From f9e28fcdf0c49edf3b7ab9f70e63572f644e9b54 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "roman.khlopkov" <>
Date: Mon, 26 Feb 2024 16:48:08 +0300
Subject: [PATCH] [*] GUUID capitalization

 modules/common/dap_chain_common.c             | 436 ------------------
 modules/common/dap_chain_datum.c              |  60 ++-
 modules/common/include/dap_chain_common.h     |  31 +-
 .../consensus/esbocs/dap_chain_cs_esbocs.c    |   8 +-
 .../esbocs/include/dap_chain_cs_esbocs.h      |   1 +
 modules/net/dap_chain_net.c                   |   9 +-
 modules/net/dap_chain_node_cli_cmd.c          |   2 +-
 modules/type/dag/dap_chain_cs_dag.c           |   7 +-
 modules/type/dag/include/dap_chain_cs_dag.h   |   1 +
 modules/type/none/dap_chain_cs_none.c         |   4 +-
 10 files changed, 50 insertions(+), 509 deletions(-)

diff --git a/modules/common/dap_chain_common.c b/modules/common/dap_chain_common.c
index dc36c4f7ca..11e1c4ed1f 100644
--- a/modules/common/dap_chain_common.c
+++ b/modules/common/dap_chain_common.c
@@ -41,17 +41,6 @@ const dap_chain_net_srv_uid_t c_dap_chain_net_srv_uid_null = {0};
 const dap_chain_cell_id_t c_dap_chain_cell_id_null = {0};
 const dap_chain_addr_t c_dap_chain_addr_blank = {0};
-int dap_id_uint64_parse(const char *a_id_str, uint64_t *a_id)
-    if (!a_id_str || !a_id || (sscanf(a_id_str, "0x%16"DAP_UINT64_FORMAT_X, a_id) != 1 &&
-            sscanf(a_id_str, "0x%16"DAP_UINT64_FORMAT_x, a_id) != 1 &&
-            sscanf(a_id_str, "%"DAP_UINT64_FORMAT_U, a_id) != 1)) {
-        log_it (L_ERROR, "Can't recognize '%s' string as 64-bit id, hex or dec", a_id_str);
-        return -1;
-    }
-    return 0;
  * @brief dap_chain_hash_to_str
  * @param a_hash
@@ -226,428 +215,3 @@ int dap_chain_addr_check_sum(const dap_chain_addr_t *a_addr)
     dap_hash_fast(a_addr, sizeof(dap_chain_addr_t) - sizeof(dap_chain_hash_fast_t), &l_checksum);
     return memcmp(a_addr->checksum.raw, l_checksum.raw, sizeof(l_checksum.raw));
-uint64_t dap_chain_uint128_to(uint128_t a_from)
-#ifdef DAP_GLOBAL_IS_INT128
-    if (a_from > UINT64_MAX) {
-        log_it(L_ERROR, "Can't convert balance to uint64_t. It's too big.");
-    }
-    return (uint64_t)a_from;
-    if (a_from.hi) {
-        log_it(L_ERROR, "Can't convert balance to uint64_t. It's too big.");
-    }
-    return a_from.lo;
-uint64_t dap_chain_uint256_to(uint256_t a_from)
-#ifdef DAP_GLOBAL_IS_INT128
-    if (a_from.hi || a_from.lo > UINT64_MAX) {
-        log_it(L_ERROR, "Can't convert balance to uint64_t. It's too big.");
-    }
-    return (uint64_t)a_from.lo;
-    if (!IS_ZERO_128(a_from.hi) || a_from.lo.hi) {
-        log_it(L_ERROR, "Can't convert balance to uint64_t. It's too big.");
-    }
-    return a_from.lo.lo;
-// 256
-uint128_t dap_chain_uint128_from_uint256(uint256_t a_from)
-    if ( !( EQUAL_128(a_from.hi, uint128_0) ) ) {
-        log_it(L_ERROR, "Can't convert to uint128_t. It's too big.");
-    }
-    return a_from.lo;
-char *dap_chain_balance_print128(uint128_t a_balance)
-    char *l_buf = DAP_NEW_Z_SIZE(char, DATOSHI_POW + 2);
-    if (!l_buf) {
-        log_it(L_CRITICAL, "Memory allocation error");
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    int l_pos = 0;
-    uint128_t l_value = a_balance;
-#ifdef DAP_GLOBAL_IS_INT128
-    do {
-        l_buf[l_pos++] = (l_value % 10) + '0';
-        l_value /= 10;
-    } while (l_value);
-    uint32_t l_tmp[4] = {l_value.u32.a, l_value.u32.b, l_value.u32.c, l_value.u32.d};
-    uint64_t t, q;
-    do {
-        q = 0;
-        // Byte order is 1, 0, 3, 2 for little endian
-        for (int i = 1; i <= 3; ) {
-            t = q << 32 | l_tmp[i];
-            q = t % 10;
-            l_tmp[i] = t / 10;
-            if (i == 2) i = 4; // end of cycle
-            if (i == 3) i = 2;
-            if (i == 0) i = 3;
-            if (i == 1) i = 0;
-        }
-        l_buf[l_pos++] = q + '0';
-    } while (l_tmp[2]);
-    int l_strlen = strlen(l_buf) - 1;
-    for (int i = 0; i < (l_strlen + 1) / 2; i++) {
-        char c = l_buf[i];
-        l_buf[i] = l_buf[l_strlen - i];
-        l_buf[l_strlen - i] = c;
-    }
-    return l_buf;
-char *dap_chain_balance_to_coins128(uint128_t a_balance)
-    char *l_buf = dap_chain_balance_print128(a_balance);
-    int l_strlen = strlen(l_buf);
-    int l_pos;
-    if (l_strlen > DATOSHI_DEGREE) {
-        for (l_pos = l_strlen; l_pos > l_strlen - DATOSHI_DEGREE; l_pos--) {
-            l_buf[l_pos] = l_buf[l_pos - 1];
-        }
-        l_buf[l_pos] = '.';
-    } else {
-        int l_sub = DATOSHI_DEGREE - l_strlen + 2;
-        for (l_pos = DATOSHI_DEGREE + 1; l_pos >= 0; l_pos--) {
-            l_buf[l_pos] = (l_pos >= l_sub) ? l_buf[l_pos - l_sub] : '0';
-        }
-        l_buf[1] = '.';
-    }
-    return l_buf;
-const union __c_pow10__ {
-    uint64_t u64[2];
-    uint32_t u32[4];
-        { .u64 = {0,                         1ULL} },                          // 0
-        { .u64 = {0,                         10ULL} },                         // 1
-        { .u64 = {0,                         100ULL} },                        // 2
-        { .u64 = {0,                         1000ULL} },                       // 3
-        { .u64 = {0,                         10000ULL} },                      // 4
-        { .u64 = {0,                         100000ULL} },                     // 5
-        { .u64 = {0,                         1000000ULL} },                    // 6
-        { .u64 = {0,                         10000000ULL} },                   // 7
-        { .u64 = {0,                         100000000ULL} },                  // 8
-        { .u64 = {0,                         1000000000ULL} },                 // 9
-        { .u64 = {0,                         10000000000ULL} },                // 10
-        { .u64 = {0,                         100000000000ULL} },               // 11
-        { .u64 = {0,                         1000000000000ULL} },              // 12
-        { .u64 = {0,                         10000000000000ULL} },             // 13
-        { .u64 = {0,                         100000000000000ULL} },            // 14
-        { .u64 = {0,                         1000000000000000ULL} },           // 15
-        { .u64 = {0,                         10000000000000000ULL} },          // 16
-        { .u64 = {0,                         100000000000000000ULL} },         // 17
-        { .u64 = {0,                         1000000000000000000ULL} },        // 18
-        { .u64 = {0,                         10000000000000000000ULL} },       // 19
-        { .u64 = {5ULL,                      7766279631452241920ULL} },        // 20
-        { .u64 = {54ULL,                     3875820019684212736ULL} },        // 21
-        { .u64 = {542ULL,                    1864712049423024128ULL} },        // 22
-        { .u64 = {5421ULL,                   200376420520689664ULL} },         // 23
-        { .u64 = {54210ULL,                  2003764205206896640ULL} },        // 24
-        { .u64 = {542101ULL,                 1590897978359414784ULL} },        // 25
-        { .u64 = {5421010ULL,                15908979783594147840ULL} },       // 26
-        { .u64 = {54210108ULL,               11515845246265065472ULL} },       // 27
-        { .u64 = {542101086ULL,              4477988020393345024ULL} },        // 28
-        { .u64 = {5421010862ULL,             7886392056514347008ULL} },        // 29
-        { .u64 = {54210108624ULL,            5076944270305263616ULL} },        // 30
-        { .u64 = {542101086242ULL,           13875954555633532928ULL} },       // 31
-        { .u64 = {5421010862427ULL,          9632337040368467968ULL} },        // 32
-        { .u64 = {54210108624275ULL,         4089650035136921600ULL} },        // 33
-        { .u64 = {542101086242752ULL,        4003012203950112768ULL} },        // 34
-        { .u64 = {5421010862427522ULL,       3136633892082024448ULL} },        // 35
-        { .u64 = {54210108624275221ULL,      12919594847110692864ULL} },       // 36
-        { .u64 = {542101086242752217ULL,     68739955140067328ULL} },          // 37
-        { .u64 = {5421010862427522170ULL,    687399551400673280ULL} }          // 38
-uint128_t dap_chain_balance_scan128(const char *a_balance)
-    int l_strlen = strlen(a_balance);
-    uint128_t l_ret = uint128_0, l_nul = uint128_0;
-    if (l_strlen > DATOSHI_POW)
-        return l_nul;
-    for (int i = 0; i < l_strlen ; i++) {
-        char c = a_balance[l_strlen - i - 1];
-        if (!isdigit(c)) {
-            log_it(L_WARNING, "Incorrect input number");
-            return l_nul;
-        }
-        uint8_t l_digit = c - '0';
-        if (!l_digit)
-            continue;
-#ifdef DAP_GLOBAL_IS_INT128
-        uint128_t l_tmp = (uint128_t)c_pow10[i].u64[0] * l_digit;
-        if (l_tmp >> 64) {
-            log_it(L_WARNING, "Input number is too big");
-            return l_nul;
-        }
-        l_tmp = (l_tmp << 64) + (uint128_t)c_pow10[i].u64[1] * l_digit;
-        SUM_128_128(l_ret, l_tmp, &l_ret);
-        if (l_ret == l_nul)
-            return l_nul;
-        uint128_t l_tmp;
-        l_tmp.hi = 0;
-        l_tmp.lo = (uint64_t)c_pow10[i].u32[2] * (uint64_t)l_digit;
-        SUM_128_128(l_ret, l_tmp, &l_ret);
-        if (l_ret.hi == 0 && l_ret.lo == 0)
-            return l_nul;
-        uint64_t l_mul = (uint64_t)c_pow10[i].u32[3] * (uint64_t)l_digit;
-        l_tmp.lo = l_mul << 32;
-        l_tmp.hi = l_mul >> 32;
-        SUM_128_128(l_ret, l_tmp, &l_ret);
-        if (l_ret.hi == 0 && l_ret.lo == 0)
-            return l_nul;
-        l_tmp.lo = 0;
-        l_tmp.hi = (uint64_t)c_pow10[i].u32[0] * (uint64_t)l_digit;
-        SUM_128_128(l_ret, l_tmp, &l_ret);
-        if (l_ret.hi == 0 && l_ret.lo == 0)
-            return l_nul;
-        l_mul = (uint64_t)c_pow10[i].u32[1] * (uint64_t)l_digit;
-        if (l_mul >> 32) {
-            log_it(L_WARNING, "Input number is too big");
-            return l_nul;
-        }
-        l_tmp.hi = l_mul << 32;
-        SUM_128_128(l_ret, l_tmp, &l_ret);
-        if (l_ret.hi == 0 && l_ret.lo == 0)
-            return l_nul;
-    }
-    return l_ret;
-uint128_t dap_chain_coins_to_balance128(const char *a_coins)
-    char l_buf [DATOSHI_POW + 2] = {0};
-    uint128_t l_ret = uint128_0, l_nul = uint128_0;
-    if (strlen(a_coins) > DATOSHI_POW + 1) {
-        log_it(L_WARNING, "Incorrect balance format - too long");
-        return l_nul;
-    }
-    strcpy(l_buf, a_coins);
-    char *l_point = strchr(l_buf, '.');
-    int l_tail = 0;
-    int l_pos = strlen(l_buf);
-    if (l_point) {
-        l_tail = l_pos - 1 - (l_point - l_buf);
-        l_pos = l_point - l_buf;
-        if (l_tail > DATOSHI_DEGREE) {
-            log_it(L_WARNING, "Incorrect balance format - too much precision");
-            return l_nul;
-        }
-        while (l_buf[l_pos]) {
-            l_buf[l_pos] = l_buf[l_pos + 1];
-            l_pos++;
-        }
-        l_pos--;
-    }
-    if (l_pos + DATOSHI_DEGREE - l_tail > DATOSHI_POW) {
-        log_it(L_WARNING, "Incorrect balance format - too long with point");
-        return l_nul;
-    }
-    int i;
-    for (i = 0; i < DATOSHI_DEGREE - l_tail; i++) {
-        l_buf[l_pos + i] = '0';
-    }
-    l_buf[l_pos + i] = '\0';
-    l_ret = dap_chain_balance_scan128(l_buf);
-    return l_ret;
-//#define __NEW_STARLET__ "BMF"
-#ifdef  __NEW_STARLET__
-char *dap_chain_balance_print333(uint256_t a_balance)
-    int     l_pos, l_len, l_len_hi, l_len_lo;
-    char    *l_buf, *l_cp, *l_cp2,  *l_cps, *l_cpe, l_chr;
-    static const   char l_zero[sizeof(uint256_t)] = {0};
-    uint64_t t, q;
-    uint32_t l_tmp[4];
-    l_len = (DAP_CHAIN$SZ_MAX256DEC + 8) & (~7);                            /* Align size of the buffer to 8 bytes */
-    if ( !(l_buf = DAP_NEW_Z_SIZE(char, l_len)) )
-        return  log_it(L_ERROR, "Cannot allocate %d octets, errno=%d", l_len, errno), NULL;
-    l_cp = l_buf;
-    if ( memcmp(&a_balance.hi, &l_zero, sizeof(uint128_t)) )
-    {
-        l_tmp [0] = a_balance.__hi.a;
-        l_tmp [1] = a_balance.__hi.b;
-        l_tmp [2] = a_balance.__hi.c;
-        l_tmp [3] = a_balance.__hi.d;
-        l_len_hi = 0;
-        l_cps = l_cp;
-        do {
-            q = 0;
-            // Byte order is 1, 0, 3, 2 for little endian
-            for (int i = 1; i <= 3; )
-            {
-                t = q << 32 | l_tmp[i];
-                q = t % 10;
-                l_tmp[i] = t / 10;
-                if (i == 2) i = 4; // end of cycle
-                if (i == 3) i = 2;
-                if (i == 0) i = 3;
-                if (i == 1) i = 0;
-            }
-            *(l_cp++) = q + '0';
-            l_len_hi++;
-        } while (l_tmp[2]);
-        l_pos = l_len_hi / 2;                                                   /* A number of swaps */
-        l_cpe = l_cp - 1;                                                       /* -- // -- to tail of the string */
-        for (int i = l_pos; i--; l_cps++, l_cpe--)                              /* Do swaps ... */
-        {
-            l_chr = *l_cps;
-            *l_cps = *l_cpe;
-            *l_cpe = l_chr;
-        }
-    }
-    l_tmp [0] = a_balance.__lo.a;
-    l_tmp [1] = a_balance.__lo.b;
-    l_tmp [2] = a_balance.__lo.c;
-    l_tmp [3] = a_balance.__lo.d;
-    l_len_lo = 0;
-    l_cps = l_cp2 = l_cp;
-    do {
-        q = 0;
-        // Byte order is 1, 0, 3, 2 for little endian
-        for (int i = 1; i <= 3; )
-        {
-            t = q << 32 | l_tmp[i];
-            q = t % 10;
-            l_tmp[i] = t / 10;
-            if (i == 2) i = 4; // end of cycle
-            if (i == 3) i = 2;
-            if (i == 0) i = 3;
-            if (i == 1) i = 0;
-        }
-        *(l_cp2++) = q + '0';
-        l_len_lo++;
-    } while (l_tmp[2]);
-    l_pos = l_len_lo / 2;                                                   /* A number of swaps */
-    l_cpe = l_cp2 - 1;                                                      /* -- // -- to tail of the string */
-    for (int i = l_pos; i--; l_cps++, l_cpe--)                              /* Do swaps ... */
-    {
-        l_chr = *l_cps;
-        *l_cps = *l_cpe;
-        *l_cpe = l_chr;
-    }
-    if (  l_len_hi && (DAP_CHAIN$SZ_MAX128DEC > l_len_lo) )                    /* Do we need to add leading zeroes ? */
-    {
-        /* "123456" -> 123000...000456" */
-        memmove(l_cp2 + ( DAP_CHAIN$SZ_MAX128DEC - l_len), l_cp2, l_len_lo);
-        memset(l_cp2, '0', ( DAP_CHAIN$SZ_MAX128DEC - l_len_lo));
-    }
-    return  l_buf;
-void    uint256_cvt_test (void)
-    extern char *dap_cvt_uint256_to_str(uint256_t a_uint256);
-    extern uint256_t dap_cvt_str_to_uint256(const char *a_256bit_num);
-    extern char *dap_chain_balance_to_coins256(uint256_t a_balance);
-    extern  char *dap_chain_balance_print333(uint256_t a_balance);
-    char *cp;
-    uint128_t uint128 = dap_chain_uint128_from(-1);
-    uint256_t uint256;
-    uint256.hi = dap_chain_uint128_from(123);
-    uint256.lo = dap_chain_uint128_from(374607431768211455);
-    const   uint256_t uint256_zero = {0};
-    uint256 = uint256_zero;
-    uint256.__lo.c = 1;
-    cp = dap_chain_balance_print(uint256);
-    DAP_DELETE(cp);
-    uint256 = uint256_zero;
-    uint256.__lo.c = 1;
-    cp = dap_chain_balance_to_coins(uint256);
-    uint256 = dap_chain_coins_to_balance(cp);
-    DAP_DELETE(cp);
-    uint256 = uint256_zero;
-    uint256.__lo.c = 100000000;
-    cp = dap_chain_balance_to_coins(uint256);
-    uint256 = dap_chain_coins_to_balance(cp);
-    DAP_DELETE(cp);
-    cp = dap_chain_balance_print333(uint256);
-    DAP_DELETE(cp);
-    uint256.hi = dap_chain_uint128_from(-1);
-    uint256.lo = dap_chain_uint128_from(-1);
-    cp = dap_chain_balance_print333(uint256);
-    DAP_DELETE(cp);
-    cp = dap_chain_balance_print(uint256);
-    DAP_DELETE(cp);
-    cp = dap_cvt_uint256_to_str(uint256 );
-    uint256 = dap_cvt_str_to_uint256(cp);
-    DAP_DELETE(cp);
-    uint256.hi = dap_chain_uint128_from(-1);
-    uint256.lo = dap_chain_uint128_from(-1);
-    cp = dap_cvt_uint256_to_str(uint256 );
-    DAP_DELETE(cp);
-    uint256.hi = dap_chain_uint128_from(123);
-    uint256.lo = dap_chain_uint128_from(374607431768211455);
-    cp = dap_chain_balance_to_coins256(uint256);
-    uint256 = dap_chain_coins_to_balance(cp);
-    DAP_DELETE(cp);
diff --git a/modules/common/dap_chain_datum.c b/modules/common/dap_chain_datum.c
index 8558939cbb..564d674686 100644
--- a/modules/common/dap_chain_datum.c
+++ b/modules/common/dap_chain_datum.c
@@ -829,43 +829,37 @@ void dap_chain_datum_dump(dap_string_t *a_str_out, dap_chain_datum_t *a_datum, c
             dap_string_append_printf(a_str_out, "  to addr: %s\n", dap_chain_addr_to_str(&(l_emission->hdr.address)));
             switch (l_emission->hdr.type) {
-                    break;
-                    dap_string_append_printf(a_str_out, "  signs_count: %d\n", l_emission->data.type_auth.signs_count);
-                    dap_string_append_printf(a_str_out, "  tsd_total_size: %"DAP_UINT64_FORMAT_U"\n",
-                                             l_emission->data.type_auth.tsd_total_size);
+                dap_string_append_printf(a_str_out, "  signs_count: %d\n", l_emission->data.type_auth.signs_count);
+                dap_string_append_printf(a_str_out, "  tsd_total_size: %"DAP_UINT64_FORMAT_U"\n",
+                                         l_emission->data.type_auth.tsd_total_size);
-                    if (  ( (void *) l_emission->tsd_n_signs + l_emission->data.type_auth.tsd_total_size) >
-                          ((void *) l_emission + l_emission_size) )
-                    {
-                        log_it(L_ERROR, "Illformed DATUM type %d, TSD section is out-of-buffer (%" DAP_UINT64_FORMAT_U " vs %zu)",
-                            l_emission->hdr.type, l_emission->data.type_auth.tsd_total_size, l_emission_size);
+                if (  ( (void *) l_emission->tsd_n_signs + l_emission->data.type_auth.tsd_total_size) >
+                      ((void *) l_emission + l_emission_size) )
+                {
+                    log_it(L_ERROR, "Illformed DATUM type %d, TSD section is out-of-buffer (%" DAP_UINT64_FORMAT_U " vs %zu)",
+                        l_emission->hdr.type, l_emission->data.type_auth.tsd_total_size, l_emission_size);
-                        dap_string_append_printf(a_str_out, "  Skip incorrect or illformed DATUM");
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    dap_chain_datum_token_certs_dump(a_str_out, l_emission->tsd_n_signs + l_emission->data.type_auth.tsd_total_size,
-                                                    l_emission->data.type_auth.size - l_emission->data.type_auth.tsd_total_size, a_hash_out_type);
+                    dap_string_append_printf(a_str_out, "  Skip incorrect or illformed DATUM");
-                    dap_string_append_printf(a_str_out, "  codename: %s\n", l_emission->data.type_algo.codename);
-                    break;
-                    dap_string_append_printf(a_str_out, " value_start: %.0Lf(%"DAP_UINT64_FORMAT_U"), codename: %s\n",
-                        dap_chain_datoshi_to_coins(l_emission->data.type_atom_owner.value_start),
-                        l_emission->data.type_atom_owner.value_start,
-                        l_emission->data.type_atom_owner.value_change_algo_codename
-                    );
-                break;
-                    char l_time_str[32];
-                    // get time of create datum
-                    if(dap_time_to_str_rfc822(l_time_str, sizeof(l_time_str), l_emission->data.type_presale.lock_time) < 1)
-                            l_time_str[0] = '\0';
-                    dap_string_append_printf(a_str_out, "  flags: 0x%x, lock_time: %s\n", l_emission->data.type_presale.flags, l_time_str);
-                    dap_string_append_printf(a_str_out, "  addr: %s\n", dap_chain_addr_to_str(&l_emission->data.type_presale.addr));
+                dap_chain_datum_token_certs_dump(a_str_out, l_emission->tsd_n_signs + l_emission->data.type_auth.tsd_total_size,
+                                                l_emission->data.type_auth.size - l_emission->data.type_auth.tsd_total_size, a_hash_out_type);
+                break;
+                dap_string_append_printf(a_str_out, "  codename: %s\n", l_emission->data.type_algo.codename);
+                break;
+                char l_time_str[32];
+                // get time of create datum
+                if(dap_time_to_str_rfc822(l_time_str, sizeof(l_time_str), l_emission->data.type_presale.lock_time) < 1)
+                        l_time_str[0] = '\0';
+                dap_string_append_printf(a_str_out, "  flags: 0x%x, lock_time: %s\n", l_emission->data.type_presale.flags, l_time_str);
+                dap_string_append_printf(a_str_out, "  addr: %s\n", dap_chain_addr_to_str(&l_emission->data.type_presale.addr));
+            }
+            default:
diff --git a/modules/common/include/dap_chain_common.h b/modules/common/include/dap_chain_common.h
index 6939ab164d..9c396a406a 100644
--- a/modules/common/include/dap_chain_common.h
+++ b/modules/common/include/dap_chain_common.h
@@ -63,8 +63,6 @@ typedef union dap_chain_cell_id {
     uint64_t uint64;
 } DAP_ALIGN_PACKED dap_chain_cell_id_t;
-int dap_id_uint64_parse(const char *a_id_str, uint64_t *a_id);
 enum {
@@ -118,13 +116,8 @@ typedef struct dap_chain_addr{
 typedef union {
     uint8_t raw[DAP_CHAIN_NET_SRV_UID_SIZE];
     uint64_t raw_ui64;
     uint64_t uint64;
-    uint64_t raw_ui64[2];
-    uint128_t uint128;
 } dap_chain_net_srv_uid_t;
 extern const dap_chain_net_srv_uid_t c_dap_chain_net_srv_uid_null;
@@ -236,17 +229,6 @@ DAP_STATIC_INLINE bool dap_chain_addr_compare(const dap_chain_addr_t *a_addr1, c
     return !memcmp(a_addr1, a_addr2, sizeof(dap_chain_addr_t));
-// Deprecated
-DAP_STATIC_INLINE long double dap_chain_datoshi_to_coins(uint64_t a_count)
-    return (double)a_count / DATOSHI_LD;
-// Deprecated
-DAP_STATIC_INLINE uint64_t dap_chain_coins_to_datoshi(long double a_count)
-    return (uint64_t)(a_count * DATOSHI_LD);
 DAP_STATIC_INLINE uint128_t dap_chain_uint128_from(uint64_t a_from)
     return GET_128_FROM_64(a_from);
@@ -266,14 +248,11 @@ DAP_STATIC_INLINE uint256_t dap_chain_uint256_from_uint128(uint128_t a_from)
     return GET_256_FROM_128(a_from);
-uint64_t dap_chain_uint128_to(uint128_t a_from);
-// 256
-uint64_t dap_chain_uint256_to(uint256_t a_from);
-#define dap_chain_balance_print(a_balance) dap_uint256_uninteger_to_char(a_balance)
-#define dap_chain_balance_scan(a_balance) dap_uint256_scan_uninteger(a_balance)
-#define dap_chain_balance_to_coins(a) dap_uint256_decimal_to_char(a)
-#define dap_chain_coins_to_balance(a) dap_uint256_scan_decimal(a)
+#define dap_chain_balance_print dap_uint256_uninteger_to_char
+#define dap_chain_balance_scan dap_uint256_scan_uninteger
+#define dap_chain_balance_to_coins dap_uint256_decimal_to_char
+#define dap_chain_coins_to_balance dap_uint256_scan_decimal
+#define dap_chain_uint256_to dap_uint256_to_uint64
  * @brief dap_chain_hash_to_str
diff --git a/modules/consensus/esbocs/dap_chain_cs_esbocs.c b/modules/consensus/esbocs/dap_chain_cs_esbocs.c
index d1b14b4cb3..d766e003f9 100644
--- a/modules/consensus/esbocs/dap_chain_cs_esbocs.c
+++ b/modules/consensus/esbocs/dap_chain_cs_esbocs.c
@@ -478,9 +478,9 @@ static int s_callback_created(dap_chain_t *a_chain, dap_config_t *a_chain_net_cf
     l_session->my_addr.uint64 = dap_chain_net_get_cur_addr_int(l_net);
     l_session->my_signing_addr = l_my_signing_addr;
     char *l_sync_group = s_get_penalty_group(l_net->;
-    l_session->db_cluster = dap_global_db_cluster_add(dap_global_db_instance_get_default(),
-                                                      NULL, 0, l_sync_group,
-                                                      72 * 3600, true,
+    l_session->db_cluster = dap_global_db_cluster_add(dap_global_db_instance_get_default(), NULL,
+                                                      dap_cluster_uuid_compose(l_net->, DAP_CHAIN_CLUSTER_ID_ESBOCS),
+                                                      l_sync_group, 72 * 3600, true,
                                                       DAP_GDB_MEMBER_ROLE_NOBODY, DAP_CLUSTER_ROLE_AUTONOMIC);
     dap_global_db_cluster_add_notify_callback(l_session->db_cluster, s_db_change_notifier, l_session);
@@ -834,7 +834,7 @@ static void s_session_send_startsync(dap_chain_esbocs_session_t *a_session)
             dap_string_append_printf(l_addr_list, NODE_ADDR_FP_STR"; ",
                                      NODE_ADDR_FP_ARGS_S(((dap_chain_esbocs_validator_t *)it->data)->node_addr));
-        char *l_sync_hash = dap_global_db_driver_hash_print(a_session->db_hash);
+        const char *l_sync_hash = dap_global_db_driver_hash_print(a_session->db_hash);
         log_it(L_MSG, "net:%s, chain:%s, round:%"DAP_UINT64_FORMAT_U"."
                        " Sent START_SYNC pkt, sync attempt %"DAP_UINT64_FORMAT_U" current validators list: %s DB sync hash %s",
                             a_session->chain->net_name, a_session->chain->name, a_session->,
diff --git a/modules/consensus/esbocs/include/dap_chain_cs_esbocs.h b/modules/consensus/esbocs/include/dap_chain_cs_esbocs.h
index 210a79a3a5..53b9533a3a 100644
--- a/modules/consensus/esbocs/include/dap_chain_cs_esbocs.h
+++ b/modules/consensus/esbocs/include/dap_chain_cs_esbocs.h
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ along with any CellFrame SDK based project.  If not, see <
 #define DAP_CHAIN_ESBOCS_GDB_GROUPS_PREFIX          "esbocs"
+#define DAP_CHAIN_CLUSTER_ID_ESBOCS                 0x8000
 #define DAP_CHAIN_ESBOCS_MSG_TYPE_SUBMIT            0x04
 #define DAP_CHAIN_ESBOCS_MSG_TYPE_APPROVE           0x08
diff --git a/modules/net/dap_chain_net.c b/modules/net/dap_chain_net.c
index 8bea38c39a..6e284dd6be 100644
--- a/modules/net/dap_chain_net.c
+++ b/modules/net/dap_chain_net.c
@@ -2167,13 +2167,14 @@ static int s_cli_net(int argc, char **argv, void **reply)
                 if( l_hash_hex_str ){
                     l_ret = dap_global_db_set_sync(l_gdb_group_str, l_hash_hex_str, &c, sizeof(c), false );
-                    DAP_DELETE(l_hash_hex_str);
                     if (l_ret) {
                                                "Can't save public key hash %s in database", l_hash_hex_str);
+                        DAP_DELETE(l_hash_hex_str);
+                    DAP_DELETE(l_hash_hex_str);
                 } else{
                     dap_json_rpc_error_add(DAP_CHAIN_NET_JSON_RPC_CAN_NOT_SAVE_PUBLIC_KEY_IN_DATABASE, "%s",
@@ -2877,7 +2878,7 @@ int s_net_load(dap_chain_net_t *a_net)
         l_gdb_groups_mask = dap_strdup_printf("%s.chain-%s.mempool", l_net->pub.gdb_groups_prefix, l_chain->name);
         dap_global_db_cluster_t *l_cluster = dap_global_db_cluster_add(
-                                                    l_net->, l_net->,
+                                                    l_net->, dap_cluster_uuid_compose(l_net->, 0),
                                                     l_gdb_groups_mask, DAP_CHAIN_NET_MEMPOOL_TTL, true,
@@ -2893,7 +2894,7 @@ int s_net_load(dap_chain_net_t *a_net)
     // Service orders cluster
     l_gdb_groups_mask = dap_strdup_printf("%s.service.orders", l_net->pub.gdb_groups_prefix);
     l_net_pvt->orders_cluster = dap_global_db_cluster_add(dap_global_db_instance_get_default(),
-                                                          l_net->, l_net->,
+                                                          l_net->, dap_cluster_uuid_compose(l_net->, 0),
                                                           l_gdb_groups_mask, 0, true,
@@ -2908,7 +2909,7 @@ int s_net_load(dap_chain_net_t *a_net)
     l_net->pub.gdb_nodes_aliases = dap_strdup_printf("%s.nodes.aliases",l_net->pub.gdb_groups_prefix);
     l_gdb_groups_mask = dap_strdup_printf("%s.nodes*", l_net->pub.gdb_groups_prefix);
     l_net_pvt->nodes_cluster = dap_global_db_cluster_add(dap_global_db_instance_get_default(),
-                                                         l_net->, l_net->,
+                                                         l_net->, dap_cluster_uuid_compose(l_net->, 0),
                                                          l_gdb_groups_mask, 0, true,
diff --git a/modules/net/dap_chain_node_cli_cmd.c b/modules/net/dap_chain_node_cli_cmd.c
index be2c6285b4..2e24fe3885 100644
--- a/modules/net/dap_chain_node_cli_cmd.c
+++ b/modules/net/dap_chain_node_cli_cmd.c
@@ -3782,7 +3782,7 @@ int _cmd_mempool_proc(dap_chain_net_t *a_net, dap_chain_t *a_chain, const char *
                     return DAP_JSON_RPC_ERR_CODE_MEMORY_ALLOCATED;
                 json_object_object_add(l_jobj_verify, "isProcessed", l_jobj_verify_status);
-                if (dap_global_db_del_sync(l_gdb_group_mempool, a_datum_hash)){
+                if (false) { //dap_global_db_del_sync(l_gdb_group_mempool, a_datum_hash)){
                     json_object *l_jobj_wrn_text = json_object_new_string("Can't delete datum from mempool!");
                     if (!l_jobj_wrn_text) {
diff --git a/modules/type/dag/dap_chain_cs_dag.c b/modules/type/dag/dap_chain_cs_dag.c
index e670ddea7d..86b67da9a1 100644
--- a/modules/type/dag/dap_chain_cs_dag.c
+++ b/modules/type/dag/dap_chain_cs_dag.c
@@ -322,9 +322,10 @@ static int s_chain_cs_dag_new(dap_chain_t * a_chain, dap_config_t * a_chain_cfg)
     dap_chain_net_t *l_net = dap_chain_net_by_id(a_chain->net_id);
     l_dag->gdb_group_events_round_new = dap_strdup_printf(l_dag->is_celled ? "" : "",
                                           l_net->pub.gdb_groups_prefix, a_chain->name, 0LLU);
-    dap_global_db_cluster_t *l_dag_cluster = dap_global_db_cluster_add(dap_global_db_instance_get_default(),
-                                                                       NULL, 0, l_dag->gdb_group_events_round_new,
-                                                                       900, true, DAP_GDB_MEMBER_ROLE_NOBODY, DAP_CLUSTER_ROLE_AUTONOMIC);
+    dap_global_db_cluster_t *l_dag_cluster = dap_global_db_cluster_add(dap_global_db_instance_get_default(), NULL,
+                                                                       dap_cluster_uuid_compose(l_net->, DAP_CHAIN_CLUSTER_ID_DAG),
+                                                                       l_dag->gdb_group_events_round_new, 900, true,
+                                                                       DAP_GDB_MEMBER_ROLE_NOBODY, DAP_CLUSTER_ROLE_AUTONOMIC);
     dap_global_db_cluster_add_notify_callback(l_dag_cluster, s_round_changes_notify, l_dag);
     dap_chain_net_add_poa_certs_to_cluster(l_net, l_dag_cluster);
     byte_t *l_current_round = dap_global_db_get_sync(l_dag->gdb_group_events_round_new, DAG_ROUND_CURRENT_KEY, NULL, NULL, NULL);
diff --git a/modules/type/dag/include/dap_chain_cs_dag.h b/modules/type/dag/include/dap_chain_cs_dag.h
index 8e07f06824..7ce4445e95 100644
--- a/modules/type/dag/include/dap_chain_cs_dag.h
+++ b/modules/type/dag/include/dap_chain_cs_dag.h
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
 #include "dap_chain_cs_dag_event.h"
 #define DAG_ROUND_CURRENT_KEY "round_current"
+#define DAP_CHAIN_CLUSTER_ID_DAG 0x10000
 typedef struct dap_chain_cs_dag dap_chain_cs_dag_t;
diff --git a/modules/type/none/dap_chain_cs_none.c b/modules/type/none/dap_chain_cs_none.c
index 87669c1d41..d53fbe4351 100644
--- a/modules/type/none/dap_chain_cs_none.c
+++ b/modules/type/none/dap_chain_cs_none.c
@@ -170,8 +170,8 @@ static int s_cs_callback_new(dap_chain_t *a_chain, dap_config_t UNUSED_ARG *a_ch
     dap_global_db_cluster_t *l_nonconsensus_cluster =
                                       l_net->, l_net->,
-                                      l_nochain_priv->group_datums, 0, true,
-                                      DAP_GDB_MEMBER_ROLE_USER, DAP_CLUSTER_ROLE_EMBEDDED);
+                                      l_nochain_priv->group_datums, dap_cluster_uuid_compose(l_net->, 0),
+                                      true, DAP_GDB_MEMBER_ROLE_USER, DAP_CLUSTER_ROLE_EMBEDDED);
     if (!l_nonconsensus_cluster) {
         log_it(L_ERROR, "Can't create global DB cluster for synchronization");
         return -3;