diff --git a/dap_chain_net_srv_vpn.c b/dap_chain_net_srv_vpn.c
index 43872b64246454d4b415714f81fd999a00ba8d0d..5ca360ae935e55dfa71bb69c76d4591aacb58f12 100755
--- a/dap_chain_net_srv_vpn.c
+++ b/dap_chain_net_srv_vpn.c
@@ -190,96 +190,173 @@ int dap_chain_net_srv_vpn_init(dap_config_t * g_config)
             size_t l_price_length = strlen(l_price_str);
             size_t l_iter = 0;
             char * l_pos_old = l_price_str;
+            // l_price_str example: kelvin-testnet:0.00001:KELT:3600:SEC:mywallet0
+            char **l_parse_str = dap_strsplit(l_price_str, ":", -1);
+            size_t l_parse_str_n = dap_str_countv(l_parse_str);
+            if(6 != l_parse_str_n) {
+                log_it(L_ERROR, "Wrong price element size=%d (must be 6)", l_parse_str_n);
+                dap_strfreev(l_parse_str);
+                continue;
+            }
+            // price: create,fill and added to list
             dap_chain_net_srv_price_t *l_price = DAP_NEW_Z(dap_chain_net_srv_price_t);
-            for (char * l_pos = index(l_price_str,':');  ;  l_pos = index(l_pos+1,':') ){
-                if( l_iter == 0)
-                    break;
-                size_t l_parse_token_size =  l_pos?(size_t) (l_pos - l_pos_old)-1: l_price_length- (size_t)(l_pos_old - l_pricelist[i]) ;
-                char * l_parse_token = strndup(l_pos_old, l_parse_token_size);
-                if( l_parse_token_size ==0 ){
-                    log_it(L_ERROR, "Wrong price element size nil");
-                    DAP_DELETE(l_parse_token);
-                    break;
-                }
-                if ( l_iter == 0){
-                    l_price->net_name = strdup(l_parse_token);
-                    l_price->net = dap_chain_net_by_name( l_price->net_name);
-                    if( ! l_price->net ){
-                        log_it(L_ERROR, "Error parse pricelist: can't find network \"%s\"", l_price->net_name);
-                        DAP_DELETE( l_price->net);
-                        DAP_DELETE(l_price);
-                        DAP_DELETE(l_parse_token);
-                        break;
-                    }
-                }else if (l_iter == 1){
-                    l_price->value_coins = atof( l_parse_token);
-                    l_price->value_datoshi =(uint64_t) dap_chain_coins_to_balance((long double)l_price->value_coins);
-                    if ( ! l_price->value_datoshi ){
-                        log_it(L_ERROR, "Error parse pricelist: text on 2nd position \"%s\" is not floating number", l_parse_token);
-                        DAP_DELETE( l_price->net);
-                        DAP_DELETE(l_price);
-                        DAP_DELETE(l_parse_token);
-                        break;
-                    }
-                }else if (l_iter == 2){
-                    strncpy( l_price->token, l_parse_token, sizeof (l_price->token)-1);
-                }else if (l_iter == 3){
-                    l_price->units = strtoul( l_parse_token,NULL,10);
-                    if ( !l_price->units ){
-                        log_it(L_ERROR, "Error parse pricelist: text on 4th position \"%s\" is not unsigned integer", l_parse_token);
-                        DAP_DELETE( l_price->net);
-                        DAP_DELETE(l_price);
-                        DAP_DELETE(l_parse_token);
-                        break;
-                    }
-                }else if (l_iter == 4){
-                    if ( strcmp(l_parse_token,"SEC") == 0 ){
-                        l_price->units_uid.enm = SERV_UNIT_SEC;
-                    }else if ( strcmp(l_parse_token,"DAY") == 0 ){
-                        l_price->units_uid.enm = SERV_UNIT_DAY;
-                    }else if ( strcmp(l_parse_token,"MB") == 0 ){
-                        l_price->units_uid.enm = SERV_UNIT_MB;
-                    }else {
-                        log_it(L_ERROR, "Error parse pricelist: wrong unit type \"%s\"", l_parse_token);
-                        DAP_DELETE( l_price->net);
-                        DAP_DELETE(l_price);
-                        DAP_DELETE(l_parse_token);
-                        break;
-                    }
-                }else if (l_iter == 5){
-                    l_price->wallet = dap_chain_wallet_open( l_parse_token, dap_config_get_item_str_default(g_config,"resources","wallets_path",NULL) );
-                    if (! l_price->wallet ){
-                        log_it(L_ERROR, "Error parse pricelist: can't open wallet \"%s\"", l_parse_token);
-                        DAP_DELETE( l_price->net);
-                        DAP_DELETE(l_price);
-                        DAP_DELETE(l_parse_token);
-                        break;
-                    }
-                }else{
-                    DAP_DELETE(l_parse_token);
-                    break;
-                }
-                l_iter++;
-                l_pos_old = l_pos;
-                if (! l_pos ){
-                    DAP_DELETE(l_parse_token);
-                    break;
-                }
+            // value
+            l_price->value_coins = atof(l_parse_str[1]);
+            l_price->value_datoshi = (uint64_t) dap_chain_coins_to_balance((long double) l_price->value_coins);
+            if(!l_price->value_datoshi) {
+                log_it(L_ERROR, "Error parse pricelist: text on 2nd position \"%s\" is not floating number",
+                        l_parse_str[1]);
+                DAP_DELETE(l_price);
+                dap_strfreev(l_parse_str);
+                continue;
+            }
+            // token
+            strncpy( l_price->token, l_parse_str[2], sizeof (l_price->token)-1);
+            // units
+            l_price->units = strtoul(l_parse_str[3], NULL, 10);
+            if(!l_price->units) {
+                log_it(L_ERROR, "Error parse pricelist: text on 4th position \"%s\" is not unsigned integer",
+                        l_parse_str[3]);
+                DAP_DELETE(l_price);
+                dap_strfreev(l_parse_str);
+                continue;
+            }
+            // units_uid
+            if(strcmp(l_parse_str[4], "SEC") == 0) {
+                l_price->units_uid.enm = SERV_UNIT_SEC;
+            } else if(strcmp(l_parse_str[4], "DAY") == 0) {
+                l_price->units_uid.enm = SERV_UNIT_DAY;
+            } else if(strcmp(l_parse_str[4], "MB") == 0) {
+                l_price->units_uid.enm = SERV_UNIT_MB;
+            } else {
+                log_it(L_ERROR, "Error parse pricelist: wrong unit type \"%s\"", l_parse_str[4]);
+                DAP_DELETE(l_price);
+                dap_strfreev(l_parse_str);
+                continue;
-            if( l_iter == 6){
-                log_it(L_NOTICE, "All price parsed well, added to service %s", l_price_str);
-                if (l_srv->pricelist)
-                    l_srv->pricelist->prev = l_price;
-                l_price->next =  l_srv->pricelist;
-                l_srv->pricelist = l_price;
+            // wallet
+            l_price->wallet = dap_chain_wallet_open(l_parse_str[5],
+                    dap_config_get_item_str_default(g_config, "resources", "wallets_path", NULL));
+            if(!l_price->wallet) {
+                log_it(L_ERROR, "Error parse pricelist: can't open wallet \"%s\"", l_parse_str[5]);
+                DAP_DELETE(l_price);
+                dap_strfreev(l_parse_str);
+                continue;
+            // net name
+            l_price->net_name = dap_strdup(l_parse_str[0]);
+            l_price->net = dap_chain_net_by_name(l_price->net_name);
+            if(!l_price->net) {
+                log_it(L_ERROR, "Error parse pricelist: can't find network \"%s\"", l_price->net_name);
+                DAP_DELETE(l_price);
+                DAP_DELETE(l_price->net);
+                dap_strfreev(l_parse_str);
+                continue;
+            }
+            dap_strfreev(l_parse_str);
-        }
+            // adding new price to head of the list
+            log_it(L_NOTICE, "All price parsed well, added to service %s", l_price_str);
+            if(l_srv->pricelist) {
+                l_srv->pricelist->prev = l_price;
+                l_price->next = l_srv->pricelist;
+            }
+            l_srv->pricelist = l_price;
+            /*for (char * l_pos = index(l_price_str,':');  ;  l_pos = index(l_pos+1,':') ){
+             if( l_iter == 0)
+                 break;
-        return 0;
+             size_t l_parse_token_size =  l_pos?(size_t) (l_pos - l_pos_old)-1: l_price_length- (size_t)(l_pos_old - l_pricelist[i]) ;
+             char * l_parse_token = strndup(l_pos_old, l_parse_token_size);
+             if( l_parse_token_size ==0 ){
+             log_it(L_ERROR, "Wrong price element size nil");
+             DAP_DELETE(l_parse_token);
+             break;
+             }
+             if ( l_iter == 0){
+             l_price->net_name = strdup(l_parse_token);
+             l_price->net = dap_chain_net_by_name( l_price->net_name);
+             if( ! l_price->net ){
+             log_it(L_ERROR, "Error parse pricelist: can't find network \"%s\"", l_price->net_name);
+             DAP_DELETE( l_price->net);
+             DAP_DELETE(l_price);
+             DAP_DELETE(l_parse_token);
+             break;
+             }
+             }else if (l_iter == 1){
+             l_price->value_coins = atof( l_parse_token);
+             l_price->value_datoshi =(uint64_t) dap_chain_coins_to_balance((long double)l_price->value_coins);
+             if ( ! l_price->value_datoshi ){
+             log_it(L_ERROR, "Error parse pricelist: text on 2nd position \"%s\" is not floating number", l_parse_token);
+             DAP_DELETE( l_price->net);
+             DAP_DELETE(l_price);
+             DAP_DELETE(l_parse_token);
+             break;
+             }
+             }else if (l_iter == 2){
+             strncpy( l_price->token, l_parse_token, sizeof (l_price->token)-1);
+             }else if (l_iter == 3){
+             l_price->units = strtoul( l_parse_token,NULL,10);
+             if ( !l_price->units ){
+             log_it(L_ERROR, "Error parse pricelist: text on 4th position \"%s\" is not unsigned integer", l_parse_token);
+             DAP_DELETE( l_price->net);
+             DAP_DELETE(l_price);
+             DAP_DELETE(l_parse_token);
+             break;
+             }
+             }else if (l_iter == 4){
+             if ( strcmp(l_parse_token,"SEC") == 0 ){
+             l_price->units_uid.enm = SERV_UNIT_SEC;
+             }else if ( strcmp(l_parse_token,"DAY") == 0 ){
+             l_price->units_uid.enm = SERV_UNIT_DAY;
+             }else if ( strcmp(l_parse_token,"MB") == 0 ){
+             l_price->units_uid.enm = SERV_UNIT_MB;
+             }else {
+             log_it(L_ERROR, "Error parse pricelist: wrong unit type \"%s\"", l_parse_token);
+             DAP_DELETE( l_price->net);
+             DAP_DELETE(l_price);
+             DAP_DELETE(l_parse_token);
+             break;
+             }
+             }else if (l_iter == 5){
+             l_price->wallet = dap_chain_wallet_open( l_parse_token, dap_config_get_item_str_default(g_config,"resources","wallets_path",NULL) );
+             if (! l_price->wallet ){
+             log_it(L_ERROR, "Error parse pricelist: can't open wallet \"%s\"", l_parse_token);
+             DAP_DELETE( l_price->net);
+             DAP_DELETE(l_price);
+             DAP_DELETE(l_parse_token);
+             break;
+             }
+             }else{
+             DAP_DELETE(l_parse_token);
+             break;
+             }
+             l_iter++;
+             l_pos_old = l_pos;
+             if (! l_pos ){
+             DAP_DELETE(l_parse_token);
+             break;
+             }
+             }
+             if( l_iter == 6){
+             log_it(L_NOTICE, "All price parsed well, added to service %s", l_price_str);
+             if (l_srv->pricelist)
+             l_srv->pricelist->prev = l_price;
+             l_price->next =  l_srv->pricelist;
+             l_srv->pricelist = l_price;
+             }
+             }
+            return 0;*/
+        }
+        if(l_srv->pricelist)
+            return 0;
     return -1;
@@ -325,7 +402,7 @@ static int s_callback_response_success(dap_chain_net_srv_t * a_srv, uint32_t a_u
 //    dap_stream_ch_chain_net_srv_pkt_request_t * l_request =  (dap_stream_ch_chain_net_srv_pkt_request_t *) a_request;
 //    dap_chain_net_srv_stream_session_t * l_srv_session = (dap_chain_net_srv_stream_session_t *) a_srv_client->ch->stream->session->_inheritor;
     dap_chain_net_srv_stream_session_t * l_srv_session = (dap_chain_net_srv_stream_session_t *) a_srv_client->ch->stream->session->_inheritor;
-    dap_chain_net_srv_usage_t * l_usage_active= dap_chain_net_srv_usage_find(l_srv_session->usages,a_usage_id);
+    dap_chain_net_srv_usage_t * l_usage_active= dap_chain_net_srv_usage_find(l_srv_session,a_usage_id);
     dap_chain_net_srv_ch_vpn_t * l_srv_ch_vpn =(dap_chain_net_srv_ch_vpn_t*) a_srv_client->ch->stream->channel[DAP_CHAIN_NET_SRV_VPN_ID] ?
             a_srv_client->ch->stream->channel[DAP_CHAIN_NET_SRV_VPN_ID]->internal : NULL;
@@ -484,6 +561,7 @@ void s_new(dap_stream_ch_t* a_stream_ch, void* a_arg)
     dap_chain_net_srv_uid_t l_uid = { .uint64 = DAP_CHAIN_NET_SRV_VPN_ID };
     l_srv_vpn->net_srv = dap_chain_net_srv_get(l_uid);
+    l_srv_vpn->ch = a_stream_ch;
     dap_chain_net_srv_stream_session_t * l_srv_session = (dap_chain_net_srv_stream_session_t *) a_stream_ch->stream->session->_inheritor;
     pthread_mutex_init(&l_srv_vpn->mutex, NULL);
diff --git a/dap_chain_net_vpn_client.c b/dap_chain_net_vpn_client.c
index 6ffa1cf15aa45c33d5fba3202e315c2edb701a21..405a28d7ed7a55886874c3ac8029b0294b34c97f 100644
--- a/dap_chain_net_vpn_client.c
+++ b/dap_chain_net_vpn_client.c
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
 #include "dap_strfuncs.h"
 #include "dap_client.h"
+#include "dap_chain_common.h"
 #include "dap_chain_node_client.h"
 #include "dap_stream_ch_proc.h"
@@ -49,6 +50,8 @@
 #include "dap_stream_ch_pkt.h"
 #include "dap_chain_net_vpn_client_tun.h"
 typedef enum dap_http_client_state {
@@ -72,7 +75,7 @@ dap_stream_ch_t* dap_chain_net_vpn_client_get_stream_ch(void)
         return NULL;
-    dap_stream_ch_t *l_stream = dap_client_get_stream_ch(s_vpn_client->client, DAP_STREAM_CH_ID_NET_SRV_VPN );
+    dap_stream_ch_t *l_stream = dap_client_get_stream_ch(s_vpn_client->client, DAP_STREAM_CH_ID_NET_SRV_VPN_CLIENT );
     return l_stream;
@@ -111,6 +114,48 @@ void s_stage_callback()
+ * Connect to VPN client
+ *
+ * return: 0 Ok, 1 Already started, <0 Error
+ */
+static void dap_chain_net_vpn_response_success_callback(dap_stream_ch_chain_net_srv_pkt_success_t *a_success, void *a_arg)
+    dap_stream_ch_chain_net_srv_pkt_success_t *l_success = (dap_stream_ch_chain_net_srv_pkt_success_t*)a_arg;
+    if(!l_success)
+        return;
+    // send receipt to server
+    {
+        //dap_chain_datum_tx_receipt_t * l_receipt;
+        //dap_chain_net_srv_uid_t l_srv_uid = a_success->hdr.srv_uid;
+        //dap_chain_net_srv_price_unit_uid_t l_units_type = SERV_UNIT_MB;
+        //uint64_t l_units = 100;
+        //uint64_t l_value_datoshi = 1000000;
+        //l_receipt = dap_chain_datum_tx_receipt_create(l_srv_uid, l_units_type, l_units, l_value_datoshi);
+    }
+    // send first packet to server
+    //if(0)
+    {
+        dap_stream_ch_t *l_ch = dap_chain_net_vpn_client_get_stream_ch();
+        if(l_ch) { // Is present in hash table such destination address
+            size_t l_ipv4_str_len = 0; //dap_strlen(a_ipv4_str);
+            ch_vpn_pkt_t *pkt_out = (ch_vpn_pkt_t*) calloc(1, sizeof(pkt_out->header) + l_ipv4_str_len);
+            pkt_out->header.op_code = VPN_PACKET_OP_CODE_VPN_ADDR_REQUEST;
+            //pkt_out->header.sock_id = l_stream->stream->events_socket->socket;
+            //pkt_out->header.op_connect.addr_size = l_ipv4_str_len; //remoteAddrBA.length();
+            //pkt_out->header.op_connect.port = a_port;
+            //memcpy(pkt_out->data, a_ipv4_str, l_ipv4_str_len);
+            dap_stream_ch_pkt_write(l_ch, DAP_STREAM_CH_PKT_TYPE_NET_SRV_VPN_DATA, pkt_out,
+                    pkt_out->header.op_data.data_size + sizeof(pkt_out->header));
+            dap_stream_ch_set_ready_to_write(l_ch, false);
+            DAP_DELETE(pkt_out);
+        }
+    }
  * Start VPN client
@@ -136,7 +181,9 @@ int dap_chain_net_vpn_client_start(dap_chain_net_t *a_net, const char *a_ipv4_st
     s_node_info->hdr.ext_port = a_port;
-    const char l_active_channels[] = { DAP_STREAM_CH_ID_NET_SRV_VPN , 0 };
+    const char l_active_channels[] = { 'R', DAP_STREAM_CH_ID_NET_SRV_VPN_CLIENT, 0 };
+    //const char l_active_channels[] = { DAP_STREAM_CH_ID_NET_SRV_VPN_CLIENT , 'R', 0 };
+    //const char l_active_channels[] = { 'R', 0 };
         inet_pton(AF_INET, a_ipv4_str, &(s_node_info->hdr.ext_addr_v4));
@@ -167,8 +214,35 @@ int dap_chain_net_vpn_client_start(dap_chain_net_t *a_net, const char *a_ipv4_st
     l_ret = dap_chain_net_vpn_client_tun_init(a_ipv4_str);
+    {
+        //dap_stream_ch_t *l_ch = dap_chain_net_vpn_client_get_stream_ch();
+        dap_stream_ch_t *l_ch = dap_client_get_stream_ch(s_vpn_client->client, 'R' );
+        if(l_ch) {
+            dap_chain_net_srv_stream_session_t * l_srv_session = l_ch && l_ch->stream && l_ch->stream->session ?
+                    l_ch->stream->session->_inheritor : NULL;
+            if(l_srv_session) {
+                l_srv_session->response_success_callback = dap_chain_net_vpn_response_success_callback;
+                l_srv_session->response_success_callback_data = l_ch;
+            }
+            //l_ch->internal = ;
+            dap_stream_ch_chain_net_srv_pkt_request_t l_request = { 0 };
+            l_request.hdr.net_id.uint64 = a_net->pub.id.uint64;
+            l_request.hdr.srv_uid.uint64 = DAP_CHAIN_NET_SRV_VPN_ID;
+            //l_request.hdr.tx_cond = 0;
+            size_t pkt_out_len = sizeof(dap_stream_ch_chain_net_srv_pkt_request_t);
+            void *pkt_out = (void*)&l_request;
+            dap_stream_ch_pkt_write(l_ch, DAP_STREAM_CH_CHAIN_NET_SRV_PKT_TYPE_REQUEST, pkt_out, pkt_out_len);
+            dap_stream_ch_set_ready_to_write(l_ch, false);
+            //DAP_DELETE(pkt_out);
+        }
+    }
     // send first packet to server
-//    if(0)
+    if(0)
         dap_stream_ch_t *l_ch = dap_chain_net_vpn_client_get_stream_ch();
         if(l_ch) { // Is present in hash table such destination address
@@ -182,7 +256,7 @@ int dap_chain_net_vpn_client_start(dap_chain_net_t *a_net, const char *a_ipv4_st
             //memcpy(pkt_out->data, a_ipv4_str, l_ipv4_str_len);
             dap_stream_ch_pkt_write(l_ch, DAP_STREAM_CH_PKT_TYPE_NET_SRV_VPN_DATA, pkt_out,
                     pkt_out->header.op_data.data_size + sizeof(pkt_out->header));
-            dap_stream_ch_set_ready_to_write(l_ch, true);
+            dap_stream_ch_set_ready_to_write(l_ch, false);
@@ -282,8 +356,9 @@ static void send_pong_pkt(dap_stream_ch_t* a_ch)
  * @param a_ch
  * @param a_arg
-void dap_chain_net_vpn_client_pkt_in(dap_stream_ch_t* a_ch, dap_stream_ch_pkt_t* a_pkt)
+void dap_chain_net_vpn_client_pkt_in(dap_stream_ch_t* a_ch, void* a_arg)
+    dap_stream_ch_pkt_t * a_pkt = (dap_stream_ch_pkt_t *) a_arg;
     ch_vpn_pkt_t * l_sf_pkt = (ch_vpn_pkt_t *) a_pkt->data;
     size_t l_sf_pkt_data_size = a_pkt->hdr.size - sizeof(l_sf_pkt->header);
@@ -525,7 +600,7 @@ void dap_chain_net_vpn_client_pkt_in(dap_stream_ch_t* a_ch, dap_stream_ch_pkt_t*
  * @brief dap_chain_net_vpn_client_pkt_out
  * @param a_ch
-void dap_chain_net_vpn_client_pkt_out(dap_stream_ch_t* a_ch)
+void dap_chain_net_vpn_client_pkt_out(dap_stream_ch_t* a_ch, void* a_arg)
     ch_vpn_socket_proxy_t * l_cur = NULL, *l_tmp;
     bool l_is_smth_out = false;
@@ -584,10 +659,39 @@ void dap_chain_net_vpn_client_pkt_out(dap_stream_ch_t* a_ch)
+ * @brief dap_chain_net_vpn_client_pkt_new Callback to constructor of object of Ch
+ * @param ch
+ * @param arg
+ */
+static void dap_chain_net_vpn_client_pkt_new(dap_stream_ch_t* a_ch, void* a_arg)
+    (void) a_arg;
+    //dap_stream_ch_chain_t
+    printf("aaa  dap_chain_net_vpn_client_pkt_new ch=0x%x", a_ch);
+    a_ch->internal = DAP_NEW_Z(dap_chain_net_srv_ch_vpn_t);
+    dap_chain_net_srv_ch_vpn_t * l_srv_vpn = CH_VPN(a_ch);
+ * @brief dap_chain_net_vpn_client_pkt_delete
+ * @param ch
+ * @param arg
+ */
+void dap_chain_net_vpn_client_pkt_delete(dap_stream_ch_t* a_ch, void* a_arg)
+    (void) a_arg;
+    printf("aaa  dap_chain_net_vpn_client_pkt_delete ch=0x%x", a_ch);
 int dap_chain_net_vpn_client_init(dap_config_t * g_config)
     pthread_mutex_init(&sf_socks_mutex, NULL);
+    //dap_chain_net_srv_uid_t l_uid = { .uint64 = DAP_CHAIN_NET_SRV_VPN_ID };
+    dap_stream_ch_proc_add(DAP_STREAM_CH_ID_NET_SRV_VPN_CLIENT, dap_chain_net_vpn_client_pkt_new, dap_chain_net_vpn_client_pkt_delete,
+            dap_chain_net_vpn_client_pkt_in, dap_chain_net_vpn_client_pkt_out);
     return 0;
diff --git a/dap_chain_net_vpn_client.h b/dap_chain_net_vpn_client.h
index a75a307f737ace6e859c22fe88ee3bd58e9719b8..a1c3637f192a91035b894c61b2dab02f5dea3eb8 100644
--- a/dap_chain_net_vpn_client.h
+++ b/dap_chain_net_vpn_client.h
@@ -29,6 +29,9 @@
 #include "dap_chain_net.h"
 #include "dap_chain_net_srv_vpn.h"
 dap_stream_ch_t* dap_chain_net_vpn_client_get_stream_ch(void);
 int dap_chain_net_vpn_client_start(dap_chain_net_t *a_net, const char *a_ipv4_str, const char *a_ipv6_str, int a_port);
@@ -39,5 +42,5 @@ int dap_chain_net_vpn_client_init(dap_config_t * g_config);
 void dap_chain_net_vpn_client_deinit();
-void dap_chain_net_vpn_client_pkt_out(dap_stream_ch_t* a_ch);
-void dap_chain_net_vpn_client_pkt_in(dap_stream_ch_t* a_ch, dap_stream_ch_pkt_t* a_pkt);
+//void dap_chain_net_vpn_client_pkt_out(dap_stream_ch_t* a_ch);
+//void dap_chain_net_vpn_client_pkt_in(dap_stream_ch_t* a_ch, dap_stream_ch_pkt_t* a_pkt);