diff --git a/modules/net/srv/dap_chain_net_srv_countries.h b/modules/net/srv/dap_chain_net_srv_countries.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..06d47dd512aef5a463565213847cfab94cb0d0ae --- /dev/null +++ b/modules/net/srv/dap_chain_net_srv_countries.h @@ -0,0 +1,258 @@ +/* + * CountryCodes + * ISO, ISO3, Country, Continent + */ +const char *s_server_countries[] = { + "AD", "AND", "Andorra", "EU", + "AE", "ARE", "United Arab Emirates", "AS", + "AF", "AFG", "Afghanistan", "AS", + "AG", "ATG", "Antigua and Barbuda", "NA", + "AI", "AIA", "Anguilla", "NA", + "AL", "ALB", "Albania", "EU", + "AM", "ARM", "Armenia", "AS", + "AO", "AGO", "Angola", "AF", + "AQ", "ATA", "Antarctica", "AN", + "AR", "ARG", "Argentina", "SA", + "AS", "ASM", "American Samoa", "OC", + "AT", "AUT", "Austria", "EU", + "AU", "AUS", "Australia", "OC", + "AW", "ABW", "Aruba", "NA", + "AX", "ALA", "Aland Islands", "EU", + "AZ", "AZE", "Azerbaijan", "AS", + "BA", "BIH", "Bosnia and Herzegovina", "EU", + "BB", "BRB", "Barbados", "NA", + "BD", "BGD", "Bangladesh", "AS", + "BE", "BEL", "Belgium", "EU", + "BF", "BFA", "Burkina Faso", "AF", + "BG", "BGR", "Bulgaria", "EU", + "BH", "BHR", "Bahrain", "AS", + "BI", "BDI", "Burundi", "AF", + "BJ", "BEN", "Benin", "AF", + "BL", "BLM", "Saint Barthelemy", "NA", + "BM", "BMU", "Bermuda", "NA", + "BN", "BRN", "Brunei", "AS", + "BO", "BOL", "Bolivia", "SA", + "BQ", "BES", "Bonaire", "NA", + "BR", "BRA", "Brazil", "SA", + "BS", "BHS", "Bahamas", "NA", + "BT", "BTN", "Bhutan", "AS", + "BV", "BVT", "Bouvet Island", "AN", + "BW", "BWA", "Botswana", "AF", + "BY", "BLR", "Belarus", "EU", + "BZ", "BLZ", "Belize", "NA", + "CA", "CAN", "Canada", "NA", + "CC", "CCK", "Cocos Islands", "AS", + "CD", "COD", "Democratic Republic of the Congo", "AF", + "CF", "CAF", "Central African Republic", "AF", + "CG", "COG", "Republic of the Congo", "AF", + "CH", "CHE", "Switzerland", "EU", + "CI", "CIV", "Ivory Coast", "AF", + "CK", "COK", "Cook Islands", "OC", + "CL", "CHL", "Chile", "SA", + "CM", "CMR", "Cameroon", "AF", + "CN", "CHN", "China", "AS", + "CO", "COL", "Colombia", "SA", + "CR", "CRI", "Costa Rica", "NA", + "CU", "CUB", "Cuba", "NA", + "CV", "CPV", "Cabo Verde", "AF", + "CW", "CUW", "Curacao", "NA", + "CX", "CXR", "Christmas Island", "OC", + "CY", "CYP", "Cyprus", "EU", + "CZ", "CZE", "Czechia", "EU", + "DE", "DEU", "Germany", "EU", + "DJ", "DJI", "Djibouti", "AF", + "DK", "DNK", "Denmark", "EU", + "DM", "DMA", "Dominica", "NA", + "DO", "DOM", "Dominican Republic", "NA", + "DZ", "DZA", "Algeria", "AF", + "EC", "ECU", "Ecuador", "SA", + "EE", "EST", "Estonia", "EU", + "EG", "EGY", "Egypt", "AF", + "EH", "ESH", "Western Sahara", "AF", + "ER", "ERI", "Eritrea", "AF", + "ES", "ESP", "Spain", "EU", + "ET", "ETH", "Ethiopia", "AF", + "FI", "FIN", "Finland", "EU", + "FJ", "FJI", "Fiji", "OC", + "FK", "FLK", "Falkland Islands", "SA", + "FM", "FSM", "Micronesia", "OC", + "FO", "FRO", "Faroe Islands", "EU", + "FR", "FRA", "France", "EU", + "GA", "GAB", "Gabon", "AF", + "GB", "GBR", "United Kingdom", "EU", + "GD", "GRD", "Grenada", "NA", + "GE", "GEO", "Georgia", "AS", + "GF", "GUF", "French Guiana", "SA", + "GG", "GGY", "Guernsey", "EU", + "GH", "GHA", "Ghana", "AF", + "GI", "GIB", "Gibraltar", "EU", + "GL", "GRL", "Greenland", "NA", + "GM", "GMB", "Gambia", "AF", + "GN", "GIN", "Guinea", "AF", + "GP", "GLP", "Guadeloupe", "NA", + "GQ", "GNQ", "Equatorial Guinea", "AF", + "GR", "GRC", "Greece", "EU", + "GS", "SGS", "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands", "AN", + "GT", "GTM", "Guatemala", "NA", + "GU", "GUM", "Guam", "OC", + "GW", "GNB", "Guinea-Bissau", "AF", + "GY", "GUY", "Guyana", "SA", + "HK", "HKG", "Hong Kong", "AS", + "HM", "HMD", "Heard Island and McDonald Islands", "AN", + "HN", "HND", "Honduras", "NA", + "HR", "HRV", "Croatia", "EU", + "HT", "HTI", "Haiti", "NA", + "HU", "HUN", "Hungary", "EU", + "ID", "IDN", "Indonesia", "AS", + "IE", "IRL", "Ireland", "EU", + "IL", "ISR", "Israel", "AS", + "IM", "IMN", "Isle of Man", "EU", + "IN", "IND", "India", "AS", + "IO", "IOT", "British Indian Ocean Territory", "AS", + "IQ", "IRQ", "Iraq", "AS", + "IR", "IRN", "Iran", "AS", + "IS", "ISL", "Iceland", "EU", + "IT", "ITA", "Italy", "EU", + "JE", "JEY", "Jersey", "EU", + "JM", "JAM", "Jamaica", "NA", + "JO", "JOR", "Jordan", "AS", + "JP", "JPN", "Japan", "AS", + "KE", "KEN", "Kenya", "AF", + "KG", "KGZ", "Kyrgyzstan", "AS", + "KH", "KHM", "Cambodia", "AS", + "KI", "KIR", "Kiribati", "OC", + "KM", "COM", "Comoros", "AF", + "KN", "KNA", "Saint Kitts and Nevis", "NA", + "KP", "PRK", "North Korea", "AS", + "KR", "KOR", "South Korea", "AS", + "XK", "XKX", "Kosovo", "EU", + "KW", "KWT", "Kuwait", "AS", + "KY", "CYM", "Cayman Islands", "NA", + "KZ", "KAZ", "Kazakhstan", "AS", + "LA", "LAO", "Laos", "AS", + "LB", "LBN", "Lebanon", "AS", + "LC", "LCA", "Saint Lucia", "NA", + "LI", "LIE", "Liechtenstein", "EU", + "LK", "LKA", "Sri Lanka", "AS", + "LR", "LBR", "Liberia", "AF", + "LS", "LSO", "Lesotho", "AF", + "LT", "LTU", "Lithuania", "EU", + "LU", "LUX", "Luxembourg", "EU", + "LV", "LVA", "Latvia", "EU", + "LY", "LBY", "Libya", "AF", + "MA", "MAR", "Morocco", "AF", + "MC", "MCO", "Monaco", "EU", + "MD", "MDA", "Moldova", "EU", + "ME", "MNE", "Montenegro", "EU", + "MF", "MAF", "Saint Martin", "NA", + "MG", "MDG", "Madagascar", "AF", + "MH", "MHL", "Marshall Islands", "OC", + "MK", "MKD", "North Macedonia", "EU", + "ML", "MLI", "Mali", "AF", + "MM", "MMR", "Myanmar", "AS", + "MN", "MNG", "Mongolia", "AS", + "MO", "MAC", "Macao", "AS", + "MP", "MNP", "Northern Mariana Islands", "OC", + "MQ", "MTQ", "Martinique", "NA", + "MR", "MRT", "Mauritania", "AF", + "MS", "MSR", "Montserrat", "NA", + "MT", "MLT", "Malta", "EU", + "MU", "MUS", "Mauritius", "AF", + "MV", "MDV", "Maldives", "AS", + "MW", "MWI", "Malawi", "AF", + "MX", "MEX", "Mexico", "NA", + "MY", "MYS", "Malaysia", "AS", + "MZ", "MOZ", "Mozambique", "AF", + "NA", "NAM", "Namibia", "AF", + "NC", "NCL", "New Caledonia", "OC", + "NE", "NER", "Niger", "AF", + "NF", "NFK", "Norfolk Island", "OC", + "NG", "NGA", "Nigeria", "AF", + "NI", "NIC", "Nicaragua", "NA", + "NL", "NLD", "Netherlands", "EU", + "NO", "NOR", "Norway", "EU", + "NP", "NPL", "Nepal", "AS", + "NR", "NRU", "Nauru", "OC", + "NU", "NIU", "Niue", "OC", + "NZ", "NZL", "New Zealand", "OC", + "OM", "OMN", "Oman", "AS", + "PA", "PAN", "Panama", "NA", + "PE", "PER", "Peru", "SA", + "PF", "PYF", "French Polynesia", "OC", + "PG", "PNG", "Papua New Guinea", "OC", + "PH", "PHL", "Philippines", "AS", + "PK", "PAK", "Pakistan", "AS", + "PL", "POL", "Poland", "EU", + "PM", "SPM", "Saint Pierre and Miquelon", "NA", + "PN", "PCN", "Pitcairn", "OC", + "PR", "PRI", "Puerto Rico", "NA", + "PS", "PSE", "Palestinian Territory", "AS", + "PT", "PRT", "Portugal", "EU", + "PW", "PLW", "Palau", "OC", + "PY", "PRY", "Paraguay", "SA", + "QA", "QAT", "Qatar", "AS", + "RE", "REU", "Reunion", "AF", + "RO", "ROU", "Romania", "EU", + "RS", "SRB", "Serbia", "EU", + "RU", "RUS", "Russia", "EU", + "RW", "RWA", "Rwanda", "AF", + "SA", "SAU", "Saudi Arabia", "AS", + "SB", "SLB", "Solomon Islands", "OC", + "SC", "SYC", "Seychelles", "AF", + "SD", "SDN", "Sudan", "AF", + "SS", "SSD", "South Sudan", "AF", + "SE", "SWE", "Sweden", "EU", + "SG", "SGP", "Singapore", "AS", + "SH", "SHN", "Saint Helena", "AF", + "SI", "SVN", "Slovenia", "EU", + "SJ", "SJM", "Svalbard and Jan Mayen", "EU", + "SK", "SVK", "Slovakia", "EU", + "SL", "SLE", "Sierra Leone", "AF", + "SM", "SMR", "San Marino", "EU", + "SN", "SEN", "Senegal", "AF", + "SO", "SOM", "Somalia", "AF", + "SR", "SUR", "Suriname", "SA", + "ST", "STP", "Sao Tome and Principe", "AF", + "SV", "SLV", "El Salvador", "NA", + "SX", "SXM", "Sint Maarten", "NA", + "SY", "SYR", "Syria", "AS", + "SZ", "SWZ", "Eswatini", "AF", + "TC", "TCA", "Turks and Caicos Islands", "NA", + "TD", "TCD", "Chad", "AF", + "TF", "ATF", "French Southern Territories", "AN", + "TG", "TGO", "Togo", "AF", + "TH", "THA", "Thailand", "AS", + "TJ", "TJK", "Tajikistan", "AS", + "TK", "TKL", "Tokelau", "OC", + "TL", "TLS", "Timor Leste", "OC", + "TM", "TKM", "Turkmenistan", "AS", + "TN", "TUN", "Tunisia", "AF", + "TO", "TON", "Tonga", "OC", + "TR", "TUR", "Turkey", "AS", + "TT", "TTO", "Trinidad and Tobago", "NA", + "TV", "TUV", "Tuvalu", "OC", + "TW", "TWN", "Taiwan", "AS", + "TZ", "TZA", "Tanzania", "AF", + "UA", "UKR", "Ukraine", "EU", + "UG", "UGA", "Uganda", "AF", + "UM", "UMI", "United States Minor Outlying Islands", "OC", + "US", "USA", "United States", "NA", + "UY", "URY", "Uruguay", "SA", + "UZ", "UZB", "Uzbekistan", "AS", + "VA", "VAT", "Vatican", "EU", + "VC", "VCT", "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines", "NA", + "VE", "VEN", "Venezuela", "SA", + "VG", "VGB", "British Virgin Islands", "NA", + "VI", "VIR", "U.S. Virgin Islands", "NA", + "VN", "VNM", "Vietnam", "AS", + "VU", "VUT", "Vanuatu", "OC", + "WF", "WLF", "Wallis and Futuna", "OC", + "WS", "WSM", "Samoa", "OC", + "YE", "YEM", "Yemen", "AS", + "YT", "MYT", "Mayotte", "AF", + "ZA", "ZAF", "South Africa", "AF", + "ZM", "ZMB", "Zambia", "AF", + "ZW", "ZWE", "Zimbabwe", "AF", + "CS", "SCG", "Serbia and Montenegro", "EU", + "AN", "ANT", "Netherlands Antilles", "NA" +}; diff --git a/modules/net/srv/dap_chain_net_srv_geoip.c b/modules/net/srv/dap_chain_net_srv_geoip.c index 2c52b92d4d8f9bda53589c5e8ef4b96232e2f6b4..a0f1a31b0b300f7c9d755fda8a7057b377f1c7f2 100644 --- a/modules/net/srv/dap_chain_net_srv_geoip.c +++ b/modules/net/srv/dap_chain_net_srv_geoip.c @@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ #include "libmaxminddb/maxminddb.h" #define LOG_TAG "chain_net_srv_geoip" +#define LOCALE_DEFAULT "en" /** * @brief m_request_response @@ -45,18 +46,19 @@ static void m_request_getip_response(void * a_response, size_t a_response_size, void * a_obj) { char *l_addr = (char *) a_obj; - printf("m_request_getip_response %s\n", a_response); + //printf("m_request_getip_response %s\n", a_response); } static void m_request_getip_request_error(int a_err_code, void *a_obj) { char *l_addr = (char *) a_obj; - printf("m_request_getip_request_error %s\n", l_addr); + //printf("m_request_getip_request_error %s\n", l_addr); } geoip_info_t *chain_net_geoip_get_ip_info_by_web(const char *a_ip_str) { - // https://geoip.maxmind.com/geoip/v2.1/insights/%s + // https://geoip.maxmind.com/geoip/v2.1/insights/<ip> + // https://geoip.maxmind.com/geoip/v2.1/city/<ip> char *l_path = dap_strdup_printf("/geoip/v2.1/insights/%s", a_ip_str); // // geoip.maxmind.com @@ -67,17 +69,105 @@ geoip_info_t *chain_net_geoip_get_ip_info_by_web(const char *a_ip_str) const char *user_id = "288651"; const char *license_key = "1JGvRmd3Ux1kcBkb"; char *l_auth = dap_strdup_printf("%s:%s", user_id, license_key); - size_t l_out_len = dap_enc_base64_encode(l_auth, strlen(l_auth), &l_out, DAP_ENC_DATA_TYPE_B64); + size_t l_out_len = dap_enc_base64_encode(l_auth, strlen(l_auth), l_out, DAP_ENC_DATA_TYPE_B64); char * l_custom = l_out_len > 0 ? dap_strdup_printf("Authorization: Basic %s", l_out) : NULL; size_t l_custom_count = 1; - // todo + // todo just need to finish up https request dap_client_http_request_custom("geoip.maxmind.com", 443, "GET", "application/json", l_path, NULL, - 0, NULL, m_request_getip_response, m_request_getip_request_error, NULL, l_custom, l_custom_count); - return NULL ; + 0, NULL, m_request_getip_response, m_request_getip_request_error, NULL, &l_custom, l_custom_count); + return NULL; } -geoip_info_t *chain_net_geoip_get_ip_info_by_local_db(const char *a_ip_str) +/* + * Get value from mmdb by 2 strings + */ +static int mmdb_get_value_double2(MMDB_lookup_result_s *a_result, const char *a_one, const char *a_two, double *a_out_double) +{ + if (!a_out_double || !a_result || !a_result->found_entry) + return -1; + MMDB_entry_data_s entry_data; + int l_status = MMDB_get_value(&a_result->entry, &entry_data, a_one, a_two, NULL); + if (MMDB_SUCCESS != l_status) { + log_it(L_DEBUG, "False get_value [%s->%s] with errcode=%d", a_one, a_two, l_status); + return -2; + } + if (entry_data.has_data) { + if (a_out_double && entry_data.type == MMDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE) { + //memcpy(a_out_double, &entry_data.double_value, entry_data.data_size); + *a_out_double = entry_data.double_value; + } else + log_it(L_DEBUG, + "error value [%s->%s] has size=%d(>0) type=%d(%d)", + a_one, a_two, entry_data.data_size, + entry_data.type, MMDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE); + } + else + return -3; + return 0; +} + +/* + * Get value from mmdb by 2 strings + */ +static int mmdb_get_value_str2(MMDB_lookup_result_s *a_result, const char *a_one, const char *a_two, char *a_out_str, size_t a_out_str_size) +{ + if (!a_out_str || !a_result || !a_result->found_entry) + return -1; + MMDB_entry_data_s entry_data; + int l_status = MMDB_get_value(&a_result->entry, &entry_data, a_one, a_two, NULL); + if (MMDB_SUCCESS != l_status) { + log_it(L_DEBUG, "False get_value [%s->%s] with errcode=%d", a_one, a_two, l_status); + return -2; + } + if (entry_data.has_data) { + if (entry_data.data_size > 0 && entry_data.type == MMDB_DATA_TYPE_UTF8_STRING) { + size_t l_size = min(a_out_str_size-1, entry_data.data_size); + strncpy(a_out_str, entry_data.utf8_string, l_size); + a_out_str[l_size] = 0; + } else + log_it(L_DEBUG, + "error value [%s->%s] has size=%d(>0) type=%d(%d)", + a_one, a_two, entry_data.data_size, + entry_data.type, MMDB_DATA_TYPE_UTF8_STRING); + } + else + return -3; + return 0; +} + +/* + * Get value from mmdb by 3 strings + */ +static int mmdb_get_value_str3(MMDB_lookup_result_s *a_result, const char *a_one, const char *a_two, const char *a_three, char *a_out_str, size_t a_out_str_size) +{ + if (!a_out_str || !a_result || !a_result->found_entry) + return -1; + MMDB_entry_data_s entry_data; + int l_status = MMDB_get_value(&a_result->entry, &entry_data, a_one, a_two, a_three, NULL); + if (MMDB_SUCCESS != l_status) { + log_it(L_DEBUG, "False get_value [%s->%s->%s] with errcode=%d", a_one, a_two, a_three, l_status); + return -2; + } + if (entry_data.has_data) { + if (entry_data.data_size > 0 && entry_data.type == MMDB_DATA_TYPE_UTF8_STRING) { + size_t l_size = min(a_out_str_size-1, entry_data.data_size); + strncpy(a_out_str, entry_data.utf8_string, l_size); + a_out_str[l_size] = 0; + } else + log_it(L_DEBUG, + "error value [%s->%s->%s] has size=%d(>0) type=%d(%d)", + a_one, a_two, a_three, entry_data.data_size, + entry_data.type, MMDB_DATA_TYPE_UTF8_STRING); + } + else + return -3; + return 0; +} + +geoip_info_t *chain_net_geoip_get_ip_info_by_local_db(const char *a_ip_str, const char *a_locale) { + // https://geoip.maxmind.com/geoip/v2.1/city/ + // https://maxmind.github.io/libmaxminddb/ char *l_file_db_name = dap_strdup_printf("%s/share/geoip/GeoLite2-City.mmdb", g_sys_dir_path); if(!dap_file_test(l_file_db_name)) { DAP_DELETE(l_file_db_name); @@ -91,30 +181,74 @@ geoip_info_t *chain_net_geoip_get_ip_info_by_local_db(const char *a_ip_str) } DAP_DELETE(l_file_db_name); - int gai_error, mmdb_error; - MMDB_lookup_result_s result = - MMDB_lookup_string(&mmdb, a_ip_str, &gai_error, &mmdb_error); - if(0 != gai_error || MMDB_SUCCESS != mmdb_error) { - log_it(L_WARNING, "no lookup ip=%s with errcode=%d", a_ip_str, l_status); - } + geoip_info_t *l_ret = DAP_NEW_Z(geoip_info_t); - if(result.found_entry) { - MMDB_entry_data_s entry_data; - l_status = MMDB_get_value(&result.entry, &entry_data, "names", "en", NULL); - if(MMDB_SUCCESS != l_status) { - log_it(L_DEBUG, "no get_value with errcode=%d", l_status); - } - if(entry_data.has_data) { - ; - } - } + int gai_error, mmdb_error; + MMDB_lookup_result_s result = MMDB_lookup_string(&mmdb, a_ip_str, &gai_error, &mmdb_error); + if (0 != gai_error || MMDB_SUCCESS != mmdb_error) { + log_it(L_WARNING, "no lookup ip=%s with errcode=%d", a_ip_str, l_status); + } + + // continent + if (mmdb_get_value_str3(&result, "continent", "names", a_locale, l_ret->continent, sizeof(l_ret->continent))) { + if (mmdb_get_value_str3(&result, "continent", "names", LOCALE_DEFAULT, l_ret->continent, sizeof(l_ret->continent))) { + MMDB_close(&mmdb); + DAP_FREE(l_ret); + return NULL; + } + } + // country + if (mmdb_get_value_str3(&result, "country", "names", a_locale, l_ret->country_name, sizeof(l_ret->country_name))) { + if (mmdb_get_value_str3(&result, "country", "names", LOCALE_DEFAULT, l_ret->country_name, sizeof(l_ret->country_name))) { + MMDB_close(&mmdb); + DAP_FREE(l_ret); + return NULL; + } + } + // all the country names http://download.geonames.org/export/dump/countryInfo.txt + if (mmdb_get_value_str2(&result, "country", "iso_code", l_ret->country_code, sizeof(l_ret->country_code))) { + MMDB_close(&mmdb); + DAP_FREE(l_ret); + return NULL; + } + // city + /*if (mmdb_get_value_str3(&result, "city", "names", a_locale, l_ret->city_name, sizeof(l_ret->city_name))) { + if (mmdb_get_value_str3(&result, "city", "names", LOCALE_DEFAULT, l_ret->city_name, sizeof(l_ret->city_name))) { + MMDB_close(&mmdb); + DAP_FREE(l_ret); + return NULL; + } + }*/ + + //location + if (mmdb_get_value_double2(&result, "location", "latitude", &l_ret->latitude)) { + MMDB_close(&mmdb); + DAP_FREE(l_ret); + return NULL; + } + if (mmdb_get_value_double2(&result, "location", "longitude", &l_ret->longitude)) { + MMDB_close(&mmdb); + DAP_FREE(l_ret); + return NULL; + } + + // IP + /*if (mmdb_get_value_str2(&result, "traits", "ip_address", l_ret->ip_str, sizeof(l_ret->ip_str))) { + MMDB_close(&mmdb); + DAP_FREE(l_ret); + return NULL; + }*/ + int a = sizeof(l_ret->ip_str); + size_t l_size = min(dap_strlen(a_ip_str), sizeof(l_ret->ip_str)); + l_ret->ip_str[l_size] = 0; + strncpy(l_ret->ip_str, a_ip_str, l_size); - MMDB_close(&mmdb); - return NULL ; + MMDB_close(&mmdb); + return l_ret; } geoip_info_t *chain_net_geoip_get_ip_info(const char *a_ip_str) { - return chain_net_geoip_get_ip_info_by_local_db(a_ip_str); + return chain_net_geoip_get_ip_info_by_local_db(a_ip_str, "en"); //return chain_net_geoip_get_ip_info_by_web(a_ip_str); } diff --git a/modules/net/srv/dap_chain_net_srv_geoip.h b/modules/net/srv/dap_chain_net_srv_geoip.h index d7b6ba5f858623c956d6e26f0835ce8ab21c1a62..714dbc62f243ff722285a3633aaaf04324787352 100644 --- a/modules/net/srv/dap_chain_net_srv_geoip.h +++ b/modules/net/srv/dap_chain_net_srv_geoip.h @@ -24,7 +24,13 @@ typedef struct geoip_info { - char *ip_str; + char ip_str[20]; + char continent[60]; + char country_name[64]; + char country_code[3];// iso_code, all the country names http://download.geonames.org/export/dump/countryInfo.txt + char city_name[64]; + double latitude; + double longitude; } geoip_info_t; diff --git a/modules/net/srv/dap_chain_net_srv_order.c b/modules/net/srv/dap_chain_net_srv_order.c index 104424e56a1842fd67c42f38aa0cd2ed3c938951..81c490d689347d6ec19f76c970a27a76edd3f3b6 100644 --- a/modules/net/srv/dap_chain_net_srv_order.c +++ b/modules/net/srv/dap_chain_net_srv_order.c @@ -22,13 +22,28 @@ along with any DAP based project. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ +#include <stdio.h> +#include <strings.h> + #include "dap_chain_net_srv_order.h" #include "dap_hash.h" #include "dap_chain_global_db.h" +#include "dap_chain_net_srv_countries.h" +//#include "dap_chain_net_srv_geoip.h" #define LOG_TAG "dap_chain_net_srv_order" +/* +Continent codes : +AF : Africa geonameId=6255146 +AS : Asia geonameId=6255147 +EU : Europe geonameId=6255148 +NA : North America geonameId=6255149 +OC : Oceania geonameId=6255151 +SA : South America geonameId=6255150 +AN : Antarctica geonameId=6255152 + */ char *s_server_continents[]={ "None", "Africa", @@ -36,7 +51,10 @@ char *s_server_continents[]={ "North America", "South America", "Southeast Asia", - "Near East", + "Asia", + //"Near East", + "Oceania", + "Antarctica" }; /** @@ -46,6 +64,7 @@ char *s_server_continents[]={ int dap_chain_net_srv_order_init(void) { + //geoip_info_t *l_ipinfo = chain_net_geoip_get_ip_info(""); return 0; } @@ -112,8 +131,7 @@ bool dap_chain_net_srv_order_get_continent_region(dap_chain_net_srv_order_t *a_o memcpy(a_continent_num, a_order->ext + 1, sizeof(uint8_t)); else a_continent_num = 0; - }else - a_continent_num = 0; + } if(a_region) { size_t l_size = a_order->ext_size - sizeof(uint8_t) - 1; if(l_size > 0) { @@ -126,6 +144,26 @@ bool dap_chain_net_srv_order_get_continent_region(dap_chain_net_srv_order_t *a_o return true; } +/** + * @brief dap_chain_net_srv_order_get_country_code + * @param a_order + */ +const char* dap_chain_net_srv_order_get_country_code(dap_chain_net_srv_order_t *a_order) +{ + char *l_region = NULL; + if (!dap_chain_net_srv_order_get_continent_region(a_order, NULL, &l_region)) + return NULL; + int l_countries = sizeof(s_server_countries)/sizeof(char*); + for (int i = 0; i < l_countries; i+=4) { + if(l_region && (!strcasecmp(l_region, s_server_countries[i+1]) || !strcasecmp(l_region, s_server_countries[i+2]))){ + const char *l_country_code = s_server_countries[i]; + DAP_DELETE(l_region); + return l_country_code; + } + } + DAP_DELETE(l_region); + return NULL; +} /** * @brief dap_chain_net_srv_order_continents_count diff --git a/modules/net/srv/include/dap_chain_net_srv_order.h b/modules/net/srv/include/dap_chain_net_srv_order.h index 3aa88fd18145045a68c158a1edd97bd760588f22..d99377fcbf8935a2601800a3915bee50b0d8a8c5 100644 --- a/modules/net/srv/include/dap_chain_net_srv_order.h +++ b/modules/net/srv/include/dap_chain_net_srv_order.h @@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ size_t dap_chain_net_srv_order_get_size(dap_chain_net_srv_order_t *a_order); bool dap_chain_net_srv_order_set_continent_region(dap_chain_net_srv_order_t **a_order, uint8_t a_continent_num, const char *a_region); bool dap_chain_net_srv_order_get_continent_region(dap_chain_net_srv_order_t *a_order, uint8_t *a_continent_num, char **a_region); +const char* dap_chain_net_srv_order_get_country_code(dap_chain_net_srv_order_t *a_order); size_t dap_chain_net_srv_order_continents_count(void); const char* dap_chain_net_srv_order_continent_to_str(int8_t a_num); int8_t dap_chain_net_srv_order_continent_to_num(const char *l_continent_str); diff --git a/modules/service/vpn/dap_chain_net_srv_vpn_cdb_server_list.c b/modules/service/vpn/dap_chain_net_srv_vpn_cdb_server_list.c index 571383aba425ba26a6097826dca39a1b6f73f2c1..0e883881a18d8f59badd0434f82d1ea5ae67b3a4 100644 --- a/modules/service/vpn/dap_chain_net_srv_vpn_cdb_server_list.c +++ b/modules/service/vpn/dap_chain_net_srv_vpn_cdb_server_list.c @@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ #include <time.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> +#include <stdint.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> @@ -43,6 +44,7 @@ #include "dap_chain_net_srv.h" #include "dap_chain_net_srv_vpn.h" #include "dap_chain_net_srv_order.h" +#include "dap_chain_net_srv_geoip.h" #include "dap_http.h" #include "dap_http_simple.h" @@ -154,6 +156,9 @@ static void s_http_simple_proc(dap_http_simple_t *a_http_simple, void *a_arg) dap_string_t *l_reply_str = dap_string_new("[\n"); + char *l_client_ip = a_http_simple->http->client->s_ip;//"" + geoip_info_t *l_geoip_info = chain_net_geoip_get_ip_info(l_client_ip); + log_it(L_DEBUG, "Have %zd chain networks for cdb lists", s_cdb_net_count ); for ( size_t i = 0; i < s_cdb_net_count ; i++ ) { @@ -225,21 +230,47 @@ static void s_http_simple_proc(dap_http_simple_t *a_http_simple, void *a_arg) } } - // random node - int l_count = 0; - while(l_orders_num > 0) { - // first random node - size_t k = rand() % l_orders_num; - dap_chain_net_srv_order_t *l_order = l_orders_pos[k]; - if(!order_info_print(l_reply_str, l_net, l_order, "Auto", -1)){ - dap_string_append_printf(l_reply_str, ",\n"); - break; - } - if (l_count>20) - break; - l_count++; + int8_t l_client_continent = dap_chain_net_srv_order_continent_to_num(l_geoip_info->continent); + // random node on client's continent + if (l_client_continent) { + int l_count = 0; + while (l_orders_num > 0) { + size_t k = rand() % l_continents_numbers[l_client_continent]; + dap_chain_net_srv_order_t *l_order = l_orders_pos[k]; + const char *country_code = dap_chain_net_srv_order_get_country_code(l_order); + if (country_code) { + // only for other countries + if (dap_strcmp(l_geoip_info->country_code, country_code)){ + if (!order_info_print(l_reply_str, l_net, l_order, "Auto", -1)) { + dap_string_append_printf(l_reply_str, ",\n"); + break; + } + } + } + if (l_count > 20) + break; + l_count++; + } + + } + // random node for the whole world + else { + int l_count = 0; + while(l_orders_num > 0) { + // first random node + size_t k = rand() % l_orders_num; + dap_chain_net_srv_order_t *l_order = l_orders_pos[k]; + if(!order_info_print(l_reply_str, l_net, l_order, "Auto", -1)){ + dap_string_append_printf(l_reply_str, ",\n"); + break; + } + if (l_count>20) + break; + l_count++; + } } // random nodes for continents + int l_count = 0; for(size_t l_c = 0; l_c < l_continents_count; l_c++) { while(l_continents_numbers[l_c] > 0) { // random node for continent @@ -290,6 +321,7 @@ static void s_http_simple_proc(dap_http_simple_t *a_http_simple, void *a_arg) } } } + DAP_DELETE(l_geoip_info); dap_string_append_printf( l_reply_str, "]\n\n"); dap_http_simple_reply( a_http_simple, l_reply_str->str, l_reply_str->len ); dap_string_free(l_reply_str, true);