diff --git a/dap-sdk/net/core/dap_worker.c b/dap-sdk/net/core/dap_worker.c
index 044b8ec765be05770bb6ffaa0b953c94067b5cc5..9e08d0c27880b0d3ae6426dc21f52aa2ae86252c 100644
--- a/dap-sdk/net/core/dap_worker.c
+++ b/dap-sdk/net/core/dap_worker.c
@@ -856,30 +856,30 @@ void *dap_worker_thread(void *arg)
-      /***********************************************************/
-       /* If the compress_array flag was turned on, we need       */
-       /* to squeeze together the array and decrement the number  */
-       /* of file descriptors. We do not need to move back the    */
-       /* events and revents fields because the events will always*/
-       /* be POLLIN in this case, and revents is output.          */
-       /***********************************************************/
-       if ( l_worker->poll_compress){
-           l_worker->poll_compress = false;
-           for (size_t i = 0; i < l_worker->poll_count ; i++)  {
-               if ( l_worker->poll[i].fd == -1){
-                   if( l_worker->poll_count){
-                       for(size_t j = i; j < l_worker->poll_count-1; j++){
-                            l_worker->poll[j].fd = l_worker->poll[j+1].fd;
-                            l_worker->poll_esocket[j] = l_worker->poll_esocket[j+1];
-                            if(l_worker->poll_esocket[j])
-                                l_worker->poll_esocket[j]->poll_index = j;
-                       }
-                   }
-                   i--;
-                   l_worker->poll_count--;
-               }
-           }
-       }
+        /***********************************************************/
+        /* If the compress_array flag was turned on, we need       */
+        /* to squeeze together the array and decrement the number  */
+        /* of file descriptors.                                    */
+        /***********************************************************/
+        if ( l_worker->poll_compress){
+            l_worker->poll_compress = false;
+            for (size_t i = 0; i < l_worker->poll_count ; i++)  {
+                if ( l_worker->poll[i].fd == -1){
+                    if( l_worker->poll_count){
+                        for(size_t j = i; j < l_worker->poll_count-1; j++){
+                             l_worker->poll[j].fd = l_worker->poll[j+1].fd;
+                             l_worker->poll[j].events = l_worker->poll[j+1].events;
+                             l_worker->poll[j].revents = l_worker->poll[j+1].revents;
+                             l_worker->poll_esocket[j] = l_worker->poll_esocket[j+1];
+                             if(l_worker->poll_esocket[j])
+                                 l_worker->poll_esocket[j]->poll_index = j;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    i--;
+                    l_worker->poll_count--;
+                }
+            }
+        }
     } // while
     log_it(L_NOTICE,"Exiting thread #%u", l_worker->id);
diff --git a/modules/net/dap_chain_node_client.c b/modules/net/dap_chain_node_client.c
index b4b1b3b2306d5b8e72335406c3ce46691c541d53..85116dd2e4034a69dc1c5a91613b736b0b4eac21 100644
--- a/modules/net/dap_chain_node_client.c
+++ b/modules/net/dap_chain_node_client.c
@@ -228,8 +228,8 @@ static bool s_timer_update_states_callback(void * a_arg )
                                                                         l_chain_id.uint64, l_net->pub.cell_id.uint64,
                                                               &l_sync_gdb, sizeof(l_sync_gdb));
+                    return true;
-                return true;
@@ -832,12 +832,14 @@ int dap_chain_node_client_set_callbacks(dap_client_t *a_client, uint8_t a_ch_id)
                 l_ch_chain->callback_notify_packet_out = s_ch_chain_callback_notify_packet_out;
                 l_ch_chain->callback_notify_packet_in = s_ch_chain_callback_notify_packet_in;
                 l_ch_chain->callback_notify_arg = l_node_client;
+                memcpy(&l_node_client->ch_chain_uuid, &l_ch->uuid, sizeof(dap_stream_ch_uuid_t));
             // N
             if(a_ch_id == dap_stream_ch_chain_net_get_id()) {
                 dap_stream_ch_chain_net_t *l_ch_chain = DAP_STREAM_CH_CHAIN_NET(l_ch);
                 l_ch_chain->notify_callback = s_ch_chain_callback_notify_packet_in2;
                 l_ch_chain->notify_callback_arg = l_node_client;
+                memcpy(&l_node_client->ch_chain_net_uuid, &l_ch->uuid, sizeof(dap_stream_ch_uuid_t));
             // R
             if(a_ch_id == dap_stream_ch_chain_net_srv_get_id()) {