diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index b8ce643d37299205f655287a677d3e7ba6b150e5..c8b52bd188169c918ff385f963d504708ee02a0d 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,33 +1,70 @@
 # cellframe-node
-Cellframe Blockchain node
+Cellframe Node
-[Cellframe Wiki](https://wiki.cellframe.net)
+[Cellframe Node usage Wiki](https://wiki.cellframe.net/index.php/Node_usage)
-## Build:
+## Build from sources:
-* The project uses CMake. To generate a Makefile run in the project root directory:
+### Prerequsites:
+To successfully complete of the build, you must have following prerequisites preinstalled (packages are named as in Debian GNU/Linux 10 "buster", please found the corresponding packages for your distribution):
+* libjson-c-dev
+* libsqlite3-dev
+* libmemcached-dev
+* libev-dev
+* libmagic-dev
+* libcurl4-openssl-dev | libcurl4-nss-dev | libcurl4-gnutls-dev  ( depricated modules, soon will be removed)
+* libldb-dev
+* libtalloc-dev
+* libtevent-dev
+### Prepare system
+Comamnd to install them all with build tools
+sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake cpack dpkg-dev libjson-c-dev libsqlite3-dev libmemcached-dev libev-dev libmagic-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev libldb-dev libtalloc-dev libtevent-dev
+### Get all sources
+This command fetch sources from gitlab and build them. 
+  git clone https://gitlab.demlabs.net/cellframe/cellframe-node.git
+  cd cellframe-node
   git submodule init
-  git submodule update --remote
-  cmake -S . -B build && make -C build
+  git submodule update
-* Or if you don't clone the project yet:
+### Build sources
+Get into directory with cellframe-node and do
-  git clone --recursive <repo>
-  cmake -S . -B build && make -C build
+  mkdir build
+  cd build
+  cmake ../
+  make -j 8
+Thats produce everything in build/ subdirectory.
-## How to install:
+## Install package
-### Debian and Ubuntu:
+### Prepare for installation (Debian/Ubuntu)
+To prepare node for installation we need to produce pacakge. Or - do ```sudo make install``` from build directory, then get config template from ```dist/share/configs``` and produce proper one in ```/opt/celllframe-node/etc```
+Anyway we suggest you to produce the package with command ```cpack``` from the build directory.
-* Create file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/demlabs.list with one line below:
+#### Install from local package
+If you downloaded or build from sources a debian pacakge, like ```cellframe-node_2.11-4-buster_amd64.deb``` you need to install it with ```dpkg``` command. Example:
+dpkg -i -plow  ./cellframe-node_2.11-4-buster_amd64.deb
+#### Install from DemLabs official public repository
+* Create file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/demlabs.list with one line below for Debian 10:
-  deb https://debian.pub.demlabs.net/ stretch main non-free
+  deb https://debian.pub.demlabs.net/ buster main
-* For Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic):
+* For Ubuntu 18 (Bionic):
-  deb https://debian.pub.demlabs.net/ bionic main universe multiverse
+  deb https://debian.pub.demlabs.net/ bionic main universe
 * Then download public signature and install it:
@@ -40,16 +77,51 @@ Cellframe Blockchain node
   apt-get install cellframe-node
-### Prerequsites:
+During installation it asks some questions
-To successfully complete of the build, you must have following prerequisites preinstalled (packages are named as in Debian GNU/Linux 10 "buster", please found the corresponding packages for your distribution):
+#### Debian package questions
+All this could be changed after in configs
-* libjson-c-dev
-* libsqlite3-dev
-* libmemcached-dev (for libdap-server-core submodule)
-* libev-dev (for libdap-server-core submodule)
-* libmagic-dev (for libdap-server submodule)
-* libcurl4-openssl-dev | libcurl4-nss-dev | libcurl4-gnutls-dev (for libdap-server submodule)
-* libldb-dev
-* libtalloc-dev
-* libtevent-dev
+* Auto online
+If true, the node goes online after he starts and then try to keep this state automaticaly 
+* Debug mode
+If true - produce more log output in files. Suggested to set ```true``` until the testing period 
+* Debug stream headers
+Dump stream headers in logs, set it ```true``` only if you want to get more debug information about stream packages passing through. Suggested ```false``` for almost everybody
+* Accept connections
+Enable/disable listening network address. Set ```false``` if you don't want to accept network connections to your node
+* Server address
+Network address used for listentning. Set `````` if you want to listen all network interfaces on your computer
+* Server port (optional, usualy don't ask)
+Server port, 8079 by default but sometimes better to set it to ```80``` or ```443``` to masquarade service as web service. 
+* Kelvin-testnet: Enable network
+Set ```true``` if you want to connect your node with ```kelvin-testnet```
+* Kelvin-testnet: Node type (role)
+Select node type (or node role) from suggested list with short descriptions. By default suggested to select ```full```
+## How to run 
+### Debian/Ubuntu
+If the node is installed in your system you need only to check it if its runned on your system
+  sudo service cellframe-node status
+And if its not runned - start it. Start after reboot should be automaticaly executed.
+  sudo service cellframe-node start
+To stop it use the next command:
+  sudo service cellframe-node start
diff --git a/prod_build/linux/debian/essentials/templates b/prod_build/linux/debian/essentials/templates
index 2734042ed1262e201c20fbff23a8dfc6a0bcfc3e..ff19033fd01d5e075044b386c6c6cce85cb7be3a 100755
--- a/prod_build/linux/debian/essentials/templates
+++ b/prod_build/linux/debian/essentials/templates
@@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ Template: cellframe-node/kelvin_testnet_node_type
 Type: select
 Default: full
 Choices: full, light, master, archive, root
-Description: Kelvin Testnet: Node type
- Select node type:. 
+Description: Kelvin Testnet: Node role
+ Select node role:. 
  Light - syncronize only local wallets 
  full - sync all its cell
  master - allow to store values in chains and take comission, sync all shards that will need to be synced