/* * Authors: * Dmitriy A. Gearasimov <naeper@demlabs.net> * DeM Labs Inc. https://demlabs.net This file is part of DAP (Deus Applications Prototypes) the open source project DAP (Deus Applicaions Prototypes) is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. DAP is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with any DAP based project. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <errno.h> #include <glib.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include "iputils/iputils.h" //#include "dap_common.h" #include "dap_chain_node.h" #include "dap_chain_global_db.h" #include "dap_chain_node_cli_cmd.h" uint8_t* dap_chain_global_db_node_serialize(dap_chain_node_info_t *node_info, size_t *size) { if(!node_info) return NULL; size_t node_info_size = sizeof(dap_chain_node_info_t) + node_info->hdr.uplinks_number * sizeof(dap_chain_addr_t); size_t a_request_size = 2 * node_info_size + 1; uint8_t *a_request = DAP_NEW_Z_SIZE(uint8_t, a_request_size); bin2hex(a_request, (const unsigned char *)node_info, node_info_size); if(size) *size = a_request_size; return a_request; } /** * find option value * * return index of string in argv, or 0 if not found */ static int find_option_val(const char** argv, int arg_start, int arg_end, const char *opt_name, const char **opt_value) { int arg_index = arg_start; int arg_character, on_or_off, next_arg, i; char *arg_string; while(arg_index < arg_end) { arg_string = (char *) argv[arg_index]; // find opt_name if(arg_string && opt_name && !strcmp(arg_string, opt_name)) { // find opt_value if(opt_value) { arg_string = (char *) argv[++arg_index]; if(arg_string) { *opt_value = arg_string; return arg_index; } } else // need only opt_name return arg_index; } arg_index++; } return 0; } /** * global_db command * * return 0 OK, -1 Err */ int com_global_db(int argc, const char ** argv, char **str_reply) { printf("com_global_db\n"); int arg_index = 1; const char *cmd_str = NULL; // find 'node' parameter arg_index = find_option_val(argv, arg_index, argc, "node", NULL); if(!arg_index || argc < 5) { if(str_reply) *str_reply = g_strdup("parameters are not valid"); return -1; } arg_index++; // find command (add or del) int cmd_num = 0; if(find_option_val(argv, arg_index, argc, "add", NULL)) { cmd_num = 1; } else if(find_option_val(argv, arg_index, argc, "del", NULL)) { cmd_num = 2; } if(!cmd_num) { if(str_reply) *str_reply = g_strdup_printf("command %s not recognized", argv[1]); return -1; } const char *addr_str = NULL, *shard_str = NULL, *ipv4_str = NULL, *ipv6_str = NULL; // find addr & alias find_option_val(argv, arg_index, argc, "-addr", &addr_str); find_option_val(argv, arg_index, argc, "-shard", &shard_str); find_option_val(argv, arg_index, argc, "-ipv4", &ipv4_str); find_option_val(argv, arg_index, argc, "-ipv6", &ipv6_str); if(!arg_index || argc < 5) { if(str_reply) *str_reply = g_strdup("parameters are not valid"); return -1; } if(!addr_str) { if(str_reply) *str_reply = g_strdup("not found -addr parameter"); return -1; } dap_chain_node_info_t node_info; memset(&node_info, 0, sizeof(dap_chain_node_info_t)); // store this IP address in dap_addr, dap_addr.uint64 = struct sockaddr_in.sin_addr inet_pton(AF_INET, addr_str, &(node_info.hdr.address.uint64)); memcpy(&(node_info.hdr.address.raw), &(node_info.hdr.address.uint64), sizeof(uint64_t)); // now get it back //inet_ntop(AF_INET, &(node_info.hdr.address.uint64), str, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN); if(shard_str) { int64_t shard_id = strtoll(shard_str, NULL, 10); memcpy(&node_info.hdr.shard_id.raw, &shard_id, sizeof(int64_t)); } //inet_ntop(AF_INET, &(dap_addr.uint64), str, INET_ADDRSTRLEN); //uint64 uint64_t timestamp = time(NULL); char *a_key = dap_chain_global_db_hash((const uint8_t*)&(node_info.hdr.address), sizeof(dap_chain_node_addr_t)); char *a_value = dap_chain_global_db_node_serialize(&node_info, NULL); bool res = dap_chain_global_db_set(a_key, a_value); if(res) { if(str_reply) *str_reply = g_strdup_printf("node is %s", (cmd_num == 1) ? "added" : "deleted"); return 0; } else if(str_reply) { *str_reply = g_strdup_printf("node is not %s", (cmd_num == 1) ? "added" : "deleted"); } DAP_DELETE(a_value); return -1; } /** * Node command */ int com_node(int argc, const char ** argv, char **str_reply) { for(int i = 0; i < argc; i++) printf("com_node i=%d str=%s\n", i, argv[i]); if(str_reply) *str_reply = g_strdup("text"); return 0; } /** * Traceroute command * * return 0 OK, -1 Err */ int com_traceroute(int argc, const char** argv, char **str_reply) { const char *addr = NULL; int hops = 0, time_usec = 0; if(argc > 1) addr = argv[1]; iputils_set_verbose(); int res = (addr) ? traceroute_util(addr, &hops, &time_usec) : -EADDRNOTAVAIL; if(res >= 0) { if(str_reply) *str_reply = g_strdup_printf("traceroute %s hops=%d time=%.1lf ms", addr, hops, time_usec * 1. / 1000); } else { if(str_reply) { switch (-res) { case EADDRNOTAVAIL: *str_reply = g_strdup_printf("traceroute %s error: %s", (addr) ? addr : "", (addr) ? "Name or service not known" : "Host not defined"); break; case 2: *str_reply = g_strdup_printf("traceroute %s error: %s", addr, "Unknown traceroute module"); break; case 3: *str_reply = g_strdup_printf("traceroute %s error: %s", addr, "first hop out of range"); break; case 4: *str_reply = g_strdup_printf("traceroute %s error: %s", addr, "max hops cannot be more than 255"); break; case 5: *str_reply = g_strdup_printf("traceroute %s error: %s", addr, "no more than 10 probes per hop"); break; case 6: *str_reply = g_strdup_printf("traceroute %s error: %s", addr, "bad wait specifications"); break; case 7: *str_reply = g_strdup_printf("traceroute %s error: %s", addr, "too big packetlen "); break; case 8: *str_reply = g_strdup_printf("traceroute %s error: %s", addr, "IP version mismatch in addresses specified"); break; case 9: *str_reply = g_strdup_printf("traceroute %s error: %s", addr, "bad sendtime"); break; case 10: *str_reply = g_strdup_printf("traceroute %s error: %s", addr, "init_ip_options"); break; case 11: *str_reply = g_strdup_printf("traceroute %s error: %s", addr, "calloc"); break; case 12: *str_reply = g_strdup_printf("traceroute %s error: %s", addr, "parse cmdline"); break; case 13: *str_reply = g_strdup_printf("traceroute %s error: %s", addr, "trace method's init failed"); break; default: *str_reply = g_strdup_printf("traceroute %s error(%d) %s", addr, res, "trace not found"); } } } return res; } /** * Tracepath command * * return 0 OK, -1 Err */ int com_tracepath(int argc, const char** argv, char **str_reply) { const char *addr = NULL; int hops = 0, time_usec = 0; if(argc > 1) addr = argv[1]; iputils_set_verbose(); int res = (addr) ? tracepath_util(addr, &hops, &time_usec) : -EADDRNOTAVAIL; if(res >= 0) { if(str_reply) *str_reply = g_strdup_printf("tracepath %s hops=%d time=%.1lf ms", addr, hops, time_usec * 1. / 1000); } else { if(str_reply) { switch (-res) { case EADDRNOTAVAIL: *str_reply = g_strdup_printf("tracepath %s error: %s", (addr) ? addr : "", (addr) ? "Name or service not known" : "Host not defined"); break; case ESOCKTNOSUPPORT: *str_reply = g_strdup_printf("tracepath %s error: %s", addr, "Can't create socket"); break; case 2: *str_reply = g_strdup_printf("tracepath %s error: %s", addr, "Can't setsockopt IPV6_MTU_DISCOVER"); break; case 3: *str_reply = g_strdup_printf("tracepath %s error: %s", addr, "Can't setsockopt IPV6_RECVERR"); break; case 4: *str_reply = g_strdup_printf("tracepath %s error: %s", addr, "Can't setsockopt IPV6_HOPLIMIT"); break; case 5: *str_reply = g_strdup_printf("tracepath %s error: %s", addr, "Can't setsockopt IP_MTU_DISCOVER"); break; case 6: *str_reply = g_strdup_printf("tracepath %s error: %s", addr, "Can't setsockopt IP_RECVERR"); break; case 7: *str_reply = g_strdup_printf("tracepath %s error: %s", addr, "Can't setsockopt IP_RECVTTL"); break; case 8: *str_reply = g_strdup_printf("tracepath %s error: %s", addr, "malloc"); break; case 9: *str_reply = g_strdup_printf("tracepath %s error: %s", addr, "Can't setsockopt IPV6_UNICAST_HOPS"); break; case 10: *str_reply = g_strdup_printf("tracepath %s error: %s", addr, "Can't setsockopt IP_TTL"); break; default: *str_reply = g_strdup_printf("tracepath %s error(%d) %s", addr, res, "trace not found"); } } } return res; } /** * Ping command * * return 0 OK, -1 Err */ int com_ping(int argc, const char** argv, char **str_reply) { const char *addr = NULL; int n = 4; if(argc > 1) addr = argv[1]; const char *n_str = NULL; if(find_option_val(argv, 2, argc, "-n", &n_str)) n = (n_str) ? atoi(n_str) : 4; else if(find_option_val(argv, 2, argc, "-c", &n_str)) n = (n_str) ? atoi(n_str) : 4; if(n <= 1) n = 1; iputils_set_verbose(); int res = (addr) ? ping_util(addr, n) : -EADDRNOTAVAIL; if(res >= 0) { if(str_reply) *str_reply = g_strdup_printf("ping %s time=%.1lf ms", addr, res * 1. / 1000); } else { if(str_reply) { switch (-res) { case EDESTADDRREQ: *str_reply = g_strdup_printf("ping %s error: %s", addr, "Destination address required"); break; case EADDRNOTAVAIL: *str_reply = g_strdup_printf("ping %s error: %s", (addr) ? addr : "", (addr) ? "Host not found" : "Host not defined"); break; case EPFNOSUPPORT: *str_reply = g_strdup_printf("ping %s error: %s", addr, "Unknown protocol family"); break; default: *str_reply = g_strdup_printf("ping %s error(%d)", addr, -res); } } } return res; } /** * Help command */ int com_help(int argc, const char ** argv, char **str_reply) { if(argc > 1) { const COMMAND *cmd = find_command(argv[1]); if(cmd) { if(str_reply) *str_reply = g_strdup(cmd->doc); return 1; } if(str_reply) *str_reply = g_strdup_printf("command \"%s\" not recognized", argv[1]); } if(str_reply) *str_reply = g_strdup("command not defined, enter \"help <cmd name>\""); return -1; }