diff --git a/CellFrameDashboardGUI/qml.qrc b/CellFrameDashboardGUI/qml.qrc
index 871e8d518fd7d2166c565ed70e37adad825a9b10..4c146773938f73aaeea929fe758dda70630efa6b 100755
--- a/CellFrameDashboardGUI/qml.qrc
+++ b/CellFrameDashboardGUI/qml.qrc
@@ -125,5 +125,10 @@
+        <file>res/icons/ic_flag.png</file>
+        <file>res/icons/buy_icon.png</file>
+        <file>res/icons/ic_arrow_drop_down_dark_blue.png</file>
+        <file>res/icons/ic_arrow_drop_up_dark_blue.png</file>
+        <file>res/icons/sell_icon.png</file>
diff --git a/CellFrameDashboardGUI/res/icons/buy_icon.png b/CellFrameDashboardGUI/res/icons/buy_icon.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..73059a679d93adf2fe007130dfac72d0f5b4a5d8
Binary files /dev/null and b/CellFrameDashboardGUI/res/icons/buy_icon.png differ
diff --git a/CellFrameDashboardGUI/res/icons/ic_arrow_drop_down_dark_blue.png b/CellFrameDashboardGUI/res/icons/ic_arrow_drop_down_dark_blue.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1ac87aaa588bca2ae4b208cab2e93b3606f7b1e3
Binary files /dev/null and b/CellFrameDashboardGUI/res/icons/ic_arrow_drop_down_dark_blue.png differ
diff --git a/CellFrameDashboardGUI/res/icons/ic_arrow_drop_up_dark_blue.png b/CellFrameDashboardGUI/res/icons/ic_arrow_drop_up_dark_blue.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3fe34c8940c90afcecbe24eefd9a9db045be19fb
Binary files /dev/null and b/CellFrameDashboardGUI/res/icons/ic_arrow_drop_up_dark_blue.png differ
diff --git a/CellFrameDashboardGUI/res/icons/ic_flag.png b/CellFrameDashboardGUI/res/icons/ic_flag.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..679d3b98ace1a9f868f7f05b4ea0642056df065c
Binary files /dev/null and b/CellFrameDashboardGUI/res/icons/ic_flag.png differ
diff --git a/CellFrameDashboardGUI/res/icons/sell_icon.png b/CellFrameDashboardGUI/res/icons/sell_icon.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bf39ea660064efbbf5708841662ee5a6b50aa971
Binary files /dev/null and b/CellFrameDashboardGUI/res/icons/sell_icon.png differ
diff --git a/CellFrameDashboardGUI/screen/desktop/Exchange/DapExchangeRightPanelForm.ui.qml b/CellFrameDashboardGUI/screen/desktop/Exchange/DapExchangeRightPanelForm.ui.qml
index 30854206e6f566b91165ea20266419ec6970da86..67cd44497c5d67ae7013b7feb78821aa8175238f 100644
--- a/CellFrameDashboardGUI/screen/desktop/Exchange/DapExchangeRightPanelForm.ui.qml
+++ b/CellFrameDashboardGUI/screen/desktop/Exchange/DapExchangeRightPanelForm.ui.qml
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import "../../"
-    dapFrame.color: "yellow"
+    visible: false
diff --git a/CellFrameDashboardGUI/screen/desktop/Exchange/DapExchangeScreen.qml b/CellFrameDashboardGUI/screen/desktop/Exchange/DapExchangeScreen.qml
index e3fb119f13ce3cdb71f114d48b2af96baa796a23..d522f19abbdd78238ddbaf43db55cc74d2092714 100644
--- a/CellFrameDashboardGUI/screen/desktop/Exchange/DapExchangeScreen.qml
+++ b/CellFrameDashboardGUI/screen/desktop/Exchange/DapExchangeScreen.qml
@@ -1,4 +1,645 @@
 import QtQuick 2.4
+import QtQuick.Controls 2.0
+import QtQuick.Layouts 1.0
+import "qrc:/widgets"
-DapExchangeScreenForm {
+    ListModel{
+        id:candleModel
+        ListElement{time:1546543400;minimum:10000;maximum:10550;open:10050;close:10100;}
+        ListElement{time:1546543700;minimum:10200;maximum:10450;open:10350;close:10400;}
+        ListElement{time:1546544000;minimum:10200;maximum:10450;open:10350;close:10400;}
+        ListElement{time:1546544300;minimum:10200;maximum:10450;open:10350;close:10400;}
+        ListElement{time:1546544600;minimum:10200;maximum:10450;open:10350;close:10400;}
+        ListElement{time:1546544900;minimum:10200;maximum:10450;open:10350;close:10400;}
+        ListElement{time:1546545200;minimum:10200;maximum:10450;open:10350;close:10400;}
+        ListElement{time:1546545500;minimum:10200;maximum:10450;open:10350;close:10400;}
+        ListElement{time:1546545800;minimum:10200;maximum:10450;open:10350;close:10400;}
+        ListElement{time:1546546100;minimum:10200;maximum:10450;open:10350;close:10400;}
+        ListElement{time:1546546400;minimum:10200;maximum:10450;open:10350;close:10400;}
+        ListElement{time:1546546700;minimum:10300;maximum:10550;open:10450;close:10400;}
+        ListElement{time:1546547000;minimum:10200;maximum:10650;open:10350;close:10400;}
+        ListElement{time:1546547300;minimum:10200;maximum:10450;open:10350;close:10400;}
+        ListElement{time:1546547600;minimum:10200;maximum:10450;open:10350;close:10400;}
+        ListElement{time:1546547900;minimum:10200;maximum:10450;open:10350;close:10400;}
+        ListElement{time:1546548200;minimum:10200;maximum:10450;open:10350;close:10400;}
+        ListElement{time:1546548500;minimum:10200;maximum:10450;open:10350;close:10400;}
+        ListElement{time:1546548800;minimum:10200;maximum:10450;open:10350;close:10400;}
+        ListElement{time:1546549100;minimum:10200;maximum:10450;open:10350;close:10400;}
+        ListElement{time:1546549400;minimum:10300;maximum:10650;open:10450;close:10400;}
+        ListElement{time:1546549700;minimum:10200;maximum:10450;open:10350;close:10400;}
+        ListElement{time:1546550000;minimum:10200;maximum:10450;open:10350;close:10400;}
+        ListElement{time:1546550300;minimum:10200;maximum:10450;open:10350;close:10400;}
+        ListElement{time:1546550600;minimum:10200;maximum:10450;open:10350;close:10400;}
+        ListElement{time:1546550900;minimum:10500;maximum:10650;open:10550;close:10580;}
+        ListElement{time:1546551200;minimum:10200;maximum:10450;open:10350;close:10400;}
+        ListElement{time:1546551500;minimum:10200;maximum:10450;open:10350;close:10400;}
+        ListElement{time:1546551800;minimum:10200;maximum:10450;open:10350;close:10400;}
+        ListElement{time:1546552100;minimum:10200;maximum:10450;open:10350;close:10400;}
+        ListElement{time:1546552400;minimum:10200;maximum:10450;open:10350;close:10400;}
+        ListElement{time:1546552700;minimum:10200;maximum:10450;open:10350;close:10400;}
+        ListElement{time:1546553000;minimum:10200;maximum:10450;open:10350;close:10400;}
+        ListElement{time:1546553300;minimum:10200;maximum:10450;open:10350;close:10400;}
+        ListElement{time:1546553600;minimum:10650;maximum:10950;open:10800;close:10750;}
+        ListElement{time:1546553900;minimum:10200;maximum:10450;open:10350;close:10400;}
+        ListElement{time:1546554200;minimum:10200;maximum:10450;open:10350;close:10400;}
+        ListElement{time:1546554500;minimum:10200;maximum:10450;open:10350;close:10400;}
+        ListElement{time:1546554800;minimum:10200;maximum:10450;open:10350;close:10400;}
+    }
+ //=====================================DapChartCandleStick=========================================================
+    Component
+    {
+        id:candleChart
+        Canvas
+        {
+            id: chartCanvas
+            //@detalis rightTime Indicates the completion time of the graph on the display.
+            property var rightTime: 1546564800
+            ///@detalis maxXLine Indicates the maximum number of vertical lines.
+            property int maxXLine: 6
+            ///@detalis maxYLine Indicates the maximum number of horisontal lines.
+            property int maxYLine: 10
+            ///@detalis heightNoLine Indicates an indentation at the top where horizontal lines are not displayed.
+            property int heightNoLine: 40*pt
+            ///@detalis marginHorizontalLineToYAxisText Indicates the indent between text and lines.
+            property int marginHorizontalLineToYAxisText:14 * pt
+            ///@detalis rightTextField Width of the right text box.
+            property int rightTextField: 31 * pt
+            ///@detalis bottomOutLine The height of the line protrusion below the graph field.
+            property int bottomOutLine: 4 * pt
+            ///@detalis fontColorArea Axial font color.
+            property string fontColorArea: "#757184"
+            ///@detalis fontSizeArea Size font.
+            property int fontSizeArea: 10 * pt
+            ///@detalis topMarginXAxisText Indicates the indent between text and lines.
+            property int topMarginXAxisText: 8 * pt
+            ///@detalis lineColorArea Line color.
+            property string lineColorArea: "#C7C6CE"
+            ///@detalis lineWidthArea Width color.
+            property int lineWidthArea: 1
+            ///@detalis candleColorUp Bull color.
+            property string candleColorUp:"#6F9F00"
+            ///@detalis candleColorDown Bear candle color
+            property string candleColorDown:"#EB4D4B"
+            ///@detalis candleWidthLine Width candle.
+            property int candleWidthLine: 1 * pt
+            ///@detalis candleWidth Width body candle.
+            property int candleWidth: 5 * pt
+            ///@detalis imageCursorPath Path icon flug current.
+            property string imageCursorPath: "qrc:/res/icons/ic_flag.png"
+            ///@detalis imageCursorWidth Width icon.
+            property int imageCursorWidth: 44 * pt
+            ///@detalis imageCursorHeight Height icon.
+            property int imageCursorHeight: 16 * pt
+            ///@detalis colorCursorLine Cursor line color.
+            property string colorCursorLine:"#070023"
+            ///@detalis colorCursorFont Cursor font color.
+            property string colorCursorFont: "#FFFFFF"
+            ///@detalis fontSizeCursor Cursor font size.
+            property int fontSizeCursor: 10*pt
+            ///@detalis currentValue Current value price.
+            property int currentValue: 10236
+            ///@detalis stepTime Time step for vertical line.
+            property int stepTime:thisProperty.hour
+            ///@detalis cashCandle The number of candles outside the screen from the right and left.
+            property int cashCandle: 5
+            ///@detalis isRightTimeCurrent Graphic redraw resolution for offset
+            property bool isRightTimeCurrent: false
+            ///@detalis moveTimeForVisual Time offset for visualization of vertical stripes
+            property var moveTimeForVisual: 20*thisProperty.minute
+            ///@detalis currentValueTime Data update time for the current price value.
+            property alias currentValueTime:currentTimer.interval
+            ///@detalis timeReloadCanvas Screen refresh time when the graph is shifted.
+            property alias timeReloadCanvas:moveTimer.interval
+            //For private values.
+            QtObject
+            {
+                id: thisProperty
+                ///@detalis minValuePrice Axis minimum value.
+                property int minValuePrice: 10000
+                ///@detalis maxValuePrice Axis maximum value.
+                property int maxValuePrice: 10800
+                //Graphics working field.
+                ///@detalis fieldXMin Minimum value x.
+                property int fieldXMin: 0
+                ///@detalis fieldXMax Maximum value x.
+                property int fieldXMax: 100
+                ///@detalis fieldYMin Minimum value y.
+                property int fieldYMin: 0
+                ///@detalis fieldYMax Maximum value y.
+                property int fieldYMax: 100
+                //Variables for setting time.
+                //Year.
+                property int year: 31556926;
+                //Month.
+                property int month: 2629743;
+                //Week.
+                property int week: 604800;
+                //Day.
+                property int day: 86400;
+                //Hour.
+                property int hour: 3600;
+                //Minute.
+                property int minute: 60;
+                ///@detalis yRealFactor Coordinate multiplier y.
+                property var yRealFactor: 0.0
+                ///@detalis xRealFactor Coordinate multiplier x.
+                property var xRealFactor: 0.0
+                ///@detalis intervalPrice The gap between the minimum and maximum values on the y axis.
+                property var intervalPrice: 0.0
+                ///@detalis positionMouseX Temporarily remembers the position of the mouse to calculate the offset.
+                property int positionMouseX:0
+                ///@detalis modelCountMin The minimum value of the counter for the passage of values (constantly recounted).
+                property int modelCountMin: 0
+                ///@detalis modelCountMax The maximum value of the counter for the passage of values (constantly recounted).
+                property int modelCountMax: candleModel.count
+                ///@detalis currentTime Time current.
+                property var currentTime: new Date()
+            }
+            Component.onCompleted:
+            {
+                loadImage(imageCursorPath);
+            }
+            onPaint:
+            {
+                canvasPaint();
+            }
+            //Price change timer.
+            Timer
+            {
+                id:currentTimer
+                repeat: true
+                interval: 10000
+                onTriggered:
+                {
+                    thisProperty.currentTime = new Date();
+                    if(isRightTimeCurrent)rightTime = thisProperty.currentTime;
+                    canvasPaint();
+                }
+            }
+            MouseArea
+            {
+                id:areaCanvas
+                anchors.fill: parent
+                //Image refresh timer.
+                Timer
+                {
+                    id:moveTimer
+                    repeat: true
+                    interval: 30
+                    onTriggered:
+                    {
+                        if(rightTime < thisProperty.currentTime)
+                        {
+                            rightTime = rightTime + (thisProperty.positionMouseX-areaCanvas.mouseX)*thisProperty.xRealFactor;
+                            canvasPaint();
+                            thisProperty.positionMouseX = areaCanvas.mouseX
+                            isRightTimeCurrent = true;
+                        }
+                        else
+                        { var tmpRightTime = (thisProperty.positionMouseX-areaCanvas.mouseX)*thisProperty.xRealFactor;
+                            if(tmpRightTime<0)
+                            {
+                                rightTime = rightTime + (thisProperty.positionMouseX-areaCanvas.mouseX)*thisProperty.xRealFactor;
+                                canvasPaint();
+                                thisProperty.positionMouseX = areaCanvas.mouseX
+                                isRightTimeCurrent = false;
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                onPressed:
+                {
+                    if(mouse.button === Qt.LeftButton)
+                    {
+                        thisProperty.positionMouseX = mouseX;
+                        moveTimer.start();
+                    }
+                }
+                onReleased:
+                {
+                    moveTimer.stop();
+                    autoSetDisplayCandle();
+                }
+            }
+            //Drawing a graph on the screen.
+            function canvasPaint()
+            {
+                autoSetWidthPrice()
+                init();
+                var ctx = getContext("2d");
+                ctx.clearRect(0,0,parent.width,parent.height)
+                timeToXLineChart(ctx);
+                valuePriceYLineChart(ctx);
+                fillCandle(ctx);
+                chartCanvas.requestPaint();
+            }
+            //Configuring candlestick options for rendering.
+            function autoSetDisplayCandle()
+            {
+                var valueActualTime = stepTime*maxXLine;
+                var minTime = rightTime - valueActualTime;
+                var isFirst = false;
+                var isEnded = false;
+                var firstCandle = 0;
+                var endedCandle = thisProperty.modelCountMax;
+                for (var count = thisProperty.modelCountMin;count<thisProperty.modelCountMax;count++)
+                {
+                    if(!isFirst | minTime > candleModel.get(count).time)
+                    {
+                        isFirst = true;
+                        if(count>10)thisProperty.modelCountMin = count-cashCandle;
+                        else thisProperty.modelCountMin = 0;
+                    }
+                    if(!isEnded | rightTime>candleModel.get(count).time)
+                    {
+                        isEnded = true;
+                        if(count < candleModel.count-10)thisProperty.modelCountMax = count+cashCandle;
+                        else thisProperty.modelCountMax = candleModel.count;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            ///Auto selection of the lower and upper limit.
+            function autoSetWidthPrice()
+            {
+                autoSetDisplayCandle();
+                var minPrice = candleModel.get(thisProperty.modelCountMin).minimum;
+                var maxPrice = candleModel.get(thisProperty.modelCountMin).maximum;
+                for(var count = thisProperty.modelCountMin; count < thisProperty.modelCountMax; count++)
+                {
+                    if(minPrice > candleModel.get(count).minimum) minPrice = candleModel.get(count).minimum;
+                    if(maxPrice < candleModel.get(count).maximum) maxPrice = candleModel.get(count).maximum;
+                }
+                if(currentValue>maxPrice)maxPrice=currentValue;
+                if(currentValue<minPrice)minPrice=currentValue;
+                thisProperty.maxValuePrice = maxPrice;
+                thisProperty.minValuePrice = minPrice;
+            }
+            ///Initiation property.
+            function init()
+            {
+                thisProperty.fieldYMin = imageCursorHeight/2;
+                thisProperty.fieldXMax = chartCanvas.width - rightTextField - marginHorizontalLineToYAxisText;
+                thisProperty.fieldYMax = chartCanvas.height - fontSizeArea - topMarginXAxisText - bottomOutLine;
+                thisProperty.intervalPrice = thisProperty.maxValuePrice - thisProperty.minValuePrice;
+                thisProperty.yRealFactor = thisProperty.intervalPrice / (thisProperty.fieldYMax - thisProperty.fieldYMin);
+                thisProperty.xRealFactor = (stepTime*maxXLine)/(thisProperty.fieldXMax-thisProperty.fieldXMin);
+            }
+            //Time conversion.
+            function timeToXChart(TimeX)
+            {
+                var a = new Date(TimeX * 1000);
+                var hour = a.getHours();
+                if(hour<10)hour = '0'+hour;
+                var min = a.getMinutes();
+                if(min<10)min='0'+min;
+                var time = hour + ':' + min;
+                return time;
+            }
+            //X grid calculation and drawing.
+            function timeToXLineChart(ctx)
+            {
+                for(var count = 0; count < maxXLine; count++)
+                {
+                    var timeRound = rightTime%stepTime
+                    var timeLine = rightTime - (stepTime*count)-timeRound;
+                    var timeXAxis = ((stepTime * count) + timeRound + moveTimeForVisual)/thisProperty.xRealFactor;
+                    verticalLineChart(ctx,thisProperty.fieldXMax - timeXAxis,timeToXChart(timeLine + moveTimeForVisual));
+                }
+            }
+            //Y grid calculation  and drawing.
+            function valuePriceYLineChart(ctx)
+            {
+                var realInterval = (thisProperty.fieldYMax - thisProperty.fieldYMin)/maxYLine;
+                var stepPrise = 10;
+                for(var scanStep = 1; scanStep < 100000;scanStep*=10)
+                {
+                    if(thisProperty.intervalPrice /scanStep <= maxYLine) {stepPrise = scanStep; break;}
+                    if(thisProperty.intervalPrice /(scanStep*5) <= maxYLine) {stepPrise = scanStep*5;break;}
+                }
+                for(var count = 0; count<maxYLine;count++)
+                {
+                    if(count === 0)
+                    {
+                        horizontalLineChart(ctx,thisProperty.fieldYMax,"");
+                    }
+                    else
+                        if(thisProperty.fieldYMax-((stepPrise*count/thisProperty.yRealFactor))>heightNoLine)
+                        {
+                            var stepTo = stepPrise*count - thisProperty.minValuePrice%stepPrise;
+                            horizontalLineChart(ctx,thisProperty.fieldYMax-((stepTo/thisProperty.yRealFactor)),thisProperty.minValuePrice+stepTo);
+                        }
+                }
+                horizontalLineCurrentLevelChart(ctx,thisProperty.fieldYMax - (currentValue - thisProperty.minValuePrice)/thisProperty.yRealFactor,currentValue);
+            }
+            //Candle drawing.
+            function fillCandle(ctx)
+            {
+                for(var count = thisProperty.modelCountMin; count< thisProperty.modelCountMax ; count++)
+                {
+                    candleVisual(ctx,candleModel.get(count).time,candleModel.get(count).minimum,
+                                 candleModel.get(count).maximum,candleModel.get(count).open,candleModel.get(count).close);
+                }
+            }
+            //Vertical line draw.
+            function verticalLineChart(ctx,x,text)
+            {
+                ctx.beginPath()
+                ctx.lineWidth = lineWidthArea;
+                ctx.strokeStyle = lineColorArea;
+                ctx.moveTo(x, chartCanvas.height-fontSizeArea-topMarginXAxisText);
+                ctx.lineTo(x, thisProperty.fieldYMin);
+                ctx.font = "normal "+fontSizeArea+ "px Roboto";
+                ctx.fillStyle = fontColorArea;
+                ctx.fillText(text,x-13,chartCanvas.height);
+                ctx.stroke();
+            }
+            //horizontal line draw.
+            function horizontalLineChart(ctx,y,text)
+            {
+                ctx.beginPath();
+                //ctx.save();
+                ctx.lineWidth = lineWidthArea;
+                ctx.strokeStyle = lineColorArea;
+                ctx.moveTo(thisProperty.fieldXMax, y);
+                ctx.lineTo(0, y);
+                ctx.font = "normal "+fontSizeArea+ "px Roboto";
+                ctx.fillStyle = fontColorArea;
+                ctx.fillText(text,chartCanvas.width - rightTextField,y+3);
+                ctx.stroke();
+            }
+            //Candle draw.
+            function candleVisual(ctx,pointTime,minimum,maximum,open,close)
+            {
+                var timeXAxis = thisProperty.fieldXMax-(rightTime-pointTime)/thisProperty.xRealFactor;
+                if(thisProperty.fieldXMax>timeXAxis)
+                {
+                    ctx.beginPath()
+                    ctx.lineWidth = candleWidthLine;
+                    if(open < close)
+                    {
+                        ctx.strokeStyle = candleColorUp;
+                        ctx.fillStyle = candleColorUp;
+                    }else
+                    {
+                        ctx.strokeStyle = candleColorDown;
+                        ctx.fillStyle = candleColorDown;
+                    }
+                    ctx.moveTo(timeXAxis,getYValue(minimum));
+                    ctx.lineTo(timeXAxis, getYValue(maximum));
+                    ctx.moveTo(timeXAxis-(candleWidth/2), getYValue(open));
+                    ctx.lineTo(timeXAxis-(candleWidth/2), getYValue(close));
+                    ctx.lineTo(timeXAxis+(candleWidth/2), getYValue(close));
+                    ctx.lineTo(timeXAxis+(candleWidth/2), getYValue(open));
+                    ctx.lineTo(timeXAxis-(candleWidth/2), getYValue(open));
+                    ctx.stroke();
+                    ctx.fill();
+                }
+            }
+            //Converting Values to Coordinates.
+            function getYValue(value)
+            {
+                return thisProperty.fieldYMax - (value - thisProperty.minValuePrice)/thisProperty.yRealFactor;
+            }
+            //Draw a line with the current value.
+            function horizontalLineCurrentLevelChart(ctx,y,text)
+            {
+                ctx.beginPath()
+                ctx.lineWidth = lineWidthArea;
+                ctx.strokeStyle = colorCursorLine;
+                ctx.moveTo(0, y);
+                ctx.lineTo(chartCanvas.width - imageCursorWidth + 4, y);
+                ctx.drawImage(imageCursorPath, chartCanvas.width-imageCursorWidth, y-imageCursorHeight/2,imageCursorWidth,imageCursorHeight);
+                ctx.font = "normal " +fontSizeCursor+ "px Roboto";
+                ctx.fillStyle = colorCursorFont;
+                ctx.fillText(text,chartCanvas.width - rightTextField - (5*pt),y+imageCursorHeight/5);
+                ctx.stroke();
+                chartCanvas.requestPaint();
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    Component
+    {
+        id: delegateOrderPanel
+        ///Order panel
+        Item
+        {
+            ///@detalis currencyName
+            property string currencyName: qsTr("KLVN")
+            ///@detalis balance Balance.
+            property string balance: "0"
+            ///@detalis fontStyleOrder Font style.
+            property string fontStyleOrder: "Roboto"
+            width: 312 * pt
+            height: 292 * pt
+            ColumnLayout
+            {
+                anchors.top: parent.top
+                anchors.topMargin: 16 * pt
+                ///The header of the panel
+                Item
+                {
+                    width: childrenRect.width
+                    height: childrenRect.height
+                    RowLayout
+                    {
+                        spacing: 8 * pt
+                        Rectangle
+                        {
+                            width: 32
+                            height: 32
+                            Image
+                            {
+                                source: path
+                                anchors.fill: parent
+                            }
+                        }
+                        Text
+                        {
+                            color: "#4F5357"
+                            font.pixelSize: 14 * pt
+                            font.family: fontStyleOrder
+                            font.bold: true
+                            text: titleOrder
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                Text
+                {
+                    text: qsTr("Balance: ") + balance + " " + currencyName
+                    color: "#ACACAF"
+                    font.family: "Roboto"
+                    font.pixelSize: 12 * pt
+                }
+                Rectangle
+                {
+                    width: parent.width
+                    height: 6 * pt
+                }
+                Item
+                {
+                    width: childrenRect.width
+                    height: childrenRect.height
+                    ///Input fields via repeater
+                    ColumnLayout
+                    {
+                        spacing: 16 * pt
+                        Repeater
+                        {
+                            model: [qsTr("Ammount"), qsTr("Price"), qsTr("Total"), qsTr("Fee (0.2%)"), qsTr("Total+Fee")]
+                            RowLayout
+                            {
+                                spacing: 0
+                                Rectangle
+                                {
+                                    height: childrenRect.height
+                                    width: 120 * pt
+                                    Text
+                                    {
+                                        text: modelData
+                                        color: "#ACACAF"
+                                        font.family: fontStyleOrder
+                                        font.pixelSize: 12 * pt
+                                    }
+                                }
+                                Rectangle
+                                {
+                                    width: 130 * pt
+                                    height: 22 * pt
+                                    border.width: 1 * pt
+                                    border.color: "#B0B1B5"
+                                    TextInput
+                                    {
+                                        id: currencyTextInput
+                                        anchors.left: parent.left
+                                        anchors.top: parent.top
+                                        anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
+                                        anchors.right: textCurrency.left
+                                        anchors.leftMargin: 6 * pt
+                                        anchors.rightMargin: 6 * pt
+                                        color: readOnly ? "#ACACAF" : "#737880"
+                                        font.family: fontStyleOrder
+                                        font.pixelSize: 12 * pt
+                                        verticalAlignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
+                                        validator: RegExpValidator{ regExp: /\d+/ }
+                                        clip: true
+                                        readOnly: index === 3 || index === 4
+                                        text: readOnly ? "0" : ""
+                                    }
+                                    Text
+                                    {
+                                        id: textCurrency
+                                        anchors.right: parent.right
+                                        anchors.top: parent.top
+                                        anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
+                                        anchors.rightMargin: 6 * pt
+                                        verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
+                                        horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
+                                        color: currencyTextInput.readOnly ? "#ACACAF" : "#737880"
+                                        font.family: fontStyleOrder
+                                        font.pixelSize: 12 * pt
+                                        text: index === 0 ? currencyName : qsTr("USD")
+                                    }
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                Rectangle
+                {
+                    height: 12 * pt
+                    width: parent.width
+                }
+                ///Order button
+                DapButton
+                {
+                    anchors.right: parent.right
+                    textButton: titleOrder
+                    widthButton: 130 * pt
+                    heightButton: 30 * pt
+                    fontButton.pixelSize: 13 * pt
+                    colorBackgroundNormal: "#3E3853"
+                    colorBackgroundHover: "#3E3853"
+                    horizontalAligmentText:Qt.AlignHCenter
+                    borderColorButton: "#000000"
+                    borderWidthButton: 0
+                    fontButton.family: "Roboto"
+                    fontButton.weight: Font.Normal
+                    colorTextButton: "#FFFFFF"
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+Designer {
+    D{i:0;autoSize:true;height:480;width:640}
diff --git a/CellFrameDashboardGUI/screen/desktop/Exchange/DapExchangeScreenForm.ui.qml b/CellFrameDashboardGUI/screen/desktop/Exchange/DapExchangeScreenForm.ui.qml
index 020f0bf98e06b658d7c94a246603f3c5290abb26..17dc8bc5f107d04a6f33af9734e33f8f48882ce7 100644
--- a/CellFrameDashboardGUI/screen/desktop/Exchange/DapExchangeScreenForm.ui.qml
+++ b/CellFrameDashboardGUI/screen/desktop/Exchange/DapExchangeScreenForm.ui.qml
@@ -1,7 +1,308 @@
 import QtQuick 2.4
+import QtQuick.Controls 2.0
+import "qrc:/widgets"
 import "../../"
-    dapFrame.color: "magenta"
+    ///Top panel in tab Exchange
+    Rectangle
+    {
+        id: topPanelExchange
+        anchors.left: parent.left
+        anchors.right: parent.right
+        anchors.top: parent.top
+        anchors.leftMargin: 24 * pt
+        anchors.topMargin: 12 * pt
+        anchors.rightMargin: 24 * pt
+        height: 30 * pt
+        ///Token ComboBox
+        Rectangle
+        {
+            id: leftComboBox
+            anchors.top: topPanelExchange.top
+            anchors.left: topPanelExchange.left
+            width: 112 * pt
+            height: parent.height
+            DapComboBox
+            {
+                model:
+                    ListModel
+                    {
+                        id: сonversionList
+                        ListElement
+                        {
+                            text: "TKN1/NGD"
+                        }
+                        ListElement
+                        {
+                            text: "TKN2/NGD"
+                        }
+                        ListElement
+                        {
+                            text: "NGD/KLVN"
+                        }
+                        ListElement
+                        {
+                            text: "KLVN/USD"
+                        }
+                    }
+                widthPopupComboBoxActive: 144 * pt
+                widthPopupComboBoxNormal: 112 * pt
+                sidePaddingActive: 16 * pt
+                sidePaddingNormal: 0
+                x: popup.visible ? sidePaddingActive * (-1) : sidePaddingNormal
+                heightComboBoxNormal: 24 * pt
+                heightComboBoxActive: 44 * pt
+                bottomIntervalListElement: 6 * pt
+                indicatorImageNormal: "qrc:/res/icons/ic_arrow_drop_down_dark_blue.png"
+                indicatorImageActive: "qrc:/res/icons/ic_arrow_drop_up_dark_blue.png"
+                fontComboBox.pixelSize: 16 * pt
+                fontComboBox.family: "Roboto"
+                normalColor: "#FFFFFF"
+                hilightColor: "#330F54"
+                normalTopColor: "#FFFFFF"
+                hilightTopColor: normalTopColor
+                normalColorText: "#070023"
+                hilightColorText: "#FFFFFF"
+                normalColorTopText: "#070023"
+                hilightColorTopText: "#070023"
+                paddingTopItemDelegate: 8 * pt
+                heightListElement: 32 * pt
+                intervalListElement: 10 * pt
+                indicatorWidth: 24 * pt
+                indicatorHeight: indicatorWidth
+                indicatorLeftInterval: 8 * pt
+                colorTopNormalDropShadow: "#00000000"
+                colorDropShadow: "#40ABABAB"
+                topEffect: true
+            }
+        }
+        ///Time ComboBox
+        Rectangle
+        {
+            id: rightComboBox
+            anchors.left: leftComboBox.right
+            anchors.leftMargin: 72 * pt
+            anchors.top: topPanelExchange.top
+            width: 100 * pt
+            height: parent.height
+            DapComboBox
+            {
+                model:
+                    ListModel
+                    {
+                        ListElement
+                        {
+                            text: "1 minute"
+                        }
+                        ListElement
+                        {
+                            text: "5 minute"
+                        }
+                        ListElement
+                        {
+                            text: "15 minute"
+                        }
+                        ListElement
+                        {
+                            text: "30 minute"
+                        }
+                        ListElement {
+                            text: "1 hour"
+                        }
+                        ListElement
+                        {
+                            text: "4 hour"
+                        }
+                        ListElement
+                        {
+                            text: "12 hour"
+                        }
+                        ListElement
+                        {
+                            text: "24 hour"
+                        }
+                    }
+                widthPopupComboBoxActive: 132 * pt
+                widthPopupComboBoxNormal: 100 * pt
+                sidePaddingActive: 16 * pt
+                sidePaddingNormal: 0
+                x: popup.visible ? sidePaddingActive * (-1) : sidePaddingNormal
+                heightComboBoxNormal: 24 * pt
+                heightComboBoxActive: 44 * pt
+                bottomIntervalListElement: 6 * pt
+                indicatorImageNormal: "qrc:/res/icons/ic_arrow_drop_down_dark_blue.png"
+                indicatorImageActive: "qrc:/res/icons/ic_arrow_drop_up_dark_blue.png"
+                fontComboBox.pixelSize: 14 * pt
+                fontComboBox.family: "Roboto"
+                normalColor: "#FFFFFF"
+                hilightColor: "#330F54"
+                normalTopColor: "#FFFFFF"
+                hilightTopColor: normalTopColor
+                normalColorText: "#070023"
+                hilightColorText: "#FFFFFF"
+                normalColorTopText: "#070023"
+                hilightColorTopText: "#070023"
+                paddingTopItemDelegate: 8 * pt
+                heightListElement: 32 * pt
+                intervalListElement: 10 * pt
+                indicatorWidth: 24 * pt
+                indicatorHeight: indicatorWidth
+                indicatorLeftInterval: 8 * pt
+                colorTopNormalDropShadow: "#00000000"
+                colorDropShadow: "#40ABABAB"
+                topEffect: true
+            }
+        }
+        ///Value Last price
+        Rectangle
+        {
+            id: lastPrice
+            height: parent.height
+            width: 150 * pt
+            anchors.right: volume24.left
+            anchors.rightMargin: 30 * pt
+            Text
+            {
+                anchors.left: lastPrice.left
+                anchors.bottom: value_lastPrice.top
+                anchors.bottomMargin: 6 * pt
+                color: "#757184"
+                font.pixelSize: 10 * pt
+                font.family: "Roboto"
+                text: qsTr("Last price")
+            }
+            Text
+            {
+                id: value_lastPrice
+                anchors.left: lastPrice.left
+                anchors.bottom: lastPrice.bottom
+                color: "#070023"
+                font.pixelSize: 12 * pt
+                font.family: "Roboto"
+                text: qsTr("$ 10 807.35 NGD")
+            }
+            Text
+            {
+                anchors.left: value_lastPrice.right
+                anchors.bottom: lastPrice.bottom
+                anchors.leftMargin: 6 * pt
+                color: "#6F9F00"
+                font.pixelSize: 10 * pt
+                font.family: "Roboto"
+                text: qsTr("+3.59%")
+            }
+        }
+        ///Value 24h volume
+        Rectangle
+        {
+            id: volume24
+            height: parent.height
+            width: 75 * pt
+            anchors.right: topPanelExchange.right
+            Text
+            {
+                anchors.right: volume24.right
+                anchors.bottom: value_valume24.top
+                anchors.bottomMargin: 6 * pt
+                color: "#757184"
+                font.pixelSize: 10 * pt
+                font.family: "Roboto"
+                text: qsTr("24h volume")
+            }
+            Text
+            {
+                id: value_valume24
+                anchors.right: volume24.right
+                anchors.bottom: volume24.bottom
+                color: "#070023"
+                font.pixelSize: 12 * pt
+                font.family: "Roboto"
+                text: qsTr("9 800 TKN1")
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    ///Candlestick chart loader
+    Loader
+    {
+        id: loaderCandleStick
+        sourceComponent: candleChart
+        anchors.top: topPanelExchange.bottom
+        anchors.left: parent.left
+        anchors.right:parent.right
+        anchors.leftMargin: 24 * pt
+        anchors.rightMargin: 24 * pt
+        anchors.topMargin: 16 * pt
+        height: 282 * pt
+    }
+    ///Dividing horizontal line
+    Rectangle
+    {
+        id:horizontalLine
+        anchors.top: loaderCandleStick.bottom
+        anchors.topMargin: 24 * pt
+        height: 1*pt
+        width: parent.width
+        color: "#E3E2E6"
+    }
+    ///Model with a list of orders
+    ListModel
+    {
+        id: orderModel
+        ListElement{titleOrder:"Buy"; path:"qrc:/res/icons/buy_icon.png"}
+        ListElement{titleOrder:"Sell"; path:"qrc:/res/icons/sell_icon.png"}
+    }
+    ///Left down panel
+    Rectangle
+    {
+        id:exchangeBottomPanel
+        anchors.top: horizontalLine.bottom
+        anchors.right: parent.right
+        anchors.left: parent.left
+        anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
+        anchors.leftMargin: 24 * pt
+        anchors.rightMargin: 24 * pt
+        ///List of orders
+        ListView
+        {
+            id: orderListView
+            anchors.left: parent.left
+            anchors.top: parent.top
+            anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
+            orientation: ListView.Horizontal
+            interactive: false
+            model: orderModel
+            delegate: delegateOrderPanel
+            width: childrenRect.width
+        }
+        ///Dividing vertical line
+        Rectangle
+        {
+            id:verticalLine
+            anchors.left: orderListView.right
+            height: parent.height
+            width: 1 * pt
+            color: "#E3E2E6"
+        }
+        ///frame for the history widget
+        Rectangle
+        {
+            width:430 * pt
+            anchors.top: parent.top
+            anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
+            anchors.left: verticalLine.right
+            anchors.right: parent.right
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/CellFrameDashboardGUI/screen/desktop/Exchange/DapExchangeTopPanelForm.ui.qml b/CellFrameDashboardGUI/screen/desktop/Exchange/DapExchangeTopPanelForm.ui.qml
index 4684bbd8e0d2e4b43855ef20c2f7051699a8665b..0917d206a7ce7d402e776663af456b89dbfd8481 100644
--- a/CellFrameDashboardGUI/screen/desktop/Exchange/DapExchangeTopPanelForm.ui.qml
+++ b/CellFrameDashboardGUI/screen/desktop/Exchange/DapExchangeTopPanelForm.ui.qml
@@ -1,9 +1,98 @@
 import QtQuick 2.4
+import QtQuick.Controls 2.0
+import "qrc:/widgets"
 import "../../"
+    anchors.fill: parent
+    // Static text "Wallet"
+    Label
+    {
+        id: textHeaderWallet
+        text: qsTr("Wallet")
+        anchors.left: parent.left
+        anchors.leftMargin: 24 * pt
+        anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+        font.family: "Roboto"
+        font.pixelSize: 12 * pt
+        color: "#ACAAB5"
+    }
+    // Wallet selection combo box
+    Rectangle
+    {
+        id: frameComboBox
+        anchors.left: textHeaderWallet.right
+        anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+        anchors.leftMargin: 30 * pt
+        width: 148 * pt
+        color: "transparent"
+        DapComboBox
+        {
+            id: comboboxWallet
+            //model: modelWallets
+            indicatorImageNormal: "qrc:/res/icons/ic_arrow_drop_down.png"
+            indicatorImageActive: "qrc:/res/icons/ic_arrow_drop_up.png"
+            sidePaddingNormal: 0 * pt
+            sidePaddingActive: 16 * pt
+            normalColorText: "#070023"
+            hilightColorText: "#FFFFFF"
+            normalColorTopText: "#FFFFFF"
+            hilightColorTopText: "#070023"
+            hilightColor: "#330F54"
+            normalTopColor: "#070023"
+            widthPopupComboBoxNormal: 148 * pt
+            widthPopupComboBoxActive: 180 * pt
+            heightComboBoxNormal: 24 * pt
+            heightComboBoxActive: 44 * pt
+            bottomIntervalListElement: 8 * pt
+            topEffect: false
+            x: popup.visible ? sidePaddingActive * (-1) : sidePaddingNormal
+            normalColor: "#FFFFFF"
+            hilightTopColor: normalColor
+            paddingTopItemDelegate: 8 * pt
+            heightListElement: 32 * pt
+            intervalListElement: 10 * pt
+            indicatorWidth: 24 * pt
+            indicatorHeight: indicatorWidth
+            indicatorLeftInterval: 8 * pt
+            colorTopNormalDropShadow: "#00000000"
+            colorDropShadow: "#40ABABAB"
+            fontComboBox.pixelSize: 14 * pt
+            fontComboBox.family: "Roboto"
+        }
+    }
+    // Static wallet balance text "Wallet balance"
+    Label
+    {
+        id: headerWalletBalance
+        text: qsTr("Wallet balance")
+        anchors.left: frameComboBox.right
+        anchors.leftMargin: 70 * pt
+        anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+        font.family: "Roboto"
+        font.pixelSize: 12 * pt
+        color: "#ACAAB5"
+    }
+    // Dynamic wallet balance text
+    Label
+    {
+        id: textWalletBalance
+        text: "$ 3 050 745.3453289 USD"
+        anchors.left: headerWalletBalance.right
+        anchors.leftMargin: 18 * pt
+        anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+        font.family: "Roboto"
+        font.pixelSize: 16 * pt
+        color: "#FFFFFF"
+    }
diff --git a/libdap-qt-ui-qml b/libdap-qt-ui-qml
index bca1afe6ba3bbf9ef85bfaa64b679d99265ea7e8..ab16ad669cfc09a69d071a88add98110d473010e 160000
--- a/libdap-qt-ui-qml
+++ b/libdap-qt-ui-qml
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit bca1afe6ba3bbf9ef85bfaa64b679d99265ea7e8
+Subproject commit ab16ad669cfc09a69d071a88add98110d473010e