        return 0;
+    }
+ * @brief dap_enc_decode Decode data with key
+ * @param key_public Public key
+ * @param buf  Input buffer
+ * @param buf_size Input buffer size
+ * @param buf_out Output buffer
+ * @param buf_out_max Maximum size of output buffer
+ * @return bytes actualy written in the output buffer
+ */
+size_t dap_enc_decode(struct dap_enc_key * a_key,const void * a_buf_in, const size_t a_buf_in_size,
+                      void * a_buf_out, const size_t a_buf_out_size_max, dap_enc_data_type_t a_data_type_in)
+    void *l_proc_buf = NULL;
+    const void *l_proc_buf_const = NULL;
+    size_t l_proc_buf_size = 0;
+    switch(a_data_type_in){
+        case DAP_ENC_DATA_TYPE_B64:
+        case DAP_ENC_DATA_TYPE_B64_URLSAFE:
+            l_proc_buf=DAP_NEW_SIZE(void,DAP_ENC_BASE64_ENCODE_SIZE(a_buf_in_size));
+            l_proc_buf_size= dap_enc_base64_decode((const char*) a_buf_in,a_buf_in_size,l_proc_buf,a_data_type_in);
+            l_proc_buf_const=l_proc_buf;
+        break;
+        case DAP_ENC_DATA_TYPE_RAW:{
+            l_proc_buf_const=a_buf_in;
+            l_proc_buf_size=a_buf_in_size;
+        }break;
+    }
+    if(a_key->dec_na) {
+        if(l_proc_buf_size == 0) {
+            log_it(L_ERROR, "Buf is null. dap_enc_base64_decode is failed");
+            return 0;
+        }
+        size_t ret = a_key->dec_na(a_key,l_proc_buf_const,l_proc_buf_size, a_buf_out,a_buf_out_size_max);
+        if(a_data_type_in==DAP_ENC_DATA_TYPE_B64 || a_data_type_in == DAP_ENC_DATA_TYPE_B64_URLSAFE)
+            free(l_proc_buf);
+        return ret;
+    } else {
+        log_it(L_WARNING, "key->dec_na is NULL");
+        if(l_proc_buf_size)
+            free(l_proc_buf);
+        return 0;
+    }
diff --git a/src/dap_enc_base58.c b/src/dap_enc_base58.c
index eba1c466bdbbed7d24aa1bb804cb7e01e0e21448..8549457a15969a8f279de36c18475ef5fd31efb1 100755
--- a/src/dap_enc_base58.c
+++ b/src/dap_enc_base58.c
@@ -1,197 +1,197 @@
- * Authors:
- * Dmitriy A. Gearasimov <kahovski@gmail.com>
- * DeM Labs Inc.   https://demlabs.net
- * Kelvin Blockchain community https://github.com/kelvinblockchain
- * Copyright  (c) 2017-2019
- * All rights reserved.
- This file is part of DAP (Deus Applications Prototypes) the open source project
-    DAP (Deus Applicaions Prototypes) is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-    (at your option) any later version.
-    DAP is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-    GNU General Public License for more details.
-    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-    along with any DAP based project.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-#include <stdbool.h>
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "dap_common.h"
-#include "dap_enc_base58.h"
-#define LOG_TAG "dap_enc_base58"
-const char c_b58digits_ordered[] = "123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz";
-const int8_t c_b58digits_map[] = {
-    -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,
-    -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,
-    -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,
-    -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,
-    -1, 9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,-1,17,18,19,20,21,-1,
-    22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,
-    -1,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,-1,44,45,46,
-    47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,
- * @brief dap_enc_base58_decode
- * @param a_in
- * @param a_out
- * @return
- */
-size_t dap_enc_base58_decode(const char * a_in, void * a_out)
-    size_t l_out_size_max = DAP_ENC_BASE58_DECODE_SIZE(strlen(a_in ));
-    size_t l_out_size = l_out_size_max;
-    const unsigned char *l_in_u8 = (const unsigned char*)a_in;
-    size_t l_outi_size = (l_out_size_max + 3) / 4;
-    uint32_t l_outi[l_outi_size];
-    memset(l_outi, 0, l_outi_size*sizeof(uint32_t));
-    uint64_t t;
-    uint32_t c;
-    size_t i, j;
-    uint8_t bytesleft = l_out_size_max % 4;
-    uint32_t zeromask = bytesleft ? (0xffffffff << (bytesleft * 8)) : 0;
-    unsigned zerocount = 0;
-    size_t l_in_len = strlen(a_in);
-    // Leading zeros, just count
-    for (i = 0; i < l_in_len && l_in_u8[i] == '1'; ++i)
-        ++zerocount;
-    for ( ; i < l_in_len; ++i)
-    {
-        if (l_in_u8[i] & 0x80)
-            // High-bit set on invalid digit
-            return 0;
-        if (c_b58digits_map[l_in_u8[i]] == -1)
-            // Invalid base58 digit
-            return 0;
-        c = (unsigned)c_b58digits_map[l_in_u8[i]];
-        for (j = l_outi_size; j--; )
-        {
-            t = ((uint64_t)l_outi[j]) * 58 + c;
-            c = (t & 0x3f00000000) >> 32;
-            l_outi[j] = t & 0xffffffff;
-        }
-        if (c)
-            // Output number too big (carry to the next int32)
-            return 0;
-        if (l_outi[0] & zeromask)
-            // Output number too big (last int32 filled too far)
-            return 0;
-    }
-    unsigned char l_out_u80[l_out_size_max];
-    unsigned char *l_out_u8 = l_out_u80;
-    j = 0;
-    switch (bytesleft) {
-        case 3:
-            *(l_out_u8++) = (l_outi[0] &   0xff0000) >> 16;
-            //-fallthrough
-        case 2:
-            *(l_out_u8++) = (l_outi[0] &     0xff00) >>  8;
-            //-fallthrough
-        case 1:
-            *(l_out_u8++) = (l_outi[0] &       0xff);
-            ++j;
-            //-fallthrough
-        default:
-            break;
-    }
-    for (; j < l_outi_size; ++j)
-    {
-        *(l_out_u8++) = (l_outi[j] >> 0x18) & 0xff;
-        *(l_out_u8++) = (l_outi[j] >> 0x10) & 0xff;
-        *(l_out_u8++) = (l_outi[j] >>    8) & 0xff;
-        *(l_out_u8++) = (l_outi[j] >>    0) & 0xff;
-    }
-    // Count canonical base58 byte count
-    l_out_u8 = l_out_u80;
-    for (i = 0; i < l_out_size_max; ++i)
-    {
-        if (l_out_u8[i]) {
-            if (zerocount > i) {
-                /* result too large */
-                return 0;
-            }
-            break;
-        }
-        --l_out_size;
-    }
-    unsigned char *l_out = a_out;
-    memset(l_out, 0, zerocount);
-    // shift result to beginning of the string
-    for (j = 0; j < l_out_size; j++){
-        l_out[j+zerocount] = l_out_u8[j+i];
-    }
-    l_out[j+zerocount] = 0;
-    l_out_size += zerocount;
-    return l_out_size;
-//bool b58enc(char *a_out, size_t *l_out_size, const void *a_in, size_t a_in_size)
-size_t dap_enc_base58_encode(const void * a_in, size_t a_in_size, char * a_out)
-    const uint8_t *l_in_u8 = a_in;
-    int carry;
-    ssize_t i, j, high, zcount = 0;
-    size_t size;
-    size_t l_out_size = DAP_ENC_BASE58_ENCODE_SIZE (a_in_size);
-    while (zcount < (ssize_t)a_in_size && !l_in_u8[zcount])
-        ++zcount;
-    size = (a_in_size - zcount) * 138 / 100 + 1;
-    uint8_t buf[size];
-    memset(buf, 0, size);
-    for (i = zcount, high = size - 1; i < (ssize_t)a_in_size; ++i, high = j)
-    {
-        for (carry = l_in_u8[i], j = size - 1; (j > high) || carry; --j)
-        {
-            carry += 256 * buf[j];
-            buf[j] = carry % 58;
-            carry /= 58;
-        }
-    }
-    for (j = 0; j < (ssize_t)size && !buf[j]; ++j);
-    if (l_out_size <= ( zcount + size - j) ){
-        l_out_size = ( zcount + size - j + 1 );
-        return l_out_size;
-    }
-    if (zcount)
-        memset(a_out, '1', zcount);
-    for (i = zcount; j < (ssize_t)size; ++i, ++j)
-        a_out[i] = c_b58digits_ordered[buf[j]];
-    a_out[i] = '\0';
-    l_out_size = i;
-    return l_out_size;
+ * Authors:
+ * Dmitriy A. Gearasimov <kahovski@gmail.com>
+ * DeM Labs Inc.   https://demlabs.net
+ * Kelvin Blockchain community https://github.com/kelvinblockchain
+ * Copyright  (c) 2017-2019
+ * All rights reserved.
+ This file is part of DAP (Deus Applications Prototypes) the open source project
+    DAP (Deus Applicaions Prototypes) is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    DAP is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with any DAP based project.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "dap_common.h"
+#include "dap_enc_base58.h"
+#define LOG_TAG "dap_enc_base58"
+const char c_b58digits_ordered[] = "123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz";
+const int8_t c_b58digits_map[] = {
+    -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,
+    -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,
+    -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,
+    -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,
+    -1, 9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,-1,17,18,19,20,21,-1,
+    22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,
+    -1,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,-1,44,45,46,
+    47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,
+ * @brief dap_enc_base58_decode
+ * @param a_in
+ * @param a_out
+ * @return
+ */
+size_t dap_enc_base58_decode(const char * a_in, void * a_out)
+    size_t l_out_size_max = DAP_ENC_BASE58_DECODE_SIZE(strlen(a_in ));
+    size_t l_out_size = l_out_size_max;
+    const unsigned char *l_in_u8 = (const unsigned char*)a_in;
+    size_t l_outi_size = (l_out_size_max + 3) / 4;
+    uint32_t l_outi[l_outi_size];
+    memset(l_outi, 0, l_outi_size*sizeof(uint32_t));
+    uint64_t t;
+    uint32_t c;
+    size_t i, j;
+    uint8_t bytesleft = l_out_size_max % 4;
+    uint32_t zeromask = bytesleft ? (0xffffffff << (bytesleft * 8)) : 0;
+    unsigned zerocount = 0;
+    size_t l_in_len = strlen(a_in);
+    // Leading zeros, just count
+    for (i = 0; i < l_in_len && l_in_u8[i] == '1'; ++i)
+        ++zerocount;
+    for ( ; i < l_in_len; ++i)
+    {
+        if (l_in_u8[i] & 0x80)
+            // High-bit set on invalid digit
+            return 0;
+        if (c_b58digits_map[l_in_u8[i]] == -1)
+            // Invalid base58 digit
+            return 0;
+        c = (unsigned)c_b58digits_map[l_in_u8[i]];
+        for (j = l_outi_size; j--; )
+        {
+            t = ((uint64_t)l_outi[j]) * 58 + c;
+            c = (t & 0x3f00000000) >> 32;
+            l_outi[j] = t & 0xffffffff;
+        }
+        if (c)
+            // Output number too big (carry to the next int32)
+            return 0;
+        if (l_outi[0] & zeromask)
+            // Output number too big (last int32 filled too far)
+            return 0;
+    }
+    unsigned char l_out_u80[l_out_size_max];
+    unsigned char *l_out_u8 = l_out_u80;
+    j = 0;
+    switch (bytesleft) {
+        case 3:
+            *(l_out_u8++) = (l_outi[0] &   0xff0000) >> 16;
+            //-fallthrough
+        case 2:
+            *(l_out_u8++) = (l_outi[0] &     0xff00) >>  8;
+            //-fallthrough
+        case 1:
+            *(l_out_u8++) = (l_outi[0] &       0xff);
+            ++j;
+            //-fallthrough
+        default:
+            break;
+    }
+    for (; j < l_outi_size; ++j)
+    {
+        *(l_out_u8++) = (l_outi[j] >> 0x18) & 0xff;
+        *(l_out_u8++) = (l_outi[j] >> 0x10) & 0xff;
+        *(l_out_u8++) = (l_outi[j] >>    8) & 0xff;
+        *(l_out_u8++) = (l_outi[j] >>    0) & 0xff;
+    }
+    // Count canonical base58 byte count
+    l_out_u8 = l_out_u80;
+    for (i = 0; i < l_out_size_max; ++i)
+    {
+        if (l_out_u8[i]) {
+            if (zerocount > i) {
+                /* result too large */
+                return 0;
+            }
+            break;
+        }
+        --l_out_size;
+    }
+    unsigned char *l_out = a_out;
+    memset(l_out, 0, zerocount);
+    // shift result to beginning of the string
+    for (j = 0; j < l_out_size; j++){
+        l_out[j+zerocount] = l_out_u8[j+i];
+    }
+    l_out[j+zerocount] = 0;
+    l_out_size += zerocount;
+    return l_out_size;
+//bool b58enc(char *a_out, size_t *l_out_size, const void *a_in, size_t a_in_size)
+size_t dap_enc_base58_encode(const void * a_in, size_t a_in_size, char * a_out)
+    const uint8_t *l_in_u8 = a_in;
+    int carry;
+    ssize_t i, j, high, zcount = 0;
+    size_t size;
+    size_t l_out_size = DAP_ENC_BASE58_ENCODE_SIZE (a_in_size);
+    while (zcount < (ssize_t)a_in_size && !l_in_u8[zcount])
+        ++zcount;
+    size = (a_in_size - zcount) * 138 / 100 + 1;
+    uint8_t buf[size];
+    memset(buf, 0, size);
+    for (i = zcount, high = size - 1; i < (ssize_t)a_in_size; ++i, high = j)
+    {
+        for (carry = l_in_u8[i], j = size - 1; (j > high) || carry; --j)
+        {
+            carry += 256 * buf[j];
+            buf[j] = carry % 58;
+            carry /= 58;
+        }
+    }
+    for (j = 0; j < (ssize_t)size && !buf[j]; ++j);
+    if (l_out_size <= ( zcount + size - j) ){
+        l_out_size = ( zcount + size - j + 1 );
+        return l_out_size;
+    }
+    if (zcount)
+        memset(a_out, '1', zcount);
+    for (i = zcount; j < (ssize_t)size; ++i, ++j)
+        a_out[i] = c_b58digits_ordered[buf[j]];
+    a_out[i] = '\0';
+    l_out_size = i;
+    return l_out_size;
diff --git a/src/dap_enc_base64.c b/src/dap_enc_base64.c
index a8e3cebe7c264fe568e852f3399a1a37381a3319..4501e7d3ab6705efae9c6332a03ae38d533459f9 100755
--- a/src/dap_enc_base64.c
+++ b/src/dap_enc_base64.c
@@ -1,412 +1,412 @@
-#include <math.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "dap_enc_base64.h"
-typedef unsigned char byte;
-// get the size of the result buffer required for Base-64
-// encoding/decoding.
-// sz - size of original buffer to be encoded/decoded
-// isEncoded - true (1) when encoding the original buffer;
-//				false (0) when decoding the original buffer.
-int B64_GetSize( int sz, int isEncode );
-// Base-64 encode the given byte array
-// outChars - buffer of length returned by GetSize(), filled upon return
-void B64_Encode( const byte* srcBytes, int srcLen, char* outChars );
-// Base-64 decode the given string
-// srcChars - characters to be decoded
-// outBytes - buffer of length returned by GetSize(), filled upon return
-void B64_Decode( const char* srcChars, int srcLen, byte* outBytes );
-// return the Base-64 encoded char for the given source byte
-char B64_EncodeByte( byte b );
-// return the Base-64 decoded byte for the given source char
-// <returns></returns>
-byte B64_DecodeByte( byte b );
-#ifndef b64_malloc
-#  define b64_malloc(ptr) malloc(ptr)
-#ifndef b64_realloc
-#  define b64_realloc(ptr, size) realloc(ptr, size)
- * @breif Base64 index table.
- */
-static const char b64_standart_table[] = {
-    'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H',
-    'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P',
-    'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X',
-    'Y', 'Z', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f',
-    'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n',
-    'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v',
-    'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', '0', '1', '2', '3',
-    '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '+', '/'
- * @breif Base64 url safe index table.
- */
-static const char b64_table_url_safe[] = {
-    'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H',
-    'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P',
-    'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X',
-    'Y', 'Z', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f',
-    'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n',
-    'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v',
-    'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', '0', '1', '2', '3',
-    '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '-', '_'
- * Encode `unsigned char *' source with `size_t' size.
- * Returns a `char *' base64 encoded string.
- */
-char *
-b64_encode (const unsigned char *, size_t);
- * Dencode `char *' source with `size_t' size.
- * Returns a `unsigned char *' base64 decoded string.
- */
-unsigned char *
-b64_decode (const char *, size_t);
- * Dencode `char *' source with `size_t' size.
- * Returns a `unsigned char *' base64 decoded string + size of decoded string.
- */
-unsigned char *
-b64_decode_ex (const char *, size_t, size_t *);
- * @brief b64_table_by_standard The function returns the corresponding table of indices
- * @param[in] standard Base64 or Base64 URLSAFE encoding
- * @return index table
- */
-static const char* b64_table_by_standard(dap_enc_data_type_t standard)
-    switch (standard) {
-    case DAP_ENC_DATA_TYPE_B64:
-        return b64_standart_table;
-        return b64_table_url_safe;
-    default:
-        perror("Unknown base64 standard");
-        abort();
-    }
-    return NULL;
- * @brief dap_enc_base64_decode Function of reverse transformation of base64 algorithm
- * @param[in] in Pointer to an array with incoming data
- * @param[in] in_size Size of the array with outgoing data
- * @param[out] out Pointer to an array with outgoing data
- * @return Size of the array with outgoing data
- */
-size_t dap_enc_base64_decode(const char * in, size_t in_size,void * out, dap_enc_data_type_t standard)
-    uint8_t * out_bytes = (uint8_t*) out;
-    int j = 0;
-    int8_t l = 0, i = 0;
-    size_t l_size = 0;
-    unsigned char buf[3] = {0};
-    unsigned char tmp[4] = {0};
-    const char* b64_table = b64_table_by_standard(standard);
-    if (NULL == out) { return 0; }
-    // parse until end of source
-    while (in_size--) {
-        // break if char is `=' or not base64 char
-        if ('=' == in[j]) { break; }
-        if (!(isalnum(in[j]) || in[j] == b64_table[62] || in[j] == b64_table[63]))
-            break;
-        // read up to 4 bytes at a time into `tmp'
-        tmp[i++] = in[j++];
-        // if 4 bytes read then decode into `buf'
-        if (4 == i) {
-            // translate values in `tmp' from table
-            for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
-                // find translation char in `b64_table'
-                for (l = 0; l < 64; ++l) {
-                    if (tmp[i] == b64_table[l]) {
-                        tmp[i] = l;
-                        break;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            // decode
-            buf[0] = (tmp[0] << 2) + ((tmp[1] & 0x30) >> 4);
-            buf[1] = ((tmp[1] & 0xf) << 4) + ((tmp[2] & 0x3c) >> 2);
-            buf[2] = ((tmp[2] & 0x3) << 6) + tmp[3];
-            // write decoded buffer to `dec'
-            for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
-                out_bytes[l_size++] = buf[i];
-            }
-            // reset
-            i = 0;
-        }
-    }
-    // remainder
-    if (i > 0) {
-        // fill `tmp' with `\0' at most 4 times
-        for (j = i; j < 4; ++j) {
-            tmp[j] = '\0';
-        }
-        // translate remainder
-        for (j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
-            // find translation char in `b64_table'
-            for (l = 0; l < 64; ++l) {
-                if (tmp[j] == b64_table[l]) {
-                    tmp[j] = l;
-                    break;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        // decode remainder
-        buf[0] = (tmp[0] << 2) + ((tmp[1] & 0x30) >> 4);
-        buf[1] = ((tmp[1] & 0xf) << 4) + ((tmp[2] & 0x3c) >> 2);
-        buf[2] = ((tmp[2] & 0x3) << 6) + tmp[3];
-        // write remainer decoded buffer to `dec'
-        for (j = 0; (j < i - 1); ++j) {
-            out_bytes[l_size++] = buf[j];
-        }
-    }
-    return l_size;
- * @brief dap_enc_base64_encode The function encodes the array according to the base64 algorithm
- * @param[in] a_in Array with incoming data
- * @param[in] a_in_size The size of the deviance array in the a_in parameter
- * @param[out] a_out A pointer to an array in which the data will be after encoding
- * @return Size of the array with outgoing data
- */
-size_t dap_enc_base64_encode(const void * a_in, size_t a_in_size, char * a_out, dap_enc_data_type_t standard)
-    uint8_t i = 0;
-    int j = 0;
-    size_t size = 0;
-    unsigned char buf[4];
-    unsigned char tmp[3];
-    const unsigned char * l_in_bytes = (const unsigned char*) a_in;
-    const char* b64_table = b64_table_by_standard(standard);
-    if (NULL == a_out) { return 0; }
-    // parse until end of source
-    while (a_in_size--) {
-        // read up to 3 bytes at a time into `tmp'
-        tmp[i++] = *(  l_in_bytes++);
-        // if 3 bytes read then encode into `buf'
-        if (3 == i) {
-            buf[0] = (tmp[0] & 0xfc) >> 2;
-            buf[1] = ((tmp[0] & 0x03) << 4) + ((tmp[1] & 0xf0) >> 4);
-            buf[2] = ((tmp[1] & 0x0f) << 2) + ((tmp[2] & 0xc0) >> 6);
-            buf[3] = tmp[2] & 0x3f;
-            for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
-                a_out[size++] = b64_table[buf[i]];
-            }
-            // reset index
-            i = 0;
-        }
-    }
-    // remainder
-    if (i > 0) {
-        // fill `tmp' with `\0' at most 3 times
-        for (j = i; j < 3; ++j) {
-            tmp[j] = '\0';
-        }
-        // perform same codec as above
-        buf[0] = (tmp[0] & 0xfc) >> 2;
-        buf[1] = ((tmp[0] & 0x03) << 4) + ((tmp[1] & 0xf0) >> 4);
-        buf[2] = ((tmp[1] & 0x0f) << 2) + ((tmp[2] & 0xc0) >> 6);
-        buf[3] = tmp[2] & 0x3f;
-        // perform same write to `enc` with new allocation
-        for (j = 0; (j < i + 1); ++j) {
-            a_out[size++] = b64_table[buf[j]];
-        }
-        // while there is still a remainder
-        // append `=' to `enc'
-        while ((i++ < 3)) {
-            a_out[size++] = '=';
-        }
-    }
-    return size;
-// get the size of the result buffer required for Base-64
-// encoding/decoding.
-// sz - size of original buffer to be encoded/decoded
-// isEncoded - true (1) when encoding the original buffer;
-//				false (0) when decoding the original buffer.
-int B64_GetSize( int sz, int isEncode )
-    int n = 0;
-    if( isEncode ) {
-        n = ceil ( ((double) sz) / 3.0 ) * 4.0;
-        switch( sz % 3 ) {
-        case 0: break;
-        case 1: n += 2; break;
-        case 2: n += 3; break;
-        }
-    }
-    else {
-        n = ceil ( ((double) sz) / 4.0 ) * 3.0;
-        switch( sz % 4 ) {
-        case 0: break;
-        case 1: break;
-        case 2: n += 1; break;
-        case 3: n += 2; break;
-        }
-    }
-    return n;
-// Base-64 encode the given byte array
-// outChars - buffer of length returned by GetSize(), filled upon return
-void B64_Encode( const byte* srcBytes, int srcLen, char* outChars )
-    byte b1, b2, b3;
-    byte* destBytes = (byte*)outChars;
-    // walk through the source, taking 3 bytes at a time
-    int srcNdx = 0;
-    int destNdx = 0;
-    int remaining = srcLen;
-    for( ; remaining > 2; remaining -= 3 ) {
-        b1 = srcBytes[ srcNdx++ ];
-        b2 = srcBytes[ srcNdx++ ];
-        b3 = srcBytes[ srcNdx++ ];
-        destBytes[destNdx++] = B64_EncodeByte( (byte)( b1 >> 2 ) );
-        destBytes[destNdx++] = B64_EncodeByte( (byte)( ( b1 << 4 ) | ( b2 >> 4 ) ) );
-        destBytes[destNdx++] = B64_EncodeByte( (byte)( ( b2 << 2 ) | ( b3 >> 6 ) ) );
-        destBytes[destNdx++] = B64_EncodeByte( (byte)b3 );
-    }
-    // process the remaining bytes
-    b2 = 0;
-    if( remaining > 0 ) {
-        b1 = srcBytes[srcNdx++];
-        if( remaining == 2 )
-            b2 = srcBytes[srcNdx++];
-        destBytes[destNdx++] = B64_EncodeByte( (byte)( b1 >> 2 ) );
-        destBytes[destNdx++] = B64_EncodeByte( (byte)( ( b1 << 4 ) | ( b2 >> 4 ) ) );
-        if( remaining == 2 )
-            destBytes[destNdx++] = B64_EncodeByte( (byte)( b2 << 2 ) );
-    }
-// Base-64 decode the given string
-// srcChars - characters to be decoded
-// outBytes - buffer of length returned by GetSize(), filled upon return
-void B64_Decode( const char* srcChars, int srcLen, byte* outBytes )
-    byte b1, b2, b3, b4;
-    const byte* srcBytes = (byte*)srcChars;
-    byte* destBytes = outBytes;
-    // walk through the source, taking 4 bytes at a time
-    int srcNdx = 0;
-    int destNdx = 0;
-    int remaining = srcLen;
-    for( ; remaining > 3; remaining -= 4 ) {
-        b1 = B64_DecodeByte( srcBytes[srcNdx++] );
-        b2 = B64_DecodeByte( srcBytes[srcNdx++] );
-        b3 = B64_DecodeByte( srcBytes[srcNdx++] );
-        b4 = B64_DecodeByte( srcBytes[srcNdx++] );
-        destBytes[destNdx++] = (byte)( ( b1 << 2 ) | ( b2 >> 4 ) );
-        destBytes[destNdx++] = (byte)( ( b2 << 4 ) | ( b3 >> 2 ) );
-        destBytes[destNdx++] = (byte)( ( b3 << 6 ) | b4 );
-    }
-    // process the remaining bytes
-    b2 = b3 = 0;
-    if( remaining > 0 ) {
-        b1 = B64_DecodeByte( srcBytes[srcNdx++] );
-        if( remaining > 1 )
-            b2 = B64_DecodeByte( srcBytes[srcNdx++] );
-        if( remaining == 3 )
-            b3 = B64_DecodeByte( srcBytes[srcNdx++] );
-        destBytes[destNdx++] = (byte)( ( b1 << 2 ) | ( b2 >> 4 ) );
-        if( remaining == 3 )
-            destBytes[destNdx++] = (byte)( ( b2 << 4 ) | ( b3 >> 2 ) );
-    }
-// return the Base-64 encoded char for the given source byte
-char B64_EncodeByte( byte b )
-    b &= 0x3f;
-    if( b <= 25 )
-        return (byte)( b +'A' );
-    if( b <= 51 )
-        return (byte)( b - 26 + 'a' );
-    if( b <= 61 )
-        return (byte)( b - 52 + '0' );
-    if( b == 62 )
-        return (byte)'-';
-    return (byte)'_';
-// return the Base-64 decoded byte for the given source char
-// <returns></returns>
-byte B64_DecodeByte( byte b )
-    if (( b == '+' ) || (b =='-') )
-        return 62;
-    if( (b == '/' ) || (b == '_') )
-        return 63;
-    if( b <= '9' )
-        return (byte)( b - '0' + 52 );
-    if( b <= 'Z' )
-        return (byte)( b - 'A' );
-    return (byte)( b - 'a' + 26 );
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "dap_enc_base64.h"
+typedef unsigned char byte;
+// get the size of the result buffer required for Base-64
+// encoding/decoding.
+// sz - size of original buffer to be encoded/decoded
+// isEncoded - true (1) when encoding the original buffer;
+//				false (0) when decoding the original buffer.
+int B64_GetSize( int sz, int isEncode );
+// Base-64 encode the given byte array
+// outChars - buffer of length returned by GetSize(), filled upon return
+void B64_Encode( const byte* srcBytes, int srcLen, char* outChars );
+// Base-64 decode the given string
+// srcChars - characters to be decoded
+// outBytes - buffer of length returned by GetSize(), filled upon return
+void B64_Decode( const char* srcChars, int srcLen, byte* outBytes );
+// return the Base-64 encoded char for the given source byte
+char B64_EncodeByte( byte b );
+// return the Base-64 decoded byte for the given source char
+// <returns></returns>
+byte B64_DecodeByte( byte b );
+#ifndef b64_malloc
+#  define b64_malloc(ptr) malloc(ptr)
+#ifndef b64_realloc
+#  define b64_realloc(ptr, size) realloc(ptr, size)
+ * @breif Base64 index table.
+ */
+static const char b64_standart_table[] = {
+    'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H',
+    'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P',
+    'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X',
+    'Y', 'Z', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f',
+    'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n',
+    'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v',
+    'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', '0', '1', '2', '3',
+    '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '+', '/'
+ * @breif Base64 url safe index table.
+ */
+static const char b64_table_url_safe[] = {
+    'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H',
+    'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P',
+    'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X',
+    'Y', 'Z', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f',
+    'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n',
+    'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v',
+    'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', '0', '1', '2', '3',
+    '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '-', '_'
+ * Encode `unsigned char *' source with `size_t' size.
+ * Returns a `char *' base64 encoded string.
+ */
+char *
+b64_encode (const unsigned char *, size_t);
+ * Dencode `char *' source with `size_t' size.
+ * Returns a `unsigned char *' base64 decoded string.
+ */
+unsigned char *
+b64_decode (const char *, size_t);
+ * Dencode `char *' source with `size_t' size.
+ * Returns a `unsigned char *' base64 decoded string + size of decoded string.
+ */
+unsigned char *
+b64_decode_ex (const char *, size_t, size_t *);
+ * @brief b64_table_by_standard The function returns the corresponding table of indices
+ * @param[in] standard Base64 or Base64 URLSAFE encoding
+ * @return index table
+ */
+static const char* b64_table_by_standard(dap_enc_data_type_t standard)
+    switch (standard) {
+    case DAP_ENC_DATA_TYPE_B64:
+        return b64_standart_table;
+        return b64_table_url_safe;
+    default:
+        perror("Unknown base64 standard");
+        abort();
+    }
+    return NULL;
+ * @brief dap_enc_base64_decode Function of reverse transformation of base64 algorithm
+ * @param[in] in Pointer to an array with incoming data
+ * @param[in] in_size Size of the array with outgoing data
+ * @param[out] out Pointer to an array with outgoing data
+ * @return Size of the array with outgoing data
+ */
+size_t dap_enc_base64_decode(const char * in, size_t in_size,void * out, dap_enc_data_type_t standard)
+    uint8_t * out_bytes = (uint8_t*) out;
+    int j = 0;
+    int8_t l = 0, i = 0;
+    size_t l_size = 0;
+    unsigned char buf[3] = {0};
+    unsigned char tmp[4] = {0};
+    const char* b64_table = b64_table_by_standard(standard);
+    if (NULL == out) { return 0; }
+    // parse until end of source
+    while (in_size--) {
+        // break if char is `=' or not base64 char
+        if ('=' == in[j]) { break; }
+        if (!(isalnum(in[j]) || in[j] == b64_table[62] || in[j] == b64_table[63]))
+            break;
+        // read up to 4 bytes at a time into `tmp'
+        tmp[i++] = in[j++];
+        // if 4 bytes read then decode into `buf'
+        if (4 == i) {
+            // translate values in `tmp' from table
+            for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
+                // find translation char in `b64_table'
+                for (l = 0; l < 64; ++l) {
+                    if (tmp[i] == b64_table[l]) {
+                        tmp[i] = l;
+                        break;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            // decode
+            buf[0] = (tmp[0] << 2) + ((tmp[1] & 0x30) >> 4);
+            buf[1] = ((tmp[1] & 0xf) << 4) + ((tmp[2] & 0x3c) >> 2);
+            buf[2] = ((tmp[2] & 0x3) << 6) + tmp[3];
+            // write decoded buffer to `dec'
+            for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
+                out_bytes[l_size++] = buf[i];
+            }
+            // reset
+            i = 0;
+        }
+    }
+    // remainder
+    if (i > 0) {
+        // fill `tmp' with `\0' at most 4 times
+        for (j = i; j < 4; ++j) {
+            tmp[j] = '\0';
+        }
+        // translate remainder
+        for (j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
+            // find translation char in `b64_table'
+            for (l = 0; l < 64; ++l) {
+                if (tmp[j] == b64_table[l]) {
+                    tmp[j] = l;
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // decode remainder
+        buf[0] = (tmp[0] << 2) + ((tmp[1] & 0x30) >> 4);
+        buf[1] = ((tmp[1] & 0xf) << 4) + ((tmp[2] & 0x3c) >> 2);
+        buf[2] = ((tmp[2] & 0x3) << 6) + tmp[3];
+        // write remainer decoded buffer to `dec'
+        for (j = 0; (j < i - 1); ++j) {
+            out_bytes[l_size++] = buf[j];
+        }
+    }
+    return l_size;
+ * @brief dap_enc_base64_encode The function encodes the array according to the base64 algorithm
+ * @param[in] a_in Array with incoming data
+ * @param[in] a_in_size The size of the deviance array in the a_in parameter
+ * @param[out] a_out A pointer to an array in which the data will be after encoding
+ * @return Size of the array with outgoing data
+ */
+size_t dap_enc_base64_encode(const void * a_in, size_t a_in_size, char * a_out, dap_enc_data_type_t standard)
+    uint8_t i = 0;
+    int j = 0;
+    size_t size = 0;
+    unsigned char buf[4];
+    unsigned char tmp[3];
+    const unsigned char * l_in_bytes = (const unsigned char*) a_in;
+    const char* b64_table = b64_table_by_standard(standard);
+    if (NULL == a_out) { return 0; }
+    // parse until end of source
+    while (a_in_size--) {
+        // read up to 3 bytes at a time into `tmp'
+        tmp[i++] = *(  l_in_bytes++);
+        // if 3 bytes read then encode into `buf'
+        if (3 == i) {
+            buf[0] = (tmp[0] & 0xfc) >> 2;
+            buf[1] = ((tmp[0] & 0x03) << 4) + ((tmp[1] & 0xf0) >> 4);
+            buf[2] = ((tmp[1] & 0x0f) << 2) + ((tmp[2] & 0xc0) >> 6);
+            buf[3] = tmp[2] & 0x3f;
+            for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
+                a_out[size++] = b64_table[buf[i]];
+            }
+            // reset index
+            i = 0;
+        }
+    }
+    // remainder
+    if (i > 0) {
+        // fill `tmp' with `\0' at most 3 times
+        for (j = i; j < 3; ++j) {
+            tmp[j] = '\0';
+        }
+        // perform same codec as above
+        buf[0] = (tmp[0] & 0xfc) >> 2;
+        buf[1] = ((tmp[0] & 0x03) << 4) + ((tmp[1] & 0xf0) >> 4);
+        buf[2] = ((tmp[1] & 0x0f) << 2) + ((tmp[2] & 0xc0) >> 6);
+        buf[3] = tmp[2] & 0x3f;
+        // perform same write to `enc` with new allocation
+        for (j = 0; (j < i + 1); ++j) {
+            a_out[size++] = b64_table[buf[j]];
+        }
+        // while there is still a remainder
+        // append `=' to `enc'
+        while ((i++ < 3)) {
+            a_out[size++] = '=';
+        }
+    }
+    return size;
+// get the size of the result buffer required for Base-64
+// encoding/decoding.
+// sz - size of original buffer to be encoded/decoded
+// isEncoded - true (1) when encoding the original buffer;
+//				false (0) when decoding the original buffer.
+int B64_GetSize( int sz, int isEncode )
+    int n = 0;
+    if( isEncode ) {
+        n = ceil ( ((double) sz) / 3.0 ) * 4.0;
+        switch( sz % 3 ) {
+        case 0: break;
+        case 1: n += 2; break;
+        case 2: n += 3; break;
+        }
+    }
+    else {
+        n = ceil ( ((double) sz) / 4.0 ) * 3.0;
+        switch( sz % 4 ) {
+        case 0: break;
+        case 1: break;
+        case 2: n += 1; break;
+        case 3: n += 2; break;
+        }
+    }
+    return n;
+// Base-64 encode the given byte array
+// outChars - buffer of length returned by GetSize(), filled upon return
+void B64_Encode( const byte* srcBytes, int srcLen, char* outChars )
+    byte b1, b2, b3;
+    byte* destBytes = (byte*)outChars;
+    // walk through the source, taking 3 bytes at a time
+    int srcNdx = 0;
+    int destNdx = 0;
+    int remaining = srcLen;
+    for( ; remaining > 2; remaining -= 3 ) {
+        b1 = srcBytes[ srcNdx++ ];
+        b2 = srcBytes[ srcNdx++ ];
+        b3 = srcBytes[ srcNdx++ ];
+        destBytes[destNdx++] = B64_EncodeByte( (byte)( b1 >> 2 ) );
+        destBytes[destNdx++] = B64_EncodeByte( (byte)( ( b1 << 4 ) | ( b2 >> 4 ) ) );
+        destBytes[destNdx++] = B64_EncodeByte( (byte)( ( b2 << 2 ) | ( b3 >> 6 ) ) );
+        destBytes[destNdx++] = B64_EncodeByte( (byte)b3 );
+    }
+    // process the remaining bytes
+    b2 = 0;
+    if( remaining > 0 ) {
+        b1 = srcBytes[srcNdx++];
+        if( remaining == 2 )
+            b2 = srcBytes[srcNdx++];
+        destBytes[destNdx++] = B64_EncodeByte( (byte)( b1 >> 2 ) );
+        destBytes[destNdx++] = B64_EncodeByte( (byte)( ( b1 << 4 ) | ( b2 >> 4 ) ) );
+        if( remaining == 2 )
+            destBytes[destNdx++] = B64_EncodeByte( (byte)( b2 << 2 ) );
+    }
+// Base-64 decode the given string
+// srcChars - characters to be decoded
+// outBytes - buffer of length returned by GetSize(), filled upon return
+void B64_Decode( const char* srcChars, int srcLen, byte* outBytes )
+    byte b1, b2, b3, b4;
+    const byte* srcBytes = (byte*)srcChars;
+    byte* destBytes = outBytes;
+    // walk through the source, taking 4 bytes at a time
+    int srcNdx = 0;
+    int destNdx = 0;
+    int remaining = srcLen;
+    for( ; remaining > 3; remaining -= 4 ) {
+        b1 = B64_DecodeByte( srcBytes[srcNdx++] );
+        b2 = B64_DecodeByte( srcBytes[srcNdx++] );
+        b3 = B64_DecodeByte( srcBytes[srcNdx++] );
+        b4 = B64_DecodeByte( srcBytes[srcNdx++] );
+        destBytes[destNdx++] = (byte)( ( b1 << 2 ) | ( b2 >> 4 ) );
+        destBytes[destNdx++] = (byte)( ( b2 << 4 ) | ( b3 >> 2 ) );
+        destBytes[destNdx++] = (byte)( ( b3 << 6 ) | b4 );
+    }
+    // process the remaining bytes
+    b2 = b3 = 0;
+    if( remaining > 0 ) {
+        b1 = B64_DecodeByte( srcBytes[srcNdx++] );
+        if( remaining > 1 )
+            b2 = B64_DecodeByte( srcBytes[srcNdx++] );
+        if( remaining == 3 )
+            b3 = B64_DecodeByte( srcBytes[srcNdx++] );
+        destBytes[destNdx++] = (byte)( ( b1 << 2 ) | ( b2 >> 4 ) );
+        if( remaining == 3 )
+            destBytes[destNdx++] = (byte)( ( b2 << 4 ) | ( b3 >> 2 ) );
+    }
+// return the Base-64 encoded char for the given source byte
+char B64_EncodeByte( byte b )
+    b &= 0x3f;
+    if( b <= 25 )
+        return (byte)( b +'A' );
+    if( b <= 51 )
+        return (byte)( b - 26 + 'a' );
+    if( b <= 61 )
+        return (byte)( b - 52 + '0' );
+    if( b == 62 )
+        return (byte)'-';
+    return (byte)'_';
+// return the Base-64 decoded byte for the given source char
+// <returns></returns>
+byte B64_DecodeByte( byte b )
+    if (( b == '+' ) || (b =='-') )
+        return 62;
+    if( (b == '/' ) || (b == '_') )
+        return 63;
+    if( b <= '9' )
+        return (byte)( b - '0' + 52 );
+    if( b <= 'Z' )
+        return (byte)( b - 'A' );
+    return (byte)( b - 'a' + 26 );
diff --git a/src/dap_enc_bliss.c b/src/dap_enc_bliss.c
index 255a29a3efcfb41e950845bb1f736afb6aca4937..371f69929f89b6126fdb27351ce0751f95c3b716 100755
--- a/src/dap_enc_bliss.c
+++ b/src/dap_enc_bliss.c
@@ -1,311 +1,312 @@
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <inttypes.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "dap_enc_bliss.h"
-#include "dap_common.h"
-#include "dap_rand.h"
-#include "SimpleFIPS202.h"
-#define LOG_TAG "dap_enc_sig_bliss"
-static enum DAP_BLISS_SIGN_SECURITY _bliss_type = MAX_SECURITY; // by default
-void dap_enc_sig_bliss_set_type(enum DAP_BLISS_SIGN_SECURITY type)
-    _bliss_type = type;
-void dap_enc_sig_bliss_key_new(struct dap_enc_key *key) {
-    key->type = DAP_ENC_KEY_TYPE_SIG_BLISS;
-    key->enc = NULL;
-    key->gen_bob_shared_key = (dap_enc_gen_bob_shared_key) dap_enc_sig_bliss_get_sign;
-    key->gen_alice_shared_key = (dap_enc_gen_alice_shared_key) dap_enc_sig_bliss_verify_sign;
- * @brief dap_enc_sig_bliss_key_pub_output_size
- * @param l_key
- * @return
- */
-size_t dap_enc_sig_bliss_key_pub_output_size(struct dap_enc_key *l_key)
-    (void) l_key;
-    return sizeof(bliss_public_key_t); // Always same, right?
- * @brief dap_enc_sig_bliss_key_pub_output
- * @param l_key
- * @param l_output
- * @return
- */
-int dap_enc_sig_bliss_key_pub_output(struct dap_enc_key *l_key, void * l_output)
-    int32_t retcode;
-    retcode = bliss_b_public_key_extract((bliss_public_key_t *) l_output,
-            (const bliss_private_key_t *) l_key->priv_key_data);
-    if(retcode != BLISS_B_NO_ERROR) {
-        log_it(L_CRITICAL, "Can't extract public key from the private one");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    return 0;
-// generation key pair for sign Alice
-// a_key->data  --- Alice's public key
-// alice_priv  ---  Alice's private key
-// alice_msg_len --- Alice's private key length
-void dap_enc_sig_bliss_key_new_generate(struct dap_enc_key * a_key, const void *kex_buf,
-        size_t kex_size, const void * seed, size_t seed_size,
-        size_t key_size)
-    (void) kex_buf;
-    (void) kex_size;
-    (void) seed;
-    (void) seed_size;
-    (void) key_size;
-    int32_t l_retcode;
-    dap_enc_sig_bliss_key_new(a_key);
-    uint8_t seed_tmp[SHA3_512_DIGEST_LENGTH];
-    entropy_t entropy;
-    if(seed && seed_size>0){
-        assert(SHA3_512_DIGEST_LENGTH==64);
-        SHA3_512((unsigned char *)seed_tmp, (const unsigned char *)seed, seed_size);
-    }
-    else
-        randombytes(&seed_tmp, 64);
-    entropy_init(&entropy, seed_tmp);
-    /* type is a param of sign-security
-     * type = 0 - "toy" version                (< 60 bits)
-     * type = 1 - max speed                    (128 bits)
-     * type = 2 - min size                     (128 bits)
-     * type = 3 - good speed and good security (160 bits)
-     * type = 4 - max securiry                 (192 bits)
-     */
-    //int32_t type = 4;
-    a_key->priv_key_data_size = sizeof(bliss_private_key_t);
-    a_key->priv_key_data = DAP_NEW_SIZE(void, a_key->priv_key_data_size);
-    l_retcode = bliss_b_private_key_gen((bliss_private_key_t *) a_key->priv_key_data, _bliss_type, &entropy);
-    if(l_retcode != BLISS_B_NO_ERROR) {
-        bliss_b_private_key_delete(a_key->priv_key_data);
-        a_key->priv_key_data = NULL;
-        a_key->priv_key_data_size = 0;
-        log_it(L_CRITICAL, "Error");
-        return;
-    }
-    a_key->pub_key_data_size = sizeof(bliss_public_key_t);
-    a_key->pub_key_data = DAP_NEW_SIZE(void, a_key->pub_key_data_size);
-    l_retcode = bliss_b_public_key_extract((bliss_public_key_t *) a_key->pub_key_data,
-            (const bliss_private_key_t *) a_key->priv_key_data);
-    if(l_retcode != BLISS_B_NO_ERROR) {
-        bliss_b_private_key_delete(a_key->priv_key_data);
-        bliss_b_public_key_delete(a_key->pub_key_data);
-        log_it(L_CRITICAL, "Error");
-        return;
-    }
-int dap_enc_sig_bliss_get_sign(struct dap_enc_key * key, const void * msg,
-        const size_t msg_size, void * signature, const size_t signature_size)
-    if(signature_size < sizeof(bliss_signature_t)) {
-        log_it(L_ERROR, "bad signature size");
-        return 0;
-    }
-    uint8_t seed_tmp[SHA3_512_DIGEST_LENGTH];
-    entropy_t entropy;
-    randombytes(&seed_tmp, 64);
-    entropy_init(&entropy, seed_tmp);
-    return bliss_b_sign((bliss_signature_t *) signature,
-            (const bliss_private_key_t *) key->priv_key_data,
-            (const uint8_t *) msg,
-            msg_size,
-            &entropy);
-int dap_enc_sig_bliss_verify_sign(struct dap_enc_key * key, const void * msg,
-        const size_t msg_size, void * signature, const size_t signature_size)
-    if(signature_size < sizeof(bliss_signature_t)) {
-        log_it(L_ERROR, "bad signature size");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    return bliss_b_verify(signature, key->pub_key_data, msg, msg_size);
-void dap_enc_sig_bliss_key_delete(struct dap_enc_key *key)
-    if(key->priv_key_data)
-        bliss_b_private_key_delete(key->priv_key_data);
-    if(key->pub_key_data)
-        bliss_b_public_key_delete(key->pub_key_data);
-/* Serialize a signature */
-uint8_t* dap_enc_sig_bliss_write_signature(bliss_signature_t* a_sign, size_t *a_sign_out)
-    bliss_param_t p;
-    if(!bliss_params_init(&p, a_sign->kind)) {
-        return NULL ;
-    }
-    size_t l_shift_mem = 0;
-    size_t l_buflen = sizeof(size_t) + sizeof(bliss_kind_t) + p.n * 2 * sizeof(int32_t) + p.kappa * sizeof(int32_t);
-    uint8_t *l_buf = DAP_NEW_SIZE(uint8_t, l_buflen);
-    memcpy(l_buf, &l_buflen, sizeof(size_t));
-    l_shift_mem += sizeof(size_t);
-    memcpy(l_buf + l_shift_mem, &a_sign->kind, sizeof(bliss_kind_t));
-    l_shift_mem += sizeof(bliss_kind_t);
-    memcpy(l_buf + l_shift_mem, a_sign->z1, p.n * sizeof(int32_t));
-    l_shift_mem += p.n * sizeof(int32_t);
-    memcpy(l_buf + l_shift_mem, a_sign->z2, p.n * sizeof(int32_t));
-    l_shift_mem += p.n * sizeof(int32_t);
-    memcpy(l_buf + l_shift_mem, a_sign->c, p.kappa * sizeof(int32_t));
-    l_shift_mem += p.kappa * sizeof(int32_t);
-    if(a_sign_out)
-        *a_sign_out = l_buflen;
-    return l_buf;
-/* Deserialize a signature */
-bliss_signature_t* dap_enc_sig_bliss_read_signature(uint8_t *a_buf, size_t a_buflen)
-    if(!a_buf || a_buflen < (sizeof(size_t) + sizeof(bliss_kind_t)))
-        return NULL ;
-    bliss_kind_t kind;
-    size_t l_buflen = 0;
-    memcpy(&l_buflen, a_buf, sizeof(size_t));
-    memcpy(&kind, a_buf + sizeof(size_t), sizeof(bliss_kind_t));
-    if(l_buflen != a_buflen)
-        return NULL ;
-    bliss_param_t p;
-    if(!bliss_params_init(&p, kind))
-        return NULL ;
-    bliss_signature_t* l_sign = DAP_NEW(bliss_signature_t);
-    l_sign->kind = kind;
-    l_sign->z1 = DAP_NEW_SIZE(int32_t, p.n * sizeof(int32_t));
-    l_sign->z2 = DAP_NEW_SIZE(int32_t, p.n * sizeof(int32_t));
-    l_sign->c = DAP_NEW_SIZE(uint32_t, p.kappa * sizeof(int32_t));
-    size_t l_shift_mem = sizeof(size_t) + sizeof(bliss_kind_t);
-    memcpy(l_sign->z1, a_buf + l_shift_mem, p.n * sizeof(int32_t));
-    l_shift_mem += p.n * sizeof(int32_t);
-    memcpy(l_sign->z2, a_buf + l_shift_mem, p.n * sizeof(int32_t));
-    l_shift_mem += p.n * sizeof(int32_t);
-    memcpy(l_sign->c, a_buf + l_shift_mem, p.kappa * sizeof(int32_t));
-    l_shift_mem += p.kappa * sizeof(int32_t);
-    return l_sign;
-/* Serialize a private key. */
-uint8_t* dap_enc_sig_bliss_write_private_key(const bliss_private_key_t* a_private_key, size_t *a_buflen_out)
-    bliss_param_t p;
-    if(!bliss_params_init(&p, a_private_key->kind)) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    size_t l_shift_mem = 0;
-    size_t l_buflen = sizeof(size_t) + sizeof(bliss_kind_t) + 3 * p.n * sizeof(int32_t);
-    uint8_t *l_buf = DAP_NEW_SIZE(uint8_t, l_buflen);
-    memcpy(l_buf, &l_buflen, sizeof(size_t));
-    l_shift_mem += sizeof(size_t);
-    memcpy(l_buf + l_shift_mem, &a_private_key->kind, sizeof(bliss_kind_t));
-    l_shift_mem += sizeof(bliss_kind_t);
-    memcpy(l_buf + l_shift_mem, a_private_key->s1, p.n * sizeof(int32_t));
-    l_shift_mem += p.n * sizeof(int32_t);
-    memcpy(l_buf + l_shift_mem, a_private_key->s2, p.n * sizeof(int32_t));
-    l_shift_mem += p.n * sizeof(int32_t);
-    memcpy(l_buf + l_shift_mem, a_private_key->a, p.n * sizeof(int32_t));
-    l_shift_mem += p.n * sizeof(int32_t);
-    if(a_buflen_out)
-        *a_buflen_out = l_buflen;
-    return l_buf;
-/* Serialize a public key. */
-uint8_t* dap_enc_sig_bliss_write_public_key(const bliss_public_key_t* a_public_key, size_t *a_buflen_out)
-    bliss_param_t p;
-    if(!bliss_params_init(&p, a_public_key->kind)) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    size_t l_shift_mem = 0;
-    size_t l_buflen = sizeof(size_t) + sizeof(bliss_kind_t) + p.n * sizeof(int32_t);
-    uint8_t *l_buf = DAP_NEW_SIZE(uint8_t, l_buflen);
-    memcpy(l_buf, &l_buflen, sizeof(size_t));
-    l_shift_mem += sizeof(size_t);
-    memcpy(l_buf + l_shift_mem, &a_public_key->kind, sizeof(bliss_kind_t));
-    l_shift_mem += sizeof(bliss_kind_t);
-    memcpy(l_buf + l_shift_mem, a_public_key->a, p.n * sizeof(int32_t));
-    l_shift_mem += p.n * sizeof(int32_t);
-    if(a_buflen_out)
-        *a_buflen_out = l_buflen;
-    return l_buf;
-/* Deserialize a private key. */
-bliss_private_key_t* dap_enc_sig_bliss_read_private_key(uint8_t *a_buf, size_t a_buflen)
-    if(!a_buf || a_buflen < (sizeof(size_t) + sizeof(bliss_kind_t)))
-        return NULL;
-    bliss_kind_t kind;
-    size_t l_buflen = 0;
-    memcpy(&l_buflen, a_buf, sizeof(size_t));
-    memcpy(&kind, a_buf + sizeof(size_t), sizeof(bliss_kind_t));
-    if(l_buflen != a_buflen)
-        return NULL;
-    bliss_param_t p;
-    if(!bliss_params_init(&p, kind))
-        return NULL;
-    bliss_private_key_t* l_private_key = DAP_NEW(bliss_private_key_t);
-    l_private_key->kind = kind;
-    l_private_key->s1 = DAP_NEW_SIZE(int32_t, p.n * sizeof(int32_t));
-    l_private_key->s2 = DAP_NEW_SIZE(int32_t, p.n * sizeof(int32_t));
-    l_private_key->a  = DAP_NEW_SIZE(int32_t, p.n * sizeof(int32_t));
-    size_t l_shift_mem = sizeof(size_t) + sizeof(bliss_kind_t);
-    memcpy(l_private_key->s1, a_buf + l_shift_mem, p.n * sizeof(int32_t));
-    l_shift_mem += p.n * sizeof(int32_t);
-    memcpy(l_private_key->s2, a_buf + l_shift_mem, p.n * sizeof(int32_t));
-    l_shift_mem += p.n * sizeof(int32_t);
-    memcpy(l_private_key->a, a_buf + l_shift_mem, p.n * sizeof(int32_t));
-    l_shift_mem += p.n * sizeof(int32_t);
-    return l_private_key;
-/* Deserialize a public key. */
-bliss_public_key_t* dap_enc_sig_bliss_read_public_key(const uint8_t *a_buf, size_t a_buflen)
-    if(!a_buf || a_buflen < (sizeof(size_t) + sizeof(bliss_kind_t)))
-        return NULL;
-    bliss_kind_t kind;
-    size_t l_buflen = 0;
-    memcpy(&l_buflen, a_buf, sizeof(size_t));
-    memcpy(&kind, a_buf + sizeof(size_t), sizeof(bliss_kind_t));
-    if(l_buflen != a_buflen)
-        return NULL;
-    bliss_param_t p;
-    if(!bliss_params_init(&p, kind))
-        return NULL;
-    bliss_public_key_t* l_public_key = DAP_NEW(bliss_public_key_t);
-    l_public_key->kind = kind;
-    l_public_key->a = DAP_NEW_SIZE(int32_t, p.n * sizeof(int32_t));
-    memcpy(l_public_key->a, a_buf + sizeof(size_t) + sizeof(bliss_kind_t), p.n * sizeof(int32_t));
-    return l_public_key;
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <inttypes.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "dap_enc_bliss.h"
+#include "dap_common.h"
+#include "dap_rand.h"
+#include "SimpleFIPS202.h"
+#define LOG_TAG "dap_enc_sig_bliss"
+static enum DAP_BLISS_SIGN_SECURITY _bliss_type = MAX_SECURITY; // by default
+bliss_kind_t _bliss_kind = BLISS_B_4; // same as previous as I expect
+void dap_enc_sig_bliss_set_type(enum DAP_BLISS_SIGN_SECURITY type)
+    _bliss_type = type;
+void dap_enc_sig_bliss_key_new(struct dap_enc_key *key) {
+    key->type = DAP_ENC_KEY_TYPE_SIG_BLISS;
+    key->enc = NULL;
+    key->gen_bob_shared_key = (dap_enc_gen_bob_shared_key) dap_enc_sig_bliss_get_sign;
+    key->gen_alice_shared_key = (dap_enc_gen_alice_shared_key) dap_enc_sig_bliss_verify_sign;
+ * @brief dap_enc_sig_bliss_key_pub_output_size
+ * @param l_key
+ * @return
+ */
+size_t dap_enc_sig_bliss_key_pub_output_size(struct dap_enc_key *l_key)
+    (void) l_key;
+    return sizeof(bliss_public_key_t); // Always same, right?
+ * @brief dap_enc_sig_bliss_key_pub_output
+ * @param l_key
+ * @param l_output
+ * @return
+ */
+int dap_enc_sig_bliss_key_pub_output(struct dap_enc_key *l_key, void * l_output)
+    int32_t retcode;
+    retcode = bliss_b_public_key_extract((bliss_public_key_t *) l_output,
+            (const bliss_private_key_t *) l_key->priv_key_data);
+    if(retcode != BLISS_B_NO_ERROR) {
+        log_it(L_CRITICAL, "Can't extract public key from the private one");
+        return -1;
+    }
+    return 0;
+// generation key pair for sign Alice
+// a_key->data  --- Alice's public key
+// alice_priv  ---  Alice's private key
+// alice_msg_len --- Alice's private key length
+void dap_enc_sig_bliss_key_new_generate(struct dap_enc_key * a_key, const void *kex_buf,
+        size_t kex_size, const void * seed, size_t seed_size,
+        size_t key_size)
+    (void) kex_buf;
+    (void) kex_size;
+    (void) seed;
+    (void) seed_size;
+    (void) key_size;
+    int32_t l_retcode;
+    dap_enc_sig_bliss_key_new(a_key);
+    uint8_t seed_tmp[SHA3_512_DIGEST_LENGTH];
+    entropy_t entropy;
+    if(seed && seed_size>0){
+        assert(SHA3_512_DIGEST_LENGTH==64);
+        SHA3_512((unsigned char *)seed_tmp, (const unsigned char *)seed, seed_size);
+    }
+    else
+        randombytes(&seed_tmp, 64);
+    entropy_init(&entropy, seed_tmp);
+    /* type is a param of sign-security
+     * type = 0 - "toy" version                (< 60 bits)
+     * type = 1 - max speed                    (128 bits)
+     * type = 2 - min size                     (128 bits)
+     * type = 3 - good speed and good security (160 bits)
+     * type = 4 - max securiry                 (192 bits)
+     */
+    //int32_t type = 4;
+    a_key->priv_key_data_size = sizeof(bliss_private_key_t);
+    a_key->priv_key_data = DAP_NEW_SIZE(void, a_key->priv_key_data_size);
+    l_retcode = bliss_b_private_key_gen((bliss_private_key_t *) a_key->priv_key_data, _bliss_kind, &entropy);
+    if(l_retcode != BLISS_B_NO_ERROR) {
+        bliss_b_private_key_delete(a_key->priv_key_data);
+        a_key->priv_key_data = NULL;
+        a_key->priv_key_data_size = 0;
+        log_it(L_CRITICAL, "Error");
+        return;
+    }
+    a_key->pub_key_data_size = sizeof(bliss_public_key_t);
+    a_key->pub_key_data = DAP_NEW_SIZE(void, a_key->pub_key_data_size);
+    l_retcode = bliss_b_public_key_extract((bliss_public_key_t *) a_key->pub_key_data,
+            (const bliss_private_key_t *) a_key->priv_key_data);
+    if(l_retcode != BLISS_B_NO_ERROR) {
+        bliss_b_private_key_delete(a_key->priv_key_data);
+        bliss_b_public_key_delete(a_key->pub_key_data);
+        log_it(L_CRITICAL, "Error");
+        return;
+    }
+int dap_enc_sig_bliss_get_sign(struct dap_enc_key * key, const void * msg,
+        const size_t msg_size, void * signature, const size_t signature_size)
+    if(signature_size < sizeof(bliss_signature_t)) {
+        log_it(L_ERROR, "bad signature size");
+        return 0;
+    }
+    uint8_t seed_tmp[SHA3_512_DIGEST_LENGTH];
+    entropy_t entropy;
+    randombytes(&seed_tmp, 64);
+    entropy_init(&entropy, seed_tmp);
+    return bliss_b_sign((bliss_signature_t *) signature,
+            (const bliss_private_key_t *) key->priv_key_data,
+            (const uint8_t *) msg,
+            msg_size,
+            &entropy);
+int dap_enc_sig_bliss_verify_sign(struct dap_enc_key * key, const void * msg,
+        const size_t msg_size, void * signature, const size_t signature_size)
+    if(signature_size < sizeof(bliss_signature_t)) {
+        log_it(L_ERROR, "bad signature size");
+        return -1;
+    }
+    return bliss_b_verify(signature, key->pub_key_data, msg, msg_size);
+void dap_enc_sig_bliss_key_delete(struct dap_enc_key *key)
+    if(key->priv_key_data)
+        bliss_b_private_key_delete(key->priv_key_data);
+    if(key->pub_key_data)
+        bliss_b_public_key_delete(key->pub_key_data);
+/* Serialize a signature */
+uint8_t* dap_enc_sig_bliss_write_signature(bliss_signature_t* a_sign, size_t *a_sign_out)
+    bliss_param_t p;
+    if(!bliss_params_init(&p, a_sign->kind)) {
+        return NULL ;
+    }
+    size_t l_shift_mem = 0;
+    size_t l_buflen = sizeof(size_t) + sizeof(bliss_kind_t) + p.n * 2 * sizeof(int32_t) + p.kappa * sizeof(int32_t);
+    uint8_t *l_buf = DAP_NEW_SIZE(uint8_t, l_buflen);
+    memcpy(l_buf, &l_buflen, sizeof(size_t));
+    l_shift_mem += sizeof(size_t);
+    memcpy(l_buf + l_shift_mem, &a_sign->kind, sizeof(bliss_kind_t));
+    l_shift_mem += sizeof(bliss_kind_t);
+    memcpy(l_buf + l_shift_mem, a_sign->z1, p.n * sizeof(int32_t));
+    l_shift_mem += p.n * sizeof(int32_t);
+    memcpy(l_buf + l_shift_mem, a_sign->z2, p.n * sizeof(int32_t));
+    l_shift_mem += p.n * sizeof(int32_t);
+    memcpy(l_buf + l_shift_mem, a_sign->c, p.kappa * sizeof(int32_t));
+    l_shift_mem += p.kappa * sizeof(int32_t);
+    if(a_sign_out)
+        *a_sign_out = l_buflen;
+    return l_buf;
+/* Deserialize a signature */
+bliss_signature_t* dap_enc_sig_bliss_read_signature(const byte_t *a_buf, size_t a_buflen)
+    if(!a_buf || a_buflen < (sizeof(size_t) + sizeof(bliss_kind_t)))
+        return NULL ;
+    bliss_kind_t kind;
+    size_t l_buflen = 0;
+    memcpy(&l_buflen, a_buf, sizeof(size_t));
+    memcpy(&kind, a_buf + sizeof(size_t), sizeof(bliss_kind_t));
+    if(l_buflen != a_buflen)
+        return NULL ;
+    bliss_param_t p;
+    if(!bliss_params_init(&p, kind))
+        return NULL ;
+    bliss_signature_t* l_sign = DAP_NEW(bliss_signature_t);
+    l_sign->kind = kind;
+    l_sign->z1 = DAP_NEW_SIZE(int32_t, p.n * sizeof(int32_t));
+    l_sign->z2 = DAP_NEW_SIZE(int32_t, p.n * sizeof(int32_t));
+    l_sign->c = DAP_NEW_SIZE(uint32_t, p.kappa * sizeof(int32_t));
+    size_t l_shift_mem = sizeof(size_t) + sizeof(bliss_kind_t);
+    memcpy(l_sign->z1, a_buf + l_shift_mem, p.n * sizeof(int32_t));
+    l_shift_mem += p.n * sizeof(int32_t);
+    memcpy(l_sign->z2, a_buf + l_shift_mem, p.n * sizeof(int32_t));
+    l_shift_mem += p.n * sizeof(int32_t);
+    memcpy(l_sign->c, a_buf + l_shift_mem, p.kappa * sizeof(int32_t));
+    l_shift_mem += p.kappa * sizeof(int32_t);
+    return l_sign;
+/* Serialize a private key. */
+uint8_t* dap_enc_sig_bliss_write_private_key(const bliss_private_key_t* a_private_key, size_t *a_buflen_out)
+    bliss_param_t p;
+    if(!bliss_params_init(&p, a_private_key->kind)) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    size_t l_shift_mem = 0;
+    size_t l_buflen = sizeof(size_t) + sizeof(bliss_kind_t) + 3 * p.n * sizeof(int32_t);
+    uint8_t *l_buf = DAP_NEW_SIZE(uint8_t, l_buflen);
+    memcpy(l_buf, &l_buflen, sizeof(size_t));
+    l_shift_mem += sizeof(size_t);
+    memcpy(l_buf + l_shift_mem, &a_private_key->kind, sizeof(bliss_kind_t));
+    l_shift_mem += sizeof(bliss_kind_t);
+    memcpy(l_buf + l_shift_mem, a_private_key->s1, p.n * sizeof(int32_t));
+    l_shift_mem += p.n * sizeof(int32_t);
+    memcpy(l_buf + l_shift_mem, a_private_key->s2, p.n * sizeof(int32_t));
+    l_shift_mem += p.n * sizeof(int32_t);
+    memcpy(l_buf + l_shift_mem, a_private_key->a, p.n * sizeof(int32_t));
+    l_shift_mem += p.n * sizeof(int32_t);
+    if(a_buflen_out)
+        *a_buflen_out = l_buflen;
+    return l_buf;
+/* Serialize a public key. */
+uint8_t* dap_enc_sig_bliss_write_public_key(const bliss_public_key_t* a_public_key, size_t *a_buflen_out)
+    bliss_param_t p;
+    if(!bliss_params_init(&p, a_public_key->kind)) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    size_t l_shift_mem = 0;
+    size_t l_buflen = sizeof(size_t) + sizeof(bliss_kind_t) + p.n * sizeof(int32_t);
+    uint8_t *l_buf = DAP_NEW_SIZE(uint8_t, l_buflen);
+    memcpy(l_buf, &l_buflen, sizeof(size_t));
+    l_shift_mem += sizeof(size_t);
+    memcpy(l_buf + l_shift_mem, &a_public_key->kind, sizeof(bliss_kind_t));
+    l_shift_mem += sizeof(bliss_kind_t);
+    memcpy(l_buf + l_shift_mem, a_public_key->a, p.n * sizeof(int32_t));
+    l_shift_mem += p.n * sizeof(int32_t);
+    if(a_buflen_out)
+        *a_buflen_out = l_buflen;
+    return l_buf;
+/* Deserialize a private key. */
+bliss_private_key_t* dap_enc_sig_bliss_read_private_key(const uint8_t *a_buf, size_t a_buflen)
+    if(!a_buf || a_buflen < (sizeof(size_t) + sizeof(bliss_kind_t)))
+        return NULL;
+    bliss_kind_t kind;
+    size_t l_buflen = 0;
+    memcpy(&l_buflen, a_buf, sizeof(size_t));
+    memcpy(&kind, a_buf + sizeof(size_t), sizeof(bliss_kind_t));
+    if(l_buflen != a_buflen)
+        return NULL;
+    bliss_param_t p;
+    if(!bliss_params_init(&p, kind))
+        return NULL;
+    bliss_private_key_t* l_private_key = DAP_NEW(bliss_private_key_t);
+    l_private_key->kind = kind;
+    l_private_key->s1 = DAP_NEW_SIZE(int32_t, p.n * sizeof(int32_t));
+    l_private_key->s2 = DAP_NEW_SIZE(int32_t, p.n * sizeof(int32_t));
+    l_private_key->a  = DAP_NEW_SIZE(int32_t, p.n * sizeof(int32_t));
+    size_t l_shift_mem = sizeof(size_t) + sizeof(bliss_kind_t);
+    memcpy(l_private_key->s1, a_buf + l_shift_mem, p.n * sizeof(int32_t));
+    l_shift_mem += p.n * sizeof(int32_t);
+    memcpy(l_private_key->s2, a_buf + l_shift_mem, p.n * sizeof(int32_t));
+    l_shift_mem += p.n * sizeof(int32_t);
+    memcpy(l_private_key->a, a_buf + l_shift_mem, p.n * sizeof(int32_t));
+    l_shift_mem += p.n * sizeof(int32_t);
+    return l_private_key;
+/* Deserialize a public key. */
+bliss_public_key_t* dap_enc_sig_bliss_read_public_key(const uint8_t *a_buf, size_t a_buflen)
+    if(!a_buf || a_buflen < (sizeof(size_t) + sizeof(bliss_kind_t)))
+        return NULL;
+    bliss_kind_t kind;
+    size_t l_buflen = 0;
+    memcpy(&l_buflen, a_buf, sizeof(size_t));
+    memcpy(&kind, a_buf + sizeof(size_t), sizeof(bliss_kind_t));
+    if(l_buflen != a_buflen)
+        return NULL;
+    bliss_param_t p;
+    if(!bliss_params_init(&p, kind))
+        return NULL;
+    bliss_public_key_t* l_public_key = DAP_NEW(bliss_public_key_t);
+    l_public_key->kind = kind;
+    l_public_key->a = DAP_NEW_SIZE(int32_t, p.n * sizeof(int32_t));
+    memcpy(l_public_key->a, a_buf + sizeof(size_t) + sizeof(bliss_kind_t), p.n * sizeof(int32_t));
+    return l_public_key;
diff --git a/src/dap_enc_defeo.c b/src/dap_enc_defeo.c
index 8b4e171a9f950f1a9e12f6169358159f656b771a..c7e9f1f7a5e66df3df8bf264f053763bcb4ffc5c 100755
--- a/src/dap_enc_defeo.c
+++ b/src/dap_enc_defeo.c
@@ -1,152 +1,152 @@
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdbool.h>
-#include "dap_enc_defeo.h"
-#include "dap_enc_key.h"
-#include "dap_common.h"
-#include "defeo_config.h"
-#include "defeo_scheme/defeo_P768_internal.h"
-void dap_enc_defeo_key_new(struct dap_enc_key *a_key) {
-    a_key->type = DAP_ENC_KEY_TYPE_DEFEO;
-    a_key->enc = NULL;
-    a_key->gen_bob_shared_key = (dap_enc_gen_bob_shared_key) dap_enc_defeo_gen_bob_shared_key;
-    a_key->gen_alice_shared_key = (dap_enc_gen_alice_shared_key) dap_enc_defeo_gen_alice_shared_key;
-// key pair generation of Alice
-// a_key->data  --- Alice's public key
-// alice_priv  ---  Alice's private key
-// alice_msg_len --- Alice's private key length
-void dap_enc_defeo_key_new_generate(struct dap_enc_key * a_key, const void *kex_buf,
-                                    size_t kex_size, const void * seed, size_t seed_size,
-                                    size_t key_size)
-    (void) kex_buf; (void) kex_size;
-    (void) seed; (void) seed_size;
-    (void)key_size;
-    dap_enc_defeo_key_new(a_key);
-    a_key->pub_key_data = malloc(DEFEO_PUBLICK_KEY_LEN);
-    a_key->pub_key_data_size = DEFEO_PUBLICK_KEY_LEN;
-    if(a_key->pub_key_data == NULL) {
-        log_it(L_CRITICAL, "Error malloc");
-        return;
-    }
-    a_key->priv_key_data = malloc(DEFEO_SECRET_KEY_LEN);
-    a_key->priv_key_data_size = DEFEO_SECRET_KEY_LEN;
-    // generate A key pair
-    random_mod_order_A((unsigned char *) a_key->priv_key_data);
-    if(EphemeralKeyGeneration_A((unsigned char *) a_key->priv_key_data, (unsigned char *) a_key->pub_key_data) != 0) {
-        log_it(L_CRITICAL, "Error malloc");
-    }
-void dap_enc_defeo_key_delete(struct dap_enc_key *a_key)
-    (void)a_key;
-// key pair generation and generation of shared key at Bob's side
-// INPUT:
-// a_pub  ---  Alice's public key
-// a_pub_size --- Alice's public key length
-// b_pub  --- Bob's public key
-// b_key->data  --- shared key
-// a_pub_size --- shared key length
-size_t dap_enc_defeo_gen_bob_shared_key(struct dap_enc_key *b_key, const void *a_pub,
-                            size_t a_pub_size, void ** b_pub)
-    *b_pub = NULL;
-    if(a_pub_size != DEFEO_PUBLICK_KEY_LEN) {
-        return 1;
-    }
-    *b_pub = malloc(DEFEO_PUBLICK_KEY_LEN);
-    if(b_pub == NULL) {
-        log_it(L_CRITICAL, "Error malloc");
-        return 2;
-    }
-    b_key->priv_key_data = malloc(DEFEO_SHARED_KEY_LEN);
-    if(b_key->priv_key_data == NULL) {
-        log_it(L_CRITICAL, "Error malloc");
-        return 3;
-    }
-    uint8_t *bob_priv = malloc(DEFEO_SECRET_KEY_LEN);
-    // generate Bob's key pair
-    random_mod_order_B((unsigned char *)bob_priv);
-    if(EphemeralKeyGeneration_B((unsigned char *) bob_priv, (unsigned char *) b_key->pub_key_data) != 0) {
-        log_it(L_CRITICAL, "Error malloc");
-        return 1;
-    }
-    // compute Bob's shared secret
-    if(EphemeralSecretAgreement_B((unsigned char *) bob_priv, (unsigned char *) a_pub,
-                                  (unsigned char *) b_key->priv_key_data) != 0) {
-        log_it(L_CRITICAL, "Error malloc");
-        return 2;
-    }
-    free(bob_priv);
-    b_key->priv_key_data_size = DEFEO_SHARED_KEY_LEN;
-    b_key->pub_key_data_size = DEFEO_PUBLICK_KEY_LEN;
-    return 0;
-// generation of shared key at Alice's side
-// INPUT:
-// a_priv  --- Alice's private key
-// b_pub  ---  Bob's public key
-// a_key->priv_key_data  --- shared key
-// a_key_len --- shared key length
-size_t dap_enc_defeo_gen_alice_shared_key(struct dap_enc_key *a_key, const void *a_priv, size_t b_pub_size, unsigned char *b_pub)
-    size_t ret_val = 0;
-    if(b_pub_size != DEFEO_PUBLICK_KEY_LEN) {
-        log_it(L_ERROR, "public key size not equal DEFEO_PUBLICKEYBYTES");
-        return 1;
-    }
-    void *oldkey = NULL;
-    if(a_key->priv_key_data && a_key->priv_key_data_size > 0)
-        oldkey = a_key->priv_key_data;
-    a_key->priv_key_data = malloc(DEFEO_SHARED_KEY_LEN);
-    if(a_key->priv_key_data == NULL) {
-        log_it(L_CRITICAL, "Error malloc");
-        ret_val = 2;
-    }
-    if(EphemeralSecretAgreement_A((unsigned char *) a_priv, (unsigned char *) b_pub,
-                                  (unsigned char *) a_key->priv_key_data) != 0) {
-        log_it(L_ERROR, "Error EphemeralSecretAgreement_A");
-        ret_val = 3;
-    }
-    if(oldkey)
-        free(oldkey);
-    if(!ret_val)
-        a_key->priv_key_data_size = DEFEO_SHARED_KEY_LEN;
-    return ret_val;
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include "dap_enc_defeo.h"
+#include "dap_enc_key.h"
+#include "dap_common.h"
+#include "defeo_config.h"
+#include "defeo_scheme/defeo_P768_internal.h"
+void dap_enc_defeo_key_new(struct dap_enc_key *a_key) {
+    a_key->type = DAP_ENC_KEY_TYPE_DEFEO;
+    a_key->enc = NULL;
+    a_key->gen_bob_shared_key = (dap_enc_gen_bob_shared_key) dap_enc_defeo_gen_bob_shared_key;
+    a_key->gen_alice_shared_key = (dap_enc_gen_alice_shared_key) dap_enc_defeo_gen_alice_shared_key;
+// key pair generation of Alice
+// a_key->data  --- Alice's public key
+// alice_priv  ---  Alice's private key
+// alice_msg_len --- Alice's private key length
+void dap_enc_defeo_key_new_generate(struct dap_enc_key * a_key, const void *kex_buf,
+                                    size_t kex_size, const void * seed, size_t seed_size,
+                                    size_t key_size)
+    (void) kex_buf; (void) kex_size;
+    (void) seed; (void) seed_size;
+    (void)key_size;
+    dap_enc_defeo_key_new(a_key);
+    a_key->pub_key_data = malloc(DEFEO_PUBLICK_KEY_LEN);
+    a_key->pub_key_data_size = DEFEO_PUBLICK_KEY_LEN;
+    if(a_key->pub_key_data == NULL) {
+        log_it(L_CRITICAL, "Error malloc");
+        return;
+    }
+    a_key->priv_key_data = malloc(DEFEO_SECRET_KEY_LEN);
+    a_key->priv_key_data_size = DEFEO_SECRET_KEY_LEN;
+    // generate A key pair
+    random_mod_order_A((unsigned char *) a_key->priv_key_data);
+    if(EphemeralKeyGeneration_A((unsigned char *) a_key->priv_key_data, (unsigned char *) a_key->pub_key_data) != 0) {
+        log_it(L_CRITICAL, "Error malloc");
+    }
+void dap_enc_defeo_key_delete(struct dap_enc_key *a_key)
+    (void)a_key;
+// key pair generation and generation of shared key at Bob's side
+// INPUT:
+// a_pub  ---  Alice's public key
+// a_pub_size --- Alice's public key length
+// b_pub  --- Bob's public key
+// b_key->data  --- shared key
+// a_pub_size --- shared key length
+size_t dap_enc_defeo_gen_bob_shared_key(struct dap_enc_key *b_key, const void *a_pub,
+                            size_t a_pub_size, void ** b_pub)
+    *b_pub = NULL;
+    if(a_pub_size != DEFEO_PUBLICK_KEY_LEN) {
+        return 1;
+    }
+    *b_pub = malloc(DEFEO_PUBLICK_KEY_LEN);
+    if(b_pub == NULL) {
+        log_it(L_CRITICAL, "Error malloc");
+        return 2;
+    }
+    b_key->priv_key_data = malloc(DEFEO_SHARED_KEY_LEN);
+    if(b_key->priv_key_data == NULL) {
+        log_it(L_CRITICAL, "Error malloc");
+        return 3;
+    }
+    uint8_t *bob_priv = malloc(DEFEO_SECRET_KEY_LEN);
+    // generate Bob's key pair
+    random_mod_order_B((unsigned char *)bob_priv);
+    if(EphemeralKeyGeneration_B((unsigned char *) bob_priv, (unsigned char *) b_key->pub_key_data) != 0) {
+        log_it(L_CRITICAL, "Error malloc");
+        return 1;
+    }
+    // compute Bob's shared secret
+    if(EphemeralSecretAgreement_B((unsigned char *) bob_priv, (unsigned char *) a_pub,
+                                  (unsigned char *) b_key->priv_key_data) != 0) {
+        log_it(L_CRITICAL, "Error malloc");
+        return 2;
+    }
+    free(bob_priv);
+    b_key->priv_key_data_size = DEFEO_SHARED_KEY_LEN;
+    b_key->pub_key_data_size = DEFEO_PUBLICK_KEY_LEN;
+    return 0;
+// generation of shared key at Alice's side
+// INPUT:
+// a_priv  --- Alice's private key
+// b_pub  ---  Bob's public key
+// a_key->priv_key_data  --- shared key
+// a_key_len --- shared key length
+size_t dap_enc_defeo_gen_alice_shared_key(struct dap_enc_key *a_key, const void *a_priv, size_t b_pub_size, unsigned char *b_pub)
+    size_t ret_val = 0;
+    if(b_pub_size != DEFEO_PUBLICK_KEY_LEN) {
+        log_it(L_ERROR, "public key size not equal DEFEO_PUBLICKEYBYTES");
+        return 1;
+    }
+    void *oldkey = NULL;
+    if(a_key->priv_key_data && a_key->priv_key_data_size > 0)
+        oldkey = a_key->priv_key_data;
+    a_key->priv_key_data = malloc(DEFEO_SHARED_KEY_LEN);
+    if(a_key->priv_key_data == NULL) {
+        log_it(L_CRITICAL, "Error malloc");
+        ret_val = 2;
+    }
+    if(EphemeralSecretAgreement_A((unsigned char *) a_priv, (unsigned char *) b_pub,
+                                  (unsigned char *) a_key->priv_key_data) != 0) {
+        log_it(L_ERROR, "Error EphemeralSecretAgreement_A");
+        ret_val = 3;
+    }
+    if(oldkey)
+        free(oldkey);
+    if(!ret_val)
+        a_key->priv_key_data_size = DEFEO_SHARED_KEY_LEN;
+    return ret_val;
diff --git a/src/dap_enc_dilithium.c b/src/dap_enc_dilithium.c
index c530ef8c49ab01e83c78fee69004461822984ed9..265299e8d4ab042dcd123804d7c7ffe59edfd0c2 100755
--- a/src/dap_enc_dilithium.c
+++ b/src/dap_enc_dilithium.c
@@ -1,235 +1,235 @@
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <inttypes.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "dap_enc_dilithium.h"
-#include "dap_common.h"
-#include "dap_rand.h"
-#define LOG_TAG "dap_enc_sig_dilithium"
-static enum DAP_DILITHIUM_SIGN_SECURITY _dilithium_type = DILITHIUM_MIN_SIZE; // by default
-void dap_enc_sig_dilithium_set_type(enum DAP_DILITHIUM_SIGN_SECURITY type)
-    _dilithium_type = type;
-void dap_enc_sig_dilithium_key_new(struct dap_enc_key *key) {
-    key->enc = NULL;
-    key->enc_na = (dap_enc_callback_dataop_na_t) dap_enc_sig_dilithium_get_sign;
-    key->dec_na = (dap_enc_callback_dataop_na_t) dap_enc_sig_dilithium_verify_sign;
-//    key->gen_bob_shared_key = (dap_enc_gen_bob_shared_key) dap_enc_sig_dilithium_get_sign;
-//    key->gen_alice_shared_key = (dap_enc_gen_alice_shared_key) dap_enc_sig_dilithium_verify_sign;
-// generation key pair for sign Alice
-// a_key->data  --- Alice's public key
-// alice_priv  ---  Alice's private key
-// alice_msg_len --- Alice's private key length
-void dap_enc_sig_dilithium_key_new_generate(struct dap_enc_key * key, const void *kex_buf,
-        size_t kex_size, const void * seed, size_t seed_size,
-        size_t key_size)
-    (void) kex_buf;
-    (void) kex_size;
-    (void) key_size;
-    int32_t retcode;
-    int dilithium_type = (seed && seed_size >= sizeof(uint8_t)) ? ((uint8_t*)seed)[0] % (DILITHIUM_MAX_SECURITY + 1) :
-                                                              DILITHIUM_MIN_SIZE;
-    dap_enc_sig_dilithium_set_type(dilithium_type);
-    //int32_t type = 2;
-    key->priv_key_data_size = sizeof(dilithium_private_key_t);
-    key->pub_key_data_size = sizeof(dilithium_public_key_t);
-    key->priv_key_data = malloc(key->priv_key_data_size);
-    key->pub_key_data = malloc(key->pub_key_data_size);
-    retcode = dilithium_crypto_sign_keypair((dilithium_public_key_t *) key->pub_key_data,
-            (dilithium_private_key_t *) key->priv_key_data, _dilithium_type, seed, seed_size);
-    if(retcode != 0) {
-        dilithium_private_and_public_keys_delete((dilithium_private_key_t *) key->pub_key_data,
-                (dilithium_public_key_t *) key->pub_key_data);
-        log_it(L_CRITICAL, "Error");
-        return;
-    }
-size_t dap_enc_sig_dilithium_get_sign(struct dap_enc_key * key, const void * msg,
-        const size_t msg_size, void * signature, const size_t signature_size)
-    if(signature_size < sizeof(dilithium_signature_t)) {
-        log_it(L_ERROR, "bad signature size");
-        return 0;
-    }
-    if(!dilithium_crypto_sign((dilithium_signature_t *) signature, (const unsigned char *) msg, msg_size, key->priv_key_data))
-        return signature_size;
-    else
-        return 0;
-size_t dap_enc_sig_dilithium_verify_sign(struct dap_enc_key * key, const void * msg,
-        const size_t msg_size, void * signature, const size_t signature_size)
-    if(signature_size < sizeof(dilithium_signature_t)) {
-        log_it(L_ERROR, "bad signature size");
-        return 0;
-    }
-    return (dilithium_crypto_sign_open( (unsigned char *) msg, msg_size, (dilithium_signature_t *) signature, key->pub_key_data));
-void dap_enc_sig_dilithium_key_delete(struct dap_enc_key * key)
-    if( key->priv_key_data && key->pub_key_data)
-        dilithium_private_and_public_keys_delete((dilithium_private_key_t *) key->priv_key_data,
-            (dilithium_public_key_t *) key->pub_key_data);
-    else if ( key->pub_key_data )
-        dilithium_public_key_delete((dilithium_public_key_t *) key->pub_key_data);
-    else if ( key->priv_key_data )
-        dilithium_public_key_delete((dilithium_public_key_t *) key->priv_key_data);
-size_t dap_enc_dilithium_calc_signature_unserialized_size(void)
-    return sizeof(dilithium_signature_t);
-/* Serialize a signature */
-uint8_t* dap_enc_dilithium_write_signature(dilithium_signature_t* a_sign, size_t *a_sign_out)
-    if(!a_sign ) {
-        return NULL ;
-    }
-    size_t l_shift_mem = 0;
-    size_t l_buflen = dap_enc_dilithium_calc_signagture_size(a_sign);
-    uint8_t *l_buf = DAP_NEW_SIZE(uint8_t, l_buflen);
-    memcpy(l_buf, &l_buflen, sizeof(size_t));
-    l_shift_mem += sizeof(size_t);
-    memcpy(l_buf + l_shift_mem, &a_sign->kind, sizeof(dilithium_kind_t));
-    l_shift_mem += sizeof(dilithium_kind_t);
-    memcpy(l_buf + l_shift_mem, &a_sign->sig_len, sizeof(unsigned long long));
-    l_shift_mem += sizeof(unsigned long long);
-    memcpy(l_buf + l_shift_mem, a_sign->sig_data, a_sign->sig_len );
-    l_shift_mem += a_sign->sig_len ;
-    if(a_sign_out)
-        *a_sign_out = l_buflen;
-    return l_buf;
-/* Deserialize a signature */
-dilithium_signature_t* dap_enc_dilithium_read_signature(uint8_t *a_buf, size_t a_buflen)
-    if(!a_buf || a_buflen < (sizeof(size_t) + sizeof(dilithium_kind_t)))
-        return NULL ;
-    dilithium_kind_t kind;
-    size_t l_buflen = 0;
-    memcpy(&l_buflen, a_buf, sizeof(size_t));
-    memcpy(&kind, a_buf + sizeof(size_t), sizeof(dilithium_kind_t));
-    if(l_buflen != a_buflen)
-        return NULL ;
-    dilithium_param_t p;
-    if(!dilithium_params_init(&p, kind))
-        return NULL ;
-    dilithium_signature_t* l_sign = DAP_NEW(dilithium_signature_t);
-    l_sign->kind = kind;
-    size_t l_shift_mem = sizeof(size_t) + sizeof(dilithium_kind_t);
-    memcpy(&l_sign->sig_len, a_buf + l_shift_mem, sizeof(unsigned long long));
-    l_shift_mem += sizeof(unsigned long long);
-    l_sign->sig_data = DAP_NEW_SIZE(unsigned char, l_sign->sig_len);
-    memcpy(l_sign->sig_data, a_buf + l_shift_mem, l_sign->sig_len);
-    l_shift_mem += l_sign->sig_len;
-    return l_sign;
-/* Serialize a private key. */
-uint8_t* dap_enc_dilithium_write_private_key(const dilithium_private_key_t* a_private_key, size_t *a_buflen_out)
-    dilithium_param_t p;// = malloc(sizeof(dilithium_param_t));
-    if(!dilithium_params_init(&p, a_private_key->kind))
-        return NULL;
-    size_t l_buflen = sizeof(size_t) + sizeof(dilithium_kind_t) + p.CRYPTO_SECRETKEYBYTES; //CRYPTO_PUBLICKEYBYTES;
-    uint8_t *l_buf = DAP_NEW_SIZE(uint8_t, l_buflen);
-    memcpy(l_buf, &l_buflen, sizeof(size_t));
-    memcpy(l_buf + sizeof(size_t), &a_private_key->kind, sizeof(dilithium_kind_t));
-    memcpy(l_buf + sizeof(size_t) + sizeof(dilithium_kind_t), a_private_key->data, p.CRYPTO_SECRETKEYBYTES);
-    if(a_buflen_out)
-        *a_buflen_out = l_buflen;
-    return l_buf;
-/* Serialize a public key. */
-uint8_t* dap_enc_dilithium_write_public_key(const dilithium_public_key_t* a_public_key, size_t *a_buflen_out)
-    dilithium_param_t p;
-    if(!dilithium_params_init(&p, a_public_key->kind))
-        return NULL;
-    size_t l_buflen = sizeof(size_t) + sizeof(dilithium_kind_t) + p.CRYPTO_PUBLICKEYBYTES;
-    uint8_t *l_buf = DAP_NEW_SIZE(uint8_t, l_buflen);
-    memcpy(l_buf, &l_buflen, sizeof(size_t));
-    memcpy(l_buf + sizeof(size_t), &a_public_key->kind, sizeof(dilithium_kind_t));
-    memcpy(l_buf + sizeof(size_t) + sizeof(dilithium_kind_t), a_public_key->data, p.CRYPTO_PUBLICKEYBYTES);
-    if(a_buflen_out)
-        *a_buflen_out = l_buflen;
-    return l_buf;
-/* Deserialize a private key. */
-dilithium_private_key_t* dap_enc_dilithium_read_private_key(const uint8_t *a_buf, size_t a_buflen)
-    if(!a_buf || a_buflen < (sizeof(size_t) + sizeof(dilithium_kind_t)))
-        return NULL;
-    dilithium_kind_t kind;
-    size_t l_buflen = 0;
-    memcpy(&l_buflen, a_buf, sizeof(size_t));
-    memcpy(&kind, a_buf + sizeof(size_t), sizeof(dilithium_kind_t));
-    if(l_buflen != a_buflen)
-        return NULL;
-    dilithium_param_t p;
-    if(!dilithium_params_init(&p, kind))
-        return NULL;
-    dilithium_private_key_t* l_private_key = DAP_NEW(dilithium_private_key_t);
-    l_private_key->kind = kind;
-    l_private_key->data = DAP_NEW_SIZE(unsigned char, p.CRYPTO_SECRETKEYBYTES);
-    memcpy(l_private_key->data, a_buf + sizeof(size_t) + sizeof(dilithium_kind_t), p.CRYPTO_SECRETKEYBYTES);
-    return l_private_key;
-/* Deserialize a public key. */
-dilithium_public_key_t* dap_enc_dilithium_read_public_key(const uint8_t *a_buf, size_t a_buflen)
-    if(!a_buf || a_buflen < (sizeof(size_t) + sizeof(dilithium_kind_t)))
-        return NULL;
-    dilithium_kind_t kind;
-    size_t l_buflen = 0;
-    memcpy(&l_buflen, a_buf, sizeof(size_t));
-    memcpy(&kind, a_buf + sizeof(size_t), sizeof(dilithium_kind_t));
-    if(l_buflen != a_buflen)
-        return NULL;
-    dilithium_param_t p;
-    if(!dilithium_params_init(&p, kind))
-        return NULL;
-    dilithium_public_key_t* l_public_key = DAP_NEW_Z(dilithium_public_key_t);
-    l_public_key->kind = kind;
-    l_public_key->data = DAP_NEW_Z_SIZE(unsigned char, p.CRYPTO_PUBLICKEYBYTES);
-    memcpy(l_public_key->data, a_buf + sizeof(size_t) + sizeof(dilithium_kind_t), p.CRYPTO_PUBLICKEYBYTES);
-    return l_public_key;
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <inttypes.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "dap_enc_dilithium.h"
+#include "dap_common.h"
+#include "dap_rand.h"
+#define LOG_TAG "dap_enc_sig_dilithium"
+static enum DAP_DILITHIUM_SIGN_SECURITY _dilithium_type = DILITHIUM_MIN_SIZE; // by default
+void dap_enc_sig_dilithium_set_type(enum DAP_DILITHIUM_SIGN_SECURITY type)
+    _dilithium_type = type;
+void dap_enc_sig_dilithium_key_new(struct dap_enc_key *key) {
+    key->enc = NULL;
+    key->enc_na = (dap_enc_callback_dataop_na_t) dap_enc_sig_dilithium_get_sign;
+    key->dec_na = (dap_enc_callback_dataop_na_t) dap_enc_sig_dilithium_verify_sign;
+//    key->gen_bob_shared_key = (dap_enc_gen_bob_shared_key) dap_enc_sig_dilithium_get_sign;
+//    key->gen_alice_shared_key = (dap_enc_gen_alice_shared_key) dap_enc_sig_dilithium_verify_sign;
+// generation key pair for sign Alice
+// a_key->data  --- Alice's public key
+// alice_priv  ---  Alice's private key
+// alice_msg_len --- Alice's private key length
+void dap_enc_sig_dilithium_key_new_generate(struct dap_enc_key * key, const void *kex_buf,
+        size_t kex_size, const void * seed, size_t seed_size,
+        size_t key_size)
+    (void) kex_buf;
+    (void) kex_size;
+    (void) key_size;
+    int32_t retcode;
+    int dilithium_type = (seed && seed_size >= sizeof(uint8_t)) ? ((uint8_t*)seed)[0] % (DILITHIUM_MAX_SECURITY + 1) :
+                                                              DILITHIUM_MIN_SIZE;
+    dap_enc_sig_dilithium_set_type(dilithium_type);
+    //int32_t type = 2;
+    key->priv_key_data_size = sizeof(dilithium_private_key_t);
+    key->pub_key_data_size = sizeof(dilithium_public_key_t);
+    key->priv_key_data = malloc(key->priv_key_data_size);
+    key->pub_key_data = malloc(key->pub_key_data_size);
+    retcode = dilithium_crypto_sign_keypair((dilithium_public_key_t *) key->pub_key_data,
+            (dilithium_private_key_t *) key->priv_key_data, _dilithium_type, seed, seed_size);
+    if(retcode != 0) {
+        dilithium_private_and_public_keys_delete((dilithium_private_key_t *) key->pub_key_data,
+                (dilithium_public_key_t *) key->pub_key_data);
+        log_it(L_CRITICAL, "Error");
+        return;
+    }
+size_t dap_enc_sig_dilithium_get_sign(struct dap_enc_key * key, const void * msg,
+        const size_t msg_size, void * signature, const size_t signature_size)
+    if(signature_size < sizeof(dilithium_signature_t)) {
+        log_it(L_ERROR, "bad signature size");
+        return 0;
+    }
+    if(!dilithium_crypto_sign((dilithium_signature_t *) signature, (const unsigned char *) msg, msg_size, key->priv_key_data))
+        return signature_size;
+    else
+        return 0;
+size_t dap_enc_sig_dilithium_verify_sign(struct dap_enc_key * key, const void * msg,
+        const size_t msg_size, void * signature, const size_t signature_size)
+    if(signature_size < sizeof(dilithium_signature_t)) {
+        log_it(L_ERROR, "bad signature size");
+        return 0;
+    }
+    return (dilithium_crypto_sign_open( (unsigned char *) msg, msg_size, (dilithium_signature_t *) signature, key->pub_key_data));
+void dap_enc_sig_dilithium_key_delete(struct dap_enc_key * key)
+    if( key->priv_key_data && key->pub_key_data)
+        dilithium_private_and_public_keys_delete((dilithium_private_key_t *) key->priv_key_data,
+            (dilithium_public_key_t *) key->pub_key_data);
+    else if ( key->pub_key_data )
+        dilithium_public_key_delete((dilithium_public_key_t *) key->pub_key_data);
+    else if ( key->priv_key_data )
+        dilithium_public_key_delete((dilithium_public_key_t *) key->priv_key_data);
+size_t dap_enc_dilithium_calc_signature_unserialized_size(void)
+    return sizeof(dilithium_signature_t);
+/* Serialize a signature */
+uint8_t* dap_enc_dilithium_write_signature(dilithium_signature_t* a_sign, size_t *a_sign_out)
+    if(!a_sign ) {
+        return NULL ;
+    }
+    size_t l_shift_mem = 0;
+    size_t l_buflen = dap_enc_dilithium_calc_signagture_size(a_sign);
+    uint8_t *l_buf = DAP_NEW_SIZE(uint8_t, l_buflen);
+    memcpy(l_buf, &l_buflen, sizeof(size_t));
+    l_shift_mem += sizeof(size_t);
+    memcpy(l_buf + l_shift_mem, &a_sign->kind, sizeof(dilithium_kind_t));
+    l_shift_mem += sizeof(dilithium_kind_t);
+    memcpy(l_buf + l_shift_mem, &a_sign->sig_len, sizeof(unsigned long long));
+    l_shift_mem += sizeof(unsigned long long);
+    memcpy(l_buf + l_shift_mem, a_sign->sig_data, a_sign->sig_len );
+    l_shift_mem += a_sign->sig_len ;
+    if(a_sign_out)
+        *a_sign_out = l_buflen;
+    return l_buf;
+/* Deserialize a signature */
+dilithium_signature_t* dap_enc_dilithium_read_signature(uint8_t *a_buf, size_t a_buflen)
+    if(!a_buf || a_buflen < (sizeof(size_t) + sizeof(dilithium_kind_t)))
+        return NULL ;
+    dilithium_kind_t kind;
+    size_t l_buflen = 0;
+    memcpy(&l_buflen, a_buf, sizeof(size_t));
+    memcpy(&kind, a_buf + sizeof(size_t), sizeof(dilithium_kind_t));
+    if(l_buflen != a_buflen)
+        return NULL ;
+    dilithium_param_t p;
+    if(!dilithium_params_init(&p, kind))
+        return NULL ;
+    dilithium_signature_t* l_sign = DAP_NEW(dilithium_signature_t);
+    l_sign->kind = kind;
+    size_t l_shift_mem = sizeof(size_t) + sizeof(dilithium_kind_t);
+    memcpy(&l_sign->sig_len, a_buf + l_shift_mem, sizeof(unsigned long long));
+    l_shift_mem += sizeof(unsigned long long);
+    l_sign->sig_data = DAP_NEW_SIZE(unsigned char, l_sign->sig_len);
+    memcpy(l_sign->sig_data, a_buf + l_shift_mem, l_sign->sig_len);
+    l_shift_mem += l_sign->sig_len;
+    return l_sign;
+/* Serialize a private key. */
+uint8_t* dap_enc_dilithium_write_private_key(const dilithium_private_key_t* a_private_key, size_t *a_buflen_out)
+    dilithium_param_t p;// = malloc(sizeof(dilithium_param_t));
+    if(!dilithium_params_init(&p, a_private_key->kind))
+        return NULL;
+    size_t l_buflen = sizeof(size_t) + sizeof(dilithium_kind_t) + p.CRYPTO_SECRETKEYBYTES; //CRYPTO_PUBLICKEYBYTES;
+    uint8_t *l_buf = DAP_NEW_SIZE(uint8_t, l_buflen);
+    memcpy(l_buf, &l_buflen, sizeof(size_t));
+    memcpy(l_buf + sizeof(size_t), &a_private_key->kind, sizeof(dilithium_kind_t));
+    memcpy(l_buf + sizeof(size_t) + sizeof(dilithium_kind_t), a_private_key->data, p.CRYPTO_SECRETKEYBYTES);
+    if(a_buflen_out)
+        *a_buflen_out = l_buflen;
+    return l_buf;
+/* Serialize a public key. */
+uint8_t* dap_enc_dilithium_write_public_key(const dilithium_public_key_t* a_public_key, size_t *a_buflen_out)
+    dilithium_param_t p;
+    if(!dilithium_params_init(&p, a_public_key->kind))
+        return NULL;
+    size_t l_buflen = sizeof(size_t) + sizeof(dilithium_kind_t) + p.CRYPTO_PUBLICKEYBYTES;
+    uint8_t *l_buf = DAP_NEW_SIZE(uint8_t, l_buflen);
+    memcpy(l_buf, &l_buflen, sizeof(size_t));
+    memcpy(l_buf + sizeof(size_t), &a_public_key->kind, sizeof(dilithium_kind_t));
+    memcpy(l_buf + sizeof(size_t) + sizeof(dilithium_kind_t), a_public_key->data, p.CRYPTO_PUBLICKEYBYTES);
+    if(a_buflen_out)
+        *a_buflen_out = l_buflen;
+    return l_buf;
+/* Deserialize a private key. */
+dilithium_private_key_t* dap_enc_dilithium_read_private_key(const uint8_t *a_buf, size_t a_buflen)
+    if(!a_buf || a_buflen < (sizeof(size_t) + sizeof(dilithium_kind_t)))
+        return NULL;
+    dilithium_kind_t kind;
+    size_t l_buflen = 0;
+    memcpy(&l_buflen, a_buf, sizeof(size_t));
+    memcpy(&kind, a_buf + sizeof(size_t), sizeof(dilithium_kind_t));
+    if(l_buflen != a_buflen)
+        return NULL;
+    dilithium_param_t p;
+    if(!dilithium_params_init(&p, kind))
+        return NULL;
+    dilithium_private_key_t* l_private_key = DAP_NEW(dilithium_private_key_t);
+    l_private_key->kind = kind;
+    l_private_key->data = DAP_NEW_SIZE(unsigned char, p.CRYPTO_SECRETKEYBYTES);
+    memcpy(l_private_key->data, a_buf + sizeof(size_t) + sizeof(dilithium_kind_t), p.CRYPTO_SECRETKEYBYTES);
+    return l_private_key;
+/* Deserialize a public key. */
+dilithium_public_key_t* dap_enc_dilithium_read_public_key(const uint8_t *a_buf, size_t a_buflen)
+    if(!a_buf || a_buflen < (sizeof(size_t) + sizeof(dilithium_kind_t)))
+        return NULL;
+    dilithium_kind_t kind;
+    size_t l_buflen = 0;
+    memcpy(&l_buflen, a_buf, sizeof(size_t));
+    memcpy(&kind, a_buf + sizeof(size_t), sizeof(dilithium_kind_t));
+    if(l_buflen != a_buflen)
+        return NULL;
+    dilithium_param_t p;
+    if(!dilithium_params_init(&p, kind))
+        return NULL;
+    dilithium_public_key_t* l_public_key = DAP_NEW_Z(dilithium_public_key_t);
+    l_public_key->kind = kind;
+    l_public_key->data = DAP_NEW_Z_SIZE(unsigned char, p.CRYPTO_PUBLICKEYBYTES);
+    memcpy(l_public_key->data, a_buf + sizeof(size_t) + sizeof(dilithium_kind_t), p.CRYPTO_PUBLICKEYBYTES);
+    return l_public_key;
diff --git a/src/dap_enc_iaes.c b/src/dap_enc_iaes.c
index a3636d40cc614b977715f17bc7518b8398b6e730..f55d3bb30c959e435aa064b857e231dff9d33982 100755
--- a/src/dap_enc_iaes.c
+++ b/src/dap_enc_iaes.c
@@ -1,151 +1,151 @@
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "dap_enc_key.h"
-#include "dap_enc_iaes.h"
-#include "sha3/fips202.h"
-//#include "KeccakHash.h"
-//#include "SimpleFIPS202.h"
-#include "dap_common.h"
-#define LOG_TAG "dap_enc_aes"
-typedef struct dap_enc_aes_key {
-    unsigned char ivec[IAES_BLOCK_SIZE];
-} dap_enc_aes_key_t;
-#define DAP_ENC_AES_KEY(a) ((dap_enc_aes_key_t *)((a)->_inheritor) )
-void dap_enc_aes_key_delete(struct dap_enc_key *a_key)
-    free(a_key->_inheritor);
-    //No need any specific actions
- * @brief dap_enc_aes_key_new_generate
- * @param a_key
- * @param a_size
- */
-void dap_enc_aes_key_new(struct dap_enc_key * a_key)
-    a_key->_inheritor = DAP_NEW_Z(dap_enc_aes_key_t);
-    a_key->_inheritor_size = sizeof (dap_enc_aes_key_t);
-    a_key->type = DAP_ENC_KEY_TYPE_IAES;
-    a_key->enc = dap_enc_iaes256_cbc_encrypt;
-    a_key->dec = dap_enc_iaes256_cbc_decrypt;
-    a_key->enc_na = dap_enc_iaes256_cbc_encrypt_fast;
-    a_key->dec_na = dap_enc_iaes256_cbc_decrypt_fast;
-    //a_key->delete_callback = dap_enc_aes_key_delete;
-    a_key->priv_key_data = (uint8_t *)malloc(IAES_KEYSIZE);
-    a_key->priv_key_data_size = IAES_KEYSIZE;
-void dap_enc_aes_key_generate(struct dap_enc_key * a_key, const void *kex_buf,
-                                                size_t kex_size, const void * seed, size_t seed_size,
-                                                size_t key_size)
-    (void)key_size;
-    a_key->last_used_timestamp = time(NULL);
-    uint8_t * id_concat_kex = (uint8_t *) malloc(kex_size + seed_size);
-    memcpy(id_concat_kex,seed, seed_size);
-    memcpy(id_concat_kex + seed_size, kex_buf, kex_size);
-    //SHAKE256(a_key->priv_key_data, IAES_KEYSIZE, id_concat_kex, (kex_size + seed_size));
-    //SHAKE128(DAP_ENC_AES_KEY(a_key)->ivec, IAES_BLOCK_SIZE, seed, seed_size);
-    shake256(a_key->priv_key_data, IAES_KEYSIZE, id_concat_kex, (kex_size + seed_size));
-    shake128(DAP_ENC_AES_KEY(a_key)->ivec, IAES_BLOCK_SIZE, seed, seed_size);
-    free(id_concat_kex);
- * @brief ap_enc_aes256_cbc_decrypt
- * @param a_key
- * @param a_in
- * @param a_in_size
- * @param a_out
- * @return
- */
-size_t dap_enc_iaes256_cbc_decrypt(struct dap_enc_key * a_key, const void * a_in, size_t a_in_size, void ** a_out)
-    if (a_in_size % 16) {
-        log_it(L_ERROR, "Bad in data size");
-        return 0;
-    }
-    *a_out = (uint8_t *) malloc(a_in_size);
-    return IAES_256_CBC_decrypt(a_in, *a_out, DAP_ENC_AES_KEY(a_key)->ivec, a_in_size, a_key->priv_key_data);
-size_t dap_enc_iaes256_cbc_decrypt_fast(struct dap_enc_key * a_key, const void * a_in,
-                                        size_t a_in_size, void * buf_out, size_t buf_out_size)
-    if (a_in_size % 16) {
-        log_it(L_ERROR, "Bad in size");
-        return 0;
-    } else if(buf_out_size < a_in_size) {
-        log_it(L_ERROR, "buf_out_size < a_in_size");
-        return 0;
-    }
-    return IAES_256_CBC_decrypt(a_in, buf_out, DAP_ENC_AES_KEY(a_key)->ivec,
-                                a_in_size, a_key->priv_key_data);
-size_t dap_enc_iaes256_cbc_encrypt(struct dap_enc_key * a_key, const void * a_in, size_t a_in_size, void ** a_out)
-    size_t length_data_new;
-    uint8_t *data_new;
-    length_data_new = iaes_block128_padding(a_in, &data_new, a_in_size);
-    *a_out = (uint8_t *)malloc(length_data_new);
-    IAES_256_CBC_encrypt(data_new, *a_out, DAP_ENC_AES_KEY(a_key)->ivec, length_data_new, a_key->priv_key_data);
-    free(data_new);
-    return length_data_new;
-size_t dap_enc_iaes256_calc_encode_size(const size_t size_in)
-    return iaes_calc_block128_size(size_in);
-size_t dap_enc_iaes256_calc_decode_size(const size_t size_in)
-    return size_in;
-size_t dap_enc_iaes256_cbc_encrypt_fast(struct dap_enc_key * a_key, const void * a_in,
-                                        size_t a_in_size, void * buf_out, size_t buf_out_size)
-    size_t out_size = iaes_calc_block128_size(a_in_size);
-    if((a_in_size % IAES_BLOCK_SIZE) == 0) {
-        IAES_256_CBC_encrypt(a_in, buf_out, DAP_ENC_AES_KEY(a_key)->ivec, out_size, a_key->priv_key_data);
-        return out_size;
-    }
-    if(buf_out_size < out_size) {
-        log_it(L_ERROR, "buf_out_size less than expected encrypt out size data");
-        return 0;
-    }
-    uint8_t* data_in_new;
-    iaes_block128_padding(a_in, &data_in_new, a_in_size);
-    IAES_256_CBC_encrypt(data_in_new, buf_out, DAP_ENC_AES_KEY(a_key)->ivec,
-                         out_size, a_key->priv_key_data);
-    free(data_in_new);
-    return out_size;
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "dap_enc_key.h"
+#include "dap_enc_iaes.h"
+#include "sha3/fips202.h"
+//#include "KeccakHash.h"
+//#include "SimpleFIPS202.h"
+#include "dap_common.h"
+#define LOG_TAG "dap_enc_aes"
+typedef struct dap_enc_aes_key {
+    unsigned char ivec[IAES_BLOCK_SIZE];
+} dap_enc_aes_key_t;
+#define DAP_ENC_AES_KEY(a) ((dap_enc_aes_key_t *)((a)->_inheritor) )
+void dap_enc_aes_key_delete(struct dap_enc_key *a_key)
+    free(a_key->_inheritor);
+    //No need any specific actions
+ * @brief dap_enc_aes_key_new_generate
+ * @param a_key
+ * @param a_size
+ */
+void dap_enc_aes_key_new(struct dap_enc_key * a_key)
+    a_key->_inheritor = DAP_NEW_Z(dap_enc_aes_key_t);
+    a_key->_inheritor_size = sizeof (dap_enc_aes_key_t);
+    a_key->type = DAP_ENC_KEY_TYPE_IAES;
+    a_key->enc = dap_enc_iaes256_cbc_encrypt;
+    a_key->dec = dap_enc_iaes256_cbc_decrypt;
+    a_key->enc_na = dap_enc_iaes256_cbc_encrypt_fast;
+    a_key->dec_na = dap_enc_iaes256_cbc_decrypt_fast;
+    //a_key->delete_callback = dap_enc_aes_key_delete;
+    a_key->priv_key_data = (uint8_t *)malloc(IAES_KEYSIZE);
+    a_key->priv_key_data_size = IAES_KEYSIZE;
+void dap_enc_aes_key_generate(struct dap_enc_key * a_key, const void *kex_buf,
+                                                size_t kex_size, const void * seed, size_t seed_size,
+                                                size_t key_size)
+    (void)key_size;
+    a_key->last_used_timestamp = time(NULL);
+    uint8_t * id_concat_kex = (uint8_t *) malloc(kex_size + seed_size);
+    memcpy(id_concat_kex,seed, seed_size);
+    memcpy(id_concat_kex + seed_size, kex_buf, kex_size);
+    //SHAKE256(a_key->priv_key_data, IAES_KEYSIZE, id_concat_kex, (kex_size + seed_size));
+    //SHAKE128(DAP_ENC_AES_KEY(a_key)->ivec, IAES_BLOCK_SIZE, seed, seed_size);
+    shake256(a_key->priv_key_data, IAES_KEYSIZE, id_concat_kex, (kex_size + seed_size));
+    shake128(DAP_ENC_AES_KEY(a_key)->ivec, IAES_BLOCK_SIZE, seed, seed_size);
+    free(id_concat_kex);
+ * @brief ap_enc_aes256_cbc_decrypt
+ * @param a_key
+ * @param a_in
+ * @param a_in_size
+ * @param a_out
+ * @return
+ */
+size_t dap_enc_iaes256_cbc_decrypt(struct dap_enc_key * a_key, const void * a_in, size_t a_in_size, void ** a_out)
+    if (a_in_size % 16) {
+        log_it(L_ERROR, "Bad in data size");
+        return 0;
+    }
+    *a_out = (uint8_t *) malloc(a_in_size);
+    return IAES_256_CBC_decrypt(a_in, *a_out, DAP_ENC_AES_KEY(a_key)->ivec, a_in_size, a_key->priv_key_data);
+size_t dap_enc_iaes256_cbc_decrypt_fast(struct dap_enc_key * a_key, const void * a_in,
+                                        size_t a_in_size, void * buf_out, size_t buf_out_size)
+    if (a_in_size % 16) {
+        log_it(L_ERROR, "Bad in size");
+        return 0;
+    } else if(buf_out_size < a_in_size) {
+        log_it(L_ERROR, "buf_out_size < a_in_size");
+        return 0;
+    }
+    return IAES_256_CBC_decrypt(a_in, buf_out, DAP_ENC_AES_KEY(a_key)->ivec,
+                                a_in_size, a_key->priv_key_data);
+size_t dap_enc_iaes256_cbc_encrypt(struct dap_enc_key * a_key, const void * a_in, size_t a_in_size, void ** a_out)
+    size_t length_data_new;
+    uint8_t *data_new;
+    length_data_new = iaes_block128_padding(a_in, &data_new, a_in_size);
+    *a_out = (uint8_t *)malloc(length_data_new);
+    IAES_256_CBC_encrypt(data_new, *a_out, DAP_ENC_AES_KEY(a_key)->ivec, length_data_new, a_key->priv_key_data);
+    free(data_new);
+    return length_data_new;
+size_t dap_enc_iaes256_calc_encode_size(const size_t size_in)
+    return iaes_calc_block128_size(size_in);
+size_t dap_enc_iaes256_calc_decode_size(const size_t size_in)
+    return size_in;
+size_t dap_enc_iaes256_cbc_encrypt_fast(struct dap_enc_key * a_key, const void * a_in,
+                                        size_t a_in_size, void * buf_out, size_t buf_out_size)
+    size_t out_size = iaes_calc_block128_size(a_in_size);
+    if((a_in_size % IAES_BLOCK_SIZE) == 0) {
+        IAES_256_CBC_encrypt(a_in, buf_out, DAP_ENC_AES_KEY(a_key)->ivec, out_size, a_key->priv_key_data);
+        return out_size;
+    }
+    if(buf_out_size < out_size) {
+        log_it(L_ERROR, "buf_out_size less than expected encrypt out size data");
+        return 0;
+    }
+    uint8_t* data_in_new;
+    iaes_block128_padding(a_in, &data_in_new, a_in_size);
+    IAES_256_CBC_encrypt(data_in_new, buf_out, DAP_ENC_AES_KEY(a_key)->ivec,
+                         out_size, a_key->priv_key_data);
+    free(data_in_new);
+    return out_size;
diff --git a/src/dap_enc_key.c b/src/dap_enc_key.c
index 38eee1a20e407631b35a9c95cacee64548b57c00..3f9b912971637d07a90282e1386598adb3b1590d 100755
--- a/src/dap_enc_key.c
+++ b/src/dap_enc_key.c
@@ -1,658 +1,658 @@
- Copyright (c) 2017-2018 (c) Project "DeM Labs Inc" https://github.com/demlabsinc
-  All rights reserved.
- This file is part of DAP (Deus Applications Prototypes) the open source project
-    DAP (Deus Applicaions Prototypes) is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-    it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
-    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-    (at your option) any later version.
-    DAP is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-    GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-    along with any DAP based project.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "dap_common.h"
-#include "dap_enc_iaes.h"
-#include "dap_enc_oaes.h"
-#include "dap_enc_msrln.h"
-#include "dap_enc_defeo.h"
-#include "dap_enc_picnic.h"
-#include "dap_enc_bliss.h"
-#include "dap_enc_tesla.h"
-#include "dap_enc_dilithium.h"
-#include "dap_enc_key.h"
-#undef LOG_TAG
-#define LOG_TAG "dap_enc_key"
-struct dap_enc_key_callbacks{
-    const char * name;
-    dap_enc_callback_dataop_t enc;
-    dap_enc_callback_dataop_t dec;
-    dap_enc_callback_dataop_na_t enc_na;
-    dap_enc_callback_dataop_na_t dec_na;
-    dap_enc_callback_sign_op_t sign_get;
-    dap_enc_callback_sign_op_t sign_verify;
-    dap_enc_callback_gen_key_public_t gen_key_public;
-    dap_enc_callback_key_size_t gen_key_public_size;
-    dap_enc_callback_calc_out_size enc_out_size;
-    dap_enc_callback_calc_out_size dec_out_size;
-    dap_enc_gen_bob_shared_key gen_bob_shared_key;
-    dap_enc_gen_alice_shared_key gen_alice_shared_key;
-    dap_enc_callback_new new_callback;
-    dap_enc_callback_data_t new_from_data_public_callback;
-    dap_enc_callback_new_generate new_generate_callback;
-    dap_enc_callback_delete delete_callback;
-} s_callbacks[]={
-    // AES
-        .name = "IAES",
-        .enc = dap_enc_iaes256_cbc_encrypt,
-        .enc_na = dap_enc_iaes256_cbc_encrypt_fast ,
-        .dec = dap_enc_iaes256_cbc_decrypt,
-        .dec_na = dap_enc_iaes256_cbc_decrypt_fast ,
-        .new_callback = dap_enc_aes_key_new,
-        .delete_callback = dap_enc_aes_key_delete,
-        .new_generate_callback = dap_enc_aes_key_generate,
-        .gen_key_public = NULL,
-        .gen_key_public_size = NULL,
-        .enc_out_size = dap_enc_iaes256_calc_encode_size,
-        .dec_out_size = dap_enc_iaes256_calc_decode_size,
-        .sign_get = NULL,
-        .sign_verify = NULL
-    },
-    // OAES
-        .name = "OAES",
-        .enc = dap_enc_oaes_encrypt,
-        .enc_na = dap_enc_oaes_encrypt_fast ,
-        .dec = dap_enc_oaes_decrypt,
-        .dec_na = dap_enc_oaes_decrypt_fast ,
-        .new_callback = dap_enc_oaes_key_new,
-        .delete_callback = dap_enc_oaes_key_delete,
-        .new_generate_callback = dap_enc_oaes_key_generate,
-        .gen_key_public = NULL,
-        .gen_key_public_size = NULL,
-        .enc_out_size = dap_enc_oaes_calc_encode_size,
-        .dec_out_size = dap_enc_oaes_calc_decode_size,
-        .sign_get = NULL,
-        .sign_verify = NULL
-    },
-        .name = "MSRLN",
-        .enc = NULL,
-        .dec = NULL,
-        .new_callback = dap_enc_msrln_key_new,
-        .delete_callback = dap_enc_msrln_key_delete,
-        .new_generate_callback = dap_enc_msrln_key_generate,
-        .gen_bob_shared_key = dap_enc_msrln_gen_bob_shared_key,
-        .gen_alice_shared_key = dap_enc_msrln_gen_alice_shared_key,
-        .gen_key_public = NULL,
-        .gen_key_public_size = NULL,
-        .new_from_data_public_callback = dap_enc_msrln_key_new_from_data_public,
-        .enc_out_size = NULL,
-        .dec_out_size = NULL,
-        .sign_get = NULL,
-        .sign_verify = NULL
-    },
-        .name = "DEFEO",
-        .enc = NULL,
-        .dec = NULL,
-        .gen_key_public = NULL,
-        .gen_key_public_size = NULL,
-        .gen_bob_shared_key = dap_enc_defeo_gen_bob_shared_key,
-        .gen_alice_shared_key = dap_enc_defeo_gen_alice_shared_key,
-        .new_callback = dap_enc_defeo_key_new,
-        .delete_callback = dap_enc_defeo_key_delete,
-        .new_generate_callback = dap_enc_defeo_key_new_generate,
-        .enc_out_size = NULL,
-        .dec_out_size = NULL,
-        .sign_get = NULL,
-        .sign_verify = NULL
-    },
-        .name = "PICNIC",
-        .enc = NULL,
-        .dec = NULL,
-        .enc_na = dap_enc_sig_picnic_get_sign, // dap_enc_picnic_enc_na
-        .dec_na = dap_enc_sig_picnic_verify_sign,// dap_enc_picnic_dec_na
-        .gen_bob_shared_key = NULL,
-        .gen_alice_shared_key = NULL,
-        .new_callback = dap_enc_sig_picnic_key_new,
-        .gen_key_public = NULL,
-        .gen_key_public_size = dap_enc_picnic_calc_signature_size,
-        .delete_callback = dap_enc_sig_picnic_key_delete,
-        .new_generate_callback = dap_enc_sig_picnic_key_new_generate,
-        .enc_out_size = NULL,
-        .dec_out_size = NULL,
-        .sign_get = NULL,
-        .sign_verify = NULL
-    },
-        .name = "SIG_BLISS",
-        .enc = NULL,
-        .dec = NULL,
-        .enc_na = NULL,
-        .dec_na = NULL,
-        .sign_get = dap_enc_sig_bliss_get_sign,
-        .sign_verify = dap_enc_sig_bliss_verify_sign,
-        .gen_bob_shared_key = NULL,
-        .gen_alice_shared_key = NULL,
-        .new_callback = dap_enc_sig_bliss_key_new,
-        .delete_callback = dap_enc_sig_bliss_key_delete,
-        .new_generate_callback = dap_enc_sig_bliss_key_new_generate,
-        .gen_key_public = dap_enc_sig_bliss_key_pub_output,
-        .gen_key_public_size = dap_enc_sig_bliss_key_pub_output_size,
-        .enc_out_size = NULL,
-        .dec_out_size = NULL
-    },
-        .name = "SIG_TESLA",
-        .enc = NULL,
-        .dec = NULL,
-        .enc_na = dap_enc_sig_tesla_get_sign,
-        .dec_na = dap_enc_sig_tesla_verify_sign,
-        .gen_key_public = NULL,
-        .gen_key_public_size = NULL,
-        .gen_bob_shared_key = NULL,
-        .gen_alice_shared_key = NULL,
-        .new_callback = dap_enc_sig_tesla_key_new,
-        .delete_callback = dap_enc_sig_tesla_key_delete,
-        .new_generate_callback = dap_enc_sig_tesla_key_new_generate,
-        .enc_out_size = NULL,
-        .dec_out_size = NULL,
-        .sign_get = NULL,
-        .sign_verify = NULL
-    },
-        .name = "SIG_DILITHIUM",
-        .enc = NULL,
-        .dec = NULL,
-        .enc_na = dap_enc_sig_dilithium_get_sign,
-        .dec_na = dap_enc_sig_dilithium_verify_sign,
-        .gen_key_public = NULL,
-        .gen_key_public_size = NULL,
-        .gen_bob_shared_key = NULL,
-        .gen_alice_shared_key = NULL,
-        .new_callback = dap_enc_sig_dilithium_key_new,
-        .delete_callback = dap_enc_sig_dilithium_key_delete,
-        .new_generate_callback = dap_enc_sig_dilithium_key_new_generate,
-        .enc_out_size = NULL,
-        .dec_out_size = NULL,
-        .sign_get = NULL,
-        .sign_verify = NULL
-    }
-const size_t c_callbacks_size = sizeof(s_callbacks) / sizeof(s_callbacks[0]);
- * @brief dap_enc_key_init
- * @return
- */
-int dap_enc_key_init()
-    return 0;
- * @brief dap_enc_key_deinit
- */
-void dap_enc_key_deinit()
- * @brief dap_enc_key_serealize_sign
- *
- * @param a_key_type
- * @param a_sign
- * @param a_sign_len [in/out]
- * @return allocates memory with private key
- */
-uint8_t* dap_enc_key_serealize_sign(dap_enc_key_type_t a_key_type, uint8_t *a_sign, size_t *a_sign_len)
-    uint8_t *data = NULL;
-    switch (a_key_type) {
-        data = dap_enc_sig_bliss_write_signature((bliss_signature_t*)a_sign, a_sign_len);
-        break;
-        data = dap_enc_tesla_write_signature((tesla_signature_t*)a_sign, a_sign_len);
-        break;
-        data = dap_enc_dilithium_write_signature((dilithium_signature_t*)a_sign, a_sign_len);
-        break;
-    default:
-        data = DAP_NEW_Z_SIZE(uint8_t, *a_sign_len);
-        memcpy(data, a_sign, *a_sign_len);
-    }
-    return data;
- * @brief dap_enc_key_serealize_sign
- *
- * @param a_key_type
- * @param a_sign
- * @param a_sign_len [in/out]
- * @return allocates memory with private key
- */
-uint8_t* dap_enc_key_deserealize_sign(dap_enc_key_type_t a_key_type, uint8_t *a_sign, size_t *a_sign_len)
-    uint8_t *data = NULL;
-    switch (a_key_type) {
-        data = (uint8_t*)dap_enc_sig_bliss_read_signature(a_sign, *a_sign_len);
-        *a_sign_len = sizeof(bliss_signature_t);
-        break;
-        data = (uint8_t*)dap_enc_tesla_read_signature(a_sign, *a_sign_len);
-        *a_sign_len = sizeof(tesla_signature_t);
-        break;
-        data = (uint8_t*)dap_enc_dilithium_read_signature(a_sign, *a_sign_len);
-        *a_sign_len = sizeof(dilithium_signature_t);
-        break;
-    default:
-        data = DAP_NEW_Z_SIZE(uint8_t, *a_sign_len);
-        memcpy(data, a_sign, *a_sign_len);
-    }
-    return data;
- * @brief dap_enc_key_serealize_priv_key
- *
- * @param a_key
- * @param a_buflen_out
- * @return allocates memory with private key
- */
-uint8_t* dap_enc_key_serealize_priv_key(dap_enc_key_t *a_key, size_t *a_buflen_out)
-    uint8_t *data = NULL;
-    switch (a_key->type) {
-        data = dap_enc_sig_bliss_write_private_key(a_key->priv_key_data, a_buflen_out);
-        break;
-        data = dap_enc_tesla_write_private_key(a_key->priv_key_data, a_buflen_out);
-        break;
-        data = dap_enc_dilithium_write_private_key(a_key->priv_key_data, a_buflen_out);
-        break;
-    default:
-        data = DAP_NEW_Z_SIZE(uint8_t, a_key->priv_key_data_size);
-        memcpy(data, a_key->priv_key_data, a_key->priv_key_data_size);
-        if(a_buflen_out)
-            *a_buflen_out = a_key->priv_key_data_size;
-    }
-    return data;
- * @brief dap_enc_key_serealize_pub_key
- *
- * @param a_key
- * @param a_buflen_out
- * @return allocates memory with private key
- */
-uint8_t* dap_enc_key_serealize_pub_key(dap_enc_key_t *a_key, size_t *a_buflen_out)
-    uint8_t *data = NULL;
-    switch (a_key->type) {
-        data = dap_enc_sig_bliss_write_public_key(a_key->pub_key_data, a_buflen_out);
-        break;
-        data = dap_enc_tesla_write_public_key(a_key->pub_key_data, a_buflen_out);
-        break;
-        data = dap_enc_dilithium_write_public_key(a_key->pub_key_data, a_buflen_out);
-        break;
-    default:
-        data = DAP_NEW_Z_SIZE(uint8_t, a_key->pub_key_data_size);
-        memcpy(data, a_key->pub_key_data, a_key->pub_key_data_size);
-        if(a_buflen_out)
-            *a_buflen_out = a_key->pub_key_data_size;
-    }
-    return data;
- * @brief dap_enc_key_deserealize_priv_key
- *
- * @param a_key
- * @param a_buf
- * @param a_buflen_out
- * @return 0 Ok, -1 error
- */
-int dap_enc_key_deserealize_priv_key(dap_enc_key_t *a_key, uint8_t *a_buf, size_t a_buflen)
-    if(!a_key || !a_buf)
-        return -1;
-    switch (a_key->type) {
-        if((a_key->priv_key_data)) {
-            bliss_b_private_key_delete((bliss_private_key_t *) a_key->priv_key_data);
-            DAP_DELETE(a_key->pub_key_data);
-        }
-        a_key->priv_key_data = (uint8_t*) dap_enc_sig_bliss_read_private_key(a_buf, a_buflen);
-        if(!a_key->priv_key_data)
-        {
-            a_key->priv_key_data_size = 0;
-            return -1;
-        }
-        a_key->priv_key_data_size = sizeof(bliss_private_key_t);
-        break;
-        tesla_private_key_delete((tesla_private_key_t *) a_key->priv_key_data);
-        a_key->priv_key_data = (uint8_t*) dap_enc_tesla_read_private_key(a_buf, a_buflen);
-        if(!a_key->priv_key_data)
-        {
-            a_key->priv_key_data_size = 0;
-            return -1;
-        }
-        a_key->priv_key_data_size = sizeof(tesla_private_key_t);
-        break;
-        DAP_DELETE(a_key->priv_key_data);
-        a_key->priv_key_data_size = a_buflen;
-        a_key->priv_key_data = DAP_NEW_Z_SIZE(uint8_t, a_key->priv_key_data_size);
-        memcpy(a_key->priv_key_data, a_buf, a_key->priv_key_data_size);
-        dap_enc_sig_picnic_update(a_key);
-        break;
-        dilithium_private_key_delete((dilithium_private_key_t *) a_key->priv_key_data);
-        a_key->priv_key_data = (uint8_t*) dap_enc_dilithium_read_private_key(a_buf, a_buflen);
-        if(!a_key->priv_key_data)
-        {
-            a_key->priv_key_data_size = 0;
-            return -1;
-        }
-        a_key->priv_key_data_size = sizeof(dilithium_private_key_t);
-        break;
-    default:
-        DAP_DELETE(a_key->priv_key_data);
-        a_key->priv_key_data_size = a_buflen;
-        a_key->priv_key_data = DAP_NEW_Z_SIZE(uint8_t, a_key->priv_key_data_size);
-        memcpy(a_key->priv_key_data, a_buf, a_key->priv_key_data_size);
-    }
-    return 0;
- * @brief dap_enc_key_deserealize_pub_key
- *
- * @param a_key
- * @param a_buf
- * @param a_buflen_out
- * @return 0 Ok, -1 error
- */
-int dap_enc_key_deserealize_pub_key(dap_enc_key_t *a_key, const uint8_t *a_buf, size_t a_buflen)
-    if(!a_key || !a_buf)
-        return -1;
-    switch (a_key->type) {
-        if((a_key->pub_key_data)) {
-            bliss_b_public_key_delete((bliss_public_key_t *) a_key->pub_key_data);
-            DAP_DELETE(a_key->pub_key_data);
-        }
-        a_key->pub_key_data = (uint8_t*) dap_enc_sig_bliss_read_public_key(a_buf, a_buflen);
-        if(!a_key->pub_key_data)
-        {
-            a_key->pub_key_data_size = 0;
-            return -1;
-        }
-        a_key->pub_key_data_size = sizeof(bliss_public_key_t);
-        break;
-        tesla_public_key_delete((tesla_public_key_t *) a_key->pub_key_data);
-        a_key->pub_key_data = (uint8_t*) dap_enc_tesla_read_public_key(a_buf, a_buflen);
-        if(!a_key->pub_key_data)
-        {
-            a_key->pub_key_data_size = 0;
-            return -1;
-        }
-        a_key->pub_key_data_size = sizeof(tesla_public_key_t);
-        break;
-        DAP_DELETE(a_key->pub_key_data);
-        a_key->pub_key_data_size = a_buflen;
-        a_key->pub_key_data = DAP_NEW_Z_SIZE(uint8_t, a_key->pub_key_data_size);
-        memcpy(a_key->pub_key_data, a_buf, a_key->pub_key_data_size);
-        dap_enc_sig_picnic_update(a_key);
-        break;
-        if ( a_key->pub_key_data )
-            dilithium_public_key_delete((dilithium_public_key_t *) a_key->pub_key_data);
-        a_key->pub_key_data = (uint8_t*) dap_enc_dilithium_read_public_key(a_buf, a_buflen);
-        if(!a_key->pub_key_data)
-        {
-            a_key->pub_key_data_size = 0;
-            return -1;
-        }
-        a_key->pub_key_data_size = sizeof(dilithium_public_key_t);
-        break;
-    default:
-        DAP_DELETE(a_key->pub_key_data);
-        a_key->pub_key_data_size = a_buflen;
-        a_key->pub_key_data = DAP_NEW_Z_SIZE(uint8_t, a_key->pub_key_data_size);
-        memcpy(a_key->pub_key_data, a_buf, a_key->pub_key_data_size);
-    }
-    return 0;
- * @brief dap_enc_key_serealize
- * @param key
- * @return allocates dap_enc_key_serealize_t* dont remember use free()
- */
-dap_enc_key_serealize_t* dap_enc_key_serealize(dap_enc_key_t * key)
-    dap_enc_key_serealize_t *result = DAP_NEW_Z(dap_enc_key_serealize_t);
-    result->priv_key_data_size = key->priv_key_data_size;
-    result->pub_key_data_size = key->pub_key_data_size;
-    result->last_used_timestamp = key->last_used_timestamp;
-    result->inheritor_size = key->_inheritor_size;
-    result->type = key->type;
-    memcpy(result->priv_key_data, key->priv_key_data, key->priv_key_data_size);
-    memcpy(result->pub_key_data, key->pub_key_data, key->pub_key_data_size);
-    memcpy(result->inheritor, key->_inheritor, key->_inheritor_size);
-    return result;
- * @brief dap_enc_key_deserealize
- * @param buf
- * @param buf_size
- * @return allocates dap_enc_key_t*. Use dap_enc_key_delete for free memory
- */
-dap_enc_key_t* dap_enc_key_deserealize(const void *buf, size_t buf_size)
-    if(buf_size != sizeof (dap_enc_key_serealize_t)) {
-        log_it(L_ERROR, "Key can't be deserealize. buf_size(%d) != sizeof (dap_enc_key_serealize_t)(%d)",buf_size,sizeof (dap_enc_key_serealize_t));
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    const dap_enc_key_serealize_t *in_key = (const dap_enc_key_serealize_t *)buf;
-    dap_enc_key_t *result = dap_enc_key_new(in_key->type);
-    result->last_used_timestamp = in_key->last_used_timestamp;
-    result->priv_key_data_size = in_key->priv_key_data_size;
-    result->pub_key_data_size = in_key->pub_key_data_size;
-    result->_inheritor_size = in_key->inheritor_size;
-    memcpy(result->priv_key_data, in_key->priv_key_data, result->priv_key_data_size);
-    memcpy(result->pub_key_data, in_key->pub_key_data, result->pub_key_data_size);
-    if(in_key->inheritor_size)
-        memcpy(result->_inheritor, in_key->inheritor, in_key->inheritor_size);
-    else
-        result->_inheritor = NULL;
-    return result;
- * @brief dap_enc_key_new
- * @param a_key_type
- * @return
- */
-dap_enc_key_t *dap_enc_key_new(dap_enc_key_type_t a_key_type)
-    dap_enc_key_t * ret = NULL;
-    if(a_key_type < c_callbacks_size ){
-        ret = DAP_NEW_Z(dap_enc_key_t);
-        if(s_callbacks[a_key_type].new_callback){
-            s_callbacks[a_key_type].new_callback(ret);
-        }
-    }
-    ret->type = a_key_type;
-    return ret;
- * @brief dap_enc_key_new_generate
- * @param a_key_type
- * @param kex_buf
- * @param kex_size
- * @param seed
- * @param seed_size
- * @param key_size - can be NULL ( generate size by default )
- * @return
- */
-dap_enc_key_t *dap_enc_key_new_generate(dap_enc_key_type_t a_key_type, const void *kex_buf,
-                                        size_t kex_size, const void* seed,
-                                        size_t seed_size, size_t key_size)
-    dap_enc_key_t * ret = NULL;
-    if(a_key_type< c_callbacks_size ) {
-        ret = dap_enc_key_new(a_key_type);
-        if(s_callbacks[a_key_type].new_generate_callback) {
-            s_callbacks[a_key_type].new_generate_callback( ret, kex_buf, kex_size, seed, seed_size, key_size);
-        }
-    }
-    return ret;
- * @brief dap_enc_key_update
- * @param a_key_type
- * @return
- */
-void dap_enc_key_update(dap_enc_key_t *a_key)
-    if(a_key)
-        switch (a_key->type) {
-            break;
-            dap_enc_sig_picnic_update(a_key);
-            break;
-            break;
-            break;
-        default:
-            break;
-        }
-size_t dap_enc_gen_key_public_size (dap_enc_key_t *a_key)
-    if(s_callbacks[a_key->type].gen_key_public_size) {
-        return s_callbacks[a_key->type].gen_key_public_size(a_key);
-    } else {
-        log_it(L_ERROR, "No callback for key public size calculate");
-        return 0;
-    }
-int dap_enc_gen_key_public (dap_enc_key_t *a_key, void * a_output)
-    if(s_callbacks[a_key->type].gen_key_public) {
-        return s_callbacks[a_key->type].gen_key_public(a_key,a_output);
-    } else {
-        log_it(L_ERROR, "No callback for key public generate action");
-    }
-    return -1;
- * @brief dap_enc_key_delete
- * @param a_key
- */
-void dap_enc_key_signature_delete(dap_enc_key_type_t a_key_type, uint8_t *a_sig_buf)
-    switch (a_key_type) {
-        bliss_signature_delete((bliss_signature_t*)a_sig_buf);
-        break;
-        tesla_signature_delete((tesla_signature_t*)a_sig_buf);
-        break;
-        dilithium_signature_delete((dilithium_signature_t*)a_sig_buf);
-        break;
-    default:
-        break;
-    }
-    DAP_DELETE(a_sig_buf);
- * @brief dap_enc_key_delete
- * @param a_key
- */
-void dap_enc_key_delete(dap_enc_key_t * a_key)
-    if(s_callbacks[a_key->type].delete_callback) {
-        s_callbacks[a_key->type].delete_callback(a_key);
-    } else {
-        log_it(L_ERROR, "delete callback is null. Can be leak memory!");
-    }
-    /* a_key->_inheritor must be cleaned in delete_callback func */
-    if ( a_key->pub_key_data)
-        DAP_DELETE(a_key->pub_key_data);
-    if (a_key->priv_key_data )
-        DAP_DELETE(a_key->priv_key_data);
-    DAP_DELETE(a_key);
-size_t dap_enc_key_get_enc_size(dap_enc_key_t * a_key, const size_t buf_in_size)
-    if(s_callbacks[a_key->type].enc_out_size) {
-        return s_callbacks[a_key->type].enc_out_size(buf_in_size);
-    }
-    log_it(L_ERROR, "enc_out_size not realize for current key type");
-    return 0;
-size_t dap_enc_key_get_dec_size(dap_enc_key_t * a_key, const size_t buf_in_size)
-    if(s_callbacks[a_key->type].dec_out_size) {
-        return s_callbacks[a_key->type].dec_out_size(buf_in_size);
-    }
-    log_it(L_ERROR, "dec_out_size not realize for current key type");
-    return 0;
+ Copyright (c) 2017-2018 (c) Project "DeM Labs Inc" https://github.com/demlabsinc
+  All rights reserved.
+ This file is part of DAP (Deus Applications Prototypes) the open source project
+    DAP (Deus Applicaions Prototypes) is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    DAP is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+    along with any DAP based project.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "dap_common.h"
+#include "dap_enc_iaes.h"
+#include "dap_enc_oaes.h"
+#include "dap_enc_msrln.h"
+#include "dap_enc_defeo.h"
+#include "dap_enc_picnic.h"
+#include "dap_enc_bliss.h"
+#include "dap_enc_tesla.h"
+#include "dap_enc_dilithium.h"
+#include "dap_enc_key.h"
+#undef LOG_TAG
+#define LOG_TAG "dap_enc_key"
+struct dap_enc_key_callbacks{
+    const char * name;
+    dap_enc_callback_dataop_t enc;
+    dap_enc_callback_dataop_t dec;
+    dap_enc_callback_dataop_na_t enc_na;
+    dap_enc_callback_dataop_na_t dec_na;
+    dap_enc_callback_sign_op_t sign_get;
+    dap_enc_callback_sign_op_t sign_verify;
+    dap_enc_callback_gen_key_public_t gen_key_public;
+    dap_enc_callback_key_size_t gen_key_public_size;
+    dap_enc_callback_calc_out_size enc_out_size;
+    dap_enc_callback_calc_out_size dec_out_size;
+    dap_enc_gen_bob_shared_key gen_bob_shared_key;
+    dap_enc_gen_alice_shared_key gen_alice_shared_key;
+    dap_enc_callback_new new_callback;
+    dap_enc_callback_data_t new_from_data_public_callback;
+    dap_enc_callback_new_generate new_generate_callback;
+    dap_enc_callback_delete delete_callback;
+} s_callbacks[]={
+    // AES
+        .name = "IAES",
+        .enc = dap_enc_iaes256_cbc_encrypt,
+        .enc_na = dap_enc_iaes256_cbc_encrypt_fast ,
+        .dec = dap_enc_iaes256_cbc_decrypt,
+        .dec_na = dap_enc_iaes256_cbc_decrypt_fast ,
+        .new_callback = dap_enc_aes_key_new,
+        .delete_callback = dap_enc_aes_key_delete,
+        .new_generate_callback = dap_enc_aes_key_generate,
+        .gen_key_public = NULL,
+        .gen_key_public_size = NULL,
+        .enc_out_size = dap_enc_iaes256_calc_encode_size,
+        .dec_out_size = dap_enc_iaes256_calc_decode_size,
+        .sign_get = NULL,
+        .sign_verify = NULL
+    },
+    // OAES
+        .name = "OAES",
+        .enc = dap_enc_oaes_encrypt,
+        .enc_na = dap_enc_oaes_encrypt_fast ,
+        .dec = dap_enc_oaes_decrypt,
+        .dec_na = dap_enc_oaes_decrypt_fast ,
+        .new_callback = dap_enc_oaes_key_new,
+        .delete_callback = dap_enc_oaes_key_delete,
+        .new_generate_callback = dap_enc_oaes_key_generate,
+        .gen_key_public = NULL,
+        .gen_key_public_size = NULL,
+        .enc_out_size = dap_enc_oaes_calc_encode_size,
+        .dec_out_size = dap_enc_oaes_calc_decode_size,
+        .sign_get = NULL,
+        .sign_verify = NULL
+    },
+        .name = "MSRLN",
+        .enc = NULL,
+        .dec = NULL,
+        .new_callback = dap_enc_msrln_key_new,
+        .delete_callback = dap_enc_msrln_key_delete,
+        .new_generate_callback = dap_enc_msrln_key_generate,
+        .gen_bob_shared_key = dap_enc_msrln_gen_bob_shared_key,
+        .gen_alice_shared_key = dap_enc_msrln_gen_alice_shared_key,
+        .gen_key_public = NULL,
+        .gen_key_public_size = NULL,
+        .new_from_data_public_callback = dap_enc_msrln_key_new_from_data_public,
+        .enc_out_size = NULL,
+        .dec_out_size = NULL,
+        .sign_get = NULL,
+        .sign_verify = NULL
+    },
+        .name = "DEFEO",
+        .enc = NULL,
+        .dec = NULL,
+        .gen_key_public = NULL,
+        .gen_key_public_size = NULL,
+        .gen_bob_shared_key = dap_enc_defeo_gen_bob_shared_key,
+        .gen_alice_shared_key = dap_enc_defeo_gen_alice_shared_key,
+        .new_callback = dap_enc_defeo_key_new,
+        .delete_callback = dap_enc_defeo_key_delete,
+        .new_generate_callback = dap_enc_defeo_key_new_generate,
+        .enc_out_size = NULL,
+        .dec_out_size = NULL,
+        .sign_get = NULL,
+        .sign_verify = NULL
+    },
+        .name = "PICNIC",
+        .enc = NULL,
+        .dec = NULL,
+        .enc_na = dap_enc_sig_picnic_get_sign, // dap_enc_picnic_enc_na
+        .dec_na = dap_enc_sig_picnic_verify_sign,// dap_enc_picnic_dec_na
+        .gen_bob_shared_key = NULL,
+        .gen_alice_shared_key = NULL,
+        .new_callback = dap_enc_sig_picnic_key_new,
+        .gen_key_public = NULL,
+        .gen_key_public_size = dap_enc_picnic_calc_signature_size,
+        .delete_callback = dap_enc_sig_picnic_key_delete,
+        .new_generate_callback = dap_enc_sig_picnic_key_new_generate,
+        .enc_out_size = NULL,
+        .dec_out_size = NULL,
+        .sign_get = NULL,
+        .sign_verify = NULL
+    },
+        .name = "SIG_BLISS",
+        .enc = NULL,
+        .dec = NULL,
+        .enc_na = NULL,
+        .dec_na = NULL,
+        .sign_get = dap_enc_sig_bliss_get_sign,
+        .sign_verify = dap_enc_sig_bliss_verify_sign,
+        .gen_bob_shared_key = NULL,
+        .gen_alice_shared_key = NULL,
+        .new_callback = dap_enc_sig_bliss_key_new,
+        .delete_callback = dap_enc_sig_bliss_key_delete,
+        .new_generate_callback = dap_enc_sig_bliss_key_new_generate,
+        .gen_key_public = dap_enc_sig_bliss_key_pub_output,
+        .gen_key_public_size = dap_enc_sig_bliss_key_pub_output_size,
+        .enc_out_size = NULL,
+        .dec_out_size = NULL
+    },
+        .name = "SIG_TESLA",
+        .enc = NULL,
+        .dec = NULL,
+        .enc_na = dap_enc_sig_tesla_get_sign,
+        .dec_na = dap_enc_sig_tesla_verify_sign,
+        .gen_key_public = NULL,
+        .gen_key_public_size = NULL,
+        .gen_bob_shared_key = NULL,
+        .gen_alice_shared_key = NULL,
+        .new_callback = dap_enc_sig_tesla_key_new,
+        .delete_callback = dap_enc_sig_tesla_key_delete,
+        .new_generate_callback = dap_enc_sig_tesla_key_new_generate,
+        .enc_out_size = NULL,
+        .dec_out_size = NULL,
+        .sign_get = NULL,
+        .sign_verify = NULL
+    },
+        .name = "SIG_DILITHIUM",
+        .enc = NULL,
+        .dec = NULL,
+        .enc_na = dap_enc_sig_dilithium_get_sign,
+        .dec_na = dap_enc_sig_dilithium_verify_sign,
+        .gen_key_public = NULL,
+        .gen_key_public_size = NULL,
+        .gen_bob_shared_key = NULL,
+        .gen_alice_shared_key = NULL,
+        .new_callback = dap_enc_sig_dilithium_key_new,
+        .delete_callback = dap_enc_sig_dilithium_key_delete,
+        .new_generate_callback = dap_enc_sig_dilithium_key_new_generate,
+        .enc_out_size = NULL,
+        .dec_out_size = NULL,
+        .sign_get = NULL,
+        .sign_verify = NULL
+    }
+const size_t c_callbacks_size = sizeof(s_callbacks) / sizeof(s_callbacks[0]);
+ * @brief dap_enc_key_init
+ * @return
+ */
+int dap_enc_key_init()
+    return 0;
+ * @brief dap_enc_key_deinit
+ */
+void dap_enc_key_deinit()
+ * @brief dap_enc_key_serealize_sign
+ *
+ * @param a_key_type
+ * @param a_sign
+ * @param a_sign_len [in/out]
+ * @return allocates memory with private key
+ */
+uint8_t* dap_enc_key_serealize_sign(dap_enc_key_type_t a_key_type, uint8_t *a_sign, size_t *a_sign_len)
+    uint8_t *data = NULL;
+    switch (a_key_type) {
+        data = dap_enc_sig_bliss_write_signature((bliss_signature_t*)a_sign, a_sign_len);
+        break;
+        data = dap_enc_tesla_write_signature((tesla_signature_t*)a_sign, a_sign_len);
+        break;
+        data = dap_enc_dilithium_write_signature((dilithium_signature_t*)a_sign, a_sign_len);
+        break;
+    default:
+        data = DAP_NEW_Z_SIZE(uint8_t, *a_sign_len);
+        memcpy(data, a_sign, *a_sign_len);
+    }
+    return data;
+ * @brief dap_enc_key_serealize_sign
+ *
+ * @param a_key_type
+ * @param a_sign
+ * @param a_sign_len [in/out]
+ * @return allocates memory with private key
+ */
+uint8_t* dap_enc_key_deserealize_sign(dap_enc_key_type_t a_key_type, uint8_t *a_sign, size_t *a_sign_len)
+    uint8_t *data = NULL;
+    switch (a_key_type) {
+        data = (uint8_t*)dap_enc_sig_bliss_read_signature(a_sign, *a_sign_len);
+        *a_sign_len = sizeof(bliss_signature_t);
+        break;
+        data = (uint8_t*)dap_enc_tesla_read_signature(a_sign, *a_sign_len);
+        *a_sign_len = sizeof(tesla_signature_t);
+        break;
+        data = (uint8_t*)dap_enc_dilithium_read_signature(a_sign, *a_sign_len);
+        *a_sign_len = sizeof(dilithium_signature_t);
+        break;
+    default:
+        data = DAP_NEW_Z_SIZE(uint8_t, *a_sign_len);
+        memcpy(data, a_sign, *a_sign_len);
+    }
+    return data;
+ * @brief dap_enc_key_serealize_priv_key
+ *
+ * @param a_key
+ * @param a_buflen_out
+ * @return allocates memory with private key
+ */
+uint8_t* dap_enc_key_serealize_priv_key(dap_enc_key_t *a_key, size_t *a_buflen_out)
+    uint8_t *data = NULL;
+    switch (a_key->type) {
+        data = dap_enc_sig_bliss_write_private_key(a_key->priv_key_data, a_buflen_out);
+        break;
+        data = dap_enc_tesla_write_private_key(a_key->priv_key_data, a_buflen_out);
+        break;
+        data = dap_enc_dilithium_write_private_key(a_key->priv_key_data, a_buflen_out);
+        break;
+    default:
+        data = DAP_NEW_Z_SIZE(uint8_t, a_key->priv_key_data_size);
+        memcpy(data, a_key->priv_key_data, a_key->priv_key_data_size);
+        if(a_buflen_out)
+            *a_buflen_out = a_key->priv_key_data_size;
+    }
+    return data;
+ * @brief dap_enc_key_serealize_pub_key
+ *
+ * @param a_key
+ * @param a_buflen_out
+ * @return allocates memory with private key
+ */
+uint8_t* dap_enc_key_serealize_pub_key(dap_enc_key_t *a_key, size_t *a_buflen_out)
+    uint8_t *data = NULL;
+    switch (a_key->type) {
+        data = dap_enc_sig_bliss_write_public_key(a_key->pub_key_data, a_buflen_out);
+        break;
+        data = dap_enc_tesla_write_public_key(a_key->pub_key_data, a_buflen_out);
+        break;
+        data = dap_enc_dilithium_write_public_key(a_key->pub_key_data, a_buflen_out);
+        break;
+    default:
+        data = DAP_NEW_Z_SIZE(uint8_t, a_key->pub_key_data_size);
+        memcpy(data, a_key->pub_key_data, a_key->pub_key_data_size);
+        if(a_buflen_out)
+            *a_buflen_out = a_key->pub_key_data_size;
+    }
+    return data;
+ * @brief dap_enc_key_deserealize_priv_key
+ *
+ * @param a_key
+ * @param a_buf
+ * @param a_buflen_out
+ * @return 0 Ok, -1 error
+ */
+int dap_enc_key_deserealize_priv_key(dap_enc_key_t *a_key, const byte_t *a_buf, size_t a_buflen)
+    if(!a_key || !a_buf)
+        return -1;
+    switch (a_key->type) {
+        if((a_key->priv_key_data)) {
+            bliss_b_private_key_delete((bliss_private_key_t *) a_key->priv_key_data);
+            DAP_DELETE(a_key->pub_key_data);
+        }
+        a_key->priv_key_data = (uint8_t*) dap_enc_sig_bliss_read_private_key(a_buf, a_buflen);
+        if(!a_key->priv_key_data)
+        {
+            a_key->priv_key_data_size = 0;
+            return -1;
+        }
+        a_key->priv_key_data_size = sizeof(bliss_private_key_t);
+        break;
+        tesla_private_key_delete((tesla_private_key_t *) a_key->priv_key_data);
+        a_key->priv_key_data = (uint8_t*) dap_enc_tesla_read_private_key(a_buf, a_buflen);
+        if(!a_key->priv_key_data)
+        {
+            a_key->priv_key_data_size = 0;
+            return -1;
+        }
+        a_key->priv_key_data_size = sizeof(tesla_private_key_t);
+        break;
+        DAP_DELETE(a_key->priv_key_data);
+        a_key->priv_key_data_size = a_buflen;
+        a_key->priv_key_data = DAP_NEW_Z_SIZE(uint8_t, a_key->priv_key_data_size);
+        memcpy(a_key->priv_key_data, a_buf, a_key->priv_key_data_size);
+        dap_enc_sig_picnic_update(a_key);
+        break;
+        dilithium_private_key_delete((dilithium_private_key_t *) a_key->priv_key_data);
+        a_key->priv_key_data = (uint8_t*) dap_enc_dilithium_read_private_key(a_buf, a_buflen);
+        if(!a_key->priv_key_data)
+        {
+            a_key->priv_key_data_size = 0;
+            return -1;
+        }
+        a_key->priv_key_data_size = sizeof(dilithium_private_key_t);
+        break;
+    default:
+        DAP_DELETE(a_key->priv_key_data);
+        a_key->priv_key_data_size = a_buflen;
+        a_key->priv_key_data = DAP_NEW_Z_SIZE(uint8_t, a_key->priv_key_data_size);
+        memcpy(a_key->priv_key_data, a_buf, a_key->priv_key_data_size);
+    }
+    return 0;
+ * @brief dap_enc_key_deserealize_pub_key
+ *
+ * @param a_key
+ * @param a_buf
+ * @param a_buflen_out
+ * @return 0 Ok, -1 error
+ */
+int dap_enc_key_deserealize_pub_key(dap_enc_key_t *a_key, const byte_t *a_buf, size_t a_buflen)
+    if(!a_key || !a_buf)
+        return -1;
+    switch (a_key->type) {
+        if((a_key->pub_key_data)) {
+            bliss_b_public_key_delete((bliss_public_key_t *) a_key->pub_key_data);
+            DAP_DELETE(a_key->pub_key_data);
+        }
+        a_key->pub_key_data = (uint8_t*) dap_enc_sig_bliss_read_public_key(a_buf, a_buflen);
+        if(!a_key->pub_key_data)
+        {
+            a_key->pub_key_data_size = 0;
+            return -1;
+        }
+        a_key->pub_key_data_size = sizeof(bliss_public_key_t);
+        break;
+        tesla_public_key_delete((tesla_public_key_t *) a_key->pub_key_data);
+        a_key->pub_key_data = (uint8_t*) dap_enc_tesla_read_public_key(a_buf, a_buflen);
+        if(!a_key->pub_key_data)
+        {
+            a_key->pub_key_data_size = 0;
+            return -1;
+        }
+        a_key->pub_key_data_size = sizeof(tesla_public_key_t);
+        break;
+        DAP_DELETE(a_key->pub_key_data);
+        a_key->pub_key_data_size = a_buflen;
+        a_key->pub_key_data = DAP_NEW_Z_SIZE(uint8_t, a_key->pub_key_data_size);
+        memcpy(a_key->pub_key_data, a_buf, a_key->pub_key_data_size);
+        dap_enc_sig_picnic_update(a_key);
+        break;
+        if ( a_key->pub_key_data )
+            dilithium_public_key_delete((dilithium_public_key_t *) a_key->pub_key_data);
+        a_key->pub_key_data = (uint8_t*) dap_enc_dilithium_read_public_key(a_buf, a_buflen);
+        if(!a_key->pub_key_data)
+        {
+            a_key->pub_key_data_size = 0;
+            return -1;
+        }
+        a_key->pub_key_data_size = sizeof(dilithium_public_key_t);
+        break;
+    default:
+        DAP_DELETE(a_key->pub_key_data);
+        a_key->pub_key_data_size = a_buflen;
+        a_key->pub_key_data = DAP_NEW_Z_SIZE(uint8_t, a_key->pub_key_data_size);
+        memcpy(a_key->pub_key_data, a_buf, a_key->pub_key_data_size);
+    }
+    return 0;
+ * @brief dap_enc_key_serealize
+ * @param key
+ * @return allocates dap_enc_key_serealize_t* dont remember use free()
+ */
+dap_enc_key_serealize_t* dap_enc_key_serealize(dap_enc_key_t * key)
+    dap_enc_key_serealize_t *result = DAP_NEW_Z(dap_enc_key_serealize_t);
+    result->priv_key_data_size = key->priv_key_data_size;
+    result->pub_key_data_size = key->pub_key_data_size;
+    result->last_used_timestamp = key->last_used_timestamp;
+    result->inheritor_size = key->_inheritor_size;
+    result->type = key->type;
+    memcpy(result->priv_key_data, key->priv_key_data, key->priv_key_data_size);
+    memcpy(result->pub_key_data, key->pub_key_data, key->pub_key_data_size);
+    memcpy(result->inheritor, key->_inheritor, key->_inheritor_size);
+    return result;
+ * @brief dap_enc_key_deserealize
+ * @param buf
+ * @param buf_size
+ * @return allocates dap_enc_key_t*. Use dap_enc_key_delete for free memory
+ */
+dap_enc_key_t* dap_enc_key_deserealize(const void *buf, size_t buf_size)
+    if(buf_size != sizeof (dap_enc_key_serealize_t)) {
+        log_it(L_ERROR, "Key can't be deserealize. buf_size(%d) != sizeof (dap_enc_key_serealize_t)(%d)",buf_size,sizeof (dap_enc_key_serealize_t));
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    const dap_enc_key_serealize_t *in_key = (const dap_enc_key_serealize_t *)buf;
+    dap_enc_key_t *result = dap_enc_key_new(in_key->type);
+    result->last_used_timestamp = in_key->last_used_timestamp;
+    result->priv_key_data_size = in_key->priv_key_data_size;
+    result->pub_key_data_size = in_key->pub_key_data_size;
+    result->_inheritor_size = in_key->inheritor_size;
+    memcpy(result->priv_key_data, in_key->priv_key_data, result->priv_key_data_size);
+    memcpy(result->pub_key_data, in_key->pub_key_data, result->pub_key_data_size);
+    if(in_key->inheritor_size)
+        memcpy(result->_inheritor, in_key->inheritor, in_key->inheritor_size);
+    else
+        result->_inheritor = NULL;
+    return result;
+ * @brief dap_enc_key_new
+ * @param a_key_type
+ * @return
+ */
+dap_enc_key_t *dap_enc_key_new(dap_enc_key_type_t a_key_type)
+    dap_enc_key_t * ret = NULL;
+    if(a_key_type < c_callbacks_size ){
+        ret = DAP_NEW_Z(dap_enc_key_t);
+        if(s_callbacks[a_key_type].new_callback){
+            s_callbacks[a_key_type].new_callback(ret);
+        }
+    }
+    ret->type = a_key_type;
+    return ret;
+ * @brief dap_enc_key_new_generate
+ * @param a_key_type
+ * @param kex_buf
+ * @param kex_size
+ * @param seed
+ * @param seed_size
+ * @param key_size - can be NULL ( generate size by default )
+ * @return
+ */
+dap_enc_key_t *dap_enc_key_new_generate(dap_enc_key_type_t a_key_type, const void *kex_buf,
+                                        size_t kex_size, const void* seed,
+                                        size_t seed_size, size_t key_size)
+    dap_enc_key_t * ret = NULL;
+    if(a_key_type< c_callbacks_size ) {
+        ret = dap_enc_key_new(a_key_type);
+        if(s_callbacks[a_key_type].new_generate_callback) {
+            s_callbacks[a_key_type].new_generate_callback( ret, kex_buf, kex_size, seed, seed_size, key_size);
+        }
+    }
+    return ret;
+ * @brief dap_enc_key_update
+ * @param a_key_type
+ * @return
+ */
+void dap_enc_key_update(dap_enc_key_t *a_key)
+    if(a_key)
+        switch (a_key->type) {
+            break;
+            dap_enc_sig_picnic_update(a_key);
+            break;
+            break;
+            break;
+        default:
+            break;
+        }
+size_t dap_enc_gen_key_public_size (dap_enc_key_t *a_key)
+    if(s_callbacks[a_key->type].gen_key_public_size) {
+        return s_callbacks[a_key->type].gen_key_public_size(a_key);
+    } else {
+        log_it(L_ERROR, "No callback for key public size calculate");
+        return 0;
+    }
+int dap_enc_gen_key_public (dap_enc_key_t *a_key, void * a_output)
+    if(s_callbacks[a_key->type].gen_key_public) {
+        return s_callbacks[a_key->type].gen_key_public(a_key,a_output);
+    } else {
+        log_it(L_ERROR, "No callback for key public generate action");
+    }
+    return -1;
+ * @brief dap_enc_key_delete
+ * @param a_key
+ */
+void dap_enc_key_signature_delete(dap_enc_key_type_t a_key_type, uint8_t *a_sig_buf)
+    switch (a_key_type) {
+        bliss_signature_delete((bliss_signature_t*)a_sig_buf);
+        break;
+        tesla_signature_delete((tesla_signature_t*)a_sig_buf);
+        break;
+        dilithium_signature_delete((dilithium_signature_t*)a_sig_buf);
+        break;
+    default:
+        break;
+    }
+    DAP_DELETE(a_sig_buf);
+ * @brief dap_enc_key_delete
+ * @param a_key
+ */
+void dap_enc_key_delete(dap_enc_key_t * a_key)
+    if(s_callbacks[a_key->type].delete_callback) {
+        s_callbacks[a_key->type].delete_callback(a_key);
+    } else {
+        log_it(L_ERROR, "delete callback is null. Can be leak memory!");
+    }
+    /* a_key->_inheritor must be cleaned in delete_callback func */
+    if ( a_key->pub_key_data)
+        DAP_DELETE(a_key->pub_key_data);
+    if (a_key->priv_key_data )
+        DAP_DELETE(a_key->priv_key_data);
+    DAP_DELETE(a_key);
+size_t dap_enc_key_get_enc_size(dap_enc_key_t * a_key, const size_t buf_in_size)
+    if(s_callbacks[a_key->type].enc_out_size) {
+        return s_callbacks[a_key->type].enc_out_size(buf_in_size);
+    }
+    log_it(L_ERROR, "enc_out_size not realize for current key type");
+    return 0;
+size_t dap_enc_key_get_dec_size(dap_enc_key_t * a_key, const size_t buf_in_size)
+    if(s_callbacks[a_key->type].dec_out_size) {
+        return s_callbacks[a_key->type].dec_out_size(buf_in_size);
+    }
+    log_it(L_ERROR, "dec_out_size not realize for current key type");
+    return 0;
diff --git a/src/dap_enc_msrln.c b/src/dap_enc_msrln.c
index 87bca724c6bcbd94e04a0d5aae844766e43bcb71..80e7ba83896a2ec42bd2e135de5371c4b53e816d 100755
--- a/src/dap_enc_msrln.c
+++ b/src/dap_enc_msrln.c
@@ -1,245 +1,245 @@
-#include <string.h>
-#include "dap_common.h"
-#include "dap_enc_msrln.h"
-#include "msrln/msrln.h"
-#define LOG_TAG "dap_enc_msrln"
-void dap_enc_msrln_key_new(struct dap_enc_key* a_key)
-    a_key->type = DAP_ENC_KEY_TYPE_MSRLN;
-    a_key->dec = NULL;
-    a_key->enc = NULL;
-    a_key->gen_bob_shared_key = (dap_enc_gen_bob_shared_key)dap_enc_msrln_gen_bob_shared_key;
-    a_key->gen_alice_shared_key = (dap_enc_gen_alice_shared_key)dap_enc_msrln_gen_alice_shared_key;
-    a_key->priv_key_data_size = 0;
-    a_key->pub_key_data_size = 0;
-// * @brief dap_enc_msrln_key_new_generate
-// * @param a_key Struct for new key
-// * @param a_size Not used
-// */
-//void dap_enc_msrln_key_new_generate(struct dap_enc_key* a_key, size_t a_size)
-//    (void)a_size;
-//    a_key = DAP_NEW(dap_enc_key_t);
-//    if(a_key == NULL) {
-//        log_it(L_ERROR, "Can't allocate memory for key");
-//        return;
-//    }
-//    a_key->type = DAP_ENC_KEY_TYPE_MSRLN;
-//    a_key->dec = dap_enc_msrln_decode;
-//    a_key->enc = dap_enc_msrln_encode;
-//    a_key->_inheritor = DAP_NEW_Z(dap_enc_msrln_key_t);
-//    //a_key->delete_callback = dap_enc_msrln_key_delete;
- * @brief dap_enc_msrln_key_generate
- * @param a_key
- * @param kex_buf
- * @param kex_size
- * @param seed
- * @param seed_size
- * @param key_size
- * @details allocate memory and generate private and public key
- */
-void dap_enc_msrln_key_generate(struct dap_enc_key * a_key, const void *kex_buf,
-                                size_t kex_size, const void * seed, size_t seed_size,
-                                size_t key_size)
-    (void)kex_buf; (void)kex_size;
-    (void)seed; (void)seed_size; (void)key_size;
-    /* alice_msg is alice's public key */
-    a_key->pub_key_data = NULL;
-    a_key->pub_key_data = malloc(MSRLN_PKA_BYTES);
-    a_key->pub_key_data_size = MSRLN_PKA_BYTES;
-    if(a_key->pub_key_data == NULL) {
-        abort();
-    }
-    a_key->priv_key_data = malloc(MSRLN_PKA_BYTES * sizeof(uint32_t));
-    PLatticeCryptoStruct PLCS = LatticeCrypto_allocate();
-    LatticeCrypto_initialize(PLCS, (RandomBytes)randombytes, MSRLN_generate_a, MSRLN_get_error);
-    if (MSRLN_KeyGeneration_A((int32_t *) a_key->priv_key_data,
-                              (unsigned char *) a_key->pub_key_data, PLCS) != CRYPTO_MSRLN_SUCCESS) {
-        abort();
-    }
-    free(PLCS);
-    a_key->priv_key_data_size = MSRLN_SHAREDKEY_BYTES;
-    return;
- * @brief dap_enc_msrln16_encode
- * @param k
- * @param alice_priv
- * @param alice_msg
- * @param alice_msg_len
- * @return
- */
-size_t dap_enc_msrln_gen_bob_shared_key(struct dap_enc_key* b_key, const void* a_pub, size_t a_pub_size, void ** b_pub)
-    size_t ret;
-    uint8_t *bob_tmp_pub = NULL;
-    *b_pub = NULL;
-    if(b_key->priv_key_data_size == 0) { // need allocate mamory for priv key
-        b_key->priv_key_data = malloc(MSRLN_SHAREDKEY_BYTES);
-        b_key->priv_key_data_size = MSRLN_SHAREDKEY_BYTES;
-    }
- //   b_key->priv_key_data = NULL;
-    if(a_pub_size != MSRLN_PKA_BYTES) {
-        ret = 0;
-        DAP_DELETE(b_pub);
-        b_pub = NULL;
-        DAP_DELETE(b_key->priv_key_data);
-        b_key->priv_key_data = NULL;
-        return ret;
-    }
-    *b_pub = malloc(MSRLN_PKB_BYTES);
-    if(b_pub == NULL) {
-        ret = 0;
-        DAP_DELETE(b_pub);
-        b_pub = NULL;
-        DAP_DELETE(b_key->priv_key_data);
-        b_key->priv_key_data = NULL;
-        return ret;
-    }
-    bob_tmp_pub = *b_pub;
-//    b_key->priv_key_data = malloc(MSRLN_SHAREDKEY_BYTES);
-    if(b_key->priv_key_data == NULL) {
-        ret = 0;
-        DAP_DELETE(b_pub);
-        b_pub = NULL;
-        DAP_DELETE(b_key->priv_key_data);
-        b_key->priv_key_data = NULL;
-        return ret;
-    }
-    PLatticeCryptoStruct PLCS = LatticeCrypto_allocate();
-    LatticeCrypto_initialize(PLCS, (RandomBytes)randombytes, MSRLN_generate_a, MSRLN_get_error);
-    if (MSRLN_SecretAgreement_B((unsigned char *) a_pub, (unsigned char *) b_key->priv_key_data, (unsigned char *) bob_tmp_pub, PLCS) != CRYPTO_MSRLN_SUCCESS) {
-        ret = 0;
-        DAP_DELETE(b_pub);
-        b_pub = NULL;
-        DAP_DELETE(b_key->priv_key_data);
-        b_key->priv_key_data = NULL;
-        return ret;
-    }
-    free(PLCS);
-    b_key->priv_key_data_size = MSRLN_SHAREDKEY_BYTES;
-    b_key->pub_key_data_size = MSRLN_PKB_BYTES;
- //   *a_pub_size = MSRLN_PKB_BYTES;
-    ret = 1;
-    return ret;
- * @brief dap_enc_msrln_decode
- * @param k
- * @param alice_msg
- * @param alice_msg_len
- * @param bob_msg
- * @param bob_msg_len
- * @param key
- * @param key_len
- * @return
- */
-size_t dap_enc_msrln_gen_alice_shared_key(struct dap_enc_key* a_key, const void* a_priv, const size_t b_key_len, unsigned char * b_pub)
-    size_t ret = 1;
-    if(a_key->priv_key_data_size == 0) { // need allocate mamory for priv key
-        a_key->priv_key_data = malloc(MSRLN_SHAREDKEY_BYTES);
-        a_key->priv_key_data_size = MSRLN_SHAREDKEY_BYTES;
-    }
-    if(a_key->priv_key_data == NULL || b_key_len != MSRLN_PKB_BYTES) {
-        ret = 0;
-        DAP_DELETE(b_pub);
-        b_pub = NULL;
-        a_priv = NULL;
-        DAP_DELETE(a_key->priv_key_data);
-        a_key->priv_key_data = NULL;
-    }
-    if (MSRLN_SecretAgreement_A((unsigned char *) b_pub, (int32_t *) a_priv, (unsigned char *) a_key->priv_key_data) != CRYPTO_MSRLN_SUCCESS) {
-        ret = 0;
-        DAP_DELETE(b_pub);
-        b_pub = NULL;
-        a_priv = NULL;
-        DAP_DELETE(a_key->priv_key_data);
-        a_key->priv_key_data = NULL;
-    }
-    a_key->priv_key_data_size = MSRLN_SHAREDKEY_BYTES;
-    return ret;
- * @brief dap_enc_msrln_key_new_from_data_public
- * @param a_key
- * @param a_in
- * @param a_in_size
- */
-void dap_enc_msrln_key_new_from_data_public(dap_enc_key_t * a_key, const void * a_in, size_t a_in_size)
-    (void)a_key;
-    (void)a_in;
-    (void)a_in_size;
- * @brief dap_enc_msrln_key_delete
- * @param a_key
- */
-void dap_enc_msrln_key_delete(struct dap_enc_key* a_key)
-    (void) a_key;
-    if(!a_key){
-        return;
-    }
-//    DAP_DELETE(a_key);
- * @brief dap_enc_msrln_key_public_base64
- * @param a_key
- * @return
- */
-char* dap_enc_msrln_key_public_base64(dap_enc_key_t *a_key)
-    (void)a_key;
-    return NULL;
- * @brief dap_enc_msrln_key_public_raw
- * @param a_key
- * @param a_key_public
- * @return
- */
-size_t dap_enc_msrln_key_public_raw(dap_enc_key_t *a_key, void ** a_key_public)
-    (void)a_key;
-    (void)a_key_public;
-    return 0;
+#include <string.h>
+#include "dap_common.h"
+#include "dap_enc_msrln.h"
+#include "msrln/msrln.h"
+#define LOG_TAG "dap_enc_msrln"
+void dap_enc_msrln_key_new(struct dap_enc_key* a_key)
+    a_key->type = DAP_ENC_KEY_TYPE_MSRLN;
+    a_key->dec = NULL;
+    a_key->enc = NULL;
+    a_key->gen_bob_shared_key = (dap_enc_gen_bob_shared_key)dap_enc_msrln_gen_bob_shared_key;
+    a_key->gen_alice_shared_key = (dap_enc_gen_alice_shared_key)dap_enc_msrln_gen_alice_shared_key;
+    a_key->priv_key_data_size = 0;
+    a_key->pub_key_data_size = 0;
+// * @brief dap_enc_msrln_key_new_generate
+// * @param a_key Struct for new key
+// * @param a_size Not used
+// */
+//void dap_enc_msrln_key_new_generate(struct dap_enc_key* a_key, size_t a_size)
+//    (void)a_size;
+//    a_key = DAP_NEW(dap_enc_key_t);
+//    if(a_key == NULL) {
+//        log_it(L_ERROR, "Can't allocate memory for key");
+//        return;
+//    }
+//    a_key->type = DAP_ENC_KEY_TYPE_MSRLN;
+//    a_key->dec = dap_enc_msrln_decode;
+//    a_key->enc = dap_enc_msrln_encode;
+//    a_key->_inheritor = DAP_NEW_Z(dap_enc_msrln_key_t);
+//    //a_key->delete_callback = dap_enc_msrln_key_delete;
+ * @brief dap_enc_msrln_key_generate
+ * @param a_key
+ * @param kex_buf
+ * @param kex_size
+ * @param seed
+ * @param seed_size
+ * @param key_size
+ * @details allocate memory and generate private and public key
+ */
+void dap_enc_msrln_key_generate(struct dap_enc_key * a_key, const void *kex_buf,
+                                size_t kex_size, const void * seed, size_t seed_size,
+                                size_t key_size)
+    (void)kex_buf; (void)kex_size;
+    (void)seed; (void)seed_size; (void)key_size;
+    /* alice_msg is alice's public key */
+    a_key->pub_key_data = NULL;
+    a_key->pub_key_data = malloc(MSRLN_PKA_BYTES);
+    a_key->pub_key_data_size = MSRLN_PKA_BYTES;
+    if(a_key->pub_key_data == NULL) {
+        abort();
+    }
+    a_key->priv_key_data = malloc(MSRLN_PKA_BYTES * sizeof(uint32_t));
+    PLatticeCryptoStruct PLCS = LatticeCrypto_allocate();
+    LatticeCrypto_initialize(PLCS, (RandomBytes)randombytes, MSRLN_generate_a, MSRLN_get_error);
+    if (MSRLN_KeyGeneration_A((int32_t *) a_key->priv_key_data,
+                              (unsigned char *) a_key->pub_key_data, PLCS) != CRYPTO_MSRLN_SUCCESS) {
+        abort();
+    }
+    free(PLCS);
+    a_key->priv_key_data_size = MSRLN_SHAREDKEY_BYTES;
+    return;
+ * @brief dap_enc_msrln16_encode
+ * @param k
+ * @param alice_priv
+ * @param alice_msg
+ * @param alice_msg_len
+ * @return
+ */
+size_t dap_enc_msrln_gen_bob_shared_key(struct dap_enc_key* b_key, const void* a_pub, size_t a_pub_size, void ** b_pub)
+    size_t ret;
+    uint8_t *bob_tmp_pub = NULL;
+    *b_pub = NULL;
+    if(b_key->priv_key_data_size == 0) { // need allocate mamory for priv key
+        b_key->priv_key_data = malloc(MSRLN_SHAREDKEY_BYTES);
+        b_key->priv_key_data_size = MSRLN_SHAREDKEY_BYTES;
+    }
+ //   b_key->priv_key_data = NULL;
+    if(a_pub_size != MSRLN_PKA_BYTES) {
+        ret = 0;
+        DAP_DELETE(b_pub);
+        b_pub = NULL;
+        DAP_DELETE(b_key->priv_key_data);
+        b_key->priv_key_data = NULL;
+        return ret;
+    }
+    *b_pub = malloc(MSRLN_PKB_BYTES);
+    if(b_pub == NULL) {
+        ret = 0;
+        DAP_DELETE(b_pub);
+        b_pub = NULL;
+        DAP_DELETE(b_key->priv_key_data);
+        b_key->priv_key_data = NULL;
+        return ret;
+    }
+    bob_tmp_pub = *b_pub;
+//    b_key->priv_key_data = malloc(MSRLN_SHAREDKEY_BYTES);
+    if(b_key->priv_key_data == NULL) {
+        ret = 0;
+        DAP_DELETE(b_pub);
+        b_pub = NULL;
+        DAP_DELETE(b_key->priv_key_data);
+        b_key->priv_key_data = NULL;
+        return ret;
+    }
+    PLatticeCryptoStruct PLCS = LatticeCrypto_allocate();
+    LatticeCrypto_initialize(PLCS, (RandomBytes)randombytes, MSRLN_generate_a, MSRLN_get_error);
+    if (MSRLN_SecretAgreement_B((unsigned char *) a_pub, (unsigned char *) b_key->priv_key_data, (unsigned char *) bob_tmp_pub, PLCS) != CRYPTO_MSRLN_SUCCESS) {
+        ret = 0;
+        DAP_DELETE(b_pub);
+        b_pub = NULL;
+        DAP_DELETE(b_key->priv_key_data);
+        b_key->priv_key_data = NULL;
+        return ret;
+    }
+    free(PLCS);
+    b_key->priv_key_data_size = MSRLN_SHAREDKEY_BYTES;
+    b_key->pub_key_data_size = MSRLN_PKB_BYTES;
+ //   *a_pub_size = MSRLN_PKB_BYTES;
+    ret = 1;
+    return ret;
+ * @brief dap_enc_msrln_decode
+ * @param k
+ * @param alice_msg
+ * @param alice_msg_len
+ * @param bob_msg
+ * @param bob_msg_len
+ * @param key
+ * @param key_len
+ * @return
+ */
+size_t dap_enc_msrln_gen_alice_shared_key(struct dap_enc_key* a_key, const void* a_priv, const size_t b_key_len, unsigned char * b_pub)
+    size_t ret = 1;
+    if(a_key->priv_key_data_size == 0) { // need allocate mamory for priv key
+        a_key->priv_key_data = malloc(MSRLN_SHAREDKEY_BYTES);
+        a_key->priv_key_data_size = MSRLN_SHAREDKEY_BYTES;
+    }
+    if(a_key->priv_key_data == NULL || b_key_len != MSRLN_PKB_BYTES) {
+        ret = 0;
+        DAP_DELETE(b_pub);
+        b_pub = NULL;
+        a_priv = NULL;
+        DAP_DELETE(a_key->priv_key_data);
+        a_key->priv_key_data = NULL;
+    }
+    if (MSRLN_SecretAgreement_A((unsigned char *) b_pub, (int32_t *) a_priv, (unsigned char *) a_key->priv_key_data) != CRYPTO_MSRLN_SUCCESS) {
+        ret = 0;
+        DAP_DELETE(b_pub);
+        b_pub = NULL;
+        a_priv = NULL;
+        DAP_DELETE(a_key->priv_key_data);
+        a_key->priv_key_data = NULL;
+    }
+    a_key->priv_key_data_size = MSRLN_SHAREDKEY_BYTES;
+    return ret;
+ * @brief dap_enc_msrln_key_new_from_data_public
+ * @param a_key
+ * @param a_in
+ * @param a_in_size
+ */
+void dap_enc_msrln_key_new_from_data_public(dap_enc_key_t * a_key, const void * a_in, size_t a_in_size)
+    (void)a_key;
+    (void)a_in;
+    (void)a_in_size;
+ * @brief dap_enc_msrln_key_delete
+ * @param a_key
+ */
+void dap_enc_msrln_key_delete(struct dap_enc_key* a_key)
+    (void) a_key;
+    if(!a_key){
+        return;
+    }
+//    DAP_DELETE(a_key);
+ * @brief dap_enc_msrln_key_public_base64
+ * @param a_key
+ * @return
+ */
+char* dap_enc_msrln_key_public_base64(dap_enc_key_t *a_key)
+    (void)a_key;
+    return NULL;
+ * @brief dap_enc_msrln_key_public_raw
+ * @param a_key
+ * @param a_key_public
+ * @return
+ */
+size_t dap_enc_msrln_key_public_raw(dap_enc_key_t *a_key, void ** a_key_public)
+    (void)a_key;
+    (void)a_key_public;
+    return 0;
diff --git a/src/dap_enc_oaes.c b/src/dap_enc_oaes.c
index e90cd30fbff0ec6c74d40559ab08d1f45fead4f1..d0a37d66dae177859a4b13cc68be846ae0561da9 100755
--- a/src/dap_enc_oaes.c
+++ b/src/dap_enc_oaes.c
@@ -1,140 +1,140 @@
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "oaes_lib.h"
-#include "dap_enc_oaes.h"
-#include "dap_common.h"
-#define LOG_TAG "dap_enc_oaes"
-static OAES_CTX* get_oaes_ctx(struct dap_enc_key *a_key)
-    OAES_CTX *ctx = NULL;
-    if(a_key && a_key->_inheritor &&
-            a_key->_inheritor_size == sizeof(oaes_ctx)) {
-        ctx = a_key->_inheritor;
-    }
-    return ctx;
-void dap_enc_oaes_key_new(struct dap_enc_key * a_key)
-    a_key->_inheritor = (uint8_t *) oaes_alloc();
-    a_key->_inheritor_size = sizeof(oaes_ctx);
-    a_key->type = DAP_ENC_KEY_TYPE_OAES;
-    a_key->enc = dap_enc_oaes_encrypt;
-    a_key->dec = dap_enc_oaes_decrypt;
-    a_key->enc_na = dap_enc_oaes_encrypt_fast;
-    a_key->dec_na = dap_enc_oaes_decrypt_fast;
-void dap_enc_oaes_key_delete(struct dap_enc_key *a_key)
-    OAES_CTX *ctx = get_oaes_ctx(a_key);
-    if(ctx) {
-        oaes_free(&ctx); // free(a_key->_inheritor);
-        a_key->_inheritor_size = 0;
-    }
-void dap_enc_oaes_key_generate(struct dap_enc_key * a_key, const void *kex_buf,
-        size_t kex_size, const void * seed, size_t seed_size, size_t key_size)
-    a_key->last_used_timestamp = time(NULL);
-    oaes_ctx *ctx = get_oaes_ctx(a_key);
-    if(kex_size < key_size) {
-        log_it(L_ERROR, "kex_size can't be less than key_size");
-        return;
-    }
-    OAES_RET r = oaes_key_import_data(ctx, kex_buf, key_size);
-    if(r != OAES_RET_SUCCESS) {
-        log_it(L_ERROR, "Error generate key");
-        return;
-    }
-    if(seed_size >= OAES_BLOCK_SIZE)
-        memcpy(ctx->iv, seed, OAES_BLOCK_SIZE);
-    else
-        memset(ctx->iv, 0, OAES_BLOCK_SIZE);
-size_t dap_enc_oaes_calc_encode_size(const size_t size_in)
-    size_t a_out_size = 2 * OAES_BLOCK_SIZE + size_in
-            + (size_in % OAES_BLOCK_SIZE == 0 ? 0 :
-            OAES_BLOCK_SIZE - size_in % OAES_BLOCK_SIZE);
-    return a_out_size;
-size_t dap_enc_oaes_calc_decode_size(const size_t size_in)
-    return size_in - 2 * OAES_BLOCK_SIZE;
-size_t dap_enc_oaes_decrypt(struct dap_enc_key *a_key, const void * a_in,
-        size_t a_in_size, void ** a_out) {
-    OAES_CTX *ctx = get_oaes_ctx(a_key);
-    if(!ctx)
-        return 0;
-    size_t a_out_size = dap_enc_oaes_calc_decode_size(a_in_size);
-    *a_out = calloc(a_out_size, 1);
-    OAES_RET ret = oaes_decrypt(ctx, a_in, a_in_size, *a_out, &a_out_size);
-    if(ret != OAES_RET_SUCCESS) {
-        a_out_size = 0;
-        free(*a_out);
-    }
-    return a_out_size;
-size_t dap_enc_oaes_encrypt(struct dap_enc_key * a_key, const void * a_in, size_t a_in_size, void ** a_out)
-    OAES_CTX *ctx = get_oaes_ctx(a_key);
-    if(!ctx)
-        return 0;
-    size_t a_out_size = dap_enc_oaes_calc_encode_size(a_in_size);
-    *a_out = calloc(a_out_size, 1);
-    OAES_RET ret = oaes_encrypt(ctx, a_in, a_in_size, *a_out, &a_out_size);
-    if(ret != OAES_RET_SUCCESS) {
-        a_out_size = 0;
-        free(*a_out);
-    }
-    return a_out_size;
-// Writes result ( out ) in already allocated buffer
-size_t dap_enc_oaes_decrypt_fast(struct dap_enc_key * a_key, const void * a_in, size_t a_in_size,
-        void * buf_out, size_t buf_out_size)
-    OAES_CTX *ctx = get_oaes_ctx(a_key);
-    if(!ctx)
-        return 0;
-    OAES_RET ret = oaes_decrypt(ctx, a_in, a_in_size, buf_out, &buf_out_size);
-    if(ret != OAES_RET_SUCCESS) {
-        buf_out_size = 0;
-    }
-    return buf_out_size;
-// Writes result ( out ) in already allocated buffer
-size_t dap_enc_oaes_encrypt_fast(struct dap_enc_key * a_key, const void * a_in,
-        size_t a_in_size, void * buf_out, size_t buf_out_size)
-    OAES_CTX *ctx = get_oaes_ctx(a_key);
-    if(!ctx)
-        return 0;
-    OAES_RET ret = oaes_encrypt(ctx, a_in, a_in_size, buf_out, &buf_out_size);
-    if(ret != OAES_RET_SUCCESS) {
-        buf_out_size = 0;
-    }
-    return buf_out_size;
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "oaes_lib.h"
+#include "dap_enc_oaes.h"
+#include "dap_common.h"
+#define LOG_TAG "dap_enc_oaes"
+static OAES_CTX* get_oaes_ctx(struct dap_enc_key *a_key)
+    OAES_CTX *ctx = NULL;
+    if(a_key && a_key->_inheritor &&
+            a_key->_inheritor_size == sizeof(oaes_ctx)) {
+        ctx = a_key->_inheritor;
+    }
+    return ctx;
+void dap_enc_oaes_key_new(struct dap_enc_key * a_key)
+    a_key->_inheritor = (uint8_t *) oaes_alloc();
+    a_key->_inheritor_size = sizeof(oaes_ctx);
+    a_key->type = DAP_ENC_KEY_TYPE_OAES;
+    a_key->enc = dap_enc_oaes_encrypt;
+    a_key->dec = dap_enc_oaes_decrypt;
+    a_key->enc_na = dap_enc_oaes_encrypt_fast;
+    a_key->dec_na = dap_enc_oaes_decrypt_fast;
+void dap_enc_oaes_key_delete(struct dap_enc_key *a_key)
+    OAES_CTX *ctx = get_oaes_ctx(a_key);
+    if(ctx) {
+        oaes_free(&ctx); // free(a_key->_inheritor);
+        a_key->_inheritor_size = 0;
+    }
+void dap_enc_oaes_key_generate(struct dap_enc_key * a_key, const void *kex_buf,
+        size_t kex_size, const void * seed, size_t seed_size, size_t key_size)
+    a_key->last_used_timestamp = time(NULL);
+    oaes_ctx *ctx = get_oaes_ctx(a_key);
+    if(kex_size < key_size) {
+        log_it(L_ERROR, "kex_size can't be less than key_size");
+        return;
+    }
+    OAES_RET r = oaes_key_import_data(ctx, kex_buf, key_size);
+    if(r != OAES_RET_SUCCESS) {
+        log_it(L_ERROR, "Error generate key");
+        return;
+    }
+    if(seed_size >= OAES_BLOCK_SIZE)
+        memcpy(ctx->iv, seed, OAES_BLOCK_SIZE);
+    else
+        memset(ctx->iv, 0, OAES_BLOCK_SIZE);
+size_t dap_enc_oaes_calc_encode_size(const size_t size_in)
+    size_t a_out_size = 2 * OAES_BLOCK_SIZE + size_in
+            + (size_in % OAES_BLOCK_SIZE == 0 ? 0 :
+            OAES_BLOCK_SIZE - size_in % OAES_BLOCK_SIZE);
+    return a_out_size;
+size_t dap_enc_oaes_calc_decode_size(const size_t size_in)
+    return size_in - 2 * OAES_BLOCK_SIZE;
+size_t dap_enc_oaes_decrypt(struct dap_enc_key *a_key, const void * a_in,
+        size_t a_in_size, void ** a_out) {
+    OAES_CTX *ctx = get_oaes_ctx(a_key);
+    if(!ctx)
+        return 0;
+    size_t a_out_size = dap_enc_oaes_calc_decode_size(a_in_size);
+    *a_out = calloc(a_out_size, 1);
+    OAES_RET ret = oaes_decrypt(ctx, a_in, a_in_size, *a_out, &a_out_size);
+    if(ret != OAES_RET_SUCCESS) {
+        a_out_size = 0;
+        free(*a_out);
+    }
+    return a_out_size;
+size_t dap_enc_oaes_encrypt(struct dap_enc_key * a_key, const void * a_in, size_t a_in_size, void ** a_out)
+    OAES_CTX *ctx = get_oaes_ctx(a_key);
+    if(!ctx)
+        return 0;
+    size_t a_out_size = dap_enc_oaes_calc_encode_size(a_in_size);
+    *a_out = calloc(a_out_size, 1);
+    OAES_RET ret = oaes_encrypt(ctx, a_in, a_in_size, *a_out, &a_out_size);
+    if(ret != OAES_RET_SUCCESS) {
+        a_out_size = 0;
+        free(*a_out);
+    }
+    return a_out_size;
+// Writes result ( out ) in already allocated buffer
+size_t dap_enc_oaes_decrypt_fast(struct dap_enc_key * a_key, const void * a_in, size_t a_in_size,
+        void * buf_out, size_t buf_out_size)
+    OAES_CTX *ctx = get_oaes_ctx(a_key);
+    if(!ctx)
+        return 0;
+    OAES_RET ret = oaes_decrypt(ctx, a_in, a_in_size, buf_out, &buf_out_size);
+    if(ret != OAES_RET_SUCCESS) {
+        buf_out_size = 0;
+    }
+    return buf_out_size;
+// Writes result ( out ) in already allocated buffer
+size_t dap_enc_oaes_encrypt_fast(struct dap_enc_key * a_key, const void * a_in,
+        size_t a_in_size, void * buf_out, size_t buf_out_size)
+    OAES_CTX *ctx = get_oaes_ctx(a_key);
+    if(!ctx)
+        return 0;
+    OAES_RET ret = oaes_encrypt(ctx, a_in, a_in_size, buf_out, &buf_out_size);
+    if(ret != OAES_RET_SUCCESS) {
+        buf_out_size = 0;
+    }
+    return buf_out_size;
diff --git a/src/dap_enc_picnic.c b/src/dap_enc_picnic.c
index 6c64c3d768eabf3612b137f40ed1e08a838e48c8..f45985de5af3b800d666dd86e868f9ebfba0265b 100755
--- a/src/dap_enc_picnic.c
+++ b/src/dap_enc_picnic.c
@@ -1,212 +1,212 @@
-#include "dap_common.h"
-#include "dap_enc_picnic.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <stdbool.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include "picnic.h"
-#include "picnic_impl.h"
-#define LOG_TAG "dap_enc_picnic_sig"
- * Set the mark that valid keys are present
- */
-static void set_picnic_params_t(struct dap_enc_key *key)
-    picnic_params_t *param = (key) ? (picnic_params_t*) key->_inheritor : NULL;
-    if(param && key->_inheritor_size == sizeof(picnic_params_t)){
-        if(key->priv_key_data)
-        *param = ((picnic_privatekey_t*) key->priv_key_data)->params;
-        else if(key->pub_key_data)
-            *param = ((picnic_publickey_t*) key->pub_key_data)->params;
-    }
- * Check present of valid keys
- */
-static bool check_picnic_params_t(struct dap_enc_key *key)
-    picnic_params_t *param = (key) ? (picnic_params_t*) key->_inheritor : NULL;
-    if(param && *param > PARAMETER_SET_INVALID && *param < PARAMETER_SET_MAX_INDEX)
-        return true;
-    return false;
-size_t dap_enc_picnic_calc_signature_size(struct dap_enc_key *key)
-    picnic_params_t *param = (picnic_params_t*) key->_inheritor;
-    size_t max_signature_size = picnic_signature_size(*param);
-    return max_signature_size;
-void dap_enc_sig_picnic_key_new(struct dap_enc_key *key) {
-    key->type = DAP_ENC_KEY_TYPE_SIG_PICNIC;
-    key->_inheritor = calloc(sizeof(picnic_params_t), 1);
-    key->_inheritor_size = sizeof(picnic_params_t);
-    key->enc = NULL;
-    key->enc = NULL;
-    key->gen_bob_shared_key = NULL; //(dap_enc_gen_bob_shared_key) dap_enc_sig_picnic_get_sign;
-    key->gen_alice_shared_key = NULL; //(dap_enc_gen_alice_shared_key) dap_enc_sig_picnic_verify_sign;
-    key->enc_na = (dap_enc_callback_dataop_na_t) dap_enc_sig_picnic_get_sign;
-    key->dec_na = (dap_enc_callback_dataop_na_t) dap_enc_sig_picnic_verify_sign;
-    key->priv_key_data = NULL;
-    key->pub_key_data = NULL;
-void dap_enc_sig_picnic_key_delete(struct dap_enc_key *key)
-    if(key->_inheritor_size > 0)
-        free(key->_inheritor);
-    key->_inheritor = NULL;
-    key->_inheritor_size = 0;
-    // free memory will be in dap_enc_key_delete()
-    //picnic_keypair_delete((picnic_privatekey_t*) key->priv_key_data, (picnic_publickey_t *) key->pub_key_data);
-    key->priv_key_data_size = 0;
-    key->pub_key_data_size = 0;
-void dap_enc_sig_picnic_update(struct dap_enc_key * a_key)
-    if(a_key) {
-        if(!a_key->priv_key_data ||
-           !picnic_validate_keypair((picnic_privatekey_t *) a_key->priv_key_data, (picnic_publickey_t *) a_key->pub_key_data))
-            set_picnic_params_t(a_key);
-    }
-void dap_enc_sig_picnic_key_new_generate(struct dap_enc_key * key, const void *kex_buf, size_t kex_size,
-        const void * seed, size_t seed_size, size_t key_size)
-    (void) kex_buf;
-    (void) kex_size;
-    (void) key_size;
-    picnic_params_t parameters;
-    // Parameter name from Picnic_L1_FS = 1 to PARAMETER_SET_MAX_INDEX
-    if(seed_size >= sizeof(unsigned char) && seed)
-        parameters = (((unsigned char*) seed)[0] % (PARAMETER_SET_MAX_INDEX - 1)) + 1;
-    else
-        parameters = DAP_PICNIC_SIGN_PARAMETR;
-    key->priv_key_data_size = sizeof(picnic_privatekey_t);
-    key->pub_key_data_size = sizeof(picnic_publickey_t);
-    key->priv_key_data = calloc(1, key->priv_key_data_size);
-    key->pub_key_data = calloc(1, key->pub_key_data_size);
-    picnic_keys_gen((picnic_privatekey_t *) key->priv_key_data, (picnic_publickey_t *) key->pub_key_data, parameters, seed, seed_size);
-    if(!picnic_validate_keypair((picnic_privatekey_t *) key->priv_key_data, (picnic_publickey_t *) key->pub_key_data))
-        set_picnic_params_t(key);
-size_t dap_enc_sig_picnic_get_sign(struct dap_enc_key * key, const void* message, size_t message_len,
-        void* signature, size_t signature_len)
-    int ret;
-    if(!check_picnic_params_t(key))
-        return -1;
-    picnic_privatekey_t* sk = key->priv_key_data;
-    signature_t* sig = (signature_t*) malloc(sizeof(signature_t));
-    paramset_t paramset;
-    ret = get_param_set(sk->params, &paramset);
-    if(ret != EXIT_SUCCESS) {
-        free(sig);
-        return -1;
-    }
-    allocateSignature(sig, &paramset);
-    if(sig == NULL) {
-        return -1;
-    }
-    ret = sign((uint32_t*) sk->data, (uint32_t*) sk->pk.ciphertext, (uint32_t*) sk->pk.plaintext, (const uint8_t*)message,
-            message_len, sig, &paramset);
-    if(ret != EXIT_SUCCESS) {
-        freeSignature(sig, &paramset);
-        free(sig);
-        return -1;
-    }
-    ret = serializeSignature(sig, (uint8_t*)signature, signature_len, &paramset);
-    if(ret == -1) {
-        freeSignature(sig, &paramset);
-        free(sig);
-        return -1;
-    }
-//    *signature_len = ret;
-    freeSignature(sig, &paramset);
-    free(sig);
-    return ret;
-size_t dap_enc_sig_picnic_verify_sign(struct dap_enc_key * key, const void* message, size_t message_len,
-        void* signature, size_t signature_len)
-    int ret;
-    if(!check_picnic_params_t(key))
-        return -1;
-    picnic_publickey_t* pk = key->pub_key_data;
-    paramset_t paramset;
-    ret = get_param_set(pk->params, &paramset);
-    if(ret != EXIT_SUCCESS)
-        return -1;
-    signature_t* sig = (signature_t*) malloc(sizeof(signature_t));
-    allocateSignature(sig, &paramset);
-    if(sig == NULL) {
-        return -1;
-    }
-    ret = deserializeSignature(sig, (const uint8_t*)signature, signature_len, &paramset);
-    if(ret != EXIT_SUCCESS) {
-        freeSignature(sig, &paramset);
-        free(sig);
-        return -1;
-    }
-    ret = verify(sig, (uint32_t*) pk->ciphertext,
-            (uint32_t*) pk->plaintext, (const uint8_t*)message, message_len, &paramset);
-    if(ret != EXIT_SUCCESS) {
-        /* Signature is invalid, or verify function failed */
-        freeSignature(sig, &paramset);
-        free(sig);
-        return -1;
-    }
-    freeSignature(sig, &paramset);
-    free(sig);
-    return 0;
-uint8_t* dap_enc_sig_picnic_write_public_key(struct dap_enc_key * a_key, size_t *a_buflen_out)
-    const picnic_publickey_t *l_key = a_key->pub_key_data;
-    size_t buflen = picnic_get_public_key_size(l_key); // Get public key size for serialize
-    uint8_t* l_buf = DAP_NEW_SIZE(uint8_t, buflen);
-    // Serialize public key
-    if(picnic_write_public_key(l_key, l_buf, buflen)>0){
-        if(a_buflen_out)
-            *a_buflen_out = buflen;
-        return l_buf;
-    }
-    return NULL;
-uint8_t* dap_enc_sig_picnic_read_public_key(struct dap_enc_key * a_key, uint8_t a_buf, size_t *a_buflen)
-   const picnic_publickey_t *l_key = a_key->pub_key_data;
-    size_t buflen = picnic_get_public_key_size(l_key);  Get public key size for serialize
-    uint8_t* l_buf = DAP_NEW_SIZE(uint8_t, buflen);
-    // Deserialize public key
-    if(!picnic_read_public_key(l_key, a_l_buf, buflen)>0){
-        if(a_buflen_out)
-            *a_buflen_out = buflen;
-        return l_buf;
-    }
-    return NULL;
+#include "dap_common.h"
+#include "dap_enc_picnic.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "picnic.h"
+#include "picnic_impl.h"
+#define LOG_TAG "dap_enc_picnic_sig"
+ * Set the mark that valid keys are present
+ */
+static void set_picnic_params_t(struct dap_enc_key *key)
+    picnic_params_t *param = (key) ? (picnic_params_t*) key->_inheritor : NULL;
+    if(param && key->_inheritor_size == sizeof(picnic_params_t)){
+        if(key->priv_key_data)
+        *param = ((picnic_privatekey_t*) key->priv_key_data)->params;
+        else if(key->pub_key_data)
+            *param = ((picnic_publickey_t*) key->pub_key_data)->params;
+    }
+ * Check present of valid keys
+ */
+static bool check_picnic_params_t(struct dap_enc_key *key)
+    picnic_params_t *param = (key) ? (picnic_params_t*) key->_inheritor : NULL;
+    if(param && *param > PARAMETER_SET_INVALID && *param < PARAMETER_SET_MAX_INDEX)
+        return true;
+    return false;
+size_t dap_enc_picnic_calc_signature_size(struct dap_enc_key *key)
+    picnic_params_t *param = (picnic_params_t*) key->_inheritor;
+    size_t max_signature_size = picnic_signature_size(*param);
+    return max_signature_size;
+void dap_enc_sig_picnic_key_new(struct dap_enc_key *key) {
+    key->type = DAP_ENC_KEY_TYPE_SIG_PICNIC;
+    key->_inheritor = calloc(sizeof(picnic_params_t), 1);
+    key->_inheritor_size = sizeof(picnic_params_t);
+    key->enc = NULL;
+    key->enc = NULL;
+    key->gen_bob_shared_key = NULL; //(dap_enc_gen_bob_shared_key) dap_enc_sig_picnic_get_sign;
+    key->gen_alice_shared_key = NULL; //(dap_enc_gen_alice_shared_key) dap_enc_sig_picnic_verify_sign;
+    key->enc_na = (dap_enc_callback_dataop_na_t) dap_enc_sig_picnic_get_sign;
+    key->dec_na = (dap_enc_callback_dataop_na_t) dap_enc_sig_picnic_verify_sign;
+    key->priv_key_data = NULL;
+    key->pub_key_data = NULL;
+void dap_enc_sig_picnic_key_delete(struct dap_enc_key *key)
+    if(key->_inheritor_size > 0)
+        free(key->_inheritor);
+    key->_inheritor = NULL;
+    key->_inheritor_size = 0;
+    // free memory will be in dap_enc_key_delete()
+    //picnic_keypair_delete((picnic_privatekey_t*) key->priv_key_data, (picnic_publickey_t *) key->pub_key_data);
+    key->priv_key_data_size = 0;
+    key->pub_key_data_size = 0;
+void dap_enc_sig_picnic_update(struct dap_enc_key * a_key)
+    if(a_key) {
+        if(!a_key->priv_key_data ||
+           !picnic_validate_keypair((picnic_privatekey_t *) a_key->priv_key_data, (picnic_publickey_t *) a_key->pub_key_data))
+            set_picnic_params_t(a_key);
+    }
+void dap_enc_sig_picnic_key_new_generate(struct dap_enc_key * key, const void *kex_buf, size_t kex_size,
+        const void * seed, size_t seed_size, size_t key_size)
+    (void) kex_buf;
+    (void) kex_size;
+    (void) key_size;
+    picnic_params_t parameters;
+    // Parameter name from Picnic_L1_FS = 1 to PARAMETER_SET_MAX_INDEX
+    if(seed_size >= sizeof(unsigned char) && seed)
+        parameters = (((unsigned char*) seed)[0] % (PARAMETER_SET_MAX_INDEX - 1)) + 1;
+    else
+        parameters = DAP_PICNIC_SIGN_PARAMETR;
+    key->priv_key_data_size = sizeof(picnic_privatekey_t);
+    key->pub_key_data_size = sizeof(picnic_publickey_t);
+    key->priv_key_data = calloc(1, key->priv_key_data_size);
+    key->pub_key_data = calloc(1, key->pub_key_data_size);
+    picnic_keys_gen((picnic_privatekey_t *) key->priv_key_data, (picnic_publickey_t *) key->pub_key_data, parameters, seed, seed_size);
+    if(!picnic_validate_keypair((picnic_privatekey_t *) key->priv_key_data, (picnic_publickey_t *) key->pub_key_data))
+        set_picnic_params_t(key);
+size_t dap_enc_sig_picnic_get_sign(struct dap_enc_key * key, const void* message, size_t message_len,
+        void* signature, size_t signature_len)
+    int ret;
+    if(!check_picnic_params_t(key))
+        return -1;
+    picnic_privatekey_t* sk = key->priv_key_data;
+    signature_t* sig = (signature_t*) malloc(sizeof(signature_t));
+    paramset_t paramset;
+    ret = get_param_set(sk->params, &paramset);
+    if(ret != EXIT_SUCCESS) {
+        free(sig);
+        return -1;
+    }
+    allocateSignature(sig, &paramset);
+    if(sig == NULL) {
+        return -1;
+    }
+    ret = sign((uint32_t*) sk->data, (uint32_t*) sk->pk.ciphertext, (uint32_t*) sk->pk.plaintext, (const uint8_t*)message,
+            message_len, sig, &paramset);
+    if(ret != EXIT_SUCCESS) {
+        freeSignature(sig, &paramset);
+        free(sig);
+        return -1;
+    }
+    ret = serializeSignature(sig, (uint8_t*)signature, signature_len, &paramset);
+    if(ret == -1) {
+        freeSignature(sig, &paramset);
+        free(sig);
+        return -1;
+    }
+//    *signature_len = ret;
+    freeSignature(sig, &paramset);
+    free(sig);
+    return ret;
+size_t dap_enc_sig_picnic_verify_sign(struct dap_enc_key * key, const void* message, size_t message_len,
+        void* signature, size_t signature_len)
+    int ret;
+    if(!check_picnic_params_t(key))
+        return -1;
+    picnic_publickey_t* pk = key->pub_key_data;
+    paramset_t paramset;
+    ret = get_param_set(pk->params, &paramset);
+    if(ret != EXIT_SUCCESS)
+        return -1;
+    signature_t* sig = (signature_t*) malloc(sizeof(signature_t));
+    allocateSignature(sig, &paramset);
+    if(sig == NULL) {
+        return -1;
+    }
+    ret = deserializeSignature(sig, (const uint8_t*)signature, signature_len, &paramset);
+    if(ret != EXIT_SUCCESS) {
+        freeSignature(sig, &paramset);
+        free(sig);
+        return -1;
+    }
+    ret = verify(sig, (uint32_t*) pk->ciphertext,
+            (uint32_t*) pk->plaintext, (const uint8_t*)message, message_len, &paramset);
+    if(ret != EXIT_SUCCESS) {
+        /* Signature is invalid, or verify function failed */
+        freeSignature(sig, &paramset);
+        free(sig);
+        return -1;
+    }
+    freeSignature(sig, &paramset);
+    free(sig);
+    return 0;
+uint8_t* dap_enc_sig_picnic_write_public_key(struct dap_enc_key * a_key, size_t *a_buflen_out)
+    const picnic_publickey_t *l_key = a_key->pub_key_data;
+    size_t buflen = picnic_get_public_key_size(l_key); // Get public key size for serialize
+    uint8_t* l_buf = DAP_NEW_SIZE(uint8_t, buflen);
+    // Serialize public key
+    if(picnic_write_public_key(l_key, l_buf, buflen)>0){
+        if(a_buflen_out)
+            *a_buflen_out = buflen;
+        return l_buf;
+    }
+    return NULL;
+uint8_t* dap_enc_sig_picnic_read_public_key(struct dap_enc_key * a_key, uint8_t a_buf, size_t *a_buflen)
+   const picnic_publickey_t *l_key = a_key->pub_key_data;
+    size_t buflen = picnic_get_public_key_size(l_key);  Get public key size for serialize
+    uint8_t* l_buf = DAP_NEW_SIZE(uint8_t, buflen);
+    // Deserialize public key
+    if(!picnic_read_public_key(l_key, a_l_buf, buflen)>0){
+        if(a_buflen_out)
+            *a_buflen_out = buflen;
+        return l_buf;
+    }
+    return NULL;
diff --git a/src/dap_enc_tesla.c b/src/dap_enc_tesla.c
index 4da96a8ddafc58f0dd0b0f1a1ebaba374b77c1f4..ca979cb6c949872c072695d4f06988f5f4b8cc81 100755
--- a/src/dap_enc_tesla.c
+++ b/src/dap_enc_tesla.c
@@ -1,237 +1,237 @@
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <inttypes.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "dap_enc_tesla.h"
-#include "dap_common.h"
-#include "dap_rand.h"
-#define LOG_TAG "dap_enc_sig_tesla"
-static enum DAP_TESLA_SIGN_SECURITY _tesla_type = HEURISTIC_MAX_SECURITY_AND_MAX_SPEED; // by default
-void dap_enc_sig_tesla_set_type(enum DAP_TESLA_SIGN_SECURITY type)
-    _tesla_type = type;
-void dap_enc_sig_tesla_key_new(struct dap_enc_key *key) {
-    key->type = DAP_ENC_KEY_TYPE_SIG_TESLA;
-    key->enc = NULL;
-    key->enc_na = (dap_enc_callback_dataop_na_t) dap_enc_sig_tesla_get_sign;
-    key->dec_na = (dap_enc_callback_dataop_na_t) dap_enc_sig_tesla_verify_sign;
-//    key->gen_bob_shared_key = (dap_enc_gen_bob_shared_key) dap_enc_sig_tesla_get_sign;
-//    key->gen_alice_shared_key = (dap_enc_gen_alice_shared_key) dap_enc_sig_tesla_verify_sign;
-// generation key pair for sign Alice
-// a_key->data  --- Alice's public key
-// alice_priv  ---  Alice's private key
-// alice_msg_len --- Alice's private key length
-void dap_enc_sig_tesla_key_new_generate(struct dap_enc_key * key, const void *kex_buf,
-        size_t kex_size, const void * seed, size_t seed_size,
-        size_t key_size)
-    (void) kex_buf;
-    (void) kex_size;
-    (void) key_size;
-    int32_t retcode;
-    int tesla_type = (seed && seed_size >= sizeof(uint8_t)) ? ((uint8_t*)seed)[0] % (PROVABLY_MAX_SECURITY + 1) :
-                                                              HEURISTIC_MAX_SECURITY_AND_MAX_SPEED;
-    dap_enc_sig_tesla_set_type(tesla_type);
-    /* type is a param of sign-security
-     * type = 0 - Heuristic qTESLA, NIST's security category 1
-     * type = 1 - Heuristic qTESLA, NIST's security category 3 (option for size)
-     * type = 2 - Heuristic qTESLA, NIST's security category 3 (option for speed)
-     * type = 3 - Provably-secure qTESLA, NIST's security category 1
-     * type = 4 - Provably-secure qTESLA, NIST's security category 3 (max security)
-     */
-    //int32_t type = 2;
-    key->priv_key_data_size = sizeof(tesla_private_key_t);
-    key->pub_key_data_size = sizeof(tesla_public_key_t);
-    key->priv_key_data = malloc(key->priv_key_data_size);
-    key->pub_key_data = malloc(key->pub_key_data_size);
-    retcode = tesla_crypto_sign_keypair((tesla_public_key_t *) key->pub_key_data,
-            (tesla_private_key_t *) key->priv_key_data, _tesla_type, seed, seed_size);
-    if(retcode != 0) {
-        tesla_private_and_public_keys_delete((tesla_private_key_t *) key->pub_key_data,
-                (tesla_public_key_t *) key->pub_key_data);
-        log_it(L_CRITICAL, "Error");
-        return;
-    }
-size_t dap_enc_sig_tesla_get_sign(struct dap_enc_key * key, const void * msg,
-        const size_t msg_size, void * signature, const size_t signature_size)
-    if(signature_size < sizeof(tesla_signature_t)) {
-        log_it(L_ERROR, "bad signature size");
-        return 0;
-    }
-    if(!tesla_crypto_sign((tesla_signature_t *) signature, (const unsigned char *) msg, msg_size, key->priv_key_data))
-        return signature_size;
-    else
-        return 0;
-size_t dap_enc_sig_tesla_verify_sign(struct dap_enc_key * key, const void * msg,
-        const size_t msg_size, void * signature, const size_t signature_size)
-    if(signature_size < sizeof(tesla_signature_t)) {
-        log_it(L_ERROR, "bad signature size");
-        return 0;
-    }
-    return (tesla_crypto_sign_open((tesla_signature_t *) signature, (unsigned char *) msg, msg_size, key->pub_key_data));
-void dap_enc_sig_tesla_key_delete(struct dap_enc_key * key)
-    tesla_private_and_public_keys_delete((tesla_private_key_t *) key->priv_key_data,
-            (tesla_public_key_t *) key->pub_key_data);
-size_t dap_enc_tesla_calc_signature_size(void)
-    return sizeof(tesla_signature_t);
-size_t dap_enc_tesla_calc_signature_serialized_size(tesla_signature_t* a_sign)
-    return sizeof(size_t) + sizeof(tesla_kind_t) + a_sign->sig_len + sizeof(unsigned long long);
-/* Serialize a signature */
-uint8_t* dap_enc_tesla_write_signature(tesla_signature_t* a_sign, size_t *a_sign_out)
-    if(!a_sign || *a_sign_out!=sizeof(tesla_signature_t)) {
-        return NULL ;
-    }
-    size_t l_shift_mem = 0;
-    size_t l_buflen = dap_enc_tesla_calc_signature_serialized_size(a_sign);
-    uint8_t *l_buf = DAP_NEW_SIZE(uint8_t, l_buflen);
-    memcpy(l_buf, &l_buflen, sizeof(size_t));
-    l_shift_mem += sizeof(size_t);
-    memcpy(l_buf + l_shift_mem, &a_sign->kind, sizeof(tesla_kind_t));
-    l_shift_mem += sizeof(tesla_kind_t);
-    memcpy(l_buf + l_shift_mem, &a_sign->sig_len, sizeof(unsigned long long));
-    l_shift_mem += sizeof(unsigned long long);
-    memcpy(l_buf + l_shift_mem, a_sign->sig_data, a_sign->sig_len );
-    l_shift_mem += a_sign->sig_len ;
-    if(a_sign_out)
-        *a_sign_out = l_buflen;
-    return l_buf;
-/* Deserialize a signature */
-tesla_signature_t* dap_enc_tesla_read_signature(uint8_t *a_buf, size_t a_buflen)
-    if(!a_buf || a_buflen < (sizeof(size_t) + sizeof(tesla_kind_t)))
-        return NULL ;
-    tesla_kind_t kind;
-    size_t l_buflen = 0;
-    memcpy(&l_buflen, a_buf, sizeof(size_t));
-    memcpy(&kind, a_buf + sizeof(size_t), sizeof(tesla_kind_t));
-    if(l_buflen != a_buflen)
-        return NULL ;
-    tesla_param_t p;
-    if(!tesla_params_init(&p, kind))
-        return NULL ;
-    tesla_signature_t* l_sign = DAP_NEW(tesla_signature_t);
-    l_sign->kind = kind;
-    size_t l_shift_mem = sizeof(size_t) + sizeof(tesla_kind_t);
-    memcpy(&l_sign->sig_len, a_buf + l_shift_mem, sizeof(unsigned long long));
-    l_shift_mem += sizeof(unsigned long long);
-    l_sign->sig_data = DAP_NEW_SIZE(unsigned char, l_sign->sig_len);
-    memcpy(l_sign->sig_data, a_buf + l_shift_mem, l_sign->sig_len);
-    l_shift_mem += l_sign->sig_len;
-    return l_sign;
-/* Serialize a private key. */
-uint8_t* dap_enc_tesla_write_private_key(const tesla_private_key_t* a_private_key, size_t *a_buflen_out)
-    tesla_param_t p;// = malloc(sizeof(tesla_param_t));
-    if(!tesla_params_init(&p, a_private_key->kind))
-        return NULL;
-    size_t l_buflen = sizeof(size_t) + sizeof(tesla_kind_t) + p.CRYPTO_SECRETKEYBYTES; //CRYPTO_PUBLICKEYBYTES;
-    uint8_t *l_buf = DAP_NEW_SIZE(uint8_t, l_buflen);
-    memcpy(l_buf, &l_buflen, sizeof(size_t));
-    memcpy(l_buf + sizeof(size_t), &a_private_key->kind, sizeof(tesla_kind_t));
-    memcpy(l_buf + sizeof(size_t) + sizeof(tesla_kind_t), a_private_key->data, p.CRYPTO_SECRETKEYBYTES);
-    if(a_buflen_out)
-        *a_buflen_out = l_buflen;
-    return l_buf;
-/* Serialize a public key. */
-uint8_t* dap_enc_tesla_write_public_key(const tesla_public_key_t* a_public_key, size_t *a_buflen_out)
-    tesla_param_t p;
-    if(!tesla_params_init(&p, a_public_key->kind))
-        return NULL;
-    size_t l_buflen = sizeof(size_t) + sizeof(tesla_kind_t) + p.CRYPTO_PUBLICKEYBYTES;
-    uint8_t *l_buf = DAP_NEW_SIZE(uint8_t, l_buflen);
-    memcpy(l_buf, &l_buflen, sizeof(size_t));
-    memcpy(l_buf + sizeof(size_t), &a_public_key->kind, sizeof(tesla_kind_t));
-    memcpy(l_buf + sizeof(size_t) + sizeof(tesla_kind_t), a_public_key->data, p.CRYPTO_PUBLICKEYBYTES);
-    if(a_buflen_out)
-        *a_buflen_out = l_buflen;
-    return l_buf;
-/* Deserialize a private key. */
-tesla_private_key_t* dap_enc_tesla_read_private_key(const uint8_t *a_buf, size_t a_buflen)
-    if(!a_buf || a_buflen < (sizeof(size_t) + sizeof(tesla_kind_t)))
-        return NULL;
-    tesla_kind_t kind;
-    size_t l_buflen = 0;
-    memcpy(&l_buflen, a_buf, sizeof(size_t));
-    memcpy(&kind, a_buf + sizeof(size_t), sizeof(tesla_kind_t));
-    if(l_buflen != a_buflen)
-        return NULL;
-    tesla_param_t p;
-    if(!tesla_params_init(&p, kind))
-        return NULL;
-    tesla_private_key_t* l_private_key = DAP_NEW(tesla_private_key_t);
-    l_private_key->kind = kind;
-    l_private_key->data = DAP_NEW_SIZE(unsigned char, p.CRYPTO_SECRETKEYBYTES);
-    memcpy(l_private_key->data, a_buf + sizeof(size_t) + sizeof(tesla_kind_t), p.CRYPTO_SECRETKEYBYTES);
-    return l_private_key;
-/* Deserialize a public key. */
-tesla_public_key_t* dap_enc_tesla_read_public_key(const uint8_t *a_buf, size_t a_buflen)
-    if(!a_buf || a_buflen < (sizeof(size_t) + sizeof(tesla_kind_t)))
-        return NULL;
-    tesla_kind_t kind;
-    size_t l_buflen = 0;
-    memcpy(&l_buflen, a_buf, sizeof(size_t));
-    memcpy(&kind, a_buf + sizeof(size_t), sizeof(tesla_kind_t));
-    if(l_buflen != a_buflen)
-        return NULL;
-    tesla_param_t p;
-    if(!tesla_params_init(&p, kind))
-        return NULL;
-    tesla_public_key_t* l_public_key = DAP_NEW(tesla_public_key_t);
-    l_public_key->kind = kind;
-    l_public_key->data = DAP_NEW_SIZE(unsigned char, p.CRYPTO_PUBLICKEYBYTES);
-    memcpy(l_public_key->data, a_buf + sizeof(size_t) + sizeof(tesla_kind_t), p.CRYPTO_PUBLICKEYBYTES);
-    return l_public_key;
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <inttypes.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "dap_enc_tesla.h"
+#include "dap_common.h"
+#include "dap_rand.h"
+#define LOG_TAG "dap_enc_sig_tesla"
+static enum DAP_TESLA_SIGN_SECURITY _tesla_type = HEURISTIC_MAX_SECURITY_AND_MAX_SPEED; // by default
+void dap_enc_sig_tesla_set_type(enum DAP_TESLA_SIGN_SECURITY type)
+    _tesla_type = type;
+void dap_enc_sig_tesla_key_new(struct dap_enc_key *key) {
+    key->type = DAP_ENC_KEY_TYPE_SIG_TESLA;
+    key->enc = NULL;
+    key->enc_na = (dap_enc_callback_dataop_na_t) dap_enc_sig_tesla_get_sign;
+    key->dec_na = (dap_enc_callback_dataop_na_t) dap_enc_sig_tesla_verify_sign;
+//    key->gen_bob_shared_key = (dap_enc_gen_bob_shared_key) dap_enc_sig_tesla_get_sign;
+//    key->gen_alice_shared_key = (dap_enc_gen_alice_shared_key) dap_enc_sig_tesla_verify_sign;
+// generation key pair for sign Alice
+// a_key->data  --- Alice's public key
+// alice_priv  ---  Alice's private key
+// alice_msg_len --- Alice's private key length
+void dap_enc_sig_tesla_key_new_generate(struct dap_enc_key * key, const void *kex_buf,
+        size_t kex_size, const void * seed, size_t seed_size,
+        size_t key_size)
+    (void) kex_buf;
+    (void) kex_size;
+    (void) key_size;
+    int32_t retcode;
+    int tesla_type = (seed && seed_size >= sizeof(uint8_t)) ? ((uint8_t*)seed)[0] % (PROVABLY_MAX_SECURITY + 1) :
+                                                              HEURISTIC_MAX_SECURITY_AND_MAX_SPEED;
+    dap_enc_sig_tesla_set_type(tesla_type);
+    /* type is a param of sign-security
+     * type = 0 - Heuristic qTESLA, NIST's security category 1
+     * type = 1 - Heuristic qTESLA, NIST's security category 3 (option for size)
+     * type = 2 - Heuristic qTESLA, NIST's security category 3 (option for speed)
+     * type = 3 - Provably-secure qTESLA, NIST's security category 1
+     * type = 4 - Provably-secure qTESLA, NIST's security category 3 (max security)
+     */
+    //int32_t type = 2;
+    key->priv_key_data_size = sizeof(tesla_private_key_t);
+    key->pub_key_data_size = sizeof(tesla_public_key_t);
+    key->priv_key_data = malloc(key->priv_key_data_size);
+    key->pub_key_data = malloc(key->pub_key_data_size);
+    retcode = tesla_crypto_sign_keypair((tesla_public_key_t *) key->pub_key_data,
+            (tesla_private_key_t *) key->priv_key_data, _tesla_type, seed, seed_size);
+    if(retcode != 0) {
+        tesla_private_and_public_keys_delete((tesla_private_key_t *) key->pub_key_data,
+                (tesla_public_key_t *) key->pub_key_data);
+        log_it(L_CRITICAL, "Error");
+        return;
+    }
+size_t dap_enc_sig_tesla_get_sign(struct dap_enc_key * key, const void * msg,
+        const size_t msg_size, void * signature, const size_t signature_size)
+    if(signature_size < sizeof(tesla_signature_t)) {
+        log_it(L_ERROR, "bad signature size");
+        return 0;
+    }
+    if(!tesla_crypto_sign((tesla_signature_t *) signature, (const unsigned char *) msg, msg_size, key->priv_key_data))
+        return signature_size;
+    else
+        return 0;
+size_t dap_enc_sig_tesla_verify_sign(struct dap_enc_key * key, const void * msg,
+        const size_t msg_size, void * signature, const size_t signature_size)
+    if(signature_size < sizeof(tesla_signature_t)) {
+        log_it(L_ERROR, "bad signature size");
+        return 0;
+    }
+    return (tesla_crypto_sign_open((tesla_signature_t *) signature, (unsigned char *) msg, msg_size, key->pub_key_data));
+void dap_enc_sig_tesla_key_delete(struct dap_enc_key * key)
+    tesla_private_and_public_keys_delete((tesla_private_key_t *) key->priv_key_data,
+            (tesla_public_key_t *) key->pub_key_data);
+size_t dap_enc_tesla_calc_signature_size(void)
+    return sizeof(tesla_signature_t);
+size_t dap_enc_tesla_calc_signature_serialized_size(tesla_signature_t* a_sign)
+    return sizeof(size_t) + sizeof(tesla_kind_t) + a_sign->sig_len + sizeof(unsigned long long);
+/* Serialize a signature */
+uint8_t* dap_enc_tesla_write_signature(tesla_signature_t* a_sign, size_t *a_sign_out)
+    if(!a_sign || *a_sign_out!=sizeof(tesla_signature_t)) {
+        return NULL ;
+    }
+    size_t l_shift_mem = 0;
+    size_t l_buflen = dap_enc_tesla_calc_signature_serialized_size(a_sign);
+    uint8_t *l_buf = DAP_NEW_SIZE(uint8_t, l_buflen);
+    memcpy(l_buf, &l_buflen, sizeof(size_t));
+    l_shift_mem += sizeof(size_t);
+    memcpy(l_buf + l_shift_mem, &a_sign->kind, sizeof(tesla_kind_t));
+    l_shift_mem += sizeof(tesla_kind_t);
+    memcpy(l_buf + l_shift_mem, &a_sign->sig_len, sizeof(unsigned long long));
+    l_shift_mem += sizeof(unsigned long long);
+    memcpy(l_buf + l_shift_mem, a_sign->sig_data, a_sign->sig_len );
+    l_shift_mem += a_sign->sig_len ;
+    if(a_sign_out)
+        *a_sign_out = l_buflen;
+    return l_buf;
+/* Deserialize a signature */
+tesla_signature_t* dap_enc_tesla_read_signature(uint8_t *a_buf, size_t a_buflen)
+    if(!a_buf || a_buflen < (sizeof(size_t) + sizeof(tesla_kind_t)))
+        return NULL ;
+    tesla_kind_t kind;
+    size_t l_buflen = 0;
+    memcpy(&l_buflen, a_buf, sizeof(size_t));
+    memcpy(&kind, a_buf + sizeof(size_t), sizeof(tesla_kind_t));
+    if(l_buflen != a_buflen)
+        return NULL ;
+    tesla_param_t p;
+    if(!tesla_params_init(&p, kind))
+        return NULL ;
+    tesla_signature_t* l_sign = DAP_NEW(tesla_signature_t);
+    l_sign->kind = kind;
+    size_t l_shift_mem = sizeof(size_t) + sizeof(tesla_kind_t);
+    memcpy(&l_sign->sig_len, a_buf + l_shift_mem, sizeof(unsigned long long));
+    l_shift_mem += sizeof(unsigned long long);
+    l_sign->sig_data = DAP_NEW_SIZE(unsigned char, l_sign->sig_len);
+    memcpy(l_sign->sig_data, a_buf + l_shift_mem, l_sign->sig_len);
+    l_shift_mem += l_sign->sig_len;
+    return l_sign;
+/* Serialize a private key. */
+uint8_t* dap_enc_tesla_write_private_key(const tesla_private_key_t* a_private_key, size_t *a_buflen_out)
+    tesla_param_t p;// = malloc(sizeof(tesla_param_t));
+    if(!tesla_params_init(&p, a_private_key->kind))
+        return NULL;
+    size_t l_buflen = sizeof(size_t) + sizeof(tesla_kind_t) + p.CRYPTO_SECRETKEYBYTES; //CRYPTO_PUBLICKEYBYTES;
+    uint8_t *l_buf = DAP_NEW_SIZE(uint8_t, l_buflen);
+    memcpy(l_buf, &l_buflen, sizeof(size_t));
+    memcpy(l_buf + sizeof(size_t), &a_private_key->kind, sizeof(tesla_kind_t));
+    memcpy(l_buf + sizeof(size_t) + sizeof(tesla_kind_t), a_private_key->data, p.CRYPTO_SECRETKEYBYTES);
+    if(a_buflen_out)
+        *a_buflen_out = l_buflen;
+    return l_buf;
+/* Serialize a public key. */
+uint8_t* dap_enc_tesla_write_public_key(const tesla_public_key_t* a_public_key, size_t *a_buflen_out)
+    tesla_param_t p;
+    if(!tesla_params_init(&p, a_public_key->kind))
+        return NULL;
+    size_t l_buflen = sizeof(size_t) + sizeof(tesla_kind_t) + p.CRYPTO_PUBLICKEYBYTES;
+    uint8_t *l_buf = DAP_NEW_SIZE(uint8_t, l_buflen);
+    memcpy(l_buf, &l_buflen, sizeof(size_t));
+    memcpy(l_buf + sizeof(size_t), &a_public_key->kind, sizeof(tesla_kind_t));
+    memcpy(l_buf + sizeof(size_t) + sizeof(tesla_kind_t), a_public_key->data, p.CRYPTO_PUBLICKEYBYTES);
+    if(a_buflen_out)
+        *a_buflen_out = l_buflen;
+    return l_buf;
+/* Deserialize a private key. */
+tesla_private_key_t* dap_enc_tesla_read_private_key(const uint8_t *a_buf, size_t a_buflen)
+    if(!a_buf || a_buflen < (sizeof(size_t) + sizeof(tesla_kind_t)))
+        return NULL;
+    tesla_kind_t kind;
+    size_t l_buflen = 0;
+    memcpy(&l_buflen, a_buf, sizeof(size_t));
+    memcpy(&kind, a_buf + sizeof(size_t), sizeof(tesla_kind_t));
+    if(l_buflen != a_buflen)
+        return NULL;
+    tesla_param_t p;
+    if(!tesla_params_init(&p, kind))
+        return NULL;
+    tesla_private_key_t* l_private_key = DAP_NEW(tesla_private_key_t);
+    l_private_key->kind = kind;
+    l_private_key->data = DAP_NEW_SIZE(unsigned char, p.CRYPTO_SECRETKEYBYTES);
+    memcpy(l_private_key->data, a_buf + sizeof(size_t) + sizeof(tesla_kind_t), p.CRYPTO_SECRETKEYBYTES);
+    return l_private_key;
+/* Deserialize a public key. */
+tesla_public_key_t* dap_enc_tesla_read_public_key(const uint8_t *a_buf, size_t a_buflen)
+    if(!a_buf || a_buflen < (sizeof(size_t) + sizeof(tesla_kind_t)))
+        return NULL;
+    tesla_kind_t kind;
+    size_t l_buflen = 0;
+    memcpy(&l_buflen, a_buf, sizeof(size_t));
+    memcpy(&kind, a_buf + sizeof(size_t), sizeof(tesla_kind_t));
+    if(l_buflen != a_buflen)
+        return NULL;
+    tesla_param_t p;
+    if(!tesla_params_init(&p, kind))
+        return NULL;
+    tesla_public_key_t* l_public_key = DAP_NEW(tesla_public_key_t);
+    l_public_key->kind = kind;
+    l_public_key->data = DAP_NEW_SIZE(unsigned char, p.CRYPTO_PUBLICKEYBYTES);
+    memcpy(l_public_key->data, a_buf + sizeof(size_t) + sizeof(tesla_kind_t), p.CRYPTO_PUBLICKEYBYTES);
+    return l_public_key;